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Rarity Fan Club


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Most prutty pone.




It is not only Raritys physical beauty that lets her rightfully claim that title, even though it alone would certainly suffice, but a combination of certain factors. For Rarity is not only beautiful in body, but also in spirit.


So great is the loveliness of the second that she is willing to endanger the first to do the right thing.


Risking her perfect body to be maimed by an angry manticore.


Letting an untested, mutating spell be cast upon her shapely form.


Exposing her silken coat to her biggest enemy: MUD.


And many more things.


This willingness for sacrifice that joins her physical qualities makes her the true, absolute beauty that she is. A shining, generous beacon of a soul in a flawless body.


Some say that true beauty comes from within, and is more important than physical beauty. This is true.


But Rarity has both! Watcha gon do 'bout it?

What am I gonna do about it? I'm gonna adore the shit out if her, that's what I'm gonna do!
  • Brohoof 6
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What am I gonna do about it? I'm gonna adore the shit out if her, that's what I'm gonna do!

This is something i clearly can get behind!post-25189-0-46513000-1405868575.png


And im sure Rarity would be honored and deeply grateful too!


  • Brohoof 5
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Rarity is AWESOME!!! Go rarity!!!!!!!

Huh, never saw you in here before...




Welcome in the sanctuary of fabulosity! Hope you have fun in here together with us! :pout:

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Welcome in the sanctuary of fabulosity! Hope you have fun in here together with us!

Thank You VERY MUCH for the warm welcome!! I really appreciate it !!! :D  :) 

I'll try posting more on here if whenever I can!!! ^_^  :P 

You guys are the GREATEST!!! :yay:  

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Thank You VERY MUCH for the warm welcome!! I really appreciate it !!! :D  :)

I'll try posting more on here if whenever I can!!! ^_^  :P

You guys are the GREATEST!!! :yay:  


I hope to see more of you in our sanctuary of fabulosity :D It's a wonderful little place. I assure you you'll make some great new friends here - we welcome everyone who wants to be a part of it. Only rule is to show appreciation for Rarity, and everyone who wants to join is only obligated to do that.


I hope you visit us regularly :D You'll always be welcome here, friend.


Friendship is magic :D




  • Brohoof 6
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You know, for shits and giggles I just google image searched "Rarity Fan Club". Came up with some great pics used here, but in the top 50 pics there was this?






The question that I can't seem to shake is this -- Is ALF a member too? :confused:






Here is one of my favorites BTW. See how freaking gorgeous she is without the garnish?




  • Brohoof 6
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Due to @Jeric's find, I hereby name ALF an official member of the Rarity fan club :derp:


Even a freaky...ALF thing is able to determine best pony :D





I used to say that to troll my friend who was an RD fan :D He got so mad :please:

Rarity is taking over topkek!


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Gotta jump off and do some resource intensive compiling. About 15 minutes in there is a chance I will look like this. I'll jump on hopefully a bit later (still owe some words to whatevs)




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Yay Rarity!  I have to say though, she doesn't quite look fabulous all the time.


attachicon.gifRarity meme.jpg


Guys, attaching pictures to posts is hard.  I'm not sure I did it right. :(

Pic showed up just fine! And it made me grin from ear to ear! As a collector of brushables; I am oh so familiar with that truth!
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Bad idea concentrate? Seriously! That must be what's in the waters at corporate headquarters...


I love the crab meat joke! Rarity has so many side businesses. :D



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