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Staying with the fandom


Will you stay in the fandom  

136 users have voted

  1. 1. Yes, no, maybe?

    • Yes (Brony for life)
    • No (Gotta know when to fold'em)
    • Maybe (I'll wait and see how it turns out)
    • Discord ate my taco and left me nothing

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I will see how everything goes, i doubt one episode, or even one bad season would make me stop watching MLP, it is one thing to stop watching the show but it is another thing entirely to leave the fandom, even if i didn't like MLP i would have still registered and used this forum had i stumbled upon it.


Fans/Fandom > The show


IMO anyway.

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I'm immune to the freak out virus. I have and always will have faith in our awesome show writers, as every time we've feared the Ponypocalypse about upcoming episode announcements, running around with streets burning, they've always delivered. Secondly, people don't appreciate the fandom enough. We have a global community that creates art and content of all mediums and stretches, 24/7, we have full-blown cons all year round, we have merchandising aimed specifically towards us. Despite this, tons of people jump on the emo train and talk about leaving just because they don't like something in the show that hasn't even happened yet.


No one can comprehend how tired I am of it. If anyone should have a reason to leave, it's because of the pointless drama.

  • Brohoof 8
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I'm immune to the freak out virus. I have and always will have faith in our awesome show writers, as every time we've feared the Ponypocalypse about upcoming episode announcements, running around with streets burning, they've always delivered. Secondly, people don't appreciate the fandom enough. We have a global community that creates art and content of all mediums and stretches, 24/7, we have full-blown cons all year round, we have merchandising aimed specifically towards us. Despite this, tons of people jump on the emo train and talk about leaving just because they don't like something in the show that hasn't even happened yet.


No one can comprehend how tired I am of it. If anyone should have a reason to leave, it's because of the pointless drama.


You know what Discord, I kind of like you, I am pretty sick of it too... Name me ONE bad episode... Besides Feeling Pinkie Keen, or Spike at your Service

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I'm immune to the freak out virus. I have and always will have faith in our awesome show writers, as every time we've feared the Ponypocalypse about upcoming episode announcements, running around with streets burning, they've always delivered. Secondly, people don't appreciate the fandom enough. We have a global community that creates art and content of all mediums and stretches, 24/7, we have full-blown cons all year round, we have merchandising aimed specifically towards us. Despite this, tons of people jump on the emo train and talk about leaving just because they don't like something in the show that hasn't even happened yet.


No one can comprehend how tired I am of it. If anyone should have a reason to leave, it's because of the pointless drama.

I would give you x10 Christian Bales, but it would lag the thread up like hell. So have one, and pretend it's actually ten, all pointing at Chaotic Discord, and saying, "Look at this guy. Look at how smart he is. You can try to be as smart as him, but you cant".



Edited by Modphase
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Here's a "One does not simply" statement for some of you.


"One does not simply judge an episode that doesn't exist yet."


No matter how much you think about it, you still do not know what's going to happen until it... you know... actually happens.


Also, "change" is a thing. Deal with it.


This man speaks the truth, I mean, what do we know so far?



Twilight Becomes An Alicorn Princes



That's all we know, how do we know that this is just going to be shoehorned in, what if this becomes a fantastic episode? We never lost faith in the writers before, why should we start now?


All I am saying is, don't judge a book by its cover, isn't that how we all got into the show in the first place?


Also it's not like this is something new, between all the leaks,speculation, and everything else, people should have seen this coming from a mile away. The show was going to change one way or another, the show must go on, and the plot will continue.


Perhaps the reason why we are all flipping out, is because we worry that the end of the show is near? I honestly think this episode will be interesting, and other then twilight becoming an Alicorn Princess, we don't have any real other facts. So wait till it comes out to start ranting and raving, or perhaps applauding.

  • Brohoof 3
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This man speaks the truth, I mean, what do we know so far?



Twilight Becomes An Alicorn Princes



That's all we know, how do we know that this is just going to be shoehorned in, what if this becomes a fantastic episode? We never lost faith in the writers before, why should we start now?


All I am saying is, don't judge a book by its cover, isn't that how we all got into the show in the first place?


Also it's not like this is something new, between all the leaks,speculation, and everything else, people should have seen this coming from a mile away. The show was going to change one way or another, the show must go on, and the plot will continue.


Perhaps the reason why we are all flipping out, is because we worry that the end of the show is near? I honestly think this episode will be interesting, and other then twilight becoming an Alicorn Princess, we don't have any real other facts. So wait till it comes out to start ranting and raving, or perhaps applauding.



I think my main concern is the synergy between the other and Twilight.  However, i'm not going into the "Twilight becoming alicorn princess ruins show, freak out now" thing with this thread since there's one already for that. ;)


I'm curious who here will have the kindness, loyalty, honesty, generosity, laughter, and sense of magical wonder to stick with the fandom.  Personally, after my jimmies settled, i'm sticking with the fandom.  Just like others, it's really given me something happy.  Thanks to this fandom, I broke out of my depressed state and made some friends that I now chat with regularly on skype.  I even have these forums, and Fimfiction for entertainment.  Though i'm not too keen on the idea of Twilight becoming a Princess with it appearing to be Hasbro tweaking the show yet again, it would be rather stupid and childish of me to give all of this happiness up, returning to my depressed state over the change of 1 character.

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BRONY FOR LIFE...I hope. I want to say yes all the way but we will have to see what I think when the show ends...which is the day I dread...ALLOT.




I don't think Twilight is going to be an alicorn for ever. Everypony
should go read the episode description...It kinda spoils it but, yea.


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i will be a brony for life. even if the show gets destroyed or ends i will always be a brony. i don't mean twilight becoming an alicorn honestly i think that would be kinda cool.  however its not the show that makes me a brony. its the fandom  it has done wonders for my outlook on life. also the music, art and just chatting with others on forums have been a blast. some day i may stop posting or even stop listing to the fan made music but i will always be a brony

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Of course ill stay a brony! sure the show is what brought me here, and even if that goes to crap ill stay a brony. what has kept me a brony is the amazing love and spport of the fanbase! you guys are what makes being a brony awesome and 20% cooler than any other fanbase!

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While I may or may not like the Alicorn Twilight change thing I'm still not going to stop watching the show, I may just not like Twilight as much after this, I guess we'll still have to see.


Anyways, even when the show ends I'll probably still stick around here, I don't plan on leaving atleast as of now anytime soon. This place is fun to chat about both ponies AND other things, so i'm sure I'll spend much more time here :).

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Leave the Fandom? Leave the Fandom!?

One does not simp- *sees people have already made that joke*



Anyway, Why in the name of God, Why the living freakin' hell would i ever, EVAR leave all of this? Why would i leave a fandom, a community that never ceases to surprise me? one that never ceases to make me smile? One thats full of wonderful, amazing, lovong, creative people. Hm? Why would i ever want to leave this, and regret it later?

Why would i ever want to just throw away something amazing? Why would i leave, beacuse of a reason like that? That we think the episode won't be great? That we FEAR the episode would be terrible? That we FEAR the show won't be good anymore!? That we fear the end...?

Well, let me say one thing, one thing to all those over-dramatics, to all the people who fear the worst for this episode, to all the people the fear the end of the great show we all know as Friendship is Magic: Ya wanna know whats stronger than fear? Hope. Faith! You shouldn't fear for the worst or else the worst becomes a reality. And i have faith this episode will be amazing, i have faith the show would still be great. And i will never, NEVER leave this fandom. NO matter what.

So how 'bout we all stop worrin' our arses about something that hasn't even happened yet, and actaully still ahve faith in these writers and the show. And this fandom. Cuz as far as i know, this fandom aint going nowhere, and niether am I, and niether are many of you.

  • Brohoof 3
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Bronies gave me my life back. No way am I jumping ship once the show ends or because of a change within the show. We've weathered other controversies and we'll get through this one too.


There's been a lot talk about the fandom "dying" for a long time now, or speculation on when it will and a number of causes. There's even a thread about it around here somewhere. The fandom will always survive so long as anyone considers himself a brony. Only when the last one is dead or decides he's done is it truly over. Bronies were a legit fanbase before meetups, cons, and fancy forums. We don't need them to retain our identity. Given that the fandom as a whole has become defined by its philanthropy and spirit of goodwill, I daresay we no longer need the show to maintain our identity either. Darmok and Jalad on the ocean.



Oh, and inb4 everyone buys the inevitable alicorn Twilight figure regardless of their current rage level.


Personally, i've never been prouder to be apart of a fun loving community such as this.  It is kind of sappy, but i've had struggles IRL due to issues.


It's not sappy to be happy, regardless of where you're getting your happiness from. I'm glad you found what you needed.


I would give you x10 Christian Bales, but it would lag the thread up like hell. So have one, and pretend it's actually ten, all pointing at Chaotic Discord, and saying, "Look at this guy. Look at how smart he is. You can try to be as smart as him, but you cant".





  • Brohoof 2
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I will most likely stay within the brony community even if the speculations about this season are true, and maybe even after the series has ended entirely. The fandom isn't limited to just the show, plenty of other fans will probably try and continue its legacy with music, art, fiction, and possibly short vids of their own. Because of the interest I have in the music and art, and because of the possible friends I can make with those who watch or have watched the show, I'll be staying unless everything begins portraying things contrary to my personal beliefs and morals.

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I have faith in the writers. They haven't disappointed me yet, and I doubt they will. The whole Derpy incident was mainly due to the complaints hasbro received from Soccer moms, so they couldn't do much to help that. I know that I will always be a die-hard brony, just because the show has made me a better and happier person, and the community is one the kindest I've ever been a part of. If Twilight does indeed become an Alicorn, there is always a possibility that it'll just be a temporary transformation, or that Twilight will perhaps choose to remain a unicorn in ponyville, but can be transformed back into an Alicorn when Celestia needs her to when Equestria is in danger. Have faith my fellow bronies, and let us remember that we shall always remain loyal to the show, and celebrate it for the times it has made us all smile. Let us spread the love and tolerance. :)
Brony forever, and proud :D

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Unless the coronation episode includes some previously unknown high-profile characters that magically appears out of freaking nowhere just for the plot, I won't lay down the show. I can't really say anything that hasn't been said by others earlier, but bronies need more faith on the writers.

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I will never leave this fandom ^.^ even with the Alicorn Twilight, sure if it ends up being bad, there might be a few bronies that leave cause of it. But looking back it's the old episodes, the first Nightmare Moon eisodes and all the others that brought in here, it would be a shame to give it all up for one episode or so. And the population that are bronies are too good of people to pass up. For me I'll always go back and look at the old episodes and say "That's why I became a brony." Plus who gives if Twilight becomes an Alicorn? Show has been awesome, will be awesome, and always will be awesome. Change can be good, and I have complete faith in the writers.

Edited by AppleDashFan
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Ill stay, for sure. even when the shows over, ill never forget the kind of acceptance and love this fandom has shown.  Of course, that day will come when the fans have subsided, but ill brony on, on the inside.

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Twilight will be an alicorn, but only for the episode.  There is no way that the writers will make her permanently an an alicorn!  They can't possibly be that naive to piss off most of their fanbase and lose money on sales.


Here is my theory on what will happen in the finale.  One of these will happen:

-She has a dream of being an alicorn.

-She uses magic to be one for a day.

-There is a time machine to go forward in time to see what she's like as a princess.

-She uses a spell and it fades.


Forgive me if there is intel there already refutes my claims, but I just can't possibly think that the writers would be so stupid to ruin the show.  If she is an alicorn in the start of season 4, I guess we'll all have to get used to it and try to like the show.

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I just don't get why people have to clarify that they're not jumping ship. The episode hasn't even aired yet! Threads like these are kind of unnecessary, might as well wait for any random day of the week and make a new thread letting everyone know that your not leaving and it's business as usual...


Just my two cents. :/

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I'll probably end up loving it for all time, just like how I was with Digimon. I couldn't stand generation 3 (coincidence?) so left it for ages...came back and watched it and loved it. So ye, I will stay for the "bumpy" ride and enjoy every second. Lets just hope Hasbro don't try and drive a wedge between us and our precious little ponies :3

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i will stay apart of the fandom but i might not watch some of the ep's depends on what she is like but definatly i am brony for life nothing will stop me this is a magical connection they show gives us so i cant brake it so yeh brony for life

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Twilight will be an alicorn, but only for the episode.  There is no way that the writers will make her permanently an an alicorn!  They can't possibly be that naive to piss off most of their fanbase and lose money on sales.


Here is my theory on what will happen in the finale.  One of these will happen:

-She has a dream of being an alicorn.

-She uses magic to be one for a day.

-There is a time machine to go forward in time to see what she's like as a princess.

-She uses a spell and it fades.


Forgive me if there is intel there already refutes my claims, but I just can't possibly think that the writers would be so stupid to ruin the show.  If she is an alicorn in the start of season 4, I guess we'll all have to get used to it and try to like the show.



You are judging the episode before it has even aired. You don't know what will happen yet, other than the facts actually given.


Not everyone thinks the same as you. How do you know it will ruin the show for everyone? You don't. Everyone has their own opinion.


You also have to remember that we aren't exactly their target audience.


I don't speak for the majority, and neither do you.


"Change" is a thing.


If you can't accept a change that would make something not 100% perfect to you, then don't let the door hit you on the way out. That goes for anything.

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I'm extremely skeptical of Twilicorn Sparkle, but I'll reserve judgment until I see if the writers can possibly make it work. Whatever the case, I'm not going anywhere now. I may move on and find other things to do after the show ends, maybe not. But I'll never forget, you can be sure of that. (And I'll always have Lyra.) ;)

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This fandom seriously needs to calm their tits and have more faith in the show's staff, it's actually really embarrassing. It's something to be skeptical sure, but I think the writers can handle it, something similar happened with the Wedding, and they managed to do a good job from that, despite a few quibbles here and there

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