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S03:E12 - Games Ponies Play


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I give you the best moment inn a animated gif. Has a satisfing Splat sound. Rainbows in the air.. and a funny looking rarity, lmao


Google "Any Gif Animator" thats how I make these








heres a better version of ya sig.. I quickly made it



Edited by MadDoggyca
  • Brohoof 2

Photo Finish,that's her name.

Makin' every-pony pretty is her number one game.

She do what she do, to make you more than you.

No-pony gonna care if what we share is true.

Cause lies are beautiful, the truth is not.

Come on little mare, you better shake that plot.

You know that's what they really all came to see.

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I'm still trying to decide whether Rarity or Rainbow Dash stole the show for this episode! Both had an interesting part to play and some killer lines to do with it... I'll give it to RD, but only because I'm trying to balance out my Rarity bias! :D

  • Brohoof 1

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


Signature by Midnightive

Check out my blog! https://mlpforums.com/blog/1083-sunny-side-den/

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I really like the Wild Mustang from Mustangia, she was so funny and she's actually kind of cute... :huh:

And Twilight not freaking out... she really needed that sort of character development imo, and all it took was Cadance showing her how to take a deep breath, a very small subtle thing that very well could of saved all of Equestria had Twilight had a psycho fit as a princess. :o

Also, Pinkie noooooo, Rainbow Dash noooooo, and before them Spike nooooooo, everypony is Darth Vader confirmed. :P

Edited by SBB64
  • Brohoof 2


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I'm going to say this again because it really has me confused.


I had a hard time hearing the group cheer, I heard "2,4,6,8", but it

sounded like I also heard "2, 7, 9, 3," or something like that, and I
wonder if that is supposed to be some pattern that only math geeks are
supposed to get.

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Weak premise, but very funny. Very much a typical Polsky episode, with a weak plot and decent characterization of the main characters at best(Pinkie making noices and funny sounds? She's been less infantile in her comedy with the baby Cakes for crying out loud.), but in return, a lot of good jokes overall.

"The meaning of life? Humans create their own meaning. They always strive onwards, upwards, to break the limits of their knowledge, the limits of their bodies capacities, and the limits of their technology.
We have to take the good with the bad. We created the nuclear bomb, but we also created penicillin."


Max Lundgren, Author, 1981         (Translated from Swedish)

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I would give this episode... we'll say 6.5/10. The plot device of one pony being mistaken for another has been used before in other shows, and I'm a little surprised that none of the mane cast thought to ask who Wild Mustang was until the last five minutes.


That being said, I did like how neatly the action of this episode begins and ends with relevant scenes from the previous episode, which means they could be edited together.


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Favourite parts of the episode; Rainbow's dad, wrong Games inspector, Pinkie Pie the tour guide, and a few other things.

Cadence seemed...different. Just didn't seem like the voice actress wanted to spend her time doing pony voices to me.

Also, I was kind of hoping to actually see the Equestria Games.

All in all, not a bad episode for me. 9.5/10

Edited by Guest
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i liked the episode. i dont think i can think too deep with this one. but here are some of my favorite highlights to the episode:


1. i laughed when you saw Twilights reaction to the havoc the critters were doing to Spike in the the house. And method of calming herself throughout the show. even when it wasnt working.


2. i liked when during Rainbow Dash's flashback you saw what could be her Father. now i know that her rainbow mane and spunk could be from him. (Me being a dad, of course)


3.the overall situation of mixing up the game inspector with a civilian was funny.


4.once again the Wilhelm Scream make an apperance on MLP! keep em comin creators!


5.Shining Armor's face when he relized Wild Mustang was flirting with him.


Overall it was an entertaining episode...now lets see what happens in the next episode. you know which one i mean!

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Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowee! This was definitely an episode that made laugh WAY too much. :lol: Given the recent Just for Sidekicks, I honestly find it rather surprising there was something that made me laugh more. I'm glad I was surprised. :D


This was an episode by, again, our good ol' pal Dave Polsky. Given his episodes which generally have at least ONE scene that makes you laugh... yeah... I shouldn't really be surprised. I've seen the people complain about the old plot used, but eh, I can't say I can make an opinion on that. When I watch an episode, I always try to remain silent, and not predict what I'm watching, regardless of what it may be. Hence why the "Oh snap!" feeling and shout was rather strong with the inspector mistake. ^_^ Anyway, this was an excellent episode for me. Keep on doing a good job Dave!


Now, let's go to the episode itself!


Once more, I felt the animation was looked so fluid I couldn't take my eyes off of it. It really is looking better, like I said before for Just for Sidekicks.


As for the characters, I can truly say that it was an interesting experience. We got Rainbow relative confirmed for one. Then, I think Tabitha St. Germain and Andrea Libman had LOTS of fun with Rarity and Pinkie respectively. ^_^ Speaking of them, I honestly thought Rarity would have had a bigger role, but I don't care. The faces and voices she did was more than enough for me. :mellow: And Pinkie was extra Pinkie today. You don't want to know how much I laughed at Pinkie's "Boingy, boingy, boingy". Seriously. I needed help. I just couldn't stop laughing. :lol: She probably took the whole issue as if it was a party itself and tried to be exactly as if it was exactly that. Though even I think she a teensy bit too far. But her boingy just... killed me of laughter. A typo of mine classified it as klaughter, AKA, killer laughter. It was exactly that. :lol: And also, Rarity's "THERE'S NO OTHER WAY!" was just too hilarious. Like a stylist, she treats any of these situations as a surgery. So... saving the tragedy sounds just too hilarious, even though I understand where she's coming from. ^_^


As for Rainbow Dash, I'd like to clarify something in here. EQD's Episode Followup mentioned a rather interesting detail about the episode, mentioned by Ashleigh Ball, the VA for Rainbow Dash and Applejack. How close it hit home with a lot of the staff, which is from Vancouver. Apparently, Vancouver had a similar situation like Cloudsdale in that they had posed as candidates for hosting for the Winter Olympic games of a certain year (can't really remember which), and lost. So, this was something that hit home by a lot. Rainbow represents the fact she, somewhat, put on her shoulders the future of the Crystal Empire, hosting the Equestrian Games. So basically, that's what her attitude had gone to. While you could consider it slightly out of character, especially her "taking the fault" dialogue at the end, I disagree. She literally had in her mind to be the leader of the inspector considering the Crystal Empire to be a good host. So if they failed, she'd take the fault, and wasn't going to let her friends suffer more for it. In the end, it goes to show how little did she want to see the, let's call it Cloudsdale "tragedy" again for the Crystal Empire and its citizens. She also used "Rare" as new canon nickname for Rarity. :wub: Her also saying that doing something for others was felt ALMOST as good as doing it for yourself is definitely something I'd expect Rainbow to say. ^_^


As for Twilight, I liked the whole " Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out" thing that Cadence taught her. Itn really made her look more... prepared for unexpected situations. Good job Cadence. :P And speaking of her, she did a rather good job at staying calm, although her almost crying at how her hair looked... well... I don't know if could say I understand, but I definitely said "Awwww, don't cry Cadence... Rarity will fix it!" (Rarity becomes Hair-it Rarity?)And also, Shining Armor as a friggin coach and doing that "Ewww" face when getting flirted by the lovable yellow mare was totally awesome and even hilarious. :lol:


Now, as for that certain lovable yellow mare and mistook inspector, she even bounced her way to the castle. That's good enough for me. She could be Pinkie's partner. :lol: Then she was claustrophobic. I TOTALLY didn't see that one coming, and it was rather interesting and hilarious to watch it with that. Finally, she can also be a friggin war siege and creak like a rusty link. She gets a like from me for sure. :P


And as for the real inspector, the fact she took an opinion from someone not related to the Cyrstal Empire actually makes quite a lot of sense. The less the biased the opinion, the better it serves for the purpose she wanted.


And finally Fluttershy... am I the only one who found her slightly... I don't know... slow? Maybe it's me, but I'm not sure... I mean her hoofbump with RD was totally cute but still...


And as an added, the connection with JFS which I had somewhat seen coming was nice. Then we had RD crashing into the glass, the friggin trimming DRILL, and Pinkie's tour guide. And Twilight's temporary hairstyle and almost having a friggin seizure. :lol:


All in all, this was a marvelous episode for me, and very hilarious too! Now... we have one left... let's see what the future is in store for us! :mellow:

  • Brohoof 2
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I loved it when the previous episode and this one was connected to each other. At first when I started the episode I thought I have started the wrong episode but then I realised that those where connected and you would se Main6 what they were doing.


My favorite moments in the episode: When Pinkie dramatically yelled "Nooooo" and "Yees" XD


Edited by RESHFF
  • Brohoof 2
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To be honest, I'm usually not nitpicky on things I watch,, unless I'm specifically looking for flaws. And I watched this episode just out of curiosity.

Yeah, I forgot when it actually came out, haha.


There are four things that marked me about it.


First, of course, RAINBOW DAD IS BEST DAD.

Second, Pinkie answering questions... it takes a while to get what she actually means, but I love it ROFL.

Third, the fandom now has a new character to ship Shining with. LET THE SAUCY FANART BEGIN!

And lastly, I was glad the actual inspector in the end decided to ignore HER troubles and base her judgment on the other mare's experience. Though, when you think about it, a good inspector does just that - (s)he tries not to let personal experience skew their decision.


Also this face.





Edited by Feather Spiral

I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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Dear, Princess Celestia.

Today I learned it's OK to be an ignorant, air headed, idiot because even if you are completely careless and half-ass your job you can expect everything to work out in the end as long as you are nice to people....?



Edited by Plowplot
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This episode was so great to me. I was freaking out through the whole thing when they picked up the wrong pony. I knew it wasn't the right one, well because a chicken for a cutie mark? Yeah no lol. But it seems to me that twilight has a new calming excercise. Just to calm her down. I noticed Shining armor and cadence were helping her too. Maybe just a family thing? Anyway my favorite part/scene has to be when rarity wasn't ready with cadence and she was raising her tone at twilight, haha! Quote: "There's no other way!!!" haha I almost died! But very good episode (:

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I enjoyed the episode, but I had to pause it 'cause I almost couldn't watch it after I found out they got the inspector wrong! I don't know why, I'm weird with stuff like that. I really don't know why.


But after the rest of the episode, I say it was alright. Maybe not the best, but I feel like I have an impaired judgement of season 3 because it's my first new season of MLP (I started watching right before the season finale of season 2, which I watched when it came out), and the show no longer has that new pony smell. I'm planning on rewatching the season though with the same open mindedness that I went into it with. Can't go wrong with that!


Wait for it...

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It was really fucking difficult but I finally managed to watch this episode from beginning to end. People say the character interactions save it or at least keep it from being too bad and sure, there are some nice interactions but seeing how it took me three attempts and four days to watch this episode without skipping ahead I think it's safe to say such moments amount to little. The plot is unengaging, utterly phoned in, and the resolution makes no sense. All I could think at first was "Really? Why even make an episode about this?!" If there's a good answer to that question, it isn't to be found here. They shot themselves in the foot with this premise. It would take true skill to make one give a damn about whether or not The Crystal Empire got to host the games, given that the games haven't been mentioned until now. But that's not the worse part; this episode takes a bad premise and manages to find an even worse way to execute it. Let me ask, what did the misunderstanding that formed the central conflict of this episode reveal about any of the characters? Did it come from a meaningful place? Did anything meaningful result? Was it at least funny? If you answered yes to the last question that's fair enough, as much as I disagree. As for the three questions before it the answer is an emphatic no and the episode ends up excruciatingly vapid as a result. And Princess Cadence! She rarely gets to appear and now there's an episode with her in a good portion of it yet she doesn't get to do a damn thing! With all that said what a shocker it is that Dave Polsky helmed this episode. Every ounce of goodwill he built up with me from Keep Calm and Flutter On is gone, the man's a hack who never should have returned after his god-awful season one episodes.

Edited by ByTheTides
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It was really fucking difficult but I finally managed to watch this episode from beginning to end. People say the character interactions save it or at least keep it from being too bad and sure, there are some nice interactions but seeing how it took me three attempts and four days to watch this episode without skipping ahead I think it's safe to say such moments amount to little. The plot is unengaging, utterly phoned in, and the resolution makes no sense. All I could think at first was "Really? Why even make an episode about this?!" If there's a good answer to that question, it isn't to be found here. They shot themselves in the foot with this premise. It would take true skill to make one give a damn about whether or not The Crystal Empire got to host the games or not, given that the games haven't been mentioned until now. But that's not the worse part; this episode takes a bad premise and manages to find an even worse way to execute it. Let me ask, what did the misunderstanding that formed the central conflict of this episode reveal about any of the characters? Did it come from a meaningful place? Did anything meaningful result? Was it at least funny? If you answered yes to the last question that's fair enough, as much as I disagree. As for the three questions before it the answer is an emphatic no and the episode ends up excruciatingly vapid as a result. And Princess Cadence! She rarely gets to appear and now there's an episode with her in a good portion of it yet she doesn't get to do a damn thing! With all that said what a shocker it is that Dave Polsky helmed this episode. Every ounce of goodwill he built up with me from Keep Calm and Flutter On is gone, the man's a hack who never should have returned after his god-awful season one episodes.

I think you're being a little too harsh. Want character development? How about some RD backstory and family added? (Simultaneously jossing positive acres of fan speculation) How about a crushing disappointment she want to spare others from, taking her further from being self-centered and showing that she is a pony who cares about others?


How about Twilight learning to take a deep breath and calm down instead of wigging out when things don't go perfectly according to plan? And that's just what I thought of when rewatching the first 5 minutes of the episode. True, it does not come from the "the misunderstanding that formed the central conflict", but when has the central conflict ever been more important than the Mane 6 characters we love to watch?


It's not a perfect episode by any means, but certainly not one that should be relegated to the trashpile. Give it another chance or two.

Edited by Full Spectrum
  • Brohoof 1

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


Signature by Midnightive

Check out my blog! https://mlpforums.com/blog/1083-sunny-side-den/

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It was a fun episode, but i still can't get over that there are only gonna be 13 episodes in season 3! I started watching mlp at season 3 episode 7, and i really wanted to experience 18 live episodes! Anyways, Happy hearts and hooves day everypony!


Also, did anyone refer the part where rainbow goes flying at hits the glass to the  tf2 meet the medic video at the beginning? I did, being the tf2 addict i am! XD

Edited by Ducksquack

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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@ByTheTides: remember its a children's cartoon and being that rash about it is going totally out of your way. I admit sometimes an episode can be a little dull at times, but its always a good thing to watch. There is always something good to say about it regardless. These last two were such. But I liked them anyway.

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It would of been funnier if the yellow mustang was saying she was a "wiiiiild mustang" as in she's wild in the hay to Shining Armor which was my initial thought but remembered this was a kid's cartoon. XD.


Clopfics go!

Edited by poniesforfun


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I loved this episode. For once, Twilight didn't panic when something went wrong! Also Cadence, Shinning Armor, and little Dashie were in there as well! :D Watching Twilight being able to handle everything (even though it goes all wrong! XD) seeing her calm when panic is rising shows me that she is ready to become a Princess on Saturday. Did anyone else think that? Or was it just me? :)

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