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S03:E13 - Magical Mystery Cure



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This episode clearly evokes a lot of emotions among fans.

I personally love this episode but I can see the arguments from others. I knew Twili would become an Alicorn someday and would also take Celestia's place but I didn't know it would happen that early. I really love the songs in this in this musical episode. The sheer ratio of beautiful songs to runtime is amazing.

This episode should have really been a two parter. This would have helped with the passing a lot.

As far as I understand people have been spoiled by the ending before the episode aired. I can understand the bad taste which leaves that. I started so late with MLP Fim and I watched Tridashies Friendship is Musical series before I started the series. So I was also spoiled but I also have to admit even without spoiling I would have known that Twili get promoted to an Alicorn some day. I just didn't know when it would happen and I haven certainly not thought it would be so early.

There also some problems with the plot  but this is something I can forgive. Even in some series/movies produced with a far superior budget I have seen problems like this. So I certainly will not start to criticize MLP FiM for such problems. But yes, they are there.

So nothing is perfect, but I still love this episode ^_^

  • Brohoof 1


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I'm well aware that this episode was very controversial due to Twilight becoming a alicorn at the time. However, after the watching the episode myself, I don't think it wasn't as bad as people are making it out to be. Sure, it was rushed, but I blamed on Hasbro's corporate mandates more than the show's staff.

The songs are great, especially Find a Way. The story was wired, but it was well handled. The callbacks are a lot of fun. Finally, Twilight becoming a princess is probably the best accomplishment that she ever had in this show. To be honest with you, I personally don't mind Twilight becoming a alicorn from the very beginning because she learned the valuable lesson about friendship. Also, just because she turning into an alicorn, doesn't mean her personality is going to change. She still the same Twilight I know and love. It's such a shame that the fanbase don't seems to get it. I know it's old news, but I just had to let this out.

Although I do agree with some people that Twilicorn is such a marketing ploy on Hasbro's part just shill out more toys. It doesn't help that they announced Equestria Girls around that same time, but hey, what can ya do?

Edited by JMTV99
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  • 8 months later...
  • 2 months later...
On 2021-12-18 at 9:46 PM, phantompone1148 said:

I loved this one! Tho, my only problem is that why did they choose to make Twi an alicorn/princess now? I think they should have waited till Season 4. I wished this season was longer.



Because she showed beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was ready for it. 

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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 year later...

This is the first time I've watched this in full as far as I can remember. I cried when I watched it, it's so impactful and I love it so much. It should have been a two parter, though.



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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I adored the fact that this episode was a musical. All the songs were great, with "A True, True Friend" being one of my favourites in the entire show.

Let's talk about the Alicorn in the room: I have always thought that Twilight becoming a Princess was an incredible moment for her character. I still love it dearly. Looking back on it, I think this episode should've been split into two parts. I feel like the transition would've been a lot smoother if that were the case.

I don't think this episode is perfect, but I still enjoyed it a ton. :)

  • Brohoof 3

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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On 2023-10-15 at 8:40 AM, Cash In said:

I adored the fact that this episode was a musical. All the songs were great, with "A True, True Friend" being one of my favourites in the entire show.

"A True, True Friend" is still among my favorite song of the serie. :pinkie: This episode had some amazing songs but they kind of had no choices but to make great song as the musical format heavily rely on them for quick exposition and resolution. If it would've been a two parter (like most people think it should), I don't think they would've been as great, or even there at all.

On 2023-10-15 at 8:40 AM, Cash In said:

Let's talk about the Alicorn in the room: I have always thought that Twilight becoming a Princess was an incredible moment for her character. I still love it dearly.

It was the logical conclusion to her story, that's for sure. I like what they did there, but I still think they should've made her an Alicorn *later* in the serie, maybe as soon as the end of S4, after her fight against Tyrek. It wasn't setup properly in the season (which in itself isn't that great for a setup because of its length), the episode feels rushed to a conclusion that doesn't really make sense in fact of the accomplishement of Twilight up until now. :sunbutt:

In retrospect, and with everything that happened in the later seasons, Twilight character arc doesn't make a whole lot of sense. The progression should've (well more like could've) been :

Twilight Student of Celestia (at the start) -> Twilight Element of Magic (after ep 1&2) -> Twilight "Graduating" from being Celestia's student (after S3, instead of becoming and Alicorn)

Then, the finale of S4 could stay the same. Unicorn Twilight gets the magic of the Princesses, becomes an Alicorn by the same fact and beat Tyrek with the magic box (anything box of harmony related doesn'T really need her to be an Alicorn). She gets her new "Castle", but after she gives the princesses their magic back, she returns to being a Unicorn.

After that we get the Cutie Map, Starlight arc, Multiverse travel, Starlight "reformation", all the things in S6 & S7, all of which, again, don't need Twilight to be an Alicorn, a Princess or anything but part of the Elements of Harmony.

Then she would start the school at S8 (I would argue that the school could've been in S7 and all the stuff with the ancient heroes and the pony of shadow could've been S8), become Headmare, do all the thing up to S9, where she finally becomes an Alicorn, becomes the Princess of Friendship (with all other princesses there too, no retirement stuff), and let Starlight become Headmare. So the end result is (almost) the same, but everything more properly paced. Becoming a princess should've been the end move, not the 33% mark.

Thank you for joining me on this impromptu Ted Talk. :lostit::mlp_laugh:

Edited by Hadrien
  • Brohoof 2
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11 hours ago, Hadrien said:

It was the logical conclusion to her story, that's for sure. I like what they did there, but I still think they should've made her an Alicorn *later* in the serie, maybe as soon as the end of S4, after her fight against Tyrek. It wasn't setup properly in the season (which in itself isn't that great for a setup because of its length), the episode feels rushed to a conclusion that doesn't really make sense in fact of the accomplishement of Twilight up until now. :sunbutt:

Agreed. When you look at the nine season run, it does feel like the ascension could've happened later on.

With context, I do understand why they did it here, since at this point they didn't know if FiM would even get another season. They probably want to have an open end to Twilight's arc, just in case the show ended after this.

  • Brohoof 2

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...


This is truly one of the milestones of the series, the music, the story, yes everything!

I hope you have nothing against my "directed" opinion.

Everypony is of course completely free to think what they want. But surely it is beautiful, with my song?


 MLP Fan since ~ G3 Avatar credit: AW, Signature credit: The Batfang, Tiwake.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

This episode is so controversial for so many fans. So let's talk about it. The episode itself is primarily a musical and with how strong the music is in the show, it's no surprise that it knocks it out of the park on every song. 10/10. When I first watched the episode, I felt sad because I was concerned for the show's future. Looking back on it now, It makes me cry because it's so nostalgic. The songs are so impactful that it's hard not to cry after Celestia's Ballad. With the season being so short, I agree that it should've been longer -- a two-parter if not a series special for how much this impacts everything moving forward. However, given that the season is so short, (due to FiM having met their contracted number of episodes before deciding upon renewal). Originally, I wasn't sure how I felt about alicorn!Twilight, but I ended up loving her all the more. The way the series handles her progression into the final season makes this transition abrupt, but not unwelcome looking back.

My main issue with it is the way it happened. Twilight accomplishes so much in the prior 3 season premieres/finales that this feels like a footnote in comparison which, with such a major change in such a comparably minor episode, it's easy to miss it if you weren't avidly watching. I think it's easy in hindsight to say this episode was weak, but I also think it was meant to serve as a finale or, if renewed, (as I'm guessing they did not have a definitive answer before completing the episode) a new start. They left it open to a return to the series or a final chapter for Twilight. Looking at it like that, I'm not sure what else could have been done except subtract an episode from the prior season to add to a two-part finale. Given how long animation, recording, and editing all of it takes, I'm not sure how much they knew the impact the show would have when it was initially completed. I don't think MLP has had a show this successful ever so it's possible they weren't planning on more than the standard 65-something episodes. 

Having said all of the above...with hindsight and foresight of where the series continues...8/10 (in my opinion.)


⋆.˚⟡ Know that your time is coming soon. As the sun rises, so does the moon.  As love finds a place in every heart: You are a princess, you'll play your part. ⋆.˚⟡
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  • 4 weeks later...

This one could benefit from being a two-parter. But it doesn't really need to be... The Best Night Ever in Season 1 isn't a two-parter either. Neither episode is one with massive, world-altering stakes (like the villain conquering Canterlot, the Crystal Empire, or the entirety of Equestria). Celestial Advice (the Season 7 premiere) isn't a two-parter either; it focuses on Twilight's role as a mentor and Starlight's growth after Season 6. The Last Problem (the series finale) functions as an epilogue; the season's main conflict has already been resolved, so it doesn't need to be titled The End of the End Part 3.

I wouldn't say this one is the greatest of the season premieres & finales, but it does its job.

M.A. Larson has said that he wrote the episode as a potential series finale, in case Hasbro pulled the plug. MMC happens to be the series' 65th episode, which some networks have considered an optimal time to release a show for syndication. Disney Channel was known for this, but other networks would do it too (MLP G1 is a show that ended at the 65 episode mark).

So, alicorn Twilight is clearly supposed to be an ending of sorts. It's certainly better than stopping with a random slice of life episode. In the same way that Celestia and Luna handing over the throne is a logical conclusion at the end of Season 9, "promoting" Twilight to alicorn princess seems logical after Season 3.


Signature by Kyoshi

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