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Rarity Fan Club


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Have any of you wondered how Rarity's mane would feel if she were real? 

Since no one posted anything for a while, I shall post more Rarity! (One simply cannot have too much Rarity.)












I'm sure it would be the softest, most luxurious thing I've ever felt!
  • Brohoof 8
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Wawity, wawity....so pwetty :wub:


attachicon.giflarge (9).png

She looks gorgeous... So hug and kissable...


She truly is the pony everypony should love...post-25189-0-50649600-1410604071.png


This fan club comes 2nd on Google search when you search "Rarity fan club". 





Not long until we will be on place one! Mark my words!


We will conquer the internet in HER name.






For no one resists those eyes...

  • Brohoof 8
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After Senpai defeated the unfabulous six and restored order and beauty in all the lands, Senpai went home. Back to her familiy and friends, and especially to her little sister, who dreams of being such a great heroine like Senpai one day.







But senpai will never rest, for there is always a new threat for fabulosity. She will never sleep, and never will the enemies of beauty and generosity feel safe in the night. For she will be there... exposing their plots and punishing them for their crimes.


Her eyes sharp, her heart pure, and her butt tight.

  • Brohoof 7
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Con pictures!


General Pony Loot:



Comic 1-4



Little figurine



Pinkie Pie large print





Rarity loot




Rarity shooter glass + Glow in the dark Vinyl + Twillight candies



Rarity large print



Gorgeous Rarity in triplicates



Gorgeousness alert











And my new masterpiece:




Signed by the man itself. He said early in the season, there will be a Discord episode.



Edited by GlowingFlask
  • Brohoof 9
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Con pictures!


General Pony Loot:



Comic 1-4

attachicon.gif2014-09-14 14.29.07.jpg


Little figurine

attachicon.gif2014-09-14 14.29.31.jpg


Pinkie Pie large print

attachicon.gif2014-09-14 14.25.01.jpg




Rarity loot




Rarity shooter glass + Glow in the dark Vinyl + Twillight candies

attachicon.gif2014-09-14 14.22.59.jpg


Rarity large print

attachicon.gif2014-09-14 14.24.25.jpg


Gorgeous Rarity in triplicates



Gorgeousness alert








And my new masterpiece:



attachicon.gif2014-09-14 14.25.44.jpg

Signed by the man itself. He said early in the season, there will be a Discord episode.



Great stuff! Love especially the posters!


Rariloot is truly the best loot... :proud:


Random adorable Raripic!






  • Brohoof 9
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You know what ... there is a new movie coming out that actually looks promising and some of us actually link their fandom to EQG in some way.


This thread needs more Rainbow Rocks Rarity!



  • Brohoof 9
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Raritu Senpai always need her fabulous hat in the sun! :proud:


She could get a sunburn, or even a sunstroke!


Her gorgeous, adorable head is way too important for such a fate, for it houses her creative and brilliant mind. :proud:

Hence the hat.

  • Brohoof 8
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