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gaming Do you believe violent video games are linked to violent acts?

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Do you think violent games are linked to violent acts?  

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I recently got my copy of Timesplitters Future Perfect. That's why I've been gone for some time. Anyways, I was playing it and I noticed that the game is pretty violent. Not the most violent game out there, but still somewhat violent. And in the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting, games have been blamed for Lanza's act. Personally, I don't think games influence people's acts. If you have been paying attention, video games are always blamed in the wake of a shooting. Take for instance, Columbine. People blamed DOOM and DOOM II: Hell on Earth for their shooting. Now, as an avid gamer, games  haven't influenced me to do ANYTHING, Violent or not. I've read Eric Harris' journal and I have to say, none of his thoughts were influenced by DOOM. I'm gonna put up a transcript of his journal. All grammar and spelling errors are Harris'.

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Now, you tell me if DOOM influenced him. He supported Nazism, his idea of natural selection was fucked up and he was constantly bullied and excluded at school. In fact, the media tryed to pin the blame on movies such as the matrix and even tryed to blame marliyn manson. (Even though Harris and Klebold didn't like manson) Any time a mass shooting occurs, they blame games. Maybe because they think they're "killing simulators". Also, the shooters had psychological problems. Harris was on Zoloft and had a superiority disorder. Klebold had suicidal thoughts and repressed rage. Those two made one hell of a team. One last point, is school, they never teach you to defend yourself or anything like that. Therefore, the jocks will fuck with you past breaking point. (Which lead me to try to commit suicide) In conclusion, I don't think games rae linked to violent acts. What are your thoughts?

  • Brohoof 2
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My views on this situation were perfectly summed up by one picture I saw on Facebook - it says a lot in itself:



I honestly don't think whether they played any games or not would have led them to mass shootings. Charles Whitman never played any video games, for example. Anders Behring Breivik is the only shooter I can think of who played violent games and coincidentally shot loads of people.

Edited by Flipturn
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I can say it certainly doesn't help. I'm sure there are tons of people who can restrain themselves, but prefer not to. It's always about who someone is raise when they are in their critical learning age. [5-6 years old] Other then that, the types of games one plays shouldn't do too much of a change. It's all based on one's maturity in my opinion.

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-Freedom of speech


-Freedom of thought




-Lack of media and internet censorship of political ideas


those are the real causes


Effective police states tend to drastically reduce crime and violence regardless of the cultures, religions and ethnicities taht inhabit the country.

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It's more of if the gamer is capable of handling a pretend killing game. I heard that Adolf Hitler liked eating popcorn, but does that mean that all the people in the world who like popcorn are murderers? No. Video games are just the first thing to think of when most people hear about something violent happening. If someone tries explaining the real reason for violence, the audience gets bored and walks away from making sense. 


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No. No. No. A thousand times forever into infinity, no, videogames do NOT cause violent acts in society.


This is something that worries me TREMENDOUSLY about society. People are desperate to find a reason behind pointless acts of violence (such as the example you gave of the Columbine shootings). I can appreciate that they want something to blame and something to fix, but video games do not teach people how to kill. At worst, they desensitize people to violence. At best, they are an outlet for negative energy. Shoot the nonexistent people on the screen, not the people mistreating you at school, home, or at work.


The US Army uses videogames to recruit people, sure, I'll buy that. It makes killing people for the army seem fun and exciting. The US Army is legally allowed to fund games to inspire people to join the army, so why are video games still legal if they inspire killing? Oh, right, because the killing aspect isn't the part that people are influenced by.

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No. These tend to be just coincidences. And of course people  don't want to take some kind of responsibility for what went wrong with their children and pick an easy target to blame. It's much easier to just point fingers after all. Most people who play games can differentiate between fiction and reality. 


  On 2013-01-31 at 10:54 PM, Claudia said:

I can say it certainly doesn't help. I'm sure there are tons of people who can restrain themselves, but prefer not to. It's always about who someone is raise when they are in their critical learning age. [5-6 years old] Other then that, the types of games one plays shouldn't do too much of a change. It's all based on one's maturity in my opinion.


Yeah people are certainly more influential at that age. I think there were some studies that suggested something about making kids more aggressive but I don't really remember that well. Just for the record though, I was playing Mortal Kombat at that age and I don't recall ever wanting to perform fatalities on people.

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I don't believe video games are linked to violent acts, violence has happened for much of humanity long before even the first video game was even thought of. Millions of people play Call of Duty, Halo, etc every single day. i don't hear of millions of violent shootings everyday, its only these few cases that the media keeps talking about to make it sound like it happens more often then it actually does. There are some studies that are suggesting that we may even be becoming less violent as a species, some link a decline since games like Halo and Call of Duty were released. I am not saying video games can never have an affect on behavior of course, children that like to imitate things can get bad ideas, however that it what some of the ratings are for in order to expect a certain level of maturity for playing a certain title. Of course ratings don't stop children from playing these games, this is something the parents need to pay attention to. Parents should be careful of what influences are in their home and what media they allow their children to participate in. Throwing blame at video games is not the answer, it wasn't for movies and books either. There is not enough support showing that video games alone cause violence and thus i believe there is no link.

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I believe TotalHalibut explains this entire situation perfectly. Lets watch this masterpiece, shall we?


Anywho, in no way whatsoever are video games linked to violence. And the media is blaming them for a variety of reasons. Ratings, a scapegoat, to take down competition, anything really.

  • Brohoof 1

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No. Most people who play violent games are kids under 17. Kids aren't THAT stupid. Just because they see killing in a video game, doesn't mean they'll actually go out and do it in real life.

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Its all on how the person was raised and the environment they grew up in. Video games don't really cause that stuff at all. Yes we rage at the television and in the pre-game lobbies we act vile but its not like we will actually go and hunt them down in real life and kill them or do anything similar to the past events that happened recently.


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  On 2013-01-31 at 11:01 PM, Leatherbehlt said:

I heard that Adolf Hitler liked eating popcorn, but does that mean that all the people in the world who like popcorn are murderers?


Hitler didn't murder people, he had them executed. There's a big difference. Not that it was any better, mind you, but still. Technically not a murderer.


Oh, and as far as video games go, it's kind of a hard question to answer. In short, I think they could only influence someone in that way if they were already unstable.

  • Brohoof 1

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  On 2013-01-31 at 11:16 PM, VaultBoy'sAssistant23 said:

I believe TotalHalibut explains this entire situation perfectly. Lets watch this masterpiece, shall we?


Anywho, in no way whatsoever are video games linked to violence. And the media is blaming them for a variety of reasons. Ratings, a scapegoat, to take down competition, anything really.


I was literally about to post that myself! I've mentioned it before in another thread about this topic and that video is a great explanation as to why video games do not cause real life violence.


To keep it short, I highly doubt you'll find anybody on here who believes that games cause violence, your poll will most likely be 100% on "no" forever.


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I feel like it can be, if you play FPS's at a young age. If you're 6, and you're playing Black Ops (Just as an example), you're probably going to be more violent. But if you're 17, the age recommended to play violent video games at, you probably aren't going to do anything. The rating system was made for a reason. I honestly think the reason violent video games were made is to prevent people from actually doing these things in real life; to let their anger out, if that makes sense. I think if you're mature enough to handle the games, you won't do anything violent in real life.

Edited by Betez



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No, to be honest it is my personal belief that violence is just human nature and people will use anything they can to justify a violent act on someone else, or have someone correlate it with violence for sake of insecurity, power abuse, ect.


Oh and the Jimquisition summed it up perfectly with a video appropriately called "Desensitized To Violence", however, if you want to see the video then be warned that there is a very disturbing clip in it (which he uses as both a test and proof in his video). I will not link it here for sake of the rules, but I would recommend seeing it on your own time if you want to, the video does give you adequate warnings as to when it appears and what is in it, there are even times listed in the description if you want to skip it. Either way he makes a powerful point.

Edited by The Oneiromancer

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That's just cultural control propaganda perpetuated by western government that has absolutely no basis in truth.I live in a democratically elected terrorist state and the main cause of violence is a holy book and some religious leaders who tells their followers to interpret it in violent and barbaric ways.


I rather have kids play AO games with decapitation and full graphic sex scenes than picking up one of them holy books.I know lots of 9 year olds here who play GTA but they've never killed anyone while I seen lots of 9 yr old suicide bomber and terrorists who does all those shit because of some holy book.

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Our media mirrors society. Video games to not make people violent, our society does. We glorify war and our government does the same. Violent games are a reflection on a violent society and are not the cause of violence.

Though Violent games can effect a young mind, that is the fault of negligent parents who are letting their children play games and watch movies they shouldn't be exposed to at such a young age.

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  On 2013-02-01 at 12:28 AM, Firelord Derpy said:

Our media mirrors society. Video games to not make people violent, our society does. We glorify war and our government does the same. Violent games are a reflection on a violent society and are not the cause of violence.

Though Violent games can effect a young mind, that is the fault of negligent parents who are letting their children play games and watch movies they shouldn't be exposed to at such a young age.


I would like to add that it was actually confirmed that M Rated games are the hardest restricted media to acquire, much harder then even R Rated movies. Here is a source for that.

Edited by The Oneiromancer

Divinator Of Dreams

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Not in the slightest.

Ever do any research?

When people go apeshit crazy like that theres always a psychological disorder behind it

And more often than not a psychotropic medication. for Schizophrenia, OCD, Depression, etc.

Meds like that always take something away from you. Its nearly impossible to tell what it is unless you're the person taking them. 

Edited by yourmomsponies
  • Brohoof 2

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The bible leads people to satanism.


Yeah, that's the logic we're going for here. That's the logic people who say stuff like this are going by. Something almost entirely unrelated to violent crimes is being scapegoated into being the blame for it. Even if it's a contributing factor it is far from a cause. Unrelated but absolutely relevant: They've tried to do studies on violent video games and said people who play them have heightened adrenaline activities. You can get the same effect from a Football game, an action movie, an intense book, etc.

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While I dont think that video games cause people to just go and kill others for no good reason, I do think that modern media and culture shares some of the blame for the violent nature of kids and teenagers. Before you flame me, hear me out, because I believe this is well justified.

In the 70's and 80's, media was made to depict stories about Good vs. Evil. This was largely due to the fact that we were still in the middle of/exiting the cold war. For example, Starwars, Ghost busters, every cowboy movie ever, They all showed how good won over evil. Yes sometimes it required violence, but that was never the emphasis of the film. the emphasis was always the faith that good Luke would Defeat the Sith, and Clint Eastwood would protect the town. 

This is vastly different from today. Modern media is no loger about good vs. Evil, and is more about being cool. Movies depict teens being reckless and doing things that are illegal, violent, and just plain stupid, and they do it for no reason other than to make money off of what is viewed as "cool". For example, if you have seen the movie kickass, the main character becomes a super hero just because he is tired of being a loser. The characters in the film participate in violent activities, have sex on dumpsters, smoke weed, and even murder people. Why? Because it is deemed "cool"

Video games have been the same way. Games from Mortal Kombat to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare have all been glorifying violence since the late 90s. Yes, there have been a few good games out there that have included violence yet retained good themes, but the games that are violent just to be cool way outnumber the games that are designed with thought. 


So no, video games are not a direct cause of violence, but we do tend to glorify violent acts in our modern culture


That is just my thought on the matter. I could be wrong, but then again, I could be right. Let me know what you think.

Edited by WingedRatchet
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TimeSplitters is the best FPS series out there, and deserves a proper sequel. Anyone who says otherwise is a heretic (Or a Time Assassin, or Crow, or a monkey)


But more on subject, no, games do not cause violence, if anything they prevent it by providing safe forms of stress relief.


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While I think it may have an influence over stupid or crazy or crazy stupid people most people who understand the difference between fantasy and reality and have some self control will probably not be affected all that much. I have played quite a few video games some violent some not and they have all been a great escape and in the case of the more violent ones a good way to unleash some anger without actually killing someone. Even the most mentally healthy person ever every now and then just wants to wrap their hands around someone and strangle them.

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Psh, typical media crap. They find a problem in our society, and blame it on something random. Been there/done that. It's sickening. 


No, I don't think that video games are completely linked to violent acts. If anything, they can get some of that violence out of you in one of the least violent ways possible. Though this does depend on the age. If some child grows up with games like dead space, I could see video games being a problem. Though this is the parents fault, for not paying attention for the rating. It's there for a reason.

Edited by Retro✮Derpy


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