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Brony Survey


Brony Fan Survey  

154 users have voted

  1. 1. What Year Did You Become A Brony?

    • 2010
    • 2011
    • 2012
    • 2013
  2. 2. How Did You Become A Brony ?

    • All On My Own
    • Someone else persuaded me
    • Other (Explain in post)
  3. 3. Are You A Contributor Or just A Fan?

    • I contribute Fan Art
    • I contribute Fan Music
    • I contribute Fan Fiction
    • Im Just A Fan
    • Other (Please Explain In Post)
  4. 4. What Age Group Are You?

    • 12 And Under
    • 13 - 16
    • 17 - 20
    • 21 - 26
    • 27 - 31
    • 32 And older
  5. 5. Male Or Female? (Or other)

    • I Am Male
    • I Am Female
    • Other (Explain In Post If You Like)

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I became a brony in mid-November of 2012 because my friends on steam (most of them) were bronies so I went 'I'll give it a go!


Listen everypony im not a good brony im not a bad brony I AM TWILICIOUSALKOI AND I'M..... AWESOME! and likeable of course 'squee'



Credit to Kyoshi for making this Sig!

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So how did I discover it and what year?

By 2011, I started to see a lot of avatars of ponies and a lot of people mentioning ponies a lot to on websites and stuff like that. Then, I remembered my first video of this fandom... Epic cupcake time! Discovered it after seeing the spotlights of youtube. Then it was the team fortress 2 ponified version of sandvich! After these two vids, I decided to investigate this phenomenon and details of the show itself, after much investigation, I decided to watch the pilot and give it a go. After the pilot, I said nothing and stayed away for a week thinking about it... Then, I watched the entire season 1 episodes and got hooked on it more! As well as watching other vids, fan art, websites and more!


What am I? 

I'm just a fan since I've become a fan of this, collecting merchandise, and seeing what the fans offer in terms of content.


How old?

I was 17 when I discovered it, but by 18, is when I became a true brony myself. Which was about 3 to 4 months later!


Male or female?

I'm a male. After all, most of this fandom made it popular and unique through the many men who watch it. Along with female bronies!wink.png

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ah fuck i ticked the wrong box, im a female not a other which is going to be awkward


erm im not a pony brony just like the main and several others


havnt watched many episodes but got everything from wiki


i think i may have to do your poll again


i did the tick game and lost



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Year: 2012


How did you become a brony?: Myself, well the internet really, but myself.


Are you a contributor or just a fan?: Right now I'm just a fan, but soon I may write a fanfic, and I REALLY want to start a site (kinda like this), but I haven't the slightest idea how totongue.png


Age group: I'm 13 (also, why would there be a 12 and under? you have to be at least 13 to be on this site anyways :I)


Male or female: Male (one thing I don't like about this fandom: you can't tell gender online because everyone's picture is of ponies)


Amazing sig made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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I started watching the show sometime in July of 2012. I got into the show because I heard about bronies and stuff and even saw one of my friends I had on skype having a Fluttershy Profile pic and I eventually found a video on Youtube with the Stare master scene with Fluttershy staring the cocktrice down with "Guiles theme" playing. Afterwards I got curious and looked for more Fluttershy clips, I found some and after a few days I got curious and just had to start watching the show, so I watched the first episode, had to see what happened next, then was curious again and after a while I realized, "Hey this show is really good.."


And then boom I was a brony I guess, but I didn't join the forums until August 29th 2012, then I actually started posting a day or so after, and now i'm here.


I guess technically I contribute fan art, if you call it that, I make fan art even if its not that great(You can see for yourself if you want :P) but I suppose it still counts.


I'm 15 year old male btw :P. Nopony really forced or persuaded me into the show, just curiosity got me like it does alot,  but I'm glad it did :D.

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Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Year I became a brony: 2012

How did you become a brony: One of my playstation brony friends persuaded me

Are you a contributor or just a fan?: Well I'm just a fan, soon I will write fan fictions.

What age group are you?: 13 - 16

Male or Female: Male

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I'm a female brony in the 13-16 range. Whee, minorities (heheh, minorities...)!


Found it in the summer of 2011 on TV Tropes because it kept showing up on tropes I liked, which is always a reliable fiction recommendation service (Doctor Who and TF2 were both introduced to me this way). I spoiled most of Season 1 for myself, watched it, and loved it! 


I voted other on the contributor question because I'm a video maker. That often seems to get left out as a poll option for some reason.

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Latest Video: Come On: An Ode To Best Friendship


"Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube

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I became a Brony becuase I had a crush on a girl, and she liked most of the stuff I did. But she liked MLP. I was like wait, what? She told me to watch it, it took a while, but I finally did. At first I thought it was too child-like, not enough mischief or "adult-references, hehe." But I started to watch it more and more, and I didn't know why. Then soon I became a brony. Cool Story Indeed...

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I think how I ended up finding about the show is still very funny to this day. Last summer a friend of mine and I were hanging out at the mall before heading to a Iron Maiden concert that day. So while we were at the mall I came across this shirt with a rainbow colored pony on it and asked him what in the world this shirt was about. It had the word brony on it and at the time I had no knowledge about the show or bronies in general. 


So he explained to me what bronies were and from his explanation I was kinda shocked at what I had heard. I was thinking are you freaking serious? There is guys my age and older liking My Little Pony a show clearly meant for little girls. Well I mean at first hearing about this it is very easy to think it is odd. When I got home later that night after the concert, which was one the most bloody awesome days of my life getting to see Iron Maiden/Alice Cooper. I decided to check into this whole "brony" fandom/ ordeal. I mean I thought to myself there has got to be a  reason why this show has gotten so popular. So I did some research and was ah what the heck I'll watch an episode to see what all the fuss was about. 


At the time I was very reluctant to watch any of the episodes knowing I would be watching a show for little girls but back then I was a lot much more close-minded than I am now. After watching the first episode I was shocked to find out that I actually enjoyed what I watched. Then I found out I watched the whole first season and sought after this site because I wanted to find others that enjoy the same thing that I enjoyed :3 and there you go :D!

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The poll messed up most of my answers and I can't change them!  Help!


When did you become a Brony:  2010.  WRONG!  Should be 2012.


How did you become a Brony:  Someone persuaded me.  WRONG!  Should be other.  I was introduced to MLP by my then best friend.  But I became a Brony entirely by myself. 


Are you a contributor or just a fan:  Just a fan.  Right.  Even though I write big MLP essays, I'm just a fan.


What Age group are you:  13-16.  WRONG!  I'm over 32.


Male or Female:  Male.  Right.  I'm glad THAT wasn't changed on me.  tongue.png

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I'm a 21 year old male, and I've been a brony since June 2012. I joined the herd on my own, after my curiosity about the show and the fandom had reached its peak and when I finally decided to give it a try. It was apparently the show's large fountain of memes that got me curious about it.


I'd probably consider myself one of the creatives of the fandom, though my only major contribution to the fandom so far (aside from posting MLP images/drawings on deviantart) has been my Daring-Do cosplay, which was surprisingly a great success at EquestriaLA, and I'll hopefully be done with my Lyra cosplay by next week (or by the end of the month at the latest, when I'll be attending WonderCon in Anaheim).

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I became a brony a few short weeks ago. I had just watched the Game of Thrones season 3 trailer and in the recommended videos was a clip for "Sonic Rainboom" showing where Fluttershy was learning to cheer. I'd heard about bronys and MLP before but just scoffed at the idea. I mean seriously, who watches a show meant for little girls? Anyways, I laughed at the clip and decided that if so many people liked it there had to be some appeal in it. I ended up watching the first season in the course of two days and finished up all three seasons within a week. 


I'd love to connect with bronys in real life but there is a problem who comes in the form of Satan on earth. Also known as my twin brother. I have no doubt that if my friends found out they'd laugh a bit and then it'd be over with. Hell, I mentioned it to one of my friends and that's the exact reaction I got. I'm not worried about being bullied at school, I'm worried about being bullied EVERYWHERE because of my twin brother. I find it easy to brush off what people at school say about me but when my own family bullies me I can't shake it off. I can't walk away from it because no matter what my family is always there. It's bucking terrible not being able to be myself in my own home. 


Honestly, this post isn't the best place for it but it feels better, not good, but better to get this off my chest. I just find it horrible that I can't feel safe expressing myself in my own home. I just wish there were something I could do about it. Now, I'm just thinking in my words to you guys but I some point I need to ask my mom about finding me a therapist so I don't have to go on random rants to strangers on the internet about how I feel. Sorry about this long post, I doubt you guys wanted to hear about it. Although, if you did make it all the way through I'd love to hear if anypony has some advice for me.

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  On 2013-03-12 at 9:23 PM, Rainbow_Scratch said:

I became a Brony becuase I had a crush on a girl, and she liked most of the stuff I did. But she liked MLP. I was like wait, what? She told me to watch it, it took a while, but I finally did. At first I thought it was too child-like, not enough mischief or "adult-references, hehe." But I started to watch it more and more, and I didn't know why. Then soon I became a brony. Cool Story Indeed...

Among "mild haters" or (maybe somewhat fandom-annoyed) skeptics, this is probably the only good excuse for becoming a Brony.


For me personally:

1. I first heard about the show around the spring of 2011, after seeing some random stick figure comic remarking at how surprisingly well-written the show was for a children's show, and from seeing MLP-FIM as being the number-one Group on deviantART, and from a Wikipedia articles about the show and about Hasbro's The Hub in general.


Basically, I still would've figured out about the show without those image macro, dippy, meme-ish/meme cataloging sites, even without the influence solely tracing back to such trend-tracking places.


2. Someone in real life actually made me watch the first four episodes one day, no later than August 2011. I was pleased but didn't pursue further. I made my tagline on deviantART as "is probably a Brony now.", but then deleted it within the week(or day) due to lack of commitment.


3. In December 2011, I saw a section for The Hub on a relative's Xfinity On Demand cable TV and immediately decided to check out "My Little Pony". "Winter Wrap Up" and "Hearth's Warming Eve" won me over and I was a full-blown Brony by before year's end.


I am obviously a 22-year-old guy, it even says so on my profile.


I've only drawn a couple meh(but not ew) fanarts, But I become more experienced because I actually know young children who are familiar with the series and whenever we draw with colored pencils and whatnot, I'll draw ponies, as closely to the official art (or suitable style-quality) as I can.


deviantART is my major website for expressing myself and whatnot.

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I am 27 year old stallion, became a brony in late 2012 just a month or two before the season 3 premier after a good friend of mine recommended it to me. I have so many ideas for fanfics that for a while I wasn't sure which one to go with first, I have written chapter 1 and half of chapter 2 of this one fanfic involving an inflationary depression in Equestria caused by a money duplication spell but I am thinking more and more about this one Applejack fanfic where Granny Smith dies and leaves Applejack the Apple Family diary.


I am thinking about it in large part because as of tomorrow it will have been one year since my father died and I am a little emotional right now and that fic is going to be a bit of a tear jerker because it is going to talk about Applejack's parents, how they met how they fell in love and how they died as well as several other Apple family members including Big Macintosh. As I picture the story in my head I see more and more of my own fathers traits coming out in Applejack's father, don't get me wrong he is not going to be exactly like him as he is going to have this rough cowboy side to him too but still. I was at first going to save this for a bit later because I want to do this right but I think now is a good time for me to start on it.

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  On 2013-03-13 at 1:35 AM, GuillermoGage said:

The funniness of checking the show out for some girl is why I brohoofed it. Oftentimes I will also wonder why people brohoof my posts.

hahaha I thought it'd be funny. But that's really why I became a brony. For a girl. Too bad she's three years older and she's more interested in an older guy but I guess I can try to compete. :\

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I've posted this story before, but I'm sure it's buried by now so this is a great chance to post it again.


I became a brony way back in May, 2011. The 5th of May, to be exact. At that point I didn't know Feld0 but I was a member of 3DS Forums, the site that Kurtiss, our co-founder, was from. I was browsing through all the gaming topics and spotted a pony thread. It looked out of place so out of curiosity, I clicked on it. Having no previous knowledge of the show or bronies, I half expected to see people making fun of one of the MLP games. What I found, however, was something entirely different. They were discussing the show and what they liked about it. At first I was dumbfounded but curiosity got the better of me and I checked out an episode on YouTube... then another... and then another. I was hooked from the very first episode and didn't stop until I had watched every episode to date.


My first reaction to MLP.


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After that, I stayed a regular in the thread and even joined the forums' resident pony group. Everyone in the group was assigned pony names and one of the only ones left was Apple Bloom, so I took it.


One day, Kurtiss told us about a site he was working on. A community for us bronies. Everyone was excited about it. We wouldn't be confined to a single thread anymore! Over the course of, I don't know, a few months maybe, he kept dropping info and screenshots. I think at one point he mentioned Feld0 and the Wii U Forums, so I joined that site and followed the progress from that side as well.


One of the screenshots Feld0 shared with us.


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I'll never forget the night MLP Forums launched. Everyone in the thread was excited. We were so excited, in fact, that they had to close the thread at one point. Didn't stop us though. We migrated to our Synchtube channel (which eventually became Equestria.tv) and continued the launch party.


The screen we were graced with during launch.


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Unfortunately I had to work the next day, so I couldn't stay up for the launch, but I signed up as soon as I woke up the next day. The rest, as they say, is history.


Anyway, I got a little carried away there, but that's my "How I became a brony" story and my "How I witnessed the launch of the forums" story all wrapped up into one.


As for the survey, I'm not much of a contributor, but I make vectors occasionally and I like to think I contribute to the forums in some way, even if just a little. img-1266744-1-smile.png

Edited by Apple Bloom
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Signature by @Nico.

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Let me just paste in my "how I became a brony story" from my welcome thread: 


I have an interesting story of my road to bronydom. I'm sad to say my first glimpse was Cupcakes when an artist I watch became obsessed with it. At the time I didn't register fully that her "strange" art was derived from My Little Pony. This went on for a while and I found out what it was and faved a piece of fanart here and there because I liked the style. I'd like to add now Cupcakes being a standard gore fic disappointed the hell out of me because this woman played it up to be a sci-fi/horror epic with Pinkie as some kind of mad scientist. 

Fast forward to some time later on Rf-generation forums and I jokingly mentioned giving a shot and someone sincerely endorsed it. I went on from there and used "well, I'll wait until I get my new laptop next month with a bigger HDD" as an excuse not to download any of it yet.

I continued to look at fanart and read about it on Tvtropes. I kinda observed it from a safe distance for maybe a month. I was intrigued by the whole thing, but a part of me was think "this'll probably be something I like".

I got my laptop and downloaded season 1 around the start of November(I downloaded "Army of Darkness" as well) I was cooking dinner that night and thought "I'll watch a couple episodes first". So I watched "Elements of Harmony" Parts I&II. I really enjoyed, as I walked and said to my Mom, "I watched My Little Pony and liked it" she barley reacted. But when you know me for the entire almost 20 years I've spent on this earth so far you kinda accept the fact I can be strange.

Well, I was posting fan-art thevnext day. So here I am. I went from apprehensive to neck deep in pony over night.

Edited by Shoboni
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"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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Okay, well here we go. My Life's story on how I became a brony


It all started a couple years ago when I was a regular member on the now dead Inheritance Forums. It was an old forum Site dedication to the Eragon, Eldest series, and although that I was no longer a fan of the books, I was mainly there for the same reason that I initially came to MLP Forums. I was there for the Roleplay. The Roleplay section there was very strict, and I loved every second of it. That however, is for another time. I noticed the Avatars of everyone else on the forums starting to change to different ponies of the mane 6. I didn't pay much attention to it until a group of personal friends started talking about the show around me.


At first I thought that they were just messing with me, which I get the feeling is a common trend amongst bronies. The would talk about the characters and the singing and how well written all the episodes were and how they had brought back the good ol' days of cartoons that have long passed. With that in mind, one night while I was home during my long binge of being jobless, I finally figured, "Why the hell not," and looked up the first episode on youtube, downloaded it and watched it. Ever since then, I have been addicted to the show to the point to where I had given up on my dieing Roleplay site for Dragons that I had had running for four years to come to a pony forum for Roleplay, and with in the first three days of my being a brony, I went from episode one to episode 24, and the only reason that I hadn't watched more was because the last two episodes of season one weren't out yet, and my angriest part about the experience was having to wait for season two, then season three, and now season 4.


that being said since joining the fandom, I guess I could technically be considered a contributor considering the fact that I have wrote a Fanfic, and one piece of music that was based on the ponydom, (The musical piece was inspired by Luna). I'm also a very big role-player which basically boils down to being fanfics all of their own. the only difference between a Roleplay and a Fanfic is that Roleplayse are wrote on the fly by many different users, and thus completely unpredictable, while in a fanfic, the user has complete control over everything that happens in the story.


So yeah, that's how I became a brony. Not really that long of a story now that I think about it, but still enough for a decent read.

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Princess Luna is best pony

Avid Twilicorn Supporter

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Became a brony in 2012, all on my own as a matter of fact. I also found out about the show through TV Tropes which like Stella said earlier really is a great way to find new things to waste your time on.


I would put just a fan for contributing, but I'm in the process of writing a few fanfics and I figure that puts me close enough to count. Right? RIGHT? Right.


I'm a guy in the 17-20 range. I'm older than Wingnut and Feld0! (Cackles)

Edited by DashForever
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  On 2013-03-12 at 6:27 PM, IceStorm said:

ah fuck i ticked the wrong box, im a female not a other which is going to be awkward erm im not a pony brony just like the main and several others havnt watched many episodes but got everything from wiki i think i may have to do your poll again i did the tick game and lost CRYS


You didn't click the wrong box.  I KNOW I clicked all the right boxes and several of my results STILL came out wrong.  I want a full and complete investigation into voter machine tampering!  tongue.png



  On 2013-03-13 at 4:26 AM, DashForever said:

I'm a guy in the 17-20 range. I'm older than Wingnut and Feld0! (Cackles)


Hah!  You write as well as I do so I always knew you weren't no 13 year old.  I'm so going to nail you in Guess the Age of the Pony above you now. 


I now return this thread to its regularly scheduled poll responses.  :)

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I joined February 4, 2012. I can't say I became a Brony all on my own, because it was someone else's work that convinced me to actually watch the show.


I remember being home alone one Saturday, still a Non-Brony, although I did occasionally watch 5 second clips of the show people uploaded of one of the characters saying a simple phrase.


I had heard about a story called "My Little Dashie" through the comments and video responses and thought "Hey, why not? I'll give it a shot."


A few hours later, I watched the show for the first time. I kind of already knew I'd love it, so it was no surprise when I found myself enjoying it.


Now I'm working on a few other people. I'll get there....eventually...

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So this is my story :) : I was playing league of legends with my friend when he invited some guy from Russia i didn't know back then to our skype converstaion. We were playing together for a week or so when we crossed a a topic about things we like. He told us that he is watching MLP:FIM and that he is a brony. I was like WTF how can he watch my little pony, my little sister was watching that and we had a dvd at home with a MLP film (G3). After some times we started talking a little more and i decided to give it a chance because there must be a reson why so many people like it. Then i remembered that i watched a parody of FIM before and i liked it so i started watching the original series. After first episode i tought that it's OK but I still don't understand why do so many people like it. After a few more episodes i couldn't stop :D . I was like : THIS IS AWESOME, oh my god nobody must know of this because they will think I'm gay or wierd. When i watched almost all the episodes i found out more about the fandom, started visiting equestria daily and read the comments of the people. I tought that the bronies are awesome and they will not judge you but they will try to understand you. This is the moment i became a brony. I started doing things i wanted to do but i was afraid because of the society around me, like baking muffins :) . I realized what is important in life and that if I want to be a software engineer in the future i should start doing something about it so i started Coding on codecademy and I really like it + I started to learn a little bit more. Also i found out that my friends and family don't like the idea of watching a show aimed for little girls. I don't judge them instead I'm trying to understand.
I think that i became a better person beacause of the show, maybe I didn't but at least i feel better :D.

Sorry for the long story, I understand if you didn't read it because of that. wink.png

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