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Looks like a painting Rarity would have hanging in her mansion, something she often has in my Rarity stories i often daydream. I sometimes imagine Rarity not living in Ponyville, but in Canterlot as part of an prestigious, but not overly wealthy, noble familiy.

In these stories she is part of the elite of the nobility, desired by all the stallions and admired because of her work, but she always tries to help the not so successful ponies, may it through donating money to charitable organisations or giving deserving but unknown artists a jumpstart into high society.


In these mindstories Canterlot is an somewhat uncaring place if you are not one of the high class ponies, and one of the few who care about the downtrodden is Rarity.



Silken Stitch looked around. He was in awe.


The young stallion never imagined to be guest in such an extraordianary mansion. All the craftponyship was of the highest quality. The ebon furniture. The silken curtains. The carpents. The ornaments. The statues.


He was intimidated. He never would have thought that he would be invited to meet a pony of such high standing, he did not even know how she looked like.


Silken looked at the invitation again to confirm that everything was in order, that no error was made when the letter was send to him. But it seemed that everything was alight...

Countess Rarity Belle was the name of his unknown patron, the court tailoress of the crown. She invited him to show her showpieces of the fabric that he sold in his little shop in the outskirts of Canterlot, a district that was largely populated by the servants of the nobility. No pony of high standing would be caught dead in the vicinity of this uncouth place.

But it seemed that the countess somehow had managed to get a look at his work, Celestia knows how, and she seemed to like it enough to summon him with an proposal he could not refuse...


The amount of bits per bolt of cloth she was willing to pay was rediculous. It was the price usually reserved for the work of the best of the best. The young Earth Pony loved his work and put a great deal of passion into it, and he figured he could be considered quite skilled at his craft... But... he was not sure if he could even accept such an generous payment, it just did not seem right.

He was just the owner of a little tailor's shop after all, nopony important.


To pass the time he looked around in the grand entry hall again, and he could not help but to notice a particular portrait again. It hung above the big circular staircase that lead to the upper levels of the house.

He. He just was enchanted. He tried again and again not to stare at it, but his eyes where always drawn back. Always back to the lovely features of the mare depicted on it.


She was young, very young, maybe in her early twenties? Her eyes of sparkling, sapphire blue were framed by a flawless, heart-shaped face. Her full, shapely lips forming a little smile. The mane of the mare was of luxurious length and of an deep purple, which formed the perfect contrast to her pristine alabaster coat.


Who was she? The daughter of the countess maybe? A long dead ancestor? Maybe even an figment of the imagination of the artist, because surely, something as alluring as this young unicorn could not really exist?


Again, after tearing his sight off the picture that he stared at so often in his long wait for his benefactor he tried to divert his thoughts.


How would the countess Rarity look like? He never heard of her before, something that surely had less to do with the lack of fame from the countesses part, but more with his general ignorance of all things high-society.

He imagined her quite old and stern. A pony that had the long struggle to rise to such heights of nobility take a toll on her. A pony that...


"Silken Stich i presume?"


The heart of the tailer skipped a beat. His gaze raced to find the origin of the sweet voice that broke the total silence after such a long wait.


The origin of it was a mare, and she was even sweeter then the voice. It was the unicorn from the picture.


"Y-yes." He stuttered.


The gorgeous unicorn smiled, it was a smile to die for. Slowly she strided down the stairs, every move accentuating her attractive physique. He could see her muscles tensing and relaxing under her skin. The way she moved her long, slender but shapely legs reminded him of an sensual dance. She was directly in front of him now.


She raised her hoof.


"Im countess Rarity Belle, im pleased to meet you, Mr. Silken Stich." Again stunning him with her honest smile.


The earth pony took her hoof, it was slender and smooth, and kissed it. He had to fight with himself to let go of it again...


"I-I thank you mylady for the opportunity to show you my work. E-even though i do not know how the court tailoress of Celestia would have interest in me."


Her smile broadened and became even more irresistible. "I have interest in your work because you have great talent and a great passion for your work. I was actually in your shop, disguised of course, something i do often. I try to find new talents and help them. Give them the opportunity to shine. To get them noticed by the nobility."


The stallion was overwhelmed. The opportunity to work for the canterlot elite...


"But surely the prices milady is willing to pay for my fabric must be an error..." He objected, trying to find the downside of the deal that seemed to good to be true.


"Huh!" The comtesse exclaimed, thoughtfully pouting. "So you say the pay would be too low for your liking? I think we can raise them a bit more if you wish, Silken Stitch."


"Lets take a seat and work out the details of the arrangement. What do you say?"


"Gladly milady, everything you wish." The earth pony almost shouted. he was excited and happy. The opportunity to escape poverty and to get notice by the highest nobility of Canterlot. He wondered why the young, gorgeous mare chose to help him like that.


Maybe she just had an exceptionally generous heart...


God dammit my brains is melting from that. :muffins:

Edited by Obsidian Sky
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You know, Pinkie Pie did foresee this!

On my phone... Sorry it posts link and not video proper...

Echh. I'm usually not one for nitpicking at the show, but goddamn, that scene really pissed me off. Pinkie and Rainbow were being really damn insensitive.


I mean, it's not like they didn't just take her dream and passion away from her with their own damned selfishness, but those two had the audacity to crack fuckin' jokes about it >_> Their behavior in that scene alone is why "Suited For Success" is my second favorite episode, behind "Rarity Takes Manehattan." If they didn't pull that crap, it'd probably be my favorite. "Sweet & Elite" was my favorite before RTM, though, just because I didn't feel comfortable putting Suited for Success at the top when it had one of the most infuriating moments in the show >_>


  • Brohoof 3


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

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her dream and passion away from her with their own damned selfishness, but those two had the audacity to crack fuckin' jokes about it Their behavior in that scene alone is why "Suited For Success" is my second favorite episode, behind "Rarity Takes Manehattan." If they didn't pull that crap, it'd probably be my favorite


It's weird in a way because that scene is why I feel that Pinkie being portrayed as oblivious to her own insensitivity in Filly Vanilli was 'in character'. RD had no excuse though. Then again I do consider each one of the Mane 6 to be learning from their lessons at a different pace. Rarity, Applejack, and Twilight seem to catch on pretty quickly.


Enough of that though.


It's freaking hot today. This looks like it would do the trick.



Edited by Jeric
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I went to the weirdest place ever, I think...



Anyway, I should be going to bed soon. I got Swim champs tomorrow. Wish me luck!


So I guess this is goodnight, fanclub..


















I guess this counts :proud:



  • Brohoof 5


Sweet Sig by Lunia

Avatar Image by PegasisterJayfeather

CM By Scilight Paitanibu 

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I went to the weirdest place ever, I think...



Anyway, I should be going to bed soon. I got Swim champs tomorrow. Wish me luck!


So I guess this is goodnight, fanclub..


















I guess this counts




Good luck! And remember do not wear socks when swimming. They don't help. :proud:

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Echh. I'm usually not one for nitpicking at the show, but goddamn, that scene really pissed me off. Pinkie and Rainbow were being really damn insensitive.


I mean, it's not like they didn't just take her dream and passion away from her with their own damned selfishness, but those two had the audacity to crack fuckin' jokes about it >_> Their behavior in that scene alone is why "Suited For Success" is my second favorite episode, behind "Rarity Takes Manehattan." If they didn't pull that crap, it'd probably be my favorite. "Sweet & Elite" was my favorite before RTM, though, just because I didn't feel comfortable putting Suited for Success at the top when it had one of the most infuriating moments in the show >_>




I fear you misunderstood Pinkie.  She was saying; this is important.  Then she got distracted by the conversation. 


Early RD was generally a meanie.  (bragging about the ticket, running from Pinkie, etc.,  [even in later series she hasn't quite kicked the trend])

Edited by paradoxical
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Early RD was generally a meanie.

You can say that again -_- First thing I thought of when I saw how RD acted was "Why is she so popular?" >_>


Oh well :D She's become a lot better as the series has progressed :D I really want Rares and RD to have an episode together soon...


Wait, have I said that already? :please:









  • Brohoof 7


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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That one was actually my avatar before the one I had now :please:


I've had this one since Feb. though...I've kind of made it my own :D




I know; I love your stories! Absolutely amazing! Especially considering that English isn't you first language!

I love Obsidian's stories, too :please: They always bring a huge smile to my face :D

  • Brohoof 4


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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That one was actually my avatar before the one I had now :please:


I've had this one since Feb. though...I've kind of made it my own :D


Man, if you ever changed your current avatar my OCD side wouldn't know what the hell to do. :confused: 

Why is Rarity wearing that prison jumpsuit?




Orange Is The New Black maybe.

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Because she's always on top of fashion trends! And orange is the new black!







Oh god; I can't believe I went there


Ha, we both did. Great minds and all.



And is this from the Micro comic? Rarity with business projections and forecasts? Head canon freaking confirmed if it is.



Edited by Jeric
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Don't let the non-fabulous ones lock up the goddess of fabulosity! 



*sigh* I was looking for some fanart to post here, but somethings are just real mood killers...


Ha, we both did. Great minds and all.



And is this from the Micro comic? Rarity with business projections and forecasts? Head canon freaking confirmed if it is.



Yes, it certainly is :D Have you not read it yet? post-20419-0-02170700-1405960129.png

  • Brohoof 4


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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Yes, it certainly is :D Have you not read it yet? 


No ... to be honest I was just focusing on the FiM and Friends Forever series ... but trying to pace it out a little. I normally prefer floppy or trades over digital ... but I may have to check this out on Comixology. I already had Rarity in my head as having a high business acumen  ... but likely she finds it a burden and a necessary evil.


Freaking business Rarity confirmed!



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I know this gif has been posted a bazillion times but...

? Lick it up, lick it up, ohhhhh oh oh, it's only right now ? -KI??

  • Brohoof 6

Sig by Sparklefan1234

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I know this gif has been posted a bazillion times but...



? Lick it up, lick it up, ohhhhh oh oh, it's only right now ? -KI??


Don't matter ... good gif is good. Post all you want.


Here is another one I've not yet seen. :D



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No ... to be honest I was just focusing on the FiM and Friends Forever series ... but trying to pace it out a little. I normally prefer floppy or trades over digital ... but I may have to check this out on Comixology. I already had Rarity in my head as having a high business acumen  ... but likely she finds it a burden and a necessary evil.


Freaking business Rarity confirmed!



Oh man...you've GOTTA read it! :D It's my favorite comic!


Rarity is absolutely FABULOUS in it :wub: It's definitely something every Rarity fan should read :D I mean, I'll even be willing to gift it to anyone in this fan club who hasn't read it yet, it's that good :please:


  • Brohoof 6


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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