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Fluttershy Fan Club


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Fluttershy resembles the side of us that some people hate about themselves and some people don't fluttershy is definetley my favourite character in the show and who couldn't love that adorable little face and the sound she makes when she smiles

  • Brohoof 5
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Fluttershy resembles the side of us that some people hate about themselves and some people don't fluttershy is definetley my favourite character in the show and who couldn't love that adorable little face and the sound she makes when she smiles



Welcome to the club! :yay: You made a good point there; some people like to force themselves to act tough and uncaring when they really are kind and sensitive on the inside, just to get approval... being honest about who you are and your feelings is important, though. :fluttershy: Also, here's a button you might like.. ;)

  • Brohoof 3
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I did see that picture from EQD's drawfriend stuff. It looks cute and adorable.

All pictures I post around fanclubs are from each day drawfriend stuff  :P

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I believe this belongs here.



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Does it happened to you that you're exploring the wasteland, minding your own business and suddenly a wild Fluttershy appears and you don't know what to do with her?  :confused: FoE4.png

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Hello all! I'm new here, I've never really walked the ground of Sugarcube Corner, but I thought I better start out with an adorable photo of Flutter, since I think I may hang around here a lot more!


  • Brohoof 9
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Hello all! I'm new here, I've never really walked the ground of Sugarcube Corner, but I thought I better start out with an adorable photo of Flutter, since I think I may hang around here a lot more!



Welcome to the club (and also Sugarcube Corner)! :yay: Both are pretty nice places to be, especially the fan clubs if you're a fan of cuteness... you can probably tell which club is the cutest, though. n6ICp4.png


Since today is the Summer Sun Celebration, these may be relevant. :3



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Sweet kind beautiful flying the skies like an angel<3


Fluttershy being the bunny



Fluttershy has the surprise happy cake she baked =)<3



Fluttershy and the breeze flowing her hair =)=)=)=)<3


Fluttershy being happy =)=)



  • Brohoof 8
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