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Rarity Fan Club


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I normally tend to stay out of the whole shipping thing cause it always seems one person isn't a fan of this or that ship but... Found this in the Luna FC, figured since you all were in a RariJack mood... Well, let's just say the princess of the night is a fan too;


  • Brohoof 6
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So yeah ... THIS HAPPENED! My oldest daughter -- one of two who converted me -- just made my day.


Note that she was originally not a fan of Rarity. She was a Dash fan. Conversion successful.


And yes that's my real name.

Victory for fabulosity!! :D


  • Brohoof 5
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So yeah ... THIS HAPPENED!   My oldest daughter -- one of two who converted me -- just made my day.





Note that she was originally not a fan of Rarity. She was a Dash fan. Conversion successful.




And yes that's my real name.

Was searching for the perfect picture for that... Could not find it. My organisation sucks.post-25189-0-52179900-1405884349.png


Well, your daughter is fabulous, and Rarity wants to give her a Rarihug!







Great show i say!

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Seems I missed a lot the last few days; everyone had so beautiful walls of text about Rarity! I'll have to write one soon as she's growing ever so much closer to overtaking Applejack for my first spot (not to say that I like Applejack less; just that I'm liking Rarity more) speaking of Rarity and Applejack; looks like the Rarijack fan club took over here again! Love when that happens! Thes pics are for Obsidian Sky (I'd mention you. But I'm on mobile and haven't figured out how to do it here); since he loves to reference "what happened in the barn after Simple Ways"



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Hello, everypony!


Now I know I have not been online for nearly as long as I wish to, but I have a perfectly valid reason...


... you're looking at a game developer! My life-long dream of writing for a video game has been realized, and on a pony game, no less!



  • Brohoof 7
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Hello, everypony!


Now I know I have not been online for nearly as long as I wish to, but I have a perfectly valid reason...


... you're looking at a game developer! My life-long dream of writing for a video game has been realized, and on a pony game, no less!



That's awesome! What platform(s) will your game be available on?
  • Brohoof 2
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Seems I missed a lot the last few days; everyone had so beautiful walls of text about Rarity! I'll have to write one soon as she's growing ever so much closer to overtaking Applejack for my first spot (not to say that I like Applejack less; just that I'm liking Rarity more) speaking of Rarity and Applejack; looks like the Rarijack fan club took over here again! Love when that happens! Thes pics are for Obsidian Sky (I'd mention you. But I'm on mobile and haven't figured out how to do it here); since he loves to reference "what happened in the barn after Simple Ways"


i always wonder how their kinds would be... How they would look, and how their characters would be.


Yes, i know they are both mares, but love and magic conquers all!









Hello, everypony!


Now I know I have not been online for nearly as long as I wish to, but I have a perfectly valid reason...


... you're looking at a game developer! My life-long dream of writing for a video game has been realized, and on a pony game, no less!



Congratulations, man! :please:


Hope your work there will fulfill you, and you will have much fun building whole worlds!

  • Brohoof 4
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Hello, everypony!


Now I know I have not been online for nearly as long as I wish to, but I have a perfectly valid reason...


... you're looking at a game developer! My life-long dream of writing for a video game has been realized, and on a pony game, no less!



Astetian! You're on the LOE Staff! That's FRIGGEN cool as sin!
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Just watching Rarity while she is working is probably one of the things i would look most forward too if i could live in Ponyville.


Its something that makes her incredibly happy, and that happiness she would share with everyone that witnessess her dancing the dance of creation through her boutique. The sheer joy to create something beautiful is a powerful thing. I felt it too sometimes, and it really is something special.


A thing as special as this emotion felt by someone as special as Rarity would be a great thing to behold indeed.


Rarity being beautiful :wub: Pretty sure this is a reference to something, but meh - Rarity :wub:




That is actually a Bioshock Infinite reference.

Edited by Obsidian Sky
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So yeah ... THIS HAPPENED!   My oldest daughter -- one of two who converted me -- just made my day.



Note that she was originally not a fan of Rarity. She was a Dash fan. Conversion successful.




And yes that's my real name.

Good job Joe! Rarity is proud of you!



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That's awesome! What platform(s) will your game be available on?

PC and PC only. We do not intend to transfer to other platforms.


Congratulations, man! :please:


Hope your work there will fulfill you, and you will have much fun building whole worlds!


Astetian! You're on the LOE Staff! That's FRIGGEN cool as sin!

Thank you both!  :D

Edited by Asterian Starfall
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What's Fluttershy's cottage look like on the inside (I don't have LOE.)?

Please no further questions about the content of LoE. If you want to find out, I am sorry to say that, due to legal reasons, I can not say, but you can find out what is what during one of our open server weekends.

Edited by Asterian Starfall
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Rarity spelunking for gems and precious metals.post-25189-0-34822500-1405863886.png


She does not need to fear the bats or the slime monsters that call these caves their home. A swift kick with her shapely hindlegs will send every creature of the depths running. Still the dark pitfalls and loose rocks of the caverns are not without danger, good things that Rarity is brave, resourceful and clever.


That kinda needs to be an episode now...

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