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Ponies You Have Little In Common With But Like Anyway


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Quite a few of us like certain ponies because we see a bit of ourselves in them but some people also like certain ponies for other reasons and some of those ponies we might have very little in common with. Stellaferra made a good point in another thread and that is that the term "relate" as in I relate to *insert pony here* can mean many different things one of which is the common interpretation of seeing a bit of ourselves in them and therefore relating to their situation but it can also mean that they see traits in them they admire or simply find the character interesting.


For me there are two ponies that come to mind which fit this category.


Pinkie Pie: Like Pinkie Pie I do appreciate a good joke but my sense of humor can sometimes be extremely cynical blatantly politically incorrect and sometimes a tad unsafe for work. While I try to be optimistic I am not as happy go lucky as Pinkie Pie and most of the time am either depressed, angry, both or just meh.I also with a few exceptions am generally not a "party" person as I do not like crowds and loud noises though I am able to tolerate them a lot better than I used to.


I like Pinkie Pie because she has that child like optimism which often allows her to see the best in ponies. The fact that all it takes is something simple like a good laugh or having some fun with her friends to make her happy. She is hilarious, she is like a Loony Toons character brought into the MLP universe and she reminds me a great deal of my Dad who shared many of these traits.



Sweetie Bell: She is my favorite cutie mark crusader in large part because I relate very heavily to her situation of trying to reach out to her sister who has very different interest from her as I am the odd man out in my family due to my political beliefs. But other than that aside from her creative side which is another thing I like about her I don't really have that much in common with her and actually have the most in common with Scootaloo.



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The ponies that I have little in common with, but I like anyway well here is the list to show you.


Twilight Sparkle: I might be smart but, I have little in common with her because of her personality. But I do like her in some ways, I will not talk about the drama at all anyway.

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Rarity, for sure.

She easily had been my least favorite of the six of them with my seeing the show at first.

Fashion designer? Obviously really girly, that's not why I like the show!

But like a lot of stuff, I grew to like her. She's more than just "fashion designer", even if I really don't do any of that. Or really care about fashion in any way. But I like her anyway.

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I don't have much in common with any of the mane 6. I'm not as smart as Twilight, not into fashion/sewing like Rarity, not competitive nor althetic like Rainbow Dash and not much of a party/social butterfly/random like Pinkie Pie.


The only two I can see myself in somewhat is Applejack and Fluttershy. I'm a hardworker when I put my mind to it and I'm shy not exactly extreme compared to Fluttershy but somewhat.

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Rarity and Rainbow Dash.


I really don't care what I wear or what the trends are. I wear pretty much the same thing every day and I have multiple of the exact same pairs of pants and sweaters. It makes things so much easier sticking to a formula and I can jump out the door in less than 5 minutes if I have to.


Rainbow Dash... yeah, I'm not that competitive. The only place I can see my competitive nature in is gaming, but other than that, I am pretty passive. I do occasionally see myself in her when she is standing up for her friends or for what's right.

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Rarity, she's like the complete opposite of me, yet she has that special something that makes me love her so much, I can't put my finger on it. He whining? Her overdramaticness?

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Rarity, for sure.

I didn't like Rarity at first because I found her vain, superficial side to be very annoying and although I think this side of her is overused in a lot of episodes where she is a supporting or secondary character those and her positive traits are very well balanced in episodes where she is the main focus. I have slowly but surely started to like her as I have noticed her positive traits a bit more than I did before, I like her creative side and that she is willing to do what she often dosen't want to do to please her sister and think she has a great deal of potential as a character.

Edited by EarthbendingProdigy
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Well, Rarity for me too. I am completely fashion illiterate, I don't whine that much (I hope), and I'm not that into diamonds.


But recently, I've begun to care more about the clothes I wear, and I've been complaining (not whining) more about stupid things. It's a strange feeling for me...

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Well really and truly I've got part of each of the ponies in some form in common with me, just not as much in some then the others. Still I love all the ponies basically.


I guess the best example I can come up with is rarity, but only because I'm not much of a fashion diva or anything, and I'm not as against getting dirty, ok well actually I take that back I can be a bit skeptical to get dirty sometimes.


Yeah like I said I could probably come up with stuff I have in common with all the ponies, not sure if I have a extremely small amount in common with any of them exactly. Since relatively I have a pretty similar amount of things in common with them except for like Fluttershy and maybe Twilight.

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Applejack. Somewhat similar on the inside, but as far as lifestyle and hobbies go, no relation. I imagine if we met, there'd just be awkward silence all the way around. 


I'm surprised by the amount of people who don't have anything in common with Rarity! I tend to act jokingly melodramatic in real life and Suited For Success is so very, very relatable. I do tend to value form and aesthetics more than most people I know, though. You can identify me by the way I complain about the design of packaging and storefronts.


"What the heck, they used a terrible, ugly default font for the sign! Those things don't look like they are cheap. How can you just let your 5 year old son create a logo that will be seen by everyone who drives by and costed you a pretty penny? DOESN'T THIS HURT YOUR EYES???"


I guess I felt the same way about the rest of the Mane 6 and the second round of dresses. I would almost say it's unrealistic except that I know people like that. The concept of not being able to differentiate this:




From this




Is something foreign and quite frankly disturbing to me. Rarity and I would get along swimmingly.

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I have very little common with Rainbow Dash.  I am not into competition at all, and I have never had much self confidence.  Rainbow Dash is my least favorite of the mane six, but I still love her.


Pinkie Pie is my favorite, and I do have some things in common with her.  I love to make my friends smile.  I love laughter and games and sweets.  Unlike Pinkie Pie, I do not make friends with everyone I meet.  I am an introvert and would much rather have a close bond with a very small group of friends.  

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I have very little in common with Rarity or Pinkie Pie. I don't care much about fashion at all, I just wear anything that's comfortable and doesn't clash. And unlike Pinkie, I'm not naturally joyful or spontaneous, nor do I enjoy parties. But they're two of my favorites anyway. Even Rainbow Dash, my #1 Mane 6, is a very different pony.


Personality-wise, I'm more of a Twi or Shy kind of guy. Don't ask why; let it lie. Why the rhyme? It makes me alive. I wish I could fly. Well, bye! img-387689-1-5e7kmu.png

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 I probably have the most in common with Twilight, just because my brain is wired in a scientific and mathematical way.

My mind is more of a creative musician/writer type yet I still have a great deal in common with Twilight especially in my younger years. I don't have that much in common with Fluttershy either but I do admire that even though she is the most frightened of the mane 6 she still steps up and is there for her friends when they need her.

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