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private Equestria Divided Roleplay


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@@AnonBrony,@@Nightfall, @@The-Master, @@Sky Warden,


House Whitegold - Manehatten - Military Hospital - Cunning's room


The vice general remained stoic on the outside, but was a little shocked on the inside. He resisted the urge to shake his head in exasperation. "That is possible, but only if you go through military training first. Perhaps if you have a gift in the tactics course, then it will speed it up," he said truthfully. Normally he would've lied, but decided it was best not to lie.


House Whitegold - Manehatten - Carriage/High Profile building in the Arcane District


After recovering from the peculiar feeling of terror, a prateorpony closed the door on the carriage and took his position in the back. The ones at the front began to pull off, along with the pony pulling Dusk's cart. Rarity began to eat, but then she stopped and took out a folder of papers that contained schedules, a map, and other things. "Here, I prepared this for you last night," she said. In reality, it was some other pony who did it.


"Now regarding our project's capabilities, my arcanists will be adding their own magic to it. Illusion magic to be specific. Tell me, are there things the machine can do to the illusions that couldn't be done before? And some other spells that can allow it to do various things as well," she asked.


He looked at her, then at the folder. He reached out for the folder as Rarity held it.

"I'm no master of illusion magic, and to be honest I haven't seen much illusion magic. But I assume that I could configure the machine to use illusion magic to run. Maybe even then, it can produce more power than before. But I'll need to run some tests."


Rarity nodded in agreement. "Yes. They will give you demonstrations. Keep in mind that the arcanists you'll be meeting will be high-leveled illusionists. Their illusion magic, at best, is about as real as a full color photograph. At worst, they're like the most picturesque of paintings." She paused to take another bite out of her food. "And then we also have that unicorn. I imagine she has a variety of spells at her disposal. I'm certain her magic will give more power to the project. And can you make it so that non-unicorns can use the spells in this machine?" she asked.


"There is no doubt of that, milady. The non-unicorns will need to be there in ponyson to operate the machine, however. That is the only, er- downside, for lack of a better word."

He started eating his own breakfast, remarking in his head how good the food was.


The elegant unicorn was not at all concerned about the disadvantage. She only wanted to know if it could be operated by all pony races(other animals included). "I see combat is out of the way. Now, how about ways this can be used for espionage? Could you perhaps create miniature versions of this that can aid in espionage?" They were getting rather close to their destination now.


"It would be very hard, but it may be indeed possible. Much more research would be needed."

He finished his food quite quickly, but not rudely. 


"Then everything is in order now," Rarity said as they pulled up to the entrance of the high profile building. A prateorpony went to drop off the machine in room 6A, along with instructions for the head arcanist. 


Meanwhile, Rarity and Dusk were led by a guide to the room that held their "volunteer". The guide opened the door to reveal one angry-looking unicorn. 


Dusk followed Rarity, and Rarity alone. When they reached the room, he stood off to the side, expecting her to at least start the questioning.


Star Rain - Manehatten - Arcane District - High profile building - Office room


Star Rain turned to face the new arrivals with anger, but instead met them with surprise. What? How does that unicorn have... are those CRYSTALS?! She was taken aback a bit by the unicorn's beauty, but even more at the crystals covering half her body. 


"Have a seat, Star Rain," she said sweetly, gesturing the chair in front of the desk. "I prefer to stand," Star answered back rather angrily. "Hm... Very well then dearie," the unicorn answered back with no emotion at all. Call me that again and I'll kill you! She moved to take a seat across from where Star was sitting. "Now, tell me a bit about yourself, Star Rain," she asked softly.


Complete silence followed.


House Whitegold - Manehatten - Arcane District - High profile building - Room 6A


After the prateorpony dropped the covered machine off at the room, the top arcanist took the paperwork and read some of it aloud. Most of it was rules, like not telling anypony about this project and no interacting with the volunteer. She also added that all the arcanists presented in the room are ordered to pour their illusion magic into the machine.

  • Brohoof 3

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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Manehatten - Undercity



Spell would think about something for a second, when she would stand up and go to the room where Eternity leaved his stuff. She wrote  a quick note and put some simple anti-stealing charms on the room, so no one would nag anything while they’re gone, she when would take the rest of her things, hide the amulet again and follow down, ready to leave.

She has too much stuff to do and with Lightning not by her side, she just can’t sit around waiting for the, it was incredibly boring for her – and she hater boring things, especially when boredom grows into waste of time and ignorance.


She would look at Golden Dawn while she was going to the door, she didn’t really know how she possibly could knew him, but that was not as important right now, as the things she has to do next. In fact, it could not be important at all, it could be just a “fake” Déjà vu, which happen with people sometimes. Still, they both knew each other names… she just didn’t had a clear idea, but she wouldn’t trash her head with it for now.


The very first matter of business for her would be to either find someone who could help with the whole Twilight thing, or someone who could help her with finding what she needed. Asking Golden Dawn about it yielded pretty much no results, so she is on her own. Again. She was used to adults being not very resourceful, by this point. Especially when it comes to reading and or being sensible. 


(OOC: Also PM reply)

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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Manehatten - Undercity - Random Tavern

@Spell Shock,

"Wait," the stallion called, "I may know who we can talk to that could help you find a dragon forge." The stallion was taking some risk, mostly because revealing how he knew such could tell the young filly of who he worked for. Yet he continues and says softly walking to stand next to Spell, "There are those that have dragons as allies, though they have mostly stayed out of all this," moving his hoof around them as if to suggest the conflict of the Houses was keeping dragons away.



House Earthborn - The Road South



@Vedanta Purity

@Archi the Sandworm,

"Um... Miss Scootaloo, what would it take for you to believe me," the mare asked a bit uncertain, having listened to what the other had said on loyalty and warning that her possible actions could lead to her being cast out or killed. She didn't want anymore harm to come to others, yet she knew so many more would before this war was over. She had seen other ponies with a darkness and anger like the one before her and she had seen how it could ruin their lives, and yet all that needed to be said on that was said by the other.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Manehatten - Undercity - Random Tavern



I do not need dragons, I just need the location. But, I guess… I have a few bits and bobs I could exchange for help. I guess, magical study is always useful, especially when you can yield some results. – Spell replied, looking at him – Just as a side note, I trust you, but because I feel I can. If I can’t and it’s just a feeling, believe me – I might be small, but you do not want to make me angry. After all, poison joke is deadliest in the early stages of its life.


She would trust him, but with fair bit of precaution and letting him understand what she will not tolerate being screwed over in any way shape or form. She didn’t liked when someone took advantage of her, so she would really be kind of against such a behavior in her direction. She was thinking if it would be worth getting involved with a house, but she had little choice – it’s either this or going through a few not pleasant places alone.


No doubt she could make it, but she didn’t want to kill. At least not herself, it was a moral issue for her, self-defense with a lethal accident in the end. Killing, murdering wasn’t things she took lightly, through she got used to them after everything what happened in her life.



Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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House Stormwing - The Road back North



“Honour…” Scootaloo did not turn her head to face the stallion, looking off far across the fields of Earthborn. “Near a millennia ago the Codes of Battle were written by the High Commanders of the Pegasi, codes which we strive to uphold. We judge our enemy accordingly, whether they be deemed honourable or simply insects to be swatted aside. Everfree has not earned the right to honourable battle; their dirty tactics and foul play have sealed their fate. In respect the Codes of Battle do not apply to them. We are permitted to use any means necessary to defeat them. Rainbow made me study the codes until I was exhausted, memorising every verse and every law. I think I know what I’m doing. Let’s get back to New Ponyville so you can make googly eyes at your Commander.”


She trotted in front of the group, gaining their attention with a stomp of her hoof. “Okay listen up, we’re going to walk four hours north towards new Ponyville before our next break, so I don’t want to hear any complaining.” She cast a heavy glare at the new mare. “You keep with us at all times. If you stray out of sight of fall behind then I will have no issue with leaving you for dead. Lightning, keep your bloody hooves to yourself. Fixit…  don’t talk to me until we reach our destination. Let’s get moving.”


The path running back north was rather rugged at first, but as they reached the grassy fields things began to smooth out, making the trek a bit easier. Scootaloo refused to talk with Fixit for most of the trip, turning up her nose at every attempt to strike up conversation, even if Lightning was no better company. After four hours they reached a small stream running west, a good place to momentarily rest their hooves. “Okay, take the load of your hooves guys. Lightning go scout the area, make sure we’re alone. Fixit keep an eye on our guest. I have some things to sort out.”


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Eternity - Manehatten - Arcane District - High profile building - Room 6A


Eternity remained quiet as somepony entered the room. He looked like some sort of body-guard or mercenary. And probably was. This house was known to use mercenaries. He was carrying something. It was pretty large. It must be the project we were waiting for. But, it was covered. We couldn't get a good look at what it was.


Then one of the more official looking arcanists took from paper work from the pony who just came in and brought the project. She began to read some things out to us. She mentioned to tell any pony of this project. Eternity then realized this wasn't just any ordinary Arcanist thing. Then she mention something about a volunteer.


Volunteer? He thought to himself. They must be talking about Star! Where the hell is she anyway? He looked around for her but she was no were in sight. Actually, he could still sense her being upstairs, and sense another pony with her, another not-so-normal unicorn. He dreaded the thought of who he had an idea she was with. But the next sentence that the Arcanists said dreaded him even more. She wanted them to use some illusion magic on the project. She revealed what it was. It was... nothing that Eternity has ever seen. It almost looked like something that would belong inside a train! But smaller. He looked around him as the unicorns prepared to use some magic, their horns glowing.


Oh no. He thought to himself. If I use magic, they will know I'm not an Arcanist. Hell they would probably be able to tell just by looking at me!


"Long Stride," He whispered to him "What should we do. We are going to get caught." Eternity hoped he wouldn't just brandish his sword and start stabbing. Even he was smart enough to realize we wouldn't stand a chance against all these power unicorns. And even if we did everypony would be trying to kill us!


"I-I have an idea... But i'm not sure if it would work or if I should try. It might attract too much attention or might trigger the alarm." He looked back to his staff he was carrying on his back. It was a good thing he can carry it around without having too much attention drawn to him. They all were mages after all. Not to unusual to see a mage carry a wand or staff around. Oh I better be able to do it. Its gonna hurt like hell though.

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House Earthborn - The Road North




@@Vedana Purity,


Fixit raised an eyebrow. He'd never heard of these Codes of Battle before, although they sounded very respectabe. Such a shame that Stormwing had decided that honour was something to apply to some and not to others; if you don't show courtesy and respect to even the vilest of opponents, then you are as terrible as they are. What's the point in claiming the moral high ground if you don't deserve it?


However, what he really wanted to know was how his own House stood in their eyes. Could he expect a good clean fight if diplomacy failed, or would they be as traitorous as the other Houses?


"And just how do we fit into your Codes of Battle? Tell me that at least, before you go all silent on me."


That was all he said along the journey. Fixit took Scootaloo's silence as a form of acknowledgement. She would need time to think on his words, perhaps even to reconsider her actions. He just hoped he'd managed to convince her to let it be.


He fell into step, and after a few minutes found himself singing that marching song from the Bastion, the "Earthborn Engineers" one. It'd been one of the first songs he's learned at boot camp and was popular in the Engineer Corps; suffice to say that if you didn't know it, you would by the time your first mission was up.


"Some speak of Big Macintosh,

And some of Braeburn,

Of our great leader, Applejack,

Of the greats of which we learn.

But of all of these great heroes,

There's none that can compare,

To Applebloom's finest,

The Earthborn engineers."


He sung it barely above a hum but it helped relieve some fatigue. Songs were always good for bolstering morale in his opinion.

Edited by Archi the Sandworm

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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House Whitegold – The Arcane District – Room 6A


After thoughts of brandishing his sword were wiped from his mind, Long Stride kept is weary gaze on the Arcanists that surrounded them. It was only a matter of time before one of them noticed the strange presence of two outsiders. He didn’t even have a horn for cry out loud. He dismissed the idea of basically cutting them down, grabbing Star, and running as it seemed rather impractical at the time “There’s too many witnesses in this room. Maybe we should rethink our approach. We could even intercept her as she’s being brought here. I could by you the time needed. Okay, now I’m just coming up with random ideas. Either way you’re going to need to some cover for your escape.”



House Stormwing – The Griffon Kingdoms


Heavy hooves hit mountain side with a thundering crack, Commander Rainbow Dash and her retinue making their presence well known. Upon the cliff face was camped a number of Griffon Axillaries, the remaining forces from the defence of Cloudsdale. There were very few here, not enough for another battle of that scale. Among them was Dogmatic, the loyal captain of Gilda. But Rainbow was not here to make pleasantries; she had a purpose to her mission. The Griffons had managed to save two hundred civilians when they fled north, escorting them far from danger. Their effort was commendable, even if they left the last stand to the pegasi.


“Gilda!” Rainbows voice carried through the high valley, shaking the very foundations. “Get out here!” The commander had found little comfort in sleep after the fall of her city, haunted by the whispers of the Everfree Liege and the secrets he unveiled. Her thoughts often turned to Fluttershy, making her gut wrench.


Crashing down from the cliff face came Gilda, her armour still damaged and unpolished from the harsh battle. “What is it RD? If you want your subjects then take ‘em. They’re not being held hostage. Dogmatic will show you where they’re camped. Just chill for a second.”


“Don’t ell me to chill!” That was uncalled for and she knew it. She took a long breath before speaking again. “Okay, I’m sorry. But I need your help for what’s being planned. Earthborn has sworn their assistance to the task at hoof, will your kingdom do the same?”


“Depends, what is this plan of yours?”


“We’re going to strike them where it hurts.”


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House Whitegold


Arcane District-Rooftop 


"Like I said..." Swift answered absently, watching as Star Rain was confronted by Rarity, through the distant window, "It was simply a question... nothing more..."


Swift felt strange, guilty almost. He'd promised to keep Star Rain safe, to try and prevent her falling into the hands of Rarity. If he was going to fulfil that promise, then he'd have to move now...


But then again, it would only end in tears for him; his actions would be ignored by the unicorns, and they would simply flee from Whitegold. Meanwhile, he'd be punished severely for his actions!


No, there really was no question about it... In order to save himself, Swift would have to cast aside the brief feeling of friendship towards his targets, and work towards their capture.


Suddenly, the agent felt like his old self again. Maybe he was a scumbag for backstabbing like this, but then again, that was how he had always done things.


That was how Whitegold had always done things.


"I believe," Swift spoke calmly, with a faint smile, "that I've decided upon how to play these events. Thank you Stripes, for your words of advice."


Suddenly, the agent's voice grew serious, yet still kindly.


"But I advise that you get out of here quickly, there might be some trouble... It would be best for you to avoid getting caught up in it."



(OOC, Okay, I won't be able to post over the weekend, so if anything big happens...


Well, I'll miss it XD)

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Star rolled her eyes. "I can handle myself big boy...but if you insist." She turned around and spread her wings, but before leaving she winked at Swift and flicked his chin with her tail...again.
Then she flew off into the sky and landed on the street below a few moments later.
She casually walked down the street, ignoring a few stallions outside a bar who were whistling at her.

After a few minutes she made it back to the castle.






Blood clapped her hooves together happily. "Oh goody. Hey Artist...wanna see Cookie ? Speaking of which." She looked at Tondrak yet again. "The important stuff is over...HELP ME BRING COOKIE TO LIIIIIIFE." She yelled, ducking as a throwing knife flew through the door behind her. "SHUT UP, WIND." Called a voice.

Blood turned to stare at the door. "I'm sorry...but this is Blood, there is no Wind right now...leave a message. I know where your room is Croak...better sleep with your doors locked tonight." She called, looking back at Tondrak.

Most ponies in the cult knew that when Blood was in the house...there were no rules and nothing stood in her way, which would explain why the pony who had thrown the knife scrambled to get away from the door leading into the temple.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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The Cult of Laughter - The Fillydelphia Hideout - Wherever Everyone Is...


The Prophets stood shocked, not one moving a muscle (although some didn't have muscles to move). The Laughing Mare backed away, almost clumsily, as if drunk, and continued to grin, speaking slowly and deathly quiet as She faded into shadow.


"Believe what you will, what you think I am.

Take your guess, musical Ma'am."


Once She could not be seen, a dull thud was heard, and the head of Pinkies' corpse came into the light. Several Prophets rushed to pick it up and set it in its' proper place. The Mares' reasons for withdrawing from the body were not only for scare, but also so that She could observe the Composers' mind. Her being was already partially withdrawn from the body since She had been listening in on their conversation, so the body did not move effectively. She had not been able to hear the thoughts of the ponies, however, which was why She fully withdrew. Her consciousness rested upon that of the Composer and the Artist. They would not feel very...sound so long as She was there.


Her new plan was to let the "Gifted" take their land before she killed them off, but She was well aware of their abilities and how difficult the task would be. She decided not to tell anyone of this plan, not even her most highly trusted prophets, so that none could be tortured into giving away information. It was a devious and risky plan, She knew it, but She had a very good idea for the plan...


*  *  *


Tondrak nodded to Blood, saying in a whispered tone, "After this," before clearing his throat. "Well, if everything's settled then, shall I show you to your rooms?"





House Everfree - The Everfree Forest


Jade panted, having finally caught up with Fluttershy and Rain, hoping that Lily was behind her.

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The Artist - The Fillydelphia Hideout (Cannot turn black for some reason...)



The Artists was again surprised at the Mares leaving. Why does it seem I am the only one who approves of this alliance... The Artist said to himself. That is probably because you are the only one. Shut up voice in my head.


The Artist sighed. He thought this would of gone better. The Prophets aren't really even speaking. I guess these prophets weren't in the mood to talk.


"OK.... Anywho. I see you prophets don't feel like speaking so we shall discuss this matter later. Perhaps Tomorrow? It will give me and The Composer time to make ourselves at home. And I WOULD LIKE FOR THE LAUGHING MARE TO BE THERE." He said loudly so the Mare would hear him. "Alright then, you all are dismissed. Composer I will allow you to go back to the cave to retrieve your items."


He walked up to Blood. "OK pony that i still do not under, lets go revive you a Cookie. Come along Tony." He gestured his hoof towards Tondrak suggesting him to follow.






Eternity - Manehatten - Inner City - High profile building


He was nervous. Very nervous. What he was about to do was stupid. And hes only done it twice. And both times weren't intentional.


Eternity grabbed the staff from his back with his mouth and put it in his hoof. He turned to Long Stride.


"It isn't an escape... it's an... illusion."


They will notice hes a fake when they detect foreign magic from a non - arcanist. Like him. I can do this. In order for him to not be detected and use magic without using his magic... This is stupid. No unicorn can do this. Is to use someone elses magic. But it might work. 


He had an idea. He thought if he could take some one of the Arcanist magical energy, he might be able to use it to make it seem like he blasted a bit of magic into the machine. He thought he could do it. He seemed to have done it before. Once when he was younger and he was angry at twilight, when she was levitating a drink, the aura around her drink turned purplish greenish, and sudden the aura left the cup and turned into a bolt that shot straight for her hat sending the cup towards the ground. He was in pain after but Twilight didn't punish him. The second time, was at Hoofington when he took control of whatever was inside, or should i say, coming out of Spell.


He wasn't sure if he could do it. And it was impossible. He breathe din then out. And closed his eyes. Once the Arcanists shot there illusion blast of magic, he opened his eyes, they glowed green and his horn glowed green as well. He hoped this didn't get them detected. He concentrated and in a split second he moved some of the other unicorns magic and attempted to move it to his staff's orb on top. All of sudden he felt immense pain. He couldn't do it. He pushed on but it was too much. At that point the Arcanists in the building knew there was an intruder in the room. They would of head down to the room he was in. It was one of the stupidest things he did, but he knew he had to try, it was better than nothing. His head was spinning. He knelt down on the ground. Others would be starring. Why did I do that?...


The Arcanists would of barged into the room. No doubt Long Stride would be taking out his sword this time. He coughed a bit on the ground. 

"Long Stride" He said in a low voice  "Do I have your consent?"


(OOC: In truth. He actually can't take control of a ponies magic. At least not fully. He thought he could. In his later years he learns how to manipulate foreign magic, but if its a mages spell, he can never really stop it. But hes only 24 here. Unless this goes on for another decade or two he can't do it.)

Edited by AnonBrony
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(ASDFGHJKL! I totally forgot to remind Jade and Lily that Fluttershy and Rain went through the portal whats-it and how to use it themselves.)
House Everfree: Fluttershy Event Summary (This part was written out in Pm btw. Sorry~)
Jade and Lily would be unable to find Rain and Fluttershy within the boundaries of Everfree. Rain had transported Fluttershy to her intended destination, a medium sized shack outside of a modest village. From there, she had led him into a secret basement. Inside of this was a large basin in the clutches of a hand like tree stump. Filling it with water and giving it some of her own energy had activated the Basin, revealing it to be a Way-Gate, dozens of which were scattered across Equestria in both notable cities. The most important cities included are Canterlot and Manehatten. and remote frontier areas. Most of the latter reside in Everfree Forest, with this one as a rare exception. The Way-Gate teleported Fluttershy and Rain to Manehatten, directly into Sand's residence where he had set up accommodations for them in advance. Activating the Way-Gate required drawing upon the energy of the 'Wild Places' (The most feral and exotic locations in the world, far from all habitation.) This has the side effect of bringing the most animalistic instincts to the mind's forefront, in this case lust. What happened between her and Rain should be pretty obvious.

Before heading on, Fluttershy had sent a number of messenger birds to Lily and Jade, each baring the information they would need to follow. This consisted of where the Way-Gate was, how to get there, and how to use it. The last of these was the simplest, requiring only to touch the water in the basin with one hoof, whereupon they would be teleported to their final destination in Manehatten. In effect, it slashed out a major portion of time that would have been spent walking. When the two mares activated the Way-Gate (If they did.) they would be transported into the residence's main courtyard where Sand would be waiting for them. The Courtyard would be a beautiful and cultured place, sporting elegant water works such as fish ponds and fountains along with rare and exquisite plant-life.


House Everfree: Fluttershy

Fluttershy lounged under her bed sheets, breathing softly as she slept. For the moment the inevitable comatose state had kept its distance. Though it was likely that it would manifest more the longer they stayed in Manehatten. Her back was curled, pressing against Rain Fell's chest lightly. At this point in time, several things about her were noticable that were hidden elsewhere. In a way, she had become old. A few gray hairs had grown well before their alloted time. Still, her coat and body was as fresh as it had been nigh on sixteen years ago, ableit a bit leaner and more taunt. She mumbled softly in her sleep, not quite audible. Every once in a while she would tense in fear, quickly relaxing when the feeling of Rain nearby calmed her down. Perhaps most importantly, old scars which were carefully hidden became exposed if one looked closely. A mesh of thin claw marks on her right flank, a well healed gash on her left foreleg, and disturbingly what appeared to be teeth marks around her throat. It seemed the world had not been kind to her, partly why she needed companions now more than ever.


House Everfree: Iron Will

The Minotaur had disappeared into the night when the Stormwing and Earthborn ponies had left. For now, he did not follow the path Fluttershy and her companions had taken. Instead, he turned west and south. This would begin what would become a rather long journey, secrecy its most important aspect. For not all of Everfree had yet been snared by the Liege's plans. Wraiths, lost and bewildered, roamed the remote countryside without purpose while they were cut off from Everfree Forest. The Minotaurs had to be rallied, as did the Zebra tribes. The vast majority of the latter had gone into hiding the instant Zecora had turned traitor, preserving most of their strength in the process. Here and there, tiny specks of Everfree were collected together and put back under guidance. Parthos the Younger remained with Applejack for the time being, but his kin marched south for the time being to rejoin Iron Will. While their numbers had been reduced to a meager third of their original strength, Everfree was still alive. Concious of the fact that many would be out for their blood, they retreated to Sweet Water Oasis in the Zebran Desert, content to watch and wait.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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Rain lay awake, thinking about the other's and whether they would be okay or not. Every now and then he would put a foreleg around Fluttershy as she started to get restless.

He sighed and nuzzled her before looking up at the small window in the room. He had never actually figured out where they were.
After nuzzling Fluttershy he stood up and walked over to the window.
He peeked passed the curtains at the busy street's below. He knew it was going to be a loooong time until he was allowed to leave the house...he couldn't just go strutting around Manehattan.
He already felt like he needed air...after living in the forest so long he wasn't used to the city.
He turned away from the window and lay back down next to Fluttershy, placing his foreleg around her and cuddling up close.

He couldn't sleep...after all that had happened...Lily, Jade, Evergreen...he just hoped they would all be okay and would arrive sooner than later.

She closed his eyes and tried to clear his mind...but it was no use.
He ended up just laying next to Fluttershy...worrying about Everything.

Something something something something


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The Six Gifted - Fillydelphia Hideout







The Composer watched without even a twitch as the Laughing Mare's host body slumped to the ground.


What a wonderful situation, she thought to herself amusedly, The Cult now sees me as the Anti-Christ as it were and their deity has collapsed and is probably hovering around the room somewhere.


Her eyes scanned the room, but found nothing. It seemed the Laughing Mare wasn't one for dramatic flair; she knew of other spirirts which, if given the chance, would've appeared as radiant clouds of sunlight, foreboding black mists or other fancy forms. Perhaps she was dealing with something smarter than she'd anticipated.


She sighed. I don't have time to play bloody Xanatos Speed Chess, she grumbled mentally, watching the Cultists for signs of unrest. It looked like her words had had the intended effect of scaring the daylights out of them all but a few less reverent or more collected members of the Cult. She felt a shiver up her spine and felt like bathing herself. There was something around her, like a presence, and it felt terrible. She wasn't afraid, of course, but sometimes mild fear and discomfort can be hard to distinguish. She decided to ignore the presence for now.


"That would be much appreciated," she said to Tondrak, giving a little bow of thanks "And Artist, I don't think that will be necessary, We'll only be here for two days, I'm sure the Cult has plenty of basic supplies."

Edited by Archi the Sandworm

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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House Whitegold - Manehettan - Military Hospital - Cunning Horn's Room


Cunning Horn snorted to Flintlock's sentence. "Training? Military training? Bah! It's ye Manehettan ponies who need training. I didn't need to train!" he thought without showing any clue of his mind outside, on his face. He later decided though, that joining the military training might give him some interesting information about Whitegold army. While he was in House Moon and Star, House Whitegold and Everfree were the houses he didn't have information about most.


Even so, Cunning Horn was still suspicious about the truth behind Flintlock's words. Those Whitegold ponies were clever and he knew that. For a second he thought that it was a trap and they knew that he was from House Moon and Star, but he doubted it. He hadn't shared any personal information since he entered Manehettan. He quickly arranged numbers of plans in case he was right and this military training was indeed a trap to reveal his past.


He rose his eyebrows and nodded, "Well, will be a piece of cake. When do I start?"



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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The Cult of Laughter - The Fillydelphia Hideout - Wherever Tondrak is


Tondrak nodded to the Composer, noting that she seemed rather sensible (although not too much, considering that she had just insulted a being of unknown power), and led her and the Artist to two vacant rooms. "Rooms two thirty-five and two thirty-seven in the East wing of the main building, connected by a door in the wall between them. I think you'll like it here, although I'm sorry for the...the mess." Despite it being an honest apology, Tondrak grinned slightly. He opened the doors, each revealing a large room with scenic views of the graveyard. The walls were blood red, the carpets pitch black and tooth white, and the curtains a dark shade of gray. The beds were simple versions of four-poster beds with gray sheets and white pillows. In the room to the right was a silvery grand piano, and the room to the left had an empty easel. The "mess" no one would really notice at first glance, but if a pony took a second look, they would see that several objects had been used...improperly - a vase of flowers in the corner of the right room had blood in it instead of water, which had turned red the center of the white lilies in it; the rugs had a few unidentifiable stains; the legs of the easel looked like they had been used to whack a few ponies; etc.


"Enjoy your stay. Now Blood, where is Cookie?"






House Everfree - The Everfree Forest - To Fluttershy and Rain


Jade saw some birds approaching and stared at them befuddled while they whistled at her. She turned to Lily, figuring that they were delivering a message from Fluttershy. She didn't really speak bird.

Edited by TheSonicAlicorn
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Blood had followed behind them to The Artists and the Composer's rooms. She peaked inside and grinned. "That bed's big enough for two isn't it Arty." She grinned at the Artist before turning look at Tondrak. "He's right here...where should we do it ? I need to cut open this pony's head to get his brain before we do anything." She said, gesturing to the bloody bag that hung around her neck.




Star walked back to the castle but stopped just outside a small bar...she thought for a moment before walking in.

She sat down at a table with the stallions and grinned at them. "Hello boys." She said.

The three colts stared at her for a moment until one of them spoke. "Now...what's a pretty mare like you doing in a bar like this...all alone ?" He asked.

"Looking for some company...maybe some breakfast." She said, moving close to one of the ponies so they were touching. One of the colts grinned and spoke. "I'd be happy to buy you som-" he was interrupted by one of the other's. "No no, I can do that for a pretty mare like yourself." He said. The third stallion looked like he was about to speak until Star interrupted. "Why don't all three of you go splits on some hay cakes ?" She said. The colts nodded.

A few minutes later a waiter trotted over and placed the food on the table. Star grabbed the plate in her hooves and spread her wings.
Without another word she flew out the door as the three colts attempted to call her back...one chased after her but she had already flown high up into the sky. She sat down on a cloud and began munching on her free food.
((Pointless post is pointless))

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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House Whitegold - Manehatten - Carriage/High Profile building in the Arcane District


After recovering from the peculiar feeling of terror, a prateorpony closed the door on the carriage and took his position in the back. The ones at the front began to pull off, along with the pony pulling Dusk's cart. Rarity began to eat, but then she stopped and took out a folder of papers that contained schedules, a map, and other things. "Here, I prepared this for you last night," she said. In reality, it was some other pony who did it.


"Now regarding our project's capabilities, my arcanists will be adding their own magic to it. Illusion magic to be specific. Tell me, are there things the machine can do to the illusions that couldn't be done before? And some other spells that can allow it to do various things as well," she asked.


He looked at her, then at the folder. He reached out for the folder as Rarity held it.

"I'm no master of illusion magic, and to be honest I haven't seen much illusion magic. But I assume that I could configure the machine to use illusion magic to run. Maybe even then, it can produce more power than before. But I'll need to run some tests."


Rarity nodded in agreement. "Yes. They will give you demonstrations. Keep in mind that the arcanists you'll be meeting will be high-leveled illusionists. Their illusion magic, at best, is about as real as a full color photograph. At worst, they're like the most picturesque of paintings." She paused to take another bite out of her food. "And then we also have that unicorn. I imagine she has a variety of spells at her disposal. I'm certain her magic will give more power to the project. And can you make it so that non-unicorns can use the spells in this machine?" she asked.


"There is no doubt of that, milady. The non-unicorns will need to be there in ponyson to operate the machine, however. That is the only, er- downside, for lack of a better word."

He started eating his own breakfast, remarking in his head how good the food was.


The elegant unicorn was not at all concerned about the disadvantage. She only wanted to know if it could be operated by all pony races(other animals included). "I see combat is out of the way. Now, how about ways this can be used for espionage? Could you perhaps create miniature versions of this that can aid in espionage?" They were getting rather close to their destination now.


"It would be very hard, but it may be indeed possible. Much more research would be needed."

He finished his food quite quickly, but not rudely. 


"Then everything is in order now," Rarity said as they pulled up to the entrance of the high profile building. A prateorpony went to drop off the machine in room 6A, along with instructions for the head arcanist. 


Meanwhile, Rarity and Dusk were led by a guide to the room that held their "volunteer". The guide opened the door to reveal one angry-looking unicorn. 


Dusk followed Rarity, and Rarity alone. When they reached the room, he stood off to the side, expecting her to at least start the questioning.


Star Rain - Manehatten - Arcane District - High profile building - Office room


Star Rain turned to face the new arrivals with anger, but instead met them with surprise. What? How does that unicorn have... are those CRYSTALS?! She was taken aback a bit by the unicorn's beauty, but even more at the crystals covering half her body. 


"Have a seat, Star Rain," she said sweetly, gesturing the chair in front of the desk. "I prefer to stand," Star answered back rather angrily. "Hm... Very well then dearie," the unicorn answered back with no emotion at all. Call me that again and I'll kill you! She moved to take a seat across from where Star was sitting. "Now, tell me a bit about yourself, Star Rain," she asked softly.


Complete silence followed.


Dusk started losing his patience. Star Rain had been very quiet.

"Look here, Star. You'll have to speak up soon enough. You standing there silently isn't helping anypony. In fact, in my eyes, it's making your situation worse. Just tell us a little about yourself."

"She doesn't look like she just volunteered. She looks like she was dragged here against her will. But as long as she will cooperate, that doesn't matter at all. We just need her to talk so I can know more about her, and then can tune the engine to her aura so she can pour her magic into it. Maybe she'll even come to side with us. Maybe she'll be forced to..."

Dusk stepped from the side and stood next to Rarity.


Six Gifted - Mountain Hermitage


The Dancer closed her eyes. She hadn't seen the Storyteller in sometime, and her bandages did hurt a little bit. She shivered, growing a little cold. But she didn't get up from her chair in the main hall. She just sat there, stubborn, like she always was and always would be. She wondered if the Storyteller, or anyone for that matter, would come in and notice her and help her. She didn't want to move...

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Manehatten - Undercity - Random Tavern

@Spell Shock,


The stallion listened closely to what the young filly said, seemlying taking her seriously when she esentually threated him if he tried to trick her o harm her. Yet once he was finished he says leading her away from other ponies, “I did say you need a dragon to get to one of their forges, just that that need to meet ponies that knew dragons and where their forges were.”


Taking a look around, his eyes sharp for any possible eaves dropping, or any pony that may have followed them before saying, “you also don't need to give any pony bits for this information, as niether I nor those I know are House Whitegold... or any of the Houses.”


Turning to face the filly he asked just one things, with complete seriousness, “What do you think of what is going on, of the war, of the royal sisters disappearance, one whether or not they have lied or decieved their subjects... you must answer these questions and answer them correctly or I will leave now.”


House Earthborn - The Road South



@Vedanta Purity

@Archi the Sandworm,

Stardream looked clearly uncertain and distressed as she listened to the others talk, making sure to keep up as she did not wish to be left behind. The mare was a steady flier, though for those that understood such endurance flying would likely give her trouble as well as perhaps speed. The reason for this is while her eyes were often upward and he often laid of clouds to watch the stars, she never really practiced flying.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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@@Nightfall,@@AnonBrony,  @@The-Master,@@Sky Warden,



House Whitegold - Manehatten - Military Hospital - Cunning's room


Flintlock's face brightened a little. If the rumors were true that this was the pony was the one who used that spell that took out one of the Cultists(even though she escaped), then he'll be a very valuable member of the army. True, he'll have to go through military training first, but he looked like a warrior ready to draw blood. "Good answer. You won't start training tomorrow, but report to the military HQ in the military district. There, you will receive your uniform and papers." What he didn't mention was that he would also have to take a polygraph test. "I look forward to your arrival tomorrow morning," he said calmly before departing.


Star Rain and Rarity - Manehatten - Arcane District High Profile Building - Office Room


(OOC: Prepare for sheer randomness...)




"Well dearie? Do you have something you would like to share, hm?"




I shouldn't speak. I shouldn't speak at all. This no longer became an option for Star Rain when that blue unicorn spoke up. Darn it, what should I do? It sounds harmless, but I get the feeling that there's more to it. Something dangerous... After some more thought, she decided to take on a different personality. 


"Well, I was, like, from a really AWESOME city! I wore, like, the prettiest things EVER! I just came here because the trends there was, like, SO yesterday! Oh, and there's, like, this TOTALLY unstylish ring on my horn. Do you mind taking it off?" Star said in a ditzy sort of way. Man, I feel so stupid now... But I have to keep this act up.


Rarity was bewildered by the sudden change in behavior and struggled to remain formal. "Well. I see you have lived a glorious life before. Please, tell us more." This must be a mask! She must be hiding her true personality!

  • Brohoof 1

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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Star Rain and Rarity - Manehatten - Arcane District High Profile Building - Office Room


(OOC: Prepare for sheer randomness...)




"Well dearie? Do you have something you would like to share, hm?"




I shouldn't speak. I shouldn't speak at all. This no longer became an option for Star Rain when that blue unicorn spoke up. Darn it, what should I do? It sounds harmless, but I get the feeling that there's more to it. Something dangerous... After some more thought, she decided to take on a different personality. 


"Well, I was, like, from a really AWESOME city! I wore, like, the prettiest things EVER! I just came here because the trends there was, like, SO yesterday! Oh, and there's, like, this TOTALLY unstylish ring on my horn. Do you mind taking it off?" Star said in a ditzy sort of way. Man, I feel so stupid now... But I have to keep this act up.


Rarity was bewildered by the sudden change in behavior and struggled to remain formal. "Well. I see you have lived a glorious life before. Please, tell us more." This must be a mask! She must be hiding her true personality!


(I'm going to make it feel like 'good cop bad cop,' with Dusk as the bad cop.)


Dusk's eyes narrowed.

"Yes, more. As in, which city? You could at least tell us something that would be useful, instead of rambling on like a filly."

He snorted a little, losing his patience. This isn't what he wanted; he didn't want to waste time preparing his machine for somepony like this. If he had to keep true, and if she really was like this, he would eventually agree, but first he had to figure out if this was her true self. If it wasn't, he'd get the true self out. He knew that torture wasn't looked upon with loving eyes, and especially in this house, but if he needed to use a spell or two, he would, just to get worth-while things out of this seemingly stupid mare.

"And just remember; none of us have all day. So the faster you tell us, the better."

"And the faster you confirm if this is you, the much better for you. If you have been lying, Star, then I swear on... ... What's that? Nothing to swear on? There's something. I'll just simply swear on my machine. It's that easy."

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  • 4 years later...


The Cult of Laughter - The Fillydelphia Hideout - Main Graveyard


After hearing the disappointing news, Mary rolled on her back on top of a could that was right above the graveyard. She felt the cool breeze run through her mane. She rolled back over looking over the side of the cloud. She fluttered down to the ground, paced back and forth, thoughts running through her mind like a hurricane. What will happen now? What will we do once Cranky finishes telling everyone? What if.. Her thoughts continued like that until her girlfriend Lighting Strike came into the picture. She was doing her flying laps and just happened to see Mary pacing. LS shot down from the sky just in time as Mary was reaching where she landed. Mary almost running into Lighting, Lighting took the chance and her lips met Marys. Shocked, like a spider just landed on her mane, she looked up and saw LS. She clammed and smiled.

     "Hey, whatcha doing?" Ls ask, worried about her. Mary shook her head.

     "Well, The twins failed..." Mary replied. Lighting gasp and looked down disappointed. They both turned around and looked around for something to do to take their mind off of it.

(Someone jump in please XD ))


Mary Melody VV The second spoiler is Ls she is the green one

Marys New Guide


Koppy /Collab|Ocs\



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