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Rarity Fan Club


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Hey there :)

Seems like I'm at the right place here :D

Rarity. Rarity everywhere!

Nice to see so much Rarityfans.

Hey, nice to see you here! Hope you enjoy your time!


Yeah, its really nice, isnt it? Could not believe it when i first got here! My beloved Rarity, the biggest fanclub on the site?


But it is true... and i love it!

Edited by Obsidian Sky
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Mind if I might drop in and say hi? Non-Rarity fans can post Rarity, right? Not to mention Ghostie isn't really active anymore :(  Rarity is awesome and you guys are cool for supporting probably the most under appreciated of the mane 6 [not sure that's true if you look at surveys]


You don't have to say she's #1 to be a fan. 


I think that she's 2nd for me.  [because Twilight spoiled Pinkie's one shot :( for me.]  But it's a tough contest between her and Twily.


With all the great comics/episodes with her I think she's going to end up #2 eventually.

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I'd say I have more respect for Rarity than any other of the mane 6, even though she's my second favorite. It pisses me off when I see some bronies shrugging her off because she's too "girly"

Anyway, here's some art:


And something happy:


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Someone playing Binding of Isaac? Heh... doubt it...post-25189-0-14540100-1412698192.png


Rarity thought that Old Nick is pretty ungenerous, with him always taking my red hearts and stuff! So she said to herself: "Im going to show that ruffian how good it feels to be generous!"






Of course she has him wrapped around her slender hooves in no time, teaching him how to be nice and selfless!... If not even the heavenly host or the forces of darkness can resist her, how can we mere mortals hope to?


Not that we want to, of course...post-25189-0-98096400-1405937731.png

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*whistles shit son those cheeks I mustn't..... Touch........ Can't.......... Resist....... *touches cheeks

Shit :(

I know right? She has quite the gorgeous face. :pout:


And those eyes...


One could watch the clear night sky for an entire lifetime, and would never find a star more gorgeous and shimmering than them.


They are unique in the whole universe... A true Rarity.post-25189-0-34198200-1406310453.png

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*looks into raritys eyes "the world and it's answers are clear to me now"

"Rarity you must be the North Star. Your the one everyone knows and the most brightest and beautiful of them all".

*snaps back to reality

Did I really just say that? Damn it neutral ! :(

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What kind of breakfast do you think Rarity would love? 


I don't have any pictures of Rarity eating breakfast by the way, so there is no way I could have a relevant picture. 



Ooooooh, i do!






With Applejack even! Rarijack go!


I think she would enjoy some nice cappuchino for breakfast, together with some fresh and still warm croissaints, with cherry jam to put it on them.


Hmmmm... so tasty...

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