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Rarity Fan Club


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Don't question the best ship of the royal navy. :muffins:

For someone who laments the inability to turn our garbage cans into boys, you have a amazing grasp of English. ;)


Seriously OS, you write better than probably half of the e-book writers on Kindle. Good show!

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Im too lazy though. :muffins:

Mane just transfer them to a blog on this site? Your stories are really good! I love reading them! That last one may well be the best piece of MLP fan fiction I've ever readpost-26689-0-79588700-1406806463.jpg
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Mane just transfer them to a blog on this site? Your stories are really good! I love reading them! That last one may well be the best piece of MLP fan fiction I've ever read image.jpg

He needs to write the Rarity / AJ vs Flim Flam story. :D


That was a solid idea

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For someone who laments the inability to turn our garbage cans into boys


I don't know what that means... :muffins:


Thank you though. :please:


Mane just transfer them to a blog on this site? Your stories are really good! I love reading them! That last one may well be the best piece of MLP fan fiction I've ever readattachicon.gifimage.jpg

Thanks. :proud:


A blog post compendium would be a good idea. I may just do that.

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I don't know what that means... :muffins:


Thank you though. :please:



Thanks. :proud:


A blog post compendium would be a good idea. I may just do that.

You really should! :D It would be fabulous!
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Good morning fan club!! :D



Thought I'd mix things up a bit :please:

Anyway, trying to fix my broken sleep schedule (which was so out of whack I could have a 2 hour conversation with Obsidian after he first woke up all the way in Germany, where he'd tell me he was worried about my sleep schedule :muffins: ) and I gotta say, I can seriously appreciate coffee right now :D

Which got me to thinking - I bet Rares drinks a lot of coffee, given how much she works, and how hard she goes at it.

What kind of coffee do you think Rarity would enjoy? Or do you think she'd be strictly a tea person? :D


Also, funny picture I found of my waifu, second best pony, and Coco Pommel :please:



(I'd kill for a Rarity/Trixie/Applejack team up. The episode would be called "ghostie's Angels" :derp: )

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Which got me to thinking - I bet Rares drinks a lot of coffee, given how much she works, and how hard she goes at it.What kind of coffee do you think Rarity would enjoy? Or do you think she'd be strictly a tea person



My thoughts when I saw that Ghostie?




She would likely drink both considering tea is the 'polite' social drink .... but because I'm me and I have this thing for coffee myself (as do some others on this board apparently. O-o), I am going with she prefers coffee over tea.


Favorite Morning Coffee - A light to medium roast similar to Sumatra beans. It's crisp, bright, and less bitter while still keeping its distinct origin


Favorite Afternoon Coffee - Iced caramel macchiato


Favorite Tea - Raspberry Chai

Edited by Jeric
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Hello there,Fan Club! :D


What kind of coffee do you think Rarity would enjoy? Or do you think she'd be strictly a tea person? :D

I would choose Capuccino,for no particular reason,but it seems to fit Rarity better than the normal coffee



Oh,and speaking of Coco Pommel,here you have a cute pic of both Coco and Rarity(but Rarity is still more cute :derp: )


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My expertise with coffee ends with the fact that i need it regulary to survive... Don't know much more fancy stuff than Expresso and Cappuchino. :muffins:


So have Rarity in a cup instead:


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My expertise with coffee ends with the fact that i need it regulary to survive... Don't know much more fancy stuff than Expresso and Cappuchino. :muffins:


So have Rarity in a cup instead:



I don't know what I would do if there was a coffee shortage. That is my apocalyptic nightmare. pxSWVnO.png


I just asked for a Rarity coffee sketch BTW ... my first sketch request in the fandom. HV5keY8.png

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For the person who said that there weren't more incredible Rarity pics on the ponynet :please:

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For the person who said that there weren't more incredible Rarity pics on the ponynet :please:

I know right? They are everywhere! One just has to pluck them out of the ether.post-25189-0-79425100-1406301242.png


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I just asked for a Rarity coffee sketch BTW ... my first sketch request in the fandom. HV5keY8.png

Oh, nice!! :D Be sure and post it here when you get it :please:



Also, this morning I had myself a caramel machiatto. I think Rarity would've really liked it :D I forgot to share my own thoughts on the Rarity coffee discussion, so I'll do that real quick :please:


Personally, I think she drinks coffee when she's working, probably an espresso - and then I can see her enjoying a nice cup with a lot of sugar and cream when she wakes up in the morning before she goes through her regular routine of beautifying herself :proud:


Other than those two occasions, though, I see her enjoying tea. Probably something nice, like what Jeric said, a Raspberry Chai :please: 


Also, poor Rarebear :wau:





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Oh, nice!! :D Be sure and post it here when you get it :please:

Also, this morning I had myself a caramel machiatto. I think Rarity would've really liked it :D I forgot to share my own thoughts on the Rarity coffee discussion, so I'll do that real quick :please:


Personally, I think she drinks coffee when she's working, probably an espresso - and then I can see her enjoying a nice cup with a lot of sugar and cream when she wakes up in the morning before she goes through her regular routine of beautifying herself :proud:

Other than those two occasions, though, I see her enjoying tea. Probably something nice, like what Jeric said, a Raspberry Chai :please: 

Also, poor Rarebear :wau:





Who gave the CMC expresso? I'm blaming Pinkie!
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Fitting to the general theme, Rarity eating cookies and drinking tea.post-25189-0-79425100-1406301242.png







Something makes this picture look a little surreal though. Cannot put my finger on it.  :muffins:

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