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Apple Family Going Down

Ninja Derpy

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This is a roleplaying game. Here is the beginning:




One day Twilgiht Sparkle was reading a book about the Center of the Equestria (like the center of earth). Then she hears a loud shriek out side of her library. The paraspites are back! But then Twilight realizes something. The aren't doing anything. Wait a minute, THEY ARE HEADING FOR SWEET APPLE ACRES!! Suddenly they start collecting all of the apples in the farm. Then the apple family comes out and tries swatting them away. BUT THEN THEY ARE CAPTURED TOO!! Suddenly the parasprites dug a giagantic hole and suddenly zoom straight downwards! So, they decide to recruit more ponies for this misson. It will be very dangerous, so only Twilight will go. They make a device so the ponies above can make sure they are safe.


Now here is the beginning of the game:



Applejack and her family has been captured by a large amount of parasprites. They are trapped in the center of the Equestria that the parasprites dug up. Will you please join us on our great quest to save a family in need of our help? We really need you to help us out in any way possible.
















Lets get this show on the road!!


I am pretty much nature and everything that may or may not attack you, so I don't need a profile.

Edited by Ninja Derpy



"I am more silent than night itself..."

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Age: Stalion


Sex: Male


Species: Pegasis


Description: Medium build, blue coat with short black hair and tale.


Personality: Calm, respective & sly

Edited by Slub
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Name: Prof. Cogsprock


Age: 35


Sex: Male


Species: Unicorn


Description:Appearence:Medium sized horn(slightly shorter than Flim or Flam, Violet glow when in use,) Pale coat, short----ashen mane, darker grey blotch on mouth., black hooves, short ashen tail.


Clothing: Tight white labcaot, bright purple necktie, black goggles with violet lenses.


Personality: Quirky scienctist, outspoken when it comes to his opinion and ideas, stubborn.


(hopefully he adds a diversity to the group)

Edited by Moosefullaeggs




Physical Health: 6/10
Mental Health: -0.527/e


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Name: rezo



Species: Pegasus

Description: Dark blue with black mane, green eyes

Personality: strong, dependable, very moral

Edited by Skullbuster

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Name: Traversing Key


Age: 16


Sex: Male


Species: Earth Pony


Description: Has a dark red coat and short dark yellow mane. Cutie mark is a piano key.


Personnality: His mind is aways cracking jokes, but he prefers to be serious (Unless the atmosphere is that of humor). He trys to be kind, but if someone trys to be smart with him or they are rude, he will bite their head off.


History: Arrived in ponyville after a meteor shower. He's not too well known around town, but he's remembered as being nice by the few that bothered to talk to him. More than several times he's been seen mumbling angrily about ships while looking toward the sky.

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YO NINJA! can we blow this taco stand and start the Rp :P?


Guess so. I totally forgot about this thing. I won't participate much, so you can be Twilight. I will just be nature and the badies and stuff.



"I am more silent than night itself..."

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(I feel so honored Ninja, for giving me this important job XD)


Pinkie got to Twilight's library "Hi-ya Twilight, I heard you needed help" "Thank Celestia your here Pinkie, since you are the best pony and you can solve anything a swarm of Parasprites came and took the Apple family and Applejack into the center of earth and I need as much help as possible-" "don't you worry your pretty little head, we'll find Applejack in no time and Granny Smith, and Applebloom.. and we can't forget Big-" "I think I got the point Pinkie" "so when can we leave?" "well I asked for help and I'm sure other ponies might wan't to come and help too" "Okie Dokie then"




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I entered the library hopeing to check out a book on modern technologies, ("Damn you Hanson")but it looked like the librarian was busy discussing something with a pink mare. It looked important for them, so I decided to try to not stand out by looking the shelves quietly.


That is why you don't end up tripping on a pile of books when your trying to be stealthy.


I fell flat on my stomach, no doubtedly bring their attention to me.


"I'm sorry, my bad! Just ignore me, I just want to check out a book!"

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"Um, hi miss." I said to the pink mare. "How does she know my name...?"


I then turned toward the purple unicorn. "Look, I'm sorry ma'am, I just want to check out a book, I'll be out of your ha- mane, as quickly as I can."


I turned halfway toward the bookshelf, then remembered to ask something else.


"Oh, sorry to bother you again, but you wouldn't happen to have a book on technological stuff would you? Preferably about modern aged technology?"

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"Modern aged technology?" *I think I would of remembered something like that...* "I don't think so but may-" "check under M" Pinkie sang "Pinkie I don't think that-" "here it is" Pinkie pointed the hoof at a shelf "Equestrian Modern Technology" she read out loud "how did? well Pinkie found the book, again, it's that all you need?" Twilight asked the pony levitating the book towards him Edited by Pinkazoid




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"Thank you. Also, sorry for interupting your conversation!" I called out as I left the tree/house/library.


"Alright, now all I got to do is get home and read this thing to see just how doomed I am... Huh, I wonder what those two were talking about? Nah, probably something I shouldn't spend too much time on...


What I should be thinking about is what the heck those flying sphere insect bugs were doing heading towards that orchard afew minutes ago. What are they, locusts? Wait, wrong planet. Maybe I should've checked out a book that told of the native species... and a history one too...


Nah, that's for the next trip."


And from then on, my mind cleared any coherent train of thought the rest of the way home.

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"Thank you. Also, sorry for interupting your conversation!" I called out as I left the tree/house/library.


"Alright, now all I got to do is get home and read this thing to see just how doomed I am... Huh, I wonder what those two were talking about? Nah, probably something I shouldn't spend too much time on...


What I should be thinking about is what the heck those flying sphere insect bugs were doing heading towards that orchard afew minutes ago. What are they, locusts? Wait, wrong planet. Maybe I should've checked out a book that told of the native species... and a history one too...


Nah, that's for the next trip."


And from then on, my mind cleared any coherent train of thought the rest of the way home.


OOC - Dude it is 3rd person, don't say "I" say "Traversing Key" or "TK"



"I am more silent than night itself..."

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We've introduced a new roleplay system to MLP Forums. To maintain a consistent format, we have locked and archived all of the original roleplay threads in Cloudsdale Colosseum. If you would like to continue your roleplay, please re-create it according to the new system.

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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