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@@Spell Shock,



House Moon and Star - Hoofington


Eternity turned to see Star trying to catch up to him. He was walking rather quickly.


"Oh, So you do talk!" He yelled back to her. But he still had too much on his mind. As Star was coming to he he didn't even realize Silver was standing in front of him and said something. This guy seems to like to sneak up on ponies. All he heard him say was: 'Of any case we should all be ready for what this will bring.'


Eternity then looked up at him  "Are you buckin' kiddin' me!" he yelled at the white stallion "You maybe ready for this since you all cozy with Twi and all but what about me and Star huh? We are her flippin' students! There is a reason why she brought us here and why she wanted us protected. We are all involved in this one way or another. And what About Spell Shock and Lightning? You know about Spells magic! Aren't you at least worried for? And her friend Lightning is in even greater dan-"


He stop talking once he saw that the pink and green filly were here as well. He didn't want to scare them. "Oh uhh... when did you two get there." He then looked back and also saw Star had caught up. So we are all here huh, must be a coincidence... must be...

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House Moon and Star - Hoofington


- “So you do know something, after all” – Lightning replied to Eternity, she had particularly good ears so she heard pretty much everything,

- “Mister, I appreciate your concern but you are screaming at my mentor, who is still my mentor. He knows” – Spell replied – “And he is absolutely right, I probably even would have a proof to that given enough practice and anger.”


Lightning would look at Spell and when at Eternity and when everyone else, she knew it was about something not really good, but she didn’t want to interrupt anyone.


Spell looked kind of disturbed at the moment, she was thinking about something. It was certainty what the presentation left her thinking about Twilight’s words and oh yeah, they would double check if Twilight is around before talking.


The dot around Spell’s horn was pulsating with red light, as alarm would, she really was worried. She could only imagine what would happen if they would just make one single mistake in that thing. Okay, all things aside – Twilight is a smart pony. But if they would mistake by a little bit, they could open a black hole in Hoofington or something worse. Teleportation spell is a tricky and dangerous feat, not to speak about giant gates designated for movement between existing worlds. It wasn’t that hard to figure out even for a filly like Spell, rally – it wouldn’t be difficult to figure out for anyone.


- “Well, at least this is exiting” – Lightning replied – “Was boring in this place, especially while I was looking for my parents”

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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House Earthborn - The Heartlands - South West of Canterlot


Fixit looked ahead and felt his spirits rise; Canterlot was in sight, although still some distance away, but sight of his destination inspired him and brought life back into his tired hooves.


"Come on team!" he ordered, picking up the pace "We're not far now, move fast!"


The sounds of wheels rolling grew louder as they trundled along, and seeking to inspire the other teams he raised his voice in one of the songs sung often by the choirs back home in Appleloosa:


(OOC: To the tune of "Sovngarde" from the Skyrim OST)


"With truth in our hearts,

With our fears torn apart,

With our steel and our swords by our sides!

We march onwards to glory, to victory, for truth!

That lies and deception do subside."


He glanced left and right and saw Eagle Eye mumbling the words, and a cursory glance of the other cannon teams showed a few moving lips. But overall few others had taken up the song with him.


"With edge, steel and blade,

With fire and grenade,

Our hooves shake the earth as we march!

Down with The False One, Twilight the Liar!

Destroy her and her unicorn farce!"


The song was being repeated across the formation, and he even heard some Ponies-At-Arms taking up the song too. Canterlot grew closer at an increasing rate; their progress was growing. Perhaps they could reach Canterlot without succumbing to exhaustion.


As they marched, he wondered if Big Macintosh or Braeburn were fond of any marching songs. He would have to ask them one day...

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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House Moon and Star - Hoofington - Gathering

Thoughs Spell had already said so herself and repeated more softly then the others "I know very well about both Spell Shock and her friend Lightening, which is part of the reason I took Spell on as my student."

On Eternty's words on being all cozy with the Archamgister he says simply and calmly, "actually she doesn't trust me completely, partly because of the fact of how I seemed in her eyes to appear out of nowhere and how there are little records on me... that and I had brought up her former friendships and Nightmare Moon. This making her wonder how I know so much."

He laughs before telling Eternty, "I explained to her as per being a researcher I make it my business to learn about other ponies, I even know things about you Eternty that may suprise you." With such he took out what seemed to be a watch to see what time it was before saying, "I need to go... Eternty can you watch Spell Shock for me. I have work to get started with." Turning to Spell Shock the white stallion says, "now I want you to be good and mind what Eternty says."

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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House Everfree: Fluttershy and Sand (Yes, I'm attempting to collect the Everfree members into one spot for interaction.)

Fluttershy seemed rather pleased with the posturing the wolf-mare gave her. It was always nice, even at the basest of animal instincts, for another to show submission to oneself. She waved here hoof slightly, indicating for the mare to lift her gaze. "Now now," she tutted. "That will be more than enough grovelling for now. I thank you for your assistance in this matter. Everfree Forest is a deadly place for those not familiar with its inner workings and it would have been a shame to miss this opprotunity. YOU on the other hand-" Fluttershy turned her gaze to Sand, taking in his stance and unicorn's horn. "I don't know about you. You have recieved the Mark of the Wild during your lifetime, that much is evident. You stand like one who has walked much and wraps the shadows around themselves like a cloak, but you seem to wield it like a dagger as well. Curious. What is your name Trickster?"


Sand had remained quiet until now, searching for an exit with his eyes. They slid over to Fluttershy now, fixing her with a stare that could have rivaled her own with time and practice. "Mein namin eist 'Sahndey' Leydein," he responded in a dead serious voice. The name sounded more like the tone that the deep desert sand makes as it strikes one's skin as it flies with the wind than a proper word. Fluttershy watched him for a long moment before smiling. "Not many speak that language anymore Trickster. I always thought the deep wastes had swallowed your kind," she replied to him. "You are... interesting. So, this is what I will do you you three. You all shall dine with me tonight and I will know more of you." She smiled sweetly, an echo of the smile she once saved for friends in kinder times. "Feel free to chose quarters with direction from the Housecarl." She indicated the buck to her right. "Two of you wish to join House Everfree, but you'll have to be kept within eyesight until you are initiated. Sorry, times are a bit rough lately." For just a moment, she sounded like her past self.


"Jade, you seem rather kind despite your hardship. That's a valuable thing in the deep forest. Hold onto it, as a favor to me, please." With that said she began to leave, turning back to say something to the wolf-mare. "You will be dining with us, I have much to ask regarding the Timberwolf packs." After leaving she happened upon Rain and his charge, back earlier than expected. "Why my goodness, you are truly a swift tracker stag. It pleases me that you have brought her back so quickly, if this is indeed Lady Sparrow. For now, I request that you keep an eye on her. Your reward will be forthcoming. In fact, why don't the two of you accompany some of my other guests to my dinner table tonight? I'm sure we all have much to talk about, especially the Lady and myself."

House Everfree - Everfree Forest - Castle Ruins - In Lady Fluttershy's presence


Evergreen nodded somewhat submissively. "I will stay as Lady Fluttershy desires," she mumbled, head still held quite low. Despite not seeming overly enthusiastic at being invited to stay for dinner - she'd rather spend her time out in the forest, as a proper Druid should - Evergreen knew better than to disregard a direct request from the Staremaster herself.


Resigned as she was to remaining in the smoldering old remains that they called a castle to sup, she took to looking around at the others that were granted this highest honor she so dreaded. One of the deer trackers. That pegasus that always had the birds with her that Eve vaguely recognised as having seen around the forest before. Jade, of course. And the mysterious trickster that Evergreen found herself inexplicably wary of. An odd assortment.



House Whitegold - Manehatten - Artisan District - Performance Hall - Master Green Room Sweetie Belle began to sing the next lines, when just then she heard the announcer say,"And now, our last act of this show, Sweetie Belle, the patron of the Artisan District, and her singing partner, Encore! Let's give them a round of applause!" Her widened and she hurried to the door, motioning for Encore to follow her.

House Whitegold - Manehattan - Artisan District - Performance Hall - On Stage


Encore hurriedly followed Sweetie Belle out of the green room and onto the stage. The lights were blinding, and from what he could see from under them, the place was packed. Even all the balcony seats were filled. With a burst of magic, Encore muted the sounds coming from the audience to his own ears, simply for his own sanity. With his enhanced hearing, it would have been quite deafening.


His ears twitched as he heard a rustling, and as he looked to the source of the sound, he saw nothing. Nothing but a table full of fake weapons. No, no, Encore. Stay on task. Sweetie Belle's waiting for you to start.


He ceased his flow of magic. The hall was now silent of its own accord. And, after giving the mare an inquiring glance, and hearing the announcer's narration's cease, Encore took a deep breath, and began to croon his melody, which resounded in the now deadly quiet of the grand hall.

Edited by Descant ♫
  • Brohoof 2

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(OOC: My bad.)


Wind let out a sigh of slight annoyance.  "We already t-told the other guard that...Leona." She gestured to Derpy. "And I Are from S-Storm Wing...but we left because we h-have had enough of this d-damn war...just like everyp-pony else." She said, sobbing. "And Feara." She gestured at Lila. "Is from M-Moon and Star. Now p-please...let us g-go, we have all been traveling for d-days. And c-can we get these b-blind fold's off p-please ?" She asked, getting rather tired of the blindfold. "We don't want any trouble. We will be out of the city within a few days, we just need a place to rest and gather some supplies before leaving again...p-please." She said.


*I have said the word 'please' about one thousand time's now...I am beginning to think that these ponies are even more evil than me...ha...haha...HAHAHAHAHAHA...oh I do make myself laugh sometimes...I wonder if we will find uncle Bob...maybe he is the one selling the crown.* She thought, sniffing and tapping her back hooves against the floor, wanting so badly to just leave and look for the crown...after chopping off the head of this agent of course.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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House stormwing - The Acropolis - Outside New Ponyville


Windslash was glad to hear that reinforcements are on their way. `Scootaloo, what now? Will we help in the battle?` Windslash was wondering what came next.


House Whitegold - Manehattan - Artisan District - front row seat 


Nightshade was earger when they called out Sweetie Belle's name, she watched as Sweetie and her partner came on stage. She let out some cheers.




House earthborn - North of New ponyville


The flood had finished pooring into the ghastly goorge the grass surronding the area was completly wet. Applejack, could see that by sending so many troops to take Canterlot, she made New Ponyville more vulnerable. She walked to the spotting ballon and told them to send a message to Big Macintosh telling them to send some troops to New Ponyville as reinforcements but to continue to Canterlot. The spotting ballon that she had arrived on left to deliver the message. With the threat of the flood now gone, Applejack charged into battle agaisnt house Everfree`s invasion force with her fellow earthborn soldiers. ''They think that they can try to flood our home's and our families, let us show them no mercy. Bucker canons fire'' A bombordement of bucker canons fired. One, of the canon balls hit a hydra in the stomach and bounced off as if it were nothing, while another canon ball smashed straight through an ents face, sending wood shards everywhere. Ponies-at-arms, applelosan rangers and juggenauts charged behind Applejack. ''We will not give them the chance to charge new ponyville, we will strike them now that they are in the open and arn't hiding in their forest's '' Timber wolves charged agaisnt them. Both armies were about to clash, Applejack drew out her sword and cut of the first timber wolve's head. The battle went on for a few hours.


House earthborn - imbetween Canterlot and Cloudsdale


They had finally made it, from hear they would march onto Canterlot. Just as they we're going to march Big Macintosh could see one of their house's spotting ballons approach. After a few minutes the spotting ballon had caught up to them. A pony got off and walked to Big Macintosh and Breaburn. ''General Macintosh i have word from Applejack, New Ponyville is under attack by Everfree, she wishes that you send some reinforcements'' Macintosh looked to Breaburn. '' I told you that we should have attacked the Everfree forest again, now we need to retreat.'' ''  No Applejack wishes that your continue the assault on Canterlot.''  '' Breaburn take some soldiers and go help Applejack, i'll handle canterlot.'' '' As you command. SOLDIERS!!! New ponyville is under assault, half of you are to come with me we shall help are fellow earth-ponies '' Breaburn began to walk away with reinforcement, he turned back. ''Big Mac, be sure to kill lots of unicorns for me.'' Big Macintosh let out a smile ''Yep''   (ooc : to the oc's here decide if your going to the assault on Canterlot or the defense of new ponyville )

Edited by discorded
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@,@@AnonBrony, @@Marathon, @, @@discorded,


House Whitegold - Manehatten - The Wall - The Justice Building - The Interrogation Chambers


The agent remained emotionless while restraining the urge to smirk. "Then may I inquire as to why you are dressed in Manehatten clothes and not Moon and Star robes or Stormwing armor? Clothes of that high quality are not sold anywhere else but the inner city. So how did you come to posses such exquisite attire?" he asked slowly. The door then opened from the outside with the two doctors standing in front of it. Without another word, the senior submitted his autopsy report to the agent before locking him back into the chamber again. 


House Whitegold - Manehatten - Artisan District - Performance Hall - On stage


(OOC: I'm assuming Encore has sung the first three lines of the song already? If so, correct me and I will edit.)


Sweetie Belle looked around at the crowd and then at Encore before she sang her lyrics:


"But now walls and blades drive us apart.

 Our years of school gone

Our weeks of mischief vanished

Our days of playtime a distant memory..."


She kept calm, holding her tears back as hard as she can while looking over at Encore, waiting for him to sing next.


House Moon and Star - Hoofington


Star Rain looked up at Eternity and the white stallion with a "Tell me now!" look. What, you thought my mouth was muzzled or something?! "Do you maybe think that Twilight wants us to open this gateway?!" she shouted, very frustrated and and scared.

  • Brohoof 2

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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@@Spell Shock



House Moon and Star - Hoofington


He was starting to get annoyed by Silver Swirl now. He thinks he knows everything. He thinks he know whats really going on with Spell. I doubt he even knows what Lightning is. He doesn't know me. He knows NOTHING about me. I'm not surprised Twilight suspects him. He knows a bit too much if you ask me.


After Swirl went off to do whatever secretive business he was going to do he heard a Mare shout of him. He turned and realized it was Star who shouted. He was quite surprised. He hasn't heard her voice like that before. But Star had a point though.


"Open the gateway?" Eternity repeated... "Opening it... I didn't think about that." He mulled over the idea a bit but then and even terrible idea came across his mind. "Or worse... what if we are going to go THROUGH the gateway. I wouldn't be surprised if Twilight even wanted us to do BOTH. It is definitely possible." He paused for a bit. "But here is no place to talk. We should go somewhere more private and safe. Lets head to the Inn. We can continue this conversation there." He looked down and Spell and Lightning. "And you two are coming too. For your own safety. ...Let's go."


He then lead the mares back to the Inn. Though they probably already knew how to get there. If Silver was still there he might of left the two fillies with him. Or maybe not. he brought them along because he wanted to make sure they stay safe. And besides, they both didn't really have anywhere else to go.

Edited by AnonBrony
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House Everfree: Invasion Force. (I'm not going to instantly reply all the time. My resources are indeed mine I'm the one that dictates what they do. Just setting that down now.)

The initial clash again Earthborn was deafening. A hydra turned its gaze from the tiny edible specks dotting the ground nearby to the large metal throwers. Briefly halting its unstoppable progress forward allowed a clutch of not-to-be-eaten druids to climb onto its heads. They set up a chanting chorus, weaving magic through the air like a needle and thread. The nearest of the grand oaks, thicker than Twilight's old library home by four times uprooted itself from its newly settled placement. Tree limbs grew like weeds, forming gigantic battle-hammers and spears. A rumbling groan echoed over the sound of battle as it began marching forward. The ents swarmed around it, looking like the wolves at their own feet in comparison. Even across the battlefield anypony was able to hear the earth shaking reverberations as a war chant sprang up.


"Hist, Vol, Shuul! Hist, Vol, Shuul!, Hist, Vol, Shuul!" The wooden throats roared at the top of their ability. Boulders began to fall like asteady rain, launched from the arms of ents as they marched as one. A cannonball struck the collassal weaponized tree, splintering the bark and leaving a deep dent. Only now did the monstrosity let loose its own voice. The great cry of the oak muffled even the loudest of Hydra screeches, pulsing through the entire spectrum of sound. A massive wooden arm sprouted and scoop a massive clump of earth and threw it at the cannon responsible, hoping to crush it underneath. Such was the actions of Everfree. When they went to war, all living things were used as weapons. The grass beneath Earthborn hooves was changed to razor sharp leafen blades. The trees marched like the living, and the air itself assaulted the ears of their adversaries. (So basically Everfree is going to use every resource available to win, no matter what it is."


House Everfree: Fluttershy and Sand (No one can tell that Sand is an Alicorn! {His wings are hidden.} Fluttershy wouldn't just tolerate his presence if she knew. And please refrain from 'magical foresight' or 'just knowing'. Its part of the plot!)

Fluttershy waltzed into the dining room ahead of her guests, signalling the various servants as she went. The before mentioned Housecarl disappeared to make living arrangements for those newly arrived, but the other deer servant stayed nearby. Leading her guests into a grand hall, Fluttershy went to lounge on a low throne of sorts. It was more like a couch with pillows. Curiously, another couch was set on the floor below it, about level with the feet of her own seat. "Please, take your seats, any that you feel like. Except for you my 'dear' triumphant stag. Oh look, a pun." She giggled softly. "Please lay on the seating before me if you would. Your gift awaits." She layed down sideways (Roman Style) on her couch, waiting for everyone to take their places. All of the guest seating was much the same as her own, just less elaborate. All were set in front of a long stone table, intricately carved in a mural of a dragon. Sand sat near the middle of the table, close to window.

Edited by Higurashi


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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"We got them in th-the undercity...th-they w-were over p-priced but we though w-we should l-look our best. S-Somepony had gotten them from the inner c-city." She said, shaking slightly as other ponies entered the room. "We ditched our other clothes because we didn't want any trouble...apparently, that was done in vain. Please, what do you possibly need from us ? We just want to rest." She said.





Rain smiled slightly at the joke but was still hesitant about sitting down, He hadn't done much...in fact, he didn't do anything. he had just walked out of the castle and Sparrow was just there, waiting. But he didn't wish to upset Fluttershy, so he sat down and looked out across the table. He had to admit...he felt rather special but he felt almost as if it was fake...like he didn't deserve it.

"Forgive me my lady but...I really didn't do much." He said, looking away from the table to look up at Fluttershy, who was sitting much higher than him...which was rather strange considering he usually looked down at other ponies, not in the sense that they were less important that him of course.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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House stormwing - The Acropolis - Outside New Ponyville   Windslash was glad to hear that reinforcements are on their way. `Scootaloo, what now? Will we help in the battle?` Windslash was wondering what came next.


House Stormwing - The Acropolis - Outside New Ponyville


Scootaloo rubbed her temples, her headache only getting worse. "I don't know, okay! I don't know what to do in this situation, Rainbow always sent me on simple missions, this was my idea." She threw herself down on the ground in a heap. "We can't just rush into battle with no plan, we can't just sit here either."


Star Keeper looked out across the plains, the battle between Earthborn and Everfree in full swing. "Looks like the world wont wait for us to act, it's already made its move." Great cannons and monsters hurled projectiles at enemy lines, war cries and songs of battle were heard in the distance. "Where did you tell Rainbow to meet with us?"


"Ponyville, north of here. But it seems that may no longer be an option." Scootaloo let out an almost defeated sigh. "We have to try and meet them, we have to give it our best. Get your things and prepare to leave. We're going to have to avoid detection if we're to succeed."


"Sounds like a bit of a suicide mission. Can you by chance not see the battle going on between us and the destination?" Star said sarcastically. "We don't have a chance of getting there on time or alive."


"Shut your mouth will you! I highly recommend not pissing me off when I'm trying to serve my city." 

Edited by The-Master


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"We got them in th-the undercity...th-they w-were over p-priced but we though w-we should l-look our best. S-Somepony had gotten them from the inner c-city." She said, shaking slightly as other ponies entered the room. "We ditched our other clothes because we didn't want any trouble...apparently, that was done in vain. Please, what do you possibly need from us ? We just want to rest." She said.

"They just want to blame us for their commanders death." Lila seemed to spit out the words. She had no idea what was going on but she swiveled her ear in the direction of an opening door. She also heard some muttering and then the door closed again. *Buck, who was that?* Lila thought after it completely closed. For some reason she felt strangely aware of other eyes watching them and not just this interrogator in front of them who seemed to have an 'I got you now' type of attitude. Unfortunately for him they were smarter than he thought. "Seriously this is just going to keep going around in circles. You're going to find 'evidence' against us when there's an obvious explanation to it. Like Light said, we bought the clothes from an undercity in a different Whitegold city. You ponies really need to lower your prices on the clothes. What do you want us to do?" Lila finished her little rant and sat back on the chair like all was swell and dandy. This was really not going to plan, and this pony isnt helping either.

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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(OOC: Wow, you guys just love posting while I'm out)


The Cult of Laughter - The Manehattan Inner City - Interrogation Room #6


Derpy looked at the interviewer. He wasn't buying it. She looked at the girls. They were bored. Time for plan B. Yay. "Plan B on the count of pi," she whispered. "One...two...three...PI!" She yelled. Swiftly she pulled a dagger out from the folds of her dress and cut off her blindfold, then hit the stallion with several blows in quick succession, which would wound him terribly if not kill him. She discarded her dress and bolted towards the door. She used her wing blades in her bag to smash the door down, and then rammed into ten more guards, knocking them to the floor. Flying at top speed out of the place, she headed to town. Now this is the fun way to do a mission!


(OOC: @MagicalStarRain  @Flamey : I'll PM you guys about plan B when I have the time, ok?)


The Cult of Laughter - The Fillydelphia Hideout - The Prophets' Chamber


Pinkies' corpse stirred, and it spoke, the Laughing Mare controlling it, but it only moved its' lips. "Do not go to aid the Mad Prophet - we shall see if from this she profits." With that, Pinkie Pies' mouth closed, and Crankys' face assumed a frown. "Fine." he said. "You are dismissed, Prophet Tondrak. Good day." He turned and exited the chamber.


House Everfree (Maybe?) - The Castle Thingy - The Dining Hall


Jade was shocked by the Ladys' offer for dinner, or command really, and bowed her head slightly. "Thank you." She turned and headed into the dining hall after Fluttershy, and sat two seats down from her at the table. She noted the pose Lady Fluttershy took when sitting, and noted the Ponyman [that's all I got for puns, sorry] posture. Her father had gone to college before the war, and he had taught Jade some things about history, and this happened to be one of those things. Her father often quoted inspirational Latin phrases, and it reminded her of her dad. A pang of sadness came,  but she tried to hide her feelings and refrain from slumping her shoulders.

Edited by TheSonicAlicorn
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Nightfall looked around. Dusk was falling in Manehatten, so he still had a view hours to go. He wanted to do something so badly it almost hurt him to sit there waiting. But he had spent so much time alone, doing nothing for days on end while he tried to work out problems with his engine, that he sat still, closing his eyes and trying to count as high as he could before his concentration broke. Several times, he opened his eyes, hearing ponies hooves, but nothing ever happened, and Rarity would still be out until very late that night. He sighed, closing his eyes again. He hadn't eaten for nearly six hours, and while he had gotten mostly used to it, he wasn't fully used to it; his stomach rumbled low. He growled low himself, and almost started muttering curses at himself for coming this early and for not bringing any kind of snack. He reached to the side of the cart and pulled off the water bottle that was strapped to the side. He gulped at the half full bottle, putting it back magically. He also mentally noted to stretch his wings at some point in time so they would still be usable for his planned battle against Twilight. He stayed silent, not bothering the guards at all, wondering how they would take his silence.

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Artisan District

Performance Hall-Roof


Moving across the rooftops; his hoofbeats soundless and precise, Swift moved steadily towards the Artisan district, and the promise of a key event.


As he got closer to his location, the buildings grew taller and grander, rendering roof-jumping impossible. Instead the well groomed agent scaled his way up one of the artistic outer towers, continuing his run from there.


He wasn't even that sure of what was happening tonight; some big aristocratic event no doubt. No place for an agent, much less a shamed agent...


Still, it was worth a visit. Who knew, perhaps some high class types would run into trouble from opportunist thieves, giving Swift the chance to play hero. It was a long shot, yet better than standing around aimlessly.


Or worse, hunting down a nonexistent Alicorn in the grubby underworld...


The agent's mind returned to the defences he'd helped set up earlier against the cultists. He wondered if they really were planning to sneak in and steal from the treasury, and how well they'd fare against Whitegold defences.


Swift skidded to a halt, the faint sounds from below indicating that he'd come to the right place. 


Singing. So it was a concert then... not something that Swift would usually have been interested in, but he stayed nevertheless.


There was something about the almost distant singing from below that calmed him, and the agent lay upon the roof listening sadly. 


It seemed almost as if he'd lost something after his position as top agent was revoked. Inspiration to act perhaps, a sort of flair that came with high ranking.


The tune continued, and Swift lay alone on the roof; no dashing around, or waiting for something to happen.


Just... Listening...

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House Earthborn - The Heartlands - Inbetween Canterlot and Cloudsdale


The news was sudden and disarming; Everfree had launched a surprise attack on New Ponyville while they were away.


The treacherous scumbags! Fixit thought Can't even face us in open battle!


Now there were two options open to him: retreat for New Ponyville to bolster the defense, or keep marching for Canterlot and hope that things back home turned out for the best. It was a tough decision, and both options had their merits. Of course, if he didn't go back to New Ponyville and it fell, that would divide Earthborn territory and make it impossible to launch an assault on anywhere before New Ponyville was reclaimed. However, if all went well at New Ponyvile, they would be able to test the capabilities of their enemies in Canterlot and soften them up for later attack.


Eventually, he decided on returning to New Ponyville. Staying was just too much of a risk to take due to New Ponyville's strategical position for attacking the other Houses.


"We're heading back, team. You won't get any horns to adorn your walls today so a few Hydra heads will have to do. Let's move it up!


Rotating their cannons 180 degrees, they dropped into Braeburn's formation and began the march back to New Ponyville.

Edited by Archi

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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House Moon and Star - Hoofington



- “I sense a faint smell of danger.” – Spell said, all of a sudden when they were going – “Something is happening, somewhere. I wonder what”


- “You always have a smell for danger, silly” – Lightning replied, looking at her – “And it’s rarely means anything, remember?”


- “Still, it bothers me. It’s like, something is going on somewhere.” – She replied – “You know what I’m talking about Li. I wouldn’t even mention it if it wasn’t a little bit weird”


- “And what possibly could be happening?” – Lightning asked, looking at her as they all were going to the inn – “Let me guess…”


- “I dunno” - both fillies replied at the same time, after which Spell gently bumped Lightning, after which she returned a favor and they started bumping into each other as a sort of a game.


- “Hey, not fair” – spell replied when Lightning dodged using her wings, she would more on a reflex use her magic to help her lands and bump into her, before realizing she just used magic. Ops.


The spark on her horn, which was still pulsating, blew up in a firework show, when her horn lit up in magic. The place where the dot was now black, it was... absorbing light, until it would just dissapear. Which would be a few seconds.

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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(OOC: Wow, you guys just love posting while I'm out)


The Cult of Laughter - The Manehattan Inner City - Interrogation Room #6


Derpy looked at the interviewer. He wasn't buying it. She looked at the girls. They were bored. Time for plan B. Yay. "Plan B on the count of pi," she whispered. "One...two...three...PI!" She yelled. Swiftly she pulled a dagger out from the folds of her dress, then hit the stallion with several blows in quick succession, which would wound him terribly if not kill him. She discarded her dress and bolted towards the door. She used her dagger to pick the lock with surprising ease. Flying at top speed out of the room, she headed to town. Now this is the fun way to do a mission!


(OOC: @MagicalStarRain @Flamey : I'll PM you guys about plan B when I have the time, ok?)


The Cult of Laughter - The Fillydelphia Hideout - The Prophets' Chamber


Pinkies' corpse stirred, and it spoke, the Laughing Mare controlling it, but it only moved its' lips. "Do not go to aid the Mad Prophet - we shall see if from this she profits." With that, Pinkie Pies' mouth closed, and Crankys' face assumed a frown. "Fine." he said. "You are dismissed, Prophet Tondrak. Good day." He turned and exited the chamber.


House Everfree (Maybe?) - The Castle Thingy - The Dining Hall


Jade was shocked by the Ladys' offer for dinner, or command really, and bowed her head slightly. "Thank you." She turned and headed into the dining hall after Fluttershy, and sat two seats down from her at the table. She noted the pose Lady Fluttershy took when sitting, and noted the Ponyman [that's all I got for puns, sorry] posture. Her father had gone to college before the war, and he had taught Jade some things about history, and this happened to be one of those things. Her father often quoted inspirational Latin phrases, and it reminded her of her dad. A pang of sadness came, but she tried to hide her feelings and refrain from slumping her shoulders.

Lila tried to tell Derpy no plan B, but it was too late. Derpy was already on the interrogator. His fell into a heap with multiple stab wounds. Lila tooka her bag and put on her spiked (slippers? Shoes? Those thing the princesses wear on their hoofs. Those things.) and crushed the interrogators rib cage just for good measure. She rushed out after Derpy now knowing ponies would be on the look out for them. When she got out onto the streets she slowed her pace to a brisk walk and began to look for the crown in the shops. Lila tried to remember what it looked like as she went from shop to shop. She was so busy looking behind her back for any guards she passed up the shop that had the crown and continued down the street. She started to get jittery just thinking about how everypony was watching her. They weren't but it felt like it. She could feel the paranoia begin to build up in her and she quickened her pace. She quickly turned her head to her left side and saw a guard and immediately began to panic. Lila about-faced and full on sprinted back the way she came not caring to look at the ponies who stared at her as she ran.

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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House Whitegold - Manehatten - Artisan District - Performance Hall - On stage


(OOC: I'm assuming Encore has sung the first three lines of the song already? If so, correct me and I will edit.)


Sweetie Belle looked around at the crowd and then at Encore before she sang her lyrics:


"But now walls and blades drive us apart.

 Our years of school gone

Our weeks of mischief vanished

Our days of playtime a distant memory..."


She kept calm, holding her tears back as hard as she can while looking over at Encore, waiting for him to sing next.


House Whitegold - Manehatten - Artisan District - Performance Hall - On stage


Encore felt a twinge of momentary embarrassment that he managed to surpress, as he heard - no, felt - the emotion Sweetie Belle put into the song. Then, something clicked in his head as well. He hadn't recognised it before. The song wasn't just sad, yet hopeful for the sake of it. It was a testament to friends lost, friends taken, friends that might yet be found again. Bearing this thought in mind, and with a jolt to his heart, remembered.


The Twins. Evergreen. But they're gone, Encore. Some friends cannot be found again. And where normally the thought of his losses hardened Encore to the world, this time it softened him, and his voice was all the more beautiful for it.



"The distance doesn’t matter though"


And it sounded more sincere than Encore had ever heard himself sound in nearly fifteen years. 



House Everfree - Everfree Forest - Castle Ruins - Dining Hall


Quietly, Evergreen trotted along with the rest of Fluttershy's guests to the dining hall, and did not exclaim at the wonders of the Roaman architecture, as the others did, preferring to simply occupy a seat at the long table about halfway down, across from the Trickster, Sand. She stared blankly over the unicorn's shoulder, out a small crack in the window.

Find the Heart of the Jungle!

Still searching for players! Join today!

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@@Spell Shock,



House Moon and Star - Hoofington Inn


Once They all reached the Inn, Eternity brought them all up to his room. "Here we are. My room. Sorry for the mess." There were books everywhere on the ground and papers too. His staff laid right next to the nightstand which had a candle on it. It was a rather small room with only one bed. It was just made for one pony after all, not four.


Once inside Eternity closed the door. His horn then started to glow an orange aura. He was using magic. And Green swirling light then appeared form his horn and moved to the door. It expanded and transformed into several iron bars with Eternity used to bar the door so no one can get in. He then did the same for the window.


"A bit extreme I know, but you all heard the Archmagister. 'Volunteers'. No doubt she was talking about Pegasi and Earth ponies. And we wouldn't want Twilight getting her hoofs on you Spell. Especially because of that magic of yours.We will be safe here for now. I don't know when Twilight would be sending of the Legion to gather volunteers but She wants the project started as soon as possible. So I'm guessing some time today. Now... what we speaking about?" Eternity began to pick up a book and look through. He was still searching for information. Not only on Spell but now The Astral Plane too.

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House Moon and Star - Hoofington Inn

- “Astral plane, the mare has gone mad! I mean, I haven’t done any searching on the matter but it’s ridiculous! No one knows what type of dangers lie in there! For all we know, something what could kidnap Princesses just waits until she does it to get here and start the grand feast on ponies. What if astral plane merges with ours or just consumes it without any trace? I don’t know if it’s possible but still– Spell would start

She would be walking around, not caring it was two pretty unknown ponies to here in the room

- “I can’t even use my magic to make coffee hot, without a chance what a giant shadow which looks like a merge of centipede with a dragon gonna show up and will try to eat me! Or set someone on fire. It just corrode the wall clean off or whatever. I mean, is it really necessary to meddle beyond out world, which as is falls apart? If anything happens and some evil force gonna just come through, will we alone be able to put resistance? Hardly. “

She would when start bumping her forehead at the wall.

- “This is all levels of stupid”

  • Brohoof 1

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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Wind squeaked as Lila and Derpy ran out. "WAIT I NEED HIS HEAD." She yelled, pulling off her blindfold and hopping over the table.

With one quick slice, she chopped off the agent's head and held it in her hooves as she flew out of the room after Lila and Derpy.

She gently placed the head in her bag which she grabbed from a shelf just outside the room.

She trotted out onto the street and happily skipped besides Lila. "Cookie's comin' to life, Cookie's comin' to life." She sung, hopping into a small shop, she ran up to the pony behind the desk, who screamed as he looked at Wind's bag...which was dripping with blood from the agents head. "QUICK...I NEED A FANCY CROWN AND...you don't happen to know a pony named Bob do you ? I think he's my uncle." She said, scratching her chin. The pony screamed again and shook his head. Wind shrugged and happily skipped out of the shop. and down the street towards Lila. "Don't forget to keep an eye open for Bob...I really miss him and I think he needs to come back to the cult with us...do you have an uncle Lila ?" She asked, giggling slightly as a few ponies screamed at the sight of her bag, dripping with blood.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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@,@@Marathon, @, @@AnonBrony,@@Spell Shock@@Nightfall,@,@@Sky Warden,@,



House Whitegold - Manehatten - The Streets of the Inner City


The call to release the police force had spread like wild fire. Ponies in uniforms of blue and armed with swords and daggers charged into the inner city, pursuing the mad mares. The pegasi took to the air to scan and pursue from above, while the fastest of earth ponies followed the pegasi and commanded shopkeepers to close their shops. Some of the Arcanists began to set up various illusion spells in different places and in front of the shops while they positioned themselves to strike. The rest of the police ushered civilians into The Wall for protection while others moved to secure the Artisan District, the Arcanist District, and the Ivory Tower through means such as illusion spells and placing extra guards there.


House Whitegold - Manehatten - Artisan District - Performance Hall - On Stage


Looking at Encore and moving a little in a dance-like fashion, Sweetie Belle fought to keep her voice steady.


"We still hold each other in our hearts..." she held that last note before continuing onto the chorus, hoping that Encore remembered that this was one of the lines they sang together.


"It’s a sorrowful fact indeed, the distance between

But no matter, you will never fade..."


House Moon and Star - Hoofington - Hoofington Inn


Star Rain was becoming more frustrated by the second. She had to dig her hooves into the floor to prevent herself from driving her horn into the wall and sending her magic into it to blow it up or something. She surrounded the room with a soundproof barrier before she started shouting. "This isn't good! This isn't good at all!!! Why would she want US to open this stupid gateway in the first place?! What good will it do?! I bet those spirits up there will be angry with her with what she'll do! Who knows what they'll do?!" she yelled. She continued to say,"I never wanted to come this place! I NEVER WANTED TO COME HERE AT ALL!!!" Panting, heart racing, tears streaming, she sunk down onto the floor. It wasn't natural for her to get this angry, even for a teenager. In fact, she had never been so agitated in life, not since Twilight took her away. It was scary, releasing all of that anger. It made her very stressed.


And it made her feel better on the inside.

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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@@Spell Shock,  


House Moon and Star - Hoofington Inn


Eternity looked up from his books and saw both mares were going off in a tangent. One was banging her head on a wall and the other bawling their eyes out. Oh Celestia...


"Listen you two. Everything is going to be fine. I can assure you of that." Eternity lifted Star up form the ground. "There is no need to cry."


"Things may seem bleak now but i'm certain we can get through this. I'm not going to let Twilight use us in this plan I was done with that 5 years ago. And to be fair Spell, Twilight isn't a an idiot. I hate to be praising her but she might know whats shes doing. But i fear having her plan succeed may be worse than having it fail." He looked trough the books a bit more. "Well, i would like to know what we are up against and considering you guys have nothing better to do but be sad..." He moved a big pile of books in front of them and smiled a bit "...how about we hit the books then shall we. Lets try and find anything on the Astral plane or portals or whatever"



Several hours have past with them in that little room together. Looking through books and occasionally being bored. Unfortunately none of them found any info on the Astral plane in any of the books Eternity brought.


Dusk started fall. And soon an even greater danger will fall upon them as well.

Edited by AnonBrony
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