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Would you rather ep.10


Would you rather?  

44 users have voted

  1. 1. Would you rather

    • get burned alive
    • get eaten alive
  2. 2. Would you rather

    • sing the national anthem at the Superbowl (poorly)
    • do a nude seen in a movie
  3. 3. Would you rather

    • get attacked by a pack of wolves
    • get attacked by a hoard of bee's
  4. 4. Would you rather

    • never own a pet
    • never watch TV again
  5. 5. Would you rather

    • be able to jump 5 feet
    • be able to run 20mph for 200meters
  6. 6. Would you rather

    • sacrifice yourself for 10 friends
    • have 1 friend and an 1 enemy sacrifice themselves for you
  7. 7. Would you rather

    • Step on lego
    • step on a nail
  8. 8. Pony question of the day

    • have pinkie sense
    • be able to do a sonic Rainboom(60% of the time)

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I have come to the conclusion that WYR will be held Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from now on, cool? yes.

lets get stated. On this thread, there will be a series of questions directed toward you in "would you rather format". You can pick any of the answers and you will be able to discuss the topic in the comments below.

This is going to be for fun and remember,

Have fun everybody/everypony :)


PS: Thanks to MidnightZap, for giving me some awesome questions for todays WYR

  • Brohoof 3


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1. I'd rather be burned, I actually have a bit of a.. Phobia I guess that stems from being eaten alive, thats not the phobia but its was kinda born from that.


2. I'd rather sing poorly because being nude anywhere would be plain awkward..


3. While I really don't like bee's or most bugs, I feel like a pack of wolves would be much more dangerous and I'm more likely to live from bee's then I am wolves. Even if it would mean lots of stings and it would hurt alot.


4. Well If not watching TV means I can still watch youtube which means I can still watch MLP, then I'm fine without TV, otherwise I'm sorry future pets :P.


5. I feel like jumping 5 feet while cool wouldn't be extremely helpful to me, but being able to have a burst of speed could possibly be handy for many things, or even save my life.


6. I want to say i'd sacrfice myself for friends, but honestly I'm not sure if I'd be brave enough, I feel like I'd end up being saved, both would be really hard experiences to cope with.(Even if I'd be dead in one.)


7. While stepping on a lego hurts ALOT atleast i've experienced it so I know I can live through it, while a nail can get stuck in your foot and make it bleed and stuff, and I've never stepped on one yet and don't plan to.


8. While a Sonic Rainboom is cool, I don't know how much use I'd get from it honestly. I think I could find more uses for Pinkie sense, l could even use it to save my life :).


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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1. Burned. Probably a lot more painful, but likely a shorter death.


2. Every embarassing moment is a part of life. I don't regret them. I can't laugh about it for awhile, but I know I will laugh about it someday.


3. Bees. I'll run, take off my shirt, jump in to a pool, use my shirt as a cover to push out of the water's surface to breathe.


4. After I lost my first pet(s, I had 2), I couldn't bear having responsibility over a life if I can't be responsible for my own.


5. The speed makes more sense. I think I could actually jump 5 feet anyways if I had the strength and stamina to run at 20mph at all. XD


6. I believe in my own life more than that of my friends.


7. I have stepped on legos all my childhood. It hasn't hurt that much...


8. I would want to be able to use a Sonic Rainboom if I tried hard enough. It feels like something I have to make an effort for.

I think I'll be able to live my life without being able to predict spontaneous occurences.

No words are greater than mine and every word already is, Hypocrisy.

I say that I can accept that everyone is of their own decisions.
Simply so that I may judge you all the way I want through the way you think.
When you proclaim that all have their right to opinion, understand that you are placing this claim above their opinions.
Hypocrisy isn't a sin. It isn't rude. It isn't wrong. It isn't right.
It's how we live our lives, down to every word spoken.

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1. Get burned alive

2. Sing the national anthem at the Superbowl (poorly)

3. Get attacked by a hoard of Bees.

4. Never own a pet

5. Be able to run 20mph for 200 meters

6. Sacrifice yourself for 10 friends

7. Step on a lego

8. Be able to do a Sonic Rainboom ( 60% of the time)

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1) Burned Alive vs Eaten Alive


I think I'll go with burned alive. Both are deeply unpleasent and I would sooner freeze to death, but I can't even imagine how painful the later one would be. Also, what utensils would they be using? Spoons?


2) Singing the National Anthem Poorly vs Nude Movie Scene


I'd rather sing O canada badly. It would be kind of funny and I do have a bit of humour in me. Being involved in a nude movie scene would just be awkward.


3) Attacked by Wolves vs Attacked by Bees


NOT THE BEES! AHHHHHHH!!!... Sorry, couldn't resist the obligatory reference... But anyway, I'd take the wolves. If the swarm of bees was large enough, it would be a fatal encounter anyway. My reasoning is that the pack of wolves would kill me a lot faster.


4) No Pets vs No TV


No TV! I love my pets and I barely watch anything on television any more. The only thing I watch on television is the odd documentary and my little pony. I am perfectly willing to give up TV for future pets.


5) Jumping 5 Feet vs Running 32 km/h (it only makes sense to use these units) for 200 metres


The faster running would be handier for me. Sure it isn't quite up to speed with Sonic or Rainbow Dash, but being able to run that quickly could be really useful.


6) Sacrificing Self for Friends vs Friend + Enemy Sacrificing Themselves for Me


I am being completely honest here, I kind of like living. I only have one life to live, unlike Mario after abusing the one-up glitch, and I need to make the most out of this one chance. There is just so much to learn about the world, I would love to live much longer so I could have enough time to understand everything! While I would sacrifice myself for my best friend in a heartbeat, I would rather live and see all that the world has to offer.


7) Stepping on a Lego Brick vs Stepping on a Nail


This wasn't as difficult to answer as I thought. While Lego Bricks really hurt to step on, they don't have the chance of piercing the skin or causing an infection. I also have never heard a case of Lego Brick impalement being fatal or requiring emergency medical attention, so my choice is the Lego Brick.


8) Pulling Off a Sonic Rainboom vs Pinkie Sense


Pinkie Sense would be a lot more useful for every day use. It would be kind of nice to know when a door is about to open right into your face or something bad is about to happen.


TL;DR version: 1a 2a 3a 4b 5b 6b 7a 8a

Edited by Celtore
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1.Getting burned alive is less horrible than getting eaten alive

2.I'd rather sing the national antham.Nude scene in a movie...OH GOD NO

3.Bees will hurt me alot more than wolves would

4.pets are better than TV.Yes,i,Midnight zap,who almost always watches TV chose that.

5.Being able to jump 5 feet is awesomer B).

6.10 people are better than 1.

7.I've never stepped on a lego brick or a nail,but i chose lego brick.

8.Pinkie sense would be awesome to have :).


Sig made by meh ((Find me on Deviantart if you wanna talk to me))

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1.  I don't want to think about either.... ugh going to be sick.  but I am more scared of fire than animals. 

2.  I'd rather do a nude scene.  I'm mostly happy with my body.  At least people couldn't youtube it, lol....

3.  Bees

4. I'd rather not have a pet.  I am a TV addict... but I do love my cats.

5.  Jumping 5 feet seems more useful

6. I'd rather have them sacrifice for me... sorry, I'm going to be selfish on this one

7.  Lego, definitely

8.  Sonic Rainboom is more awesome!!!  

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1. Oh, eaten. Anyone who said burned; it's a lot longer and a lot more painful. :x

2. Nude scene, easy. I'm comfortable with my body and would never go to the Superbowl. EVER. Plus, I could do a nude scene for GoT. Ohohoh~

3. Bees, solely cuz I HATE wolves with all my being.

4. I don't believe in "pet ownership". You can't "own" an animal. :x

5. The five foot jump, easily.

6. Sacrifice mahself. I don't have friends though. XD

7. Lego. Unless the nail was sideways. Then nail,

8. Pinkie Sense. That'd be useful.


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1. Rather get burned alive. I think that Wouk happen quicker and be less painful.

2. Rather sing the National Anthem Badly. I actually kinda like to sing badly on purpose.

3. Rather get attacked by wolves. I absolutely HATE bees

4. Rather never own a pet. I'm uses to it

5. Rather be able to jump 5 feet. I honestly think that would be more useful

6. Rather sacrifice myself for 10 friends. Just cuz

7. Rather step on a Lego. I'm used to it, and I honestly don't think they hurt that bad. At the very least, I don't think I'd acquire Tetanis from a Lego

8. Rather have pinkie sense. At least I' be able to use that 100% of the time



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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1. Burned - this was the first one you have made I had to think about...but I am gonna go with burn
2. Nude - for some reason I'd be less embarassed
3. Wolves - Eaten would be better then being stung to death IMO
4. TV - Can't live without these idiots
5. Run - Did you mean jump 50 feet? You wrote 5 feet...I can already jump that
6. Myself - I don't need others dying for me
7. Uhm...yeah lego...i've done a nail before
8. Pinkie sense without a doubt

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1) I assume by eaten alive, you mean by a shark or a similarly large predator. I would go with that, honestly. First of all, it means my family wouldn't have to discover my charred body by burning. Second, it takes less time. Third, there's something more bad-ass about being chomped into pieces instead of just melting.


2) Nude scene. While singing the national anthem badly is just plain embarrassing (and it's something anyone could do) being a nude actor isn't embarrassing at all. Watchers are going to assume my nude acting is professional if I was even called for the role in the first place.


3) Given a bunch of lumps that fade after a day, or torn apart by wolves with almost certain death imminent? Yeah, I'd go with a bee attack, any day.


4) While TV is essential to get yourself important news and further your range of stuff to talk about with friends, owning a pet is just a convenience. If I had to give up one of the two, it would be owning a pet.


5) I'd rather be able to jump 5 feet... because I'm already able to run at 20mph. ;)


6) Enemy sacrifice aside, I would live the rest of my life with a shit feeling in my stomach if a friend had to die for me, and probably end up offing myself anyway. I'd choose to sacrifice myself for 10 friends because of that.


7) Step on a Lego - I really don't see what the fuss is about Legos. I've stepped on a Lego before, and it really isn't that bad. Beats me how there's a meme based around it. A nail is just dang painful.


8) Pinkie Sense. There are just so many possibilities. I'd be the sweetest martial artist, I could rise to Derren Brown fame, I could be a professional at pretty much any sport. It's all about predicting the immediate future. I can be inventive with it. Much more useful and applicable than being able to shoot a circle of rainbows (yes, rainbooms are cool, but I'm taking the Pinkie Sense.)

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Pinkie Sense is a truly elegant method of seeing the future.  You see, if you pre-see something, you can't change it.  It is essentially the past for you, but Pinkie Sense deletes enough information that she is able to act on the information thus changing the future.


Bad prediction -- Person X is going to be hit by a falling object.


Good prediction -- An object is about to fall in your vicinity.

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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Be buried alive - it is rather faster death, than be eaten, so i will choose fire here


Second question a bit silly... I think that thats okay to sign a anthem but ... i just dont like our national anthem so i choose second variant.


Now, i can see pack of woolfes, and probably can try to resist. How in a hell could you resist hoard of deadly barely visible creatures?


Run fast is a really good trick, but when you can run only 200 meters it doesnt make a lot of advantage. So i guess choose to jump far.


I do deny that somepony can have ten good friends. I mean GOOD friends, that you really wish to be sacreficed for.


Steping on lego is less painful =)


While perfoming of Sonic Rainboom is quite awesome, i think that Pinkie sense is much more useful.

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1. I'de rather get burned alive, being eaten alive strikes me as more painful and gives less ability to fight it off, but at least if I was being burned alive I could attempt to stop drop and roll.


2. Nude scene in a movie, I doubt you 'Muricans would appreciate the English national anthem + more people would likely see the Super Bowl than a movie on such a low budget that I had to be cast.



3. Bees, I'm allergic so would likely die faster, being slowly mauled to death by wolves isn't appealing, and its possible to jump into water to avoid bees.


4. No pets.


5. Wow, jumping 5 ft, that's great for if I want to.... Something... Well if I choose the running option, maybe I old outrun those bees eh?


6. I have no enemies, I would ladly sacrifice myself for my fiends or family.


7. Step on Lego, done that loads and it doesn't hurt, I stuck a dart through my finger and that killed, so I assume a nail in the foot would too.


8. Sonic rainboom, because it looks badass.

Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist

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  • 10 months later...

  1. Burned Alive 

Do a nude seen in a movie (I think I got the body for it...) 

Get attacked by a hoard of Bee's 

Never own a pet again 

Be able to run 20mpr for 200meters 

Sacrifice myself for 10 friends 

Step on a leg (but lets face it.. they both hurt the same..) 

Pinkie Sense 


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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1. Burned alive. Being eaten sounds like a much more horrible way to go.


2. Do a nude scene in a movie. This one is for you, ladies.  ;)  


3. Attacked by a pack of wolves.


4. Never watch TV again. I don't watch it anyway, so no loss there.


5. Jump 5 feet. Feeling the adrenaline falling down would be so euphoric. :blush:


6. Sacrifice myself for 10 friends.


7. Step on a lego. Not as bad as stepping on a nail, honestly.


8. Pinkie sense. Knowing when something bad will happen is extremely useful.



IF is best girl.

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