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Applejack Fan Club


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Heya AJ fans. Just a heads up if anyone pops in here and posts anything that is focused around negative discussion of Work Horse ... please report them. The Fan Clubs are an environment solely for the fans to rave about their favorite characters. Staff will address any comments related to hating on your fav in here. 


Also. This. 



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I don't see how anypony could say anything mean about equus malus equestrius. She's my OG favorite pony before dressmaker horse brainwashed me. 



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I don't see how anypony could say anything mean about equus malus equestrius. She's my OG favorite pony before dressmaker horse brainwashed me. 



She was my favorite at first too, but then Rainbow Dash took me away from her.


But to be fair, I haven't entirely betrayed Applejack. She IS still my second favorite

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Just got back from an Underway with my ship and missed applejack so much!!!!!!!! had to post this pick because it got me through some tough days

Thanks for your service!


Edited by PiratePony
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After seeing the last episode, I think it's safe to say that AJ is my new favorite pony, I like sort of like her personality and that she tries to help the farm and her family. I didn't like the way Twilight acted on Starlight because she seemed out of character in the last episode. Hopefully AJ doesn't disappoint.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I think applejack is most defiantly the most gorgeous cartoon character I have ever seen.  Never thought I'd say that a horse is the most beautiful animated thing I've ever seen.

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Just watched "Pinkie Apple Pie" for the first time. 


"Apples to the Core" is now my second favorite MLP song!





Whoo! Go Applejack! Go Apple Family! :D



Edited by ChB
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