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The fandom and its downfall.


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I also would like to point out that really, we popped into existance very VERY quickly.


For instance, Whovians weren't really a major fandom force (to my knowledge) until Moffat rebooted the show.


Of course their were Whovians before that, but they didn't have an impact on popular culture like they do now.


In America, perhaps. In England and the like, the Doctor Who fandom was significant before the new series. And by-the-by, it wasn't Moffat that rebooted it, it was Russell T. Davies and it's technically not a reboot as it is a continuation. The original serials and even the Fox TV movie still occurred in cannon.

  • Brohoof 2


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In America, perhaps. In England and the like, the Doctor Who fandom was significant before the new series. And by-the-by, it wasn't Moffat that rebooted it, it was Russell T. Davies and it's technically not a reboot as it is a continuation. The original serials and even the Fox TV movie still occurred in cannon.

Thanks for the info!


I honestly didn't know that.


I do know, however, that Moffat has had a BIG influence on the show.


I'm actually not a Whovian, but you can't go three clicks on Tumblr without finding a dozen, so I've developed a knowledge of the show through that.

Christian, Brony, Classic Rock nerd, film fanatic, and all around geek.




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It helps in all of those cases that there was periodically new content to keep the fandom alive. I think it may be harder with MLP.

Unless Hasbro does something really stupid like canning FiM in the near future, we won't have to worry about that for a while. Not to mention the new comic series, this new IP and the TV movie. There's plenty of content to come. The quality is TBD, but it's potential.


Then there's also this:



The beauty is that we make our own content. We could theoretically become a self-sustained fandom.

  • Brohoof 2


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It helps in all of those cases that there was periodically new content to keep the fandom alive. I think it may be harder with MLP.


True, but if the fourth season does well, then we'll probably get more.


Let's just hope everything works out in the end.


Better to have the show end on an AWESOME high note then go the way of Spongebob....

Christian, Brony, Classic Rock nerd, film fanatic, and all around geek.




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It helps in all of those cases that there was periodically new content to keep the fandom alive. I think it may be harder with MLP.


Now that the Boom happened, this maybe the start of MLP being a major media franchise again. like Scooby Doo. They might keep up doing all ages MLP stuff now that the market for it exists   



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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Thanks for the info!


I honestly didn't know that.


I do know, however, that Moffat has had a BIG influence on the show.


I'm actually not a Whovian, but you can't go three clicks on Tumblr without finding a dozen, so I've developed a knowledge of the show through that.


Moffat's the current head writer and has been for three years, and wrote several episodes prior to that, but Davies was the head writer for five years before Moffat took over.


No biggie. ^_^ If you don't follow the show yourself, the ins and outs and all the details are easy to get lost in. It's the longest-running Sci-Fi series in existence, with this year being the 50th anniversary of the first episode (November 1963). With that span of time, there's *lots* of stuff to get lost in.


Star Trek and Doctor Who fandom have a lot to teach Bronies, if they care to listen. We've been through many a rough time, with cancelations, reboots, and the like, and both kept the fandoms alive when all that was available was fan-produced content. The stuff with Hasbro? We've been there with Paramount buying up Desilu Studios for Star Trek. The anti-Bronies and Fox News? We've been there with Mary Whitehouse and Michael Grade for Doctor Who.


Trust me, this stuff we're going through right now? We'll survive. The biggest problem Bronies have right now is that we've grown so fast that it's easy to think it can fall apart just as fast. Stick with it, and it *will* work out.

  • Brohoof 1


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I was going to post about why I disagree with that entry, but honestly what's the point? 

People have their opinions, and i'm totally fine with that. But don't go bashing and hating on everyone who thinks differently from you, and by Celestia dont make such a big deal about it. To me all i'm getting from that is the sheer amount of attention seeking this person seems to be doing by hating on his own fandom.


Now, to completely contradict myself - i'm going to go and imagine me punching them in the face for a few hours.

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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It helps in all of those cases that there was periodically new content to keep the fandom alive. I think it may be harder with MLP.


Not really. The content for Doctor Who during it's 16 year hiatus was pretty much all fan-produced. (Including the Fox TV Movie, which to fans is as much 'cannon' as Picture Perfect Pony is to MLP. :P )


The original Star Trek was only three years long, and that last year was short. From there the gaps were all about 5-6 years long with momentary blips on the screen until Next Gen started up a little less than 20 years since the original series was cancelled.


I think MLP can survive, if Bronies hold on and don't give up so easily. ;)

  • Brohoof 1


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it's more neigh than we think?




Now I know this isn't exactly and totally true....but....well most of it.


Really today they called me a "whiny bitch that should leave the fandom and nobody would care"  on EQUESTRIA DAILY because I stated my opinion about the mane6 shutdown and the twilicorn new toyline


what the hell?? 4chan is way less agressive than that thing XD


so what are your thoughts? 



:edited the useless things out:

Well I read it and I have to agree with him on the part on clopers and the part on brony music. First of all I don;t care if you're a clopper, what you like to whack off to is not of my interests. Second, most brony music does suck. It's always some EDM remix shit or some soft spoken acoustic stuff. There should be more pony grindcore, pony death metal, pony black metal, etc. Seriously, some pony doom metal would be pretty epic. Depressing, fuzzy and about pegusi that can do magic.

However this fandom won't die anytime soon. Just look at Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Pokemon, Naruto, etc.

Edited by Neighvana666
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The majority of Bronies Love and Tolerate and act perfectly sane. The fact that there is a percentage who are going crazy should not be a mirror of the fandom as a whole.

The flame wars with clopping are often led by a few out spoken individuals while the rest of us either ignore it or try to act polite about it if we do bring it up. 


Besides, for some it can sometimes be slightly fun to over react. Just like the people who keep saying "It's the end of the fandom" are over reacting. 


How is this fandom going to collapse? Really? We are united by the show and our liking of it, and as long as we have that common interest the fandom will survive. 


We may hit rocks, we may have falling outs. But the fact remains that as long as we like the show Bronies will live on. Because that's the core of the fandom, we all like the show.


Suppose the fandom does "Collapse." Will that stop me from liking the show? Will that stop my Fan-fiction writing or Pony art? Will that stop me from enjoying the show? Will that stop me from talking about it with friends? Will that stop me from hanging out with Brony friends?


No and most Bronies are the same as me in that regard.

We will not stop enjoying MLP because the "Fandom collapses" if it does we will rebuild. Because we are here first and foremost because we like My Little Pony Friendship is Magic.

Edited by Firelord Derpy
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I'd just like to point out that this kind of thing happens ALL THE TIME in the furry fandom.  It's a large part of the reason I'm not active in it anymore.  No matter where you go, you're going to end up with an arrogant jerk who thinks he can speak on behalf of everyone and spread hatred and intolerance.  And he's usually going to have a few cronies that'll agree with him unconditionally and make it look like he actually DOES speak on behalf of the whole fandom.


In my experience, people like this only exist to stir up drama.  I'm sorry you got hit by it, especially after such a traumatic event (my condolences!).  From what I've seen here so far, the community on these forums seems much more tightly knit and supportive, and speaking for myself if nothing else, I sincerely hope you'll stick it out and continue to enjoy our company.

If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself, then make a change.

-- Michael Jackson

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Who cares if Hasbro is retarded? Who even cares if they make permanent changes to the show that Bronies don't like.




Do I need to remind everyone that Rarity became an alicorn in season one and nobody whined about it. Derpy has been permanently removed, but she's still all over the fandom. This can only affect us if we want it to!

  • Brohoof 5


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

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The episode hasn't even come out yet.

I don't know why I must keep repeating myself, but why can't we all have a little faith in M.A.Larson yeah?  If anyone can pull it off, it's this person right here.  This is the person who brought us the Mane 6's past and Discord here!

  • Brohoof 2



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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An entire website about Hating

Looks like they haven't heard the phrase Haters Gonna Hate

He's not a real brony

A brony never hates other bronies

A brony loves and tolerates

A brony respects other bronies


  • Brohoof 3


"Even the quitiest person could be the most outspoken one"-My OC

"Not knowing is the best surprise of all"-My OC

Add me on PSN,Fatal Crest_777

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An entire website about Hating

Looks like they haven't heard the phrase Haters Gonna Hate

He's not a real brony

A brony never hates other bronies

A brony loves and tolerates

A brony respects other bronies


its not as if he is spouting hater bullshit. He actually made some valid points. I think some things he said actually made sense to me. 

  • Brohoof 1

"her her gurs i liek flutershoos. she so cuti gurs." "wurt did i tell u gurs abut staing out mi shad?" yFzkMLM.gif



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Every fan base has its less than appealing members. I mean, Pokemon has the genwunners. Really, for sensible Pokemon fans like myself, I like to give each and every one a chance before passing final judgment instead of saying "It's not Gen 1. It's trash." Anyway, I'm off topic here. As much as I would like for us to be the exception, we have members who the general public finds annoying. They just don't see the forums because I'm sure the largest traffic to come through here is fans of MLP. YouTube isn't the best place to go to find normal bronies who talk about things OTHER THAN My Little Pony. But really, I have to agree with the blogger who made the post. However, I don't think that the fan base is going to just dissolve anytime soon because there are plenty of us who like to make this fan base strong and we do things to keep it that way. Me? Well I LOVE ponies, but they're not my life. I mean, if I want to get someone interested in the show, I tell them some of the things I like about it (which is generic among fans of the show) and suggest we watch it. If he/she doesn't want to, then I don't freak out. It's the people who do that make the general public look at us like we're a bunch of loons (for lack of a better term). In any case, I think we have a strong fan base here and we're not going anywhere anytime soon. Seriously. Just look at the resilience of the Twihards and Potterheads (opinion on which is better shall be withheld). You'd think that after so many Potter fans bashed the Twilight lovers that they'd be gone or just underground by now but they're still around. Surely we can mimic that.

  • Brohoof 1

I refuse to let go until you're impressed.
I refuse to let go until I'm depressed.
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While I will agree that the fandom does has it's share of detractors, so does every fanbase, it's unavoidable. With cloppers, people just need to just ignore it, if someone likes it then don't go badgering them about it since it should be none of your concern, every fanbase has people that gets turned on by these. There are other things, such as Derpygate and killing Fighting is Magic, that people just need to drop; yes I know it sucks, I've been dying to play Fighting is Magic since I saw the first gameplay footage, but attacking Hasbro/the staff/each other will just make these things worse, in the end the best thing to do is forget, even if it's rough. As for the Alicorn Twilight, you must remember that no one was expecting FiM to be as popular as it is now, and they were likely going to end it by the third season anyway, but because of it's explosion in popularity, Hasbro decided to keep it going strong. While I do agree that this change will be a difficult one to swallow, you should all calm down and have faith in the writers, it's likely just as difficult for them as it is for the fans, but in the end if everyone holds on I more inclined to believe that everything will be fine

  • Brohoof 1
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The biggest thing to realize about the brony fandom is that there is no central hub of bronies.  You got users of MLPforums, EQD and many other smaller websites here and there.  I've not been able to notice anypony who uses multiple communitie simultanously (or rather one after the other) so the results will vary depending on the website.

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The biggest thing to realize about the brony fandom is that there is no central hub of bronies.  You got users of MLPforums, EQD and many other smaller websites here and there.  I've not been able to notice anypony who uses multiple communitie simultanously (or rather one after the other) so the results will vary depending on the website.

I will surely highly avoid Equestria Daily from now on, or at least it's comment section, made me really jump for real...I mean come on that's ridiculous


for now everything is in stall with tons of raging fans waiting for a response of Hasbro's C&D while the mane6 are quiter than ever before, I can't wait to see the shitstorm.

  • Brohoof 1
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After calming down a little - I can safely state my opinion now without fear of myself exploding. 


I honestly don't think the fandom CAN collapse, at least not as people are making out. Sure, it may die off, eventually. But with so many bronies like myself, MLP is a part of my daily life - not in the way that I sit and watch the show the whole time, but in the way that some of the messages from the show have seriously changed my outlook on things, and generally I try to be a better person after watching the show. I've also made a few friends from watching MLP - (non IRL, but still counts right?) so I really don't think the entire fandom will die because of one unaired episode - not unless they pull something like 343i did with Halo anyway. 

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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I'm pretty much open to whatever episode comes out. When I heard about what happened in the season finale, I was soooo stoked. The reason why some bronies over react is because even though they're very open, they sometimes cannot accept some ideas. This is dangerous because it contradicts with their open-mindedness. This is why some bronies are insulted because they complain too much when an idea that they cannot accept is presented. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I seem to be a minority in my opinion on the subject, but I've been really excited ever since I heard of Twilight becoming an Alicorn. Personally, I think it will be a great move for the show, and open up so many new possibilities. I have a question about the whole thing though. Please, do not take offense. It's just curiosity. I'm not judging anyone or male bashing! Is there a gender gap issue causing all the strife? Is it just that male Bronies feel betrayed by a female character ascending? It is playing on the whole "Girls wanna be Princesses" thing, after all. Would the fandom be okay if it was Spike who suddenly grew wings?

  • Brohoof 3


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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I get the impression it's nothing to do with the predominantly female cast. I think people feel that having Twilight turn into an alicorn and a princess will forever alter her character and break up the Mane 6, and change the show too much from what they've enjoyed.


Frankly, I'm looking forward to seeing what they do with this. They have an opportunity to show that Alicorns Are Ponies Too. :)

  • Brohoof 1

If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself, then make a change.

-- Michael Jackson

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