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Return of Harmony

Strong Hooves

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Ampyrion laughed. "It doesn't matter. Each of us has something we're all good at," he said, gazing at the group. "And if we all stick together and work as a team, we'll be able to fight off whatever the hay the forest throws at us."

He turned around. "Speaking of, where did the others disappear to?"


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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(cant always post with differend time zones)

looking back into the scary dark woods.

"well... should we go in?"

waiting for someone else to take the first step.

Inspired by myself.

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Nidal flew through the trees as if this was her terrain, as if she had been born for the forests. She landed on a tree nearby the group and listened to them talk and then saw C2 take the first step into the jungle. "You could be dead now, you know. How many of you even have any experience in combat?" She looked at C2, R, and the rest of the group which she didn't know the initials of.

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Cloud looked up at Nidals sudden appearance, "Well its nice to see you again too" he said jokingly, then to answer her question, he said, "I have good combat experience, life out here does that to a pony, Im not sure about the others, but you know what they say, safety in numbers and all that jazz"


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"Safety in numbers doesn't work as well as you may hope if only one of you can stand your ground." She tilted her body until she began to fall, did a full 360 degree spin in the air, and then used her wings to slow her descent suddenly right before she hit the ground. "Who are those ponies anyway?"
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Cloud smiled as he watched Nidal drop to the ground, "Showoff" he said. He then looked around the group, "Um... honestly we never got around yet to introductions, all I know is this is Rose, this is Lunatic, and Im not sure about the others"


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"Seriously? You don't even know their names? That's pretty damn careless. What if you needed to call out one of their names to get their attention?" She looked at the group and lowered her head in a bow. "I am Golden Needle, but you can just call me Nidal. C2 here already knows, so it's only safe that you do as well: I'm a merchant and an assassin by trade. If you need someone killed, I'm a very likely candidate to take your job. Do you at least know what they're strengths and weaknesses are?"
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Cloud smiled again, "Thats where you underestimate me Nidal, I can tell the weaknesses from anypony without even having to ask, Rose here, she is a lifelong florist, able to tell about any kind of flora and plant life, but her small stature leaves her in need of assistance should it come to defense, Lunatic here is intelligent and has a lot of book smarts, but he seems overconfident and oblivious to dangers in the forest" he then nodded his head toward Ampyrion, "He stays prepared, but packs too heavily and seems somewhat reliant on his magic alone" he then nodded toward Lightning, "And she just seems to be looking for adventure, not worrying much on the dangers at hand, like I said, you underestimate me, I'm a little smarter than you take me for Nidal"

Edited by Strong Hooves


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"Is that so? Well, you seem to have forgotten someone." She flapped her wings and jumped back onto the branch. She laid her head on her hooves as she waited for his evaluation of her with a small smile on her face.
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Cloud smiled and put a hoof on his chin as he looked Nidal over, "From what I've seen already, you are highly skilled in combat, your merchant skills can help you acquire the necessary equipment that you would need, and you seem to have good sense about you when it comes to living in this wasteland, but I can tell you have lived a life alone, and you may find it difficult to adjust to group travel...that is... if you are thinking of accompanying us"


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Nidal put a hoof to her chin as she thought over what he had said. She chuckled a little and nodded. "That could be considered the truth, yes, but not the full truth. I guess your eye is unable to determine just why someone would choose to live a life alone." She flapped her wings, took to the air, and began to hover. "As to whether I'll join you or not, I am uncertain. I will go with you now and choose to stay or leave at any time depending on the circumstances that you bring with you. I will not be giving you a clear sign ever, for I might leave one day while we're traveling or I might leave and return within the hour as I was looking for something. So tell me, what are you looking for anyway?"

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Cloud listened to what Nidal had told him, She seems to have more secrets than she cares to share... but I guess thats normal given the circumstances... "Well, since everypony is sooo curious about what I have been doing... I am searching for the Elements of Harmony" he looked back to her, waiting for her reaction


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Meanwhile, Black Lightning came back to the Flower Shop, hoping to steal the map.

He found the flower shop empty.

"Where could they have gone? I need to find them. Hmm... I got an idea."

He conjured up about 10 of the shadow figures, and told them to find them at all costs, then report back. They flew off in al directions. One headed for the forest.

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Nidal frowned at the mention of the elements for a second before her she gave a chuckle and regained her happy look. "Just Lightning? You have no other name that you go by?"

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The Shadow figure sent to locate the group swooped high overhead, then turned back.

It came back to Ponyville, where Black lightning was.

"Have you found them?"

The figure nodded. It told him where they were. Black lightning made the shadow figures disaspear, before flying in the direction of the forest.

"I must not allow them to spot me" He thought to himself as he flew towawrds the forest "But I cannot lose sight of them."

Black Lightning arrived at the forest. He figured that flying very low above the trees would give the group the smallest chance of spotting him. He dived down until he was just above the trees.

"Now" he thought to himself "Where are they?"

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"Well, my full name is Lighnting Bolt... But I just go by Lightning! I think it sounds cool!" said Lightning, still giggling, Cloud noticed Nidal's frown, "What was that about? Do you think its a hopeless cause too?" he asked her


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"Then I shall call you LB, like I call C2 C2 and R R, until she tells me another of her names, at which point I add another letter." She turned to look at C2 and shook her head. "It's not that. It's something else. Let's just say that the elements have influenced my life somewhat. Do you know where they are?"
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Cloud shrugged his shoulder, "I found a map in the old Canterlot castle, it seems to be the final act of the princesses before they went into hiding, it shows the last known locations of the Elements, as of now we are heading to Luna's castle in the Everfree, there we hope to find the Element of Honesty"


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"But you know, that the elements can only be wielded by one who's heart is pure in that regard. The element of honesty requires an honest heart that can tell no lies for it to be of any use. Are any of these ponies, or you, like that? Do any of you have a heart so honest that lies are nearly impossible for you to tell and when you do tell them, it's obvious that you're lying?"
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