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gaming Best The Legend of Zelda game?


Best Zelda Game?  

50 users have voted

  1. 1. Which one is the best?

    • The original
    • Zelda 2: The Adventure Of Link
    • A Link To The Past
    • Ocarina Of Time
    • Majora's Mask
    • Wind Waker
    • Twilight Princess
    • Skyward Sword
    • Oracle of Ages/Seasons
    • Link's Awakening
    • Minish Cap
    • Phantom Hourglass
    • Spirit Tracks

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If you've played any, what's your all-time favorite TLoZ game?


I assume most of you will say Ocarina of Time, which is fine, because it's my favorite too :3 Although A Link To The Past is a close second.


Edit: the reason why OoT is my fave, mostly because of nostalgia, and the fact that every other Zelda game I played didn't match up to it, for me anyways, obviously from an objective stand point they've gotten better, but I just like OoT more. Likewise for A Link To The Past.


So, uh, what is your favorite?

Edited by Brook
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Ocarina was a monuement in gameing.


Wind Waker was beautiful.


Link to the past...Well need I saw more?


As for my favorite...


Majora's Mask.


Fascinating time travel mechanics, surprisingly dark and Tingle *troll-face*

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Oh ya :P

Legend of Zelda series is the best.




This is hard.

I love the Legend of Zelda series so much that it's hard to pick one



Well my all time favorites are:


Ocarina of time- This was the reason I got a Nintendo 64 in the first place. A great story line rivaled by few.


Majora's Mask- This is a game that has spawned many creepy pastas, and why not. Not only does it add a dark element, it also adds a sense of hopelessness. Think about it. You are facing an enemy that you can't beat alone. You can't stop what's coming, an you need to hurry in the time you have. Also as a bit of extra info, all the areas are based on the 5 stages of grief

Clock town-Denial:most of town folk are deny the coming danger

Swamp-Anger:Deku king blames monkey

Mountain-Bargaining:Dead and suffering try to bargain for a way out of their misary

Ocean-Depression: everyone's sad of someone's loss

Canyon-acceptance:the dead are everywhere


Skyward Sword-Everything we knew about what made the series so great was perfected for me in this installment. The music was beautiful, the design and colors where astounding. The story was great, this was a time where you actually cared if you saved Zelda. The characters were memorable as well. The dungions where perfect, hell I enjoyed the water level in this series, and I HATE water levels. The mechanics were great, I enjoyed having to move the wik remote and nunchuck to to almost everything.

This is a great game, if you haven't played it, I suggest it to you personally.

Edited by Phoenix237
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hmmm i dont know which is my fav zelda.  I guess it would have to be Wind Waker as i grew up with it, but i felt that skyward sword is a really great zelda game that not enough people give credit too. Ohh well still have to say Wind Waker because of nostalgia. 




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It's hard choosing your favorite out of the many amazing choices. But mine would have to be Zelda ALTTP. I have many fond memories with this game. It also has one of the best ending themes ever, along with wind waker and Twilight Princess.

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Majora's Mask- This is a game that has spawned many creepy pastas, and why not. Not only does it add a dark element, it also adds a sense of hopelessness. Think about it. You are facing an enemy that you can't beat alone. You can't stop what's coming, an you need to hurry in the time you have. Also as a bit of extra info, all the areas are based on the 5 stages of grief

Clock town-Denial:most of town folk are deny the coming danger

Swamp-Anger:Deku king blames monkey

Mountain-Bargaining:Dead and suffering try to bargain for a way out of their misary

Ocean-Depression: everyone's sad of someone's loss

Canyon-acceptance:the dead are everywhere


That explanation sent shivers down my spine. I love Majora's Mask, and knew that it was creepy, but I never knew how creepy until your explanation. Definitely one of the darker and more serious Zelda games. Then again most of the older games were XD. Well done.


I also love Majora's Mask's soundtrack. The Ikana Canyon theme is scary!



Anyways, I'm a huge fan of LoZ, and if I had to put the games in order I would say:


1. Wind Waker

2. Majora's Mask

3. Twilight Princess

4. Ocarina of Time

5. Minish Cap (don't hate me bro)

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I've only played a handful of the games, mostly the later ones, but I gotta say Twilight Princess. It has the best presentation and story though I hear Skyward Sword improves on that even more. I still need to get that.

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To my great shame, I've never actually beaten any of them, but I do really enjoy them. I think my favorite is either Wind Waker or Majora's Mask. I really loved the freedom of sailing in Wind Waker, and in Majora's Mask it just seemed like there was so much to do.

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To my great shame, I've never actually beaten any of them, but I do really enjoy them. I think my favorite is either Wind Waker or Majora's Mask. I really loved the freedom of sailing in Wind Waker, and in Majora's Mask it just seemed like there was so much to do.

Dude me neither, doesn't mean we can't say what our favorite was from what we HAVE played you know. Like, you can give your opinion on a cake after only a slice, you don't have to eat the whole cake. Not really sure why I'm making this post. I guess I felt like I owe it to the people who have beaten their favorite games. Maybe.

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I think my personal favorite has to be Wind Waker. The world was so open (even if it was mostly water); there was so much to explore. I enjoyed sailing around in Wind Waker more than flying around in Skyward Sword to be honest. 


Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess (I still miss Midna) are still high on my list though. 


Objectively, I think Skyward Sword is the best.

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I have honestly only played the first 2 and little Twilight Princess. However, I didn't play enough of Twilight Princess to actually judge it.


So I would say that my favorite is the original one, I really liked it. Adventure of Link was meh, didn't like the Dragon Quest-ish gameplay

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That explanation sent shivers down my spine. I love Majora's Mask, and knew that it was creepy, but I never knew how creepy until your explanation. Definitely one of the darker and more serious Zelda games. Then again most of the older games were XD. Well done.


I also love Majora's Mask's soundtrack. The Ikana Canyon theme is scary!



Anyways, I'm a huge fan of LoZ, and if I had to put the games in order I would say:


1. Wind Waker

2. Majora's Mask

3. Twilight Princess

4. Ocarina of Time

5. Minish Cap (don't hate me bro)

Hey the Minish Cap was a great audition to the series. It was a good handheld game that had gameplay that was nestolgic to those that played the original games.

As a bonus here are some interesting facts:

Did you know that in the first dungion you come across in the Minish Cap a mushroom enemy called Puffstool that shots spores at you, is actually a reference to an enemy in Pikmen which is a mushroom calle Puffstool that shots spores that infect your Pikmen to turn them against you.


Also about the canyon's dungion level in Majora's Mask, there is something interesting. The canyon's dungion theme notes sounds the same when played backwards. Cool considering that you have to revers the flow of gravity to complete the dungion.


Also the name Majora comes from an ancient brazilian tribe called the Marajoara, which made masks and tribal symbols similar to the ones seen in the Majora's Mask.


And this has been the facts of the day

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My all time favorite is Wind Waker. I just cannot get enough of that game. The sailing is awesome and just doing that alone was fun for me when I was younger. The style they chose to do it in is beautiful to me. and just the overall story is just awesome.


After that I'd have to say Majora's Mask is the next best. Just everything that surrounds it makes it amazing. All the background stuff on it adds a whole lot more to it as well.

Also the name Majora comes from an ancient brazilian tribe called the Marajoara, which made masks and tribal symbols similar to the ones seen in the Majora's Mask.

And this has been the facts of the day

And that just makes me love that game that much more.


Thank you for that neat fact, sir.


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My #1 favourite is Ocarina of Time. So many memories, such a fantastic game for it's time, it was mind blowing in 1998-1999. I still have a original Gold Cart N64 version which of course was originally my dad's since I was only 4 1/2 years old then. I have played through it over 8 times and it still doesn’t get old. My #2 favourite would be Skyward Sword. I thought the motion control was a lot of fun and made the game very immersive. I enjoyed the characters and boss battles, I enjoyed how long the game was as well. #3 would be Twilight Princess which I got not too long ago for $20, It is the only other Zelda game I have finished, Twilight Princess had some great music and felt pretty epic. I have yet to finish the Original Zelda, Zelda II, Link's Awakening DX, and the Minish Cap. I am excited for The Wii U Wind Waker Remake, can't wait to play Wind Waker after missing out all these years.

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best has to be hands down Links Awakening. Im auctally supprised no ones said this yet. 


Btw I beat ever Zelda game from N64/GBC and older with only the default 3 harts and 0 Deaths...

The girl falls in loves with Links and in a blink of a eye the entire works vanishes



the story line and ending music was amaszing


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Photo Finish,that's her name.

Makin' every-pony pretty is her number one game.

She do what she do, to make you more than you.

No-pony gonna care if what we share is true.

Cause lies are beautiful, the truth is not.

Come on little mare, you better shake that plot.

You know that's what they really all came to see.

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For me, it would be Twilight Princess. The atmosphere the game had was great, the gameplay was more than solid and it was never a bore to pay, nor was it tedious. The story itself was good too. Not great, but above most other games in the series. 


Plus, Midna is the best sidekick character ever. 

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My favorite one would have to be Ocarina of Time, mostly because it was the first I ever played. It blew my mind. 


I also liked Twilight Princess and the Oracle of Ages. But I haven't beaten Twilight Princess yet. ..Yet.  :ph34r:

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Having played most of them(with the exceptions of Oracle of Age and The Minish Cap), I'd say Skyward Sword, it did everything I wanted a Zelda game to do, with it being more a focused game than the others and the excellent motion controls(dat sword, and especially dat bow), it was definitely the most enjoyable title in the series for me- A Link to the Past is a very close second though, the world and difficulty were just perfect in that one.

  • Brohoof 1


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I have to say that Majora's Mask is probably my favourite game in the series, mainly because it took such a different turn on the storyline that we were so acustomed to. Basically pretty much all of them are to save someone, not that that's bad or anything.
But the best part of Majora's Mask is how dark and mysterious in the way it is presented, the story was dark and you always had that feeling of absolute demise hanging over you when you looked at that timer countig down the three days.

Now I know that Majora's Mask isn't the only dark Zelda game but, Twilight Princess...what can I say...it was dark graphically and not so much on the story and feeling.


My order of the games would be

1.Majora's Mask

2.Wind Waker

3.Twilight Princess

4.Skyward Sword

5.Phantom Hourglass


All the rest can come in any order. I still love all of them. ^_^


I'm I the only how thinks that Ocarina of Time is a pretty overrated game in the series. At the time it was one of the best games of that generation, but when I look back and play it today, it just feels so monotonous and boring, the landscapes don't really make me want to explore and just get on with the story.

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My top five:

5. A Link to the Past.  It was either the first or second Zelda game I ever played.  It was fun and I loved the music, but as a kid it just seemed too hard for me (and I never got to play it at all until a year or so after it came out on the gameboy)

4. Wind Waker.  It was one of the reasons I badly wanted a gamecube lol.  It had a good storyline (despite it confusing the timeline alot) and sailing the sea even just for no reason is still really fun :)

3. Ocarina of Time.  It's a classic :P  Although as a child I'd get scared of leaving kokiri forest because of the stalfos....  lol

2. Oracle of Ages.  The first Zelda game I owned and beat.  Love it mostly for nostalgia lol

2. Link's Awakening.  Best music ever (I used to make the girl sing for at least 5 minutes just to listen to the ballad of the windfish).  And I loved the storyline.  It was one of the first Zelda games I played 

1. Twilight Princess.  I loved the way everything looked and it had a good storyline :P  I loved the ability to use the sword on horseback too lol.  I'm kinda hoping they do a remake of OoT using this one's gameplay and graphics cause that would be pretty epic 

  • Brohoof 1

"Rest, my sister. As always, I will guard the night."


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Am I the only how thinks that Ocarina of Time is a pretty overrated game in the series. At the time it was one of the best games of that generation, but when I look back and play it today, it just feels so monotonous and boring, the landscapes don't really make me want to explore and just get on with the story.

I wouldn't say it's overrated, it used to be a collective fan-favorite, but as the people who grew with the Zelda series got older, it became clear that OoT wasn't AS great as it seemed. For me it's still my favorite, for the simple fact that no other Zelda game caught me like OoT did, and I'd play it any day, not something I can say for others in the series.

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Personal favorite is Majora's Mask. I loved how dark and psychedelic it was as well as the originality and how different from the other Zelda games it felt. It's a shame it often falls in the shadow of OoT which is good, but also pretty overrated in my opinion.


For the record, I have never played Windwaker, The Adventure of Link, Oracle of Time/Seasons, or the two DS games. Out of those I have played, the order goes a something like this:


1. Majora's Mask

Like I said, I loved the darker and psychedelic themes of the game. The clock system was really innovative and fun in my opinion. It really added a sense of imminent doom and actually made you feel for the characters. Also nothing beats swimming like a dolphin as a Zora!


2. Skyward Sword

Fantastic game. I loved the art style and the motion controls. The story was compelling and it was the longest Zelda to complete for me so far. The storytelling was much better than in previous Zelda games in my opinion. It is the only game in which I felt like I actually wanted to save Zelda. Not just to beat the game, but just for the sake of saving her. The only problem I have with the game is how the 3 main areas were disconnected from each other. It felt more like levels than an open world, which is a bit of a shame. And the sky didn't feel that big. It was mostly the main island, that other island with the pumpkins, the cloudy area and a bunch of scattered rocks. But overall it was still one of my favorite Zelda experience.


3. Link's Awakening

I realize that the main reason this game is so up in this list is probably mostly because of nostalgia. But I don't care. This was the first Zelda game I have ever played and I've loved it ever since. The story was different from thee classic formula, which is a good thing and the twist actually took me by surprise. I never beat the game when I was a kid, but I replayed it recently and realized how good of a game it is.


4. Ocarina of Time

I think that this game gets too much recognition. Yeah, it was innovative and it set the standard for all new Zelda games that came after, but I found the game as a whole to be too linear and predictable. Don't get me wrong, it's still an excellent game by all means, but I don't think that it's the best.


5. A Link to the Past 

People often mention it as the best Zelda game ever, but I just don't find it that special. To me it was underwhelmingly short and easy compared to the other Zelda games. The fact that I played OoT before playing ALttP probably set my expectations too high. It's a good game overall, but there's just nothing very special about it.


6. Twilight Princess

The graphics were really good at the time it was released, but they haven't aged too well. I think it tried too hard to bee gritty and dark. I mean, it was an alright game but it felt much more linear than the other games for some reason and that's something I disliked. Also, the wolf segments were only annoying and tedious at best. 


7. The Legend of Zelda

It took me a while just to get into the game. The game gives you virtually no indication of what you need to do and is really confusing without using a guide. The story is pretty much nonexistent except that you have to find pieces of the triforce and save some princess.Nonetheless, it was still fun to try to figure where to go next and draw a map to find out which areas you hadn't explored yet. It's a classic, but yeah... most subsequent games were better.


8. Minish Cap

I don't think it really is fair for me to put it at the bottom of this list seeing as I have never actually completed the game. But that's just it. At one point in the game I became bored, put it down and never played it again. It never happened with any other Zelda games (not even Zelda 1), hence why it's at the bottom of my list. I should probably give it another chance some other day.

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Majora's Mask. Not only is it my favorite Zelda game, but it's my favorite video game of all time. It's such an incredible, unique game.



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