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Apple      Bloom

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Old people don't have rights. Now stop taking up space. ps, I keed <3


Your wish is my command *poof*


No one keeds around these parts. If you don't take everything literally then you're doing it wrong.

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can i be the padded princess mascot of the band? please?


i misspoke; i meant to say, covered it, not remixing it. the only remix i made of the song was changing one or two parts of the song. took some time to find the right notes to play in the right places (since i can't tell what note is what), but eventually i got it down.


as a musically inclined friend of mine said to me a long-ass time ago, there's not a lot of need to learn music theory if what you're going to make is something out of your own niche and you don't deem it worthy to learn it.

more classically trained musicians might argue on that one, but hey, i'm doing pretty well without any theoretical knowledge and have produced a 12 minute song with only knowing pitch bending and octaves on a keyboard. i think i'm all set in that regard.





Hmm, I like what he said there. Never actually thought of it that way. I may not learn music theory or whatever, though, I do feel as it would help.

I'd say you're doing fine. We're both in the same boat, but still.


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Anyway, guys, I gotta go to sleep. Now. The sun is coming out and the birds are singing. That's a good enough sign that I have to go to sleep NOW! Goodnight everypony!


Goodnight Arcanel... If you want in, just let me know....


Also... Just for the heck of it...


All of my characters...


Dusky - Lawful Evil

Key Gear - Chaotic Good

Ambrosia - Lawful Good

Vim - Lawful Neutral

Springer 1 - True Neutral

Springer 2 - Chaotic Neutral


Note that Dusky and Key are complete opposites. This is by design. 

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Anyway, guys, I gotta go to sleep. Now. The sun is coming out and the birds are singing. That's a good enough sign that I have to go to sleep NOW! Goodnight everypony!

Night! :3


I just need to reacquaint myself with Standard. And our roleplay shall put me on the right path.


Huh... This is the first time I heard someone needs to familiarize himself to Roleplay with a lower standard Dt55G.png


It's not so bad. Something Interesting is my brother and he made his first post today. He has never RPed. Never. But... He can read and write. Here's my thinking on this... If you can read up in this RP, then you are equipped to join. 


That means you too


Well, I... C4uV9.png


I gotta say, no. Sorry, but no thanks. I would have to over-stretch myself to match the already established standards...

Yeah, I might looks like a sissy, but most of my posts anywhere are never above 1500 characters. My botched 1st try on roleplaying in this forum also says i still need more training.


Not me... Dusky... I just write for the characters... But, they do their own scheming. Good thing too, because Dusky is like a rolling monolith of schemes. He isn't really concerned by Lapis's notes. In fact, he rather wants them to be shown, but not yet. He has some things to talk about first.


For something that came from a creature that used to live purely on instinct combined with a dying Guardian, he's creative lEJ9q.png


One thing to understand... Dusky is a fan of the Xanatos Gambit. Another thing to understand is that he is Lawful Evil.


Don't you use your fancy tropes on me >:­c


Ambrosia - Lawful Good


What o_o


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Actually, having Asteria onboard would change the entire chemistry of the RP. The downside is that she would be in fairly intense danger.

That's why I conveniently  didn't have enough bits for the both of them. A train is no place for a filly. Looking at you Key Gear. They really shouldn't let colts and fillies just run around as they please honestly.



Hopefully, one day Asteria shall be a strong unicorn.



Not me... Dusky... I just write for the characters... But, they do their own scheming.

Exactly what I thought.



He isn't really concerned by Lapis's notes. In fact, he rather wants them to be shown, but not yet. He has some things to talk about first.

Well, good. I can't fight the story.... It's all prewritten by forces beyond our control. It was the roleplay's fate to receive the players it has. Yes, all according to plans. The unicorns need those notes. Lapis is fulfilling his destiny. A researcher gathers notes. A warrior or a mage fights. But they need knowledge. Without it, they cannot succeed. I didn't even try to hide the fact Lapis was taking notes. It shall all go as planned. For good must triumph over evil. Otherwise, this entire roleplay was rather pointless....




One thing to understand... Dusky is a fan of the Xanatos Gambit.

Drat... We're all just pieces in his sick game. I'm putting my trust in Magicon here. He's skilled with magic. He just needs a fancy McGuffin. 




Another thing to understand is that he is Lawful Evil. He understands the tradeoff between power and subtlety  He has plans that are much larger than any one pony... These plans may or may not be shared in the morningtime. He wants ponies to know... But at his pacing.



So all my effort was pointless? And here I thought I was doing something useful.


Wake up Lapis! You have things to do, even if you must be an unwitting pawn. Even the brightest cannot see the whole picture. That includes Dusky. Surely there is one weakness. Maybe if I give someone the book...


But I have a feeling he has planned for any outcome. But surely this isn't just about Dusky. What of Springer? What purpose does he serve?! I'm at a loss here as to what my next move is beyond following the plans already set before me. I'm boxed in. No way out. Show the unicorns the notes. That's what's next on the list.


  1. Discover that things are not right on the train.
  2. Begin investigating.
  3. Identify the ponies to questions.
  4. Check out Trixie's room briefly.
  5. Observe the magic show.
  6. Interview Dusky.
  7. Inform the unicorn stallions of what I have learn.
  8. ???

Seems simple enough. But what are your thoughts ?


Springer 1 - True Neutral

Springer 2 - Chaotic Neutral


Great, so that's what the second image meant... My mind has already formulated the answer to the question I had planned on asking. It's all there in the story and what you've said.



Huh... This is the first time I heard someone needs to familiarize himself to Roleplay with a lower standard.

It's all happenstance.

Edited by Berry Pie
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The more I think about it, the more I couldn't believe Dusky is Lawful Evil. He is clearly playing by his own rules, regardless of whatever rules anyone else believes in. Hell, his existence alone is anathema to anything sane and lawful. All that, yet he's not fuckin' crazy.


We need a new alignment for him



So all my effort was pointless? And here I thought I was doing something useful.



Play along to his ploy first, then strike back where he needs you to do something

Edited by Starshine
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@, How is this? 



Play along to his ploy first, then strike back where he needs you to do something
I'm not a puppet!


Lapis Lazuli is a scholar and a researcher. He will learn his way out of this as is his prerogative. Logic and reason shall see him through. That much is certain.


But if I must, I shall play the game. But there is nothing Lapis can give Dusky. I could throw the book out a window when the train is moving. It would get Lapis killed, but if it's the book he wants, he'll have to work for it. Yes, surely it's the book that holds all the answers. Maybe I'll let Key Gear have it. She wants it after all.


What in the world did Trixie even take from that mansion anyway? If it's the book Key is after, which aided Trixie somehow, then something is missing here. I shall pump everypony for information just so legally, Lapis has the information to work with. Then surely something will come to light.


I've based Lapis's sleep patterns on my own. Sometimes I wake up early even if I stayed up late. He just needs a push. But no one knows to wake him up... Arg... Things will just play out, eh?

  • Brohoof 3


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That's why I conveniently  didn't have enough bits for the both of them. A train is no place for a filly. Looking at you Key Gear. They really shouldn't let colts and fillies just run around as they please honestly.


Key Gear is... Not entirely what she appears to be. Don't get me wrong, she is a filly and she is an earth pony. She is also a highly skilled fighter and armed. She is a master thief and a skilled engineer. She is also equivalent to Dusky in intelligence, but she is an irrational thinker so her intelligence is somewhat disguised. With that said, she is also a very important pony in Dusky's plans. She is being groomed for a specific purpose.


For good must triumph over evil. Otherwise, this entire roleplay was rather pointless....


It will not be pointless. 




Drat... We're all just pieces in his sick game. I'm putting my trust in Magicon here. He's skilled with magic. He just needs a fancy McGuffin. 


Actually things are already kind of spiraling out of Dusky's control. Ambrosia... Is acting oddly. Even more oddly around Dusky than normal. She knows things, and he is just beginning to realize that she knows these things. You see, Ambrosia isn't particularly bright but she is a danged good observer. Too good. Something may be about to go down on that front, but we'll see.


Daylight and Magicon are both stronger than he figured that they were. Key Gear is more resilient as well. Electrobolt was not supposed to be on the bucking train. Trixie... Trixie has been a disaster for Dusky. He is just now trying to realize how big of a mess it has been. Speaking of which, he had no idea that Trixie was going to die. He will have no idea that she isn't dead. On this last point, depending on how things play out, Dusky may get a helluva magic show and a remarkable surprise towards the end of this RP. There may also be a non-negligible chance for Trixie to die. Again.


Wake up Lapis! You have things to do, even if you must be an unwitting pawn. Even the brightest cannot see the whole picture. That includes Dusky. Surely there is one weakness. Maybe if I give someone the book...


Pffft... Dusky is nowhere as near as all-powerful as he thinks that he is. He has... Some massive chinks in his armor. But I can't disclose them right now. All I can say is that Key Gear is a major weak point for him.


Inform the unicorn stallions of what I have learn.


You need to do this. Dusky is... Missing just a few pieces of the puzzle. Only a few, but if the perspective heroes have no clue, then how can they take advantage of Dusky's flaws?




Just be careful. Dusky is under pressure at the moment. He is on the verge of realizing that there are a few serious flaws in his plan. He will not be happy. Of course, he has plans for those flaws, but... With every change, his stress level increases. He likes order, precision... Not wild, chaotic strangeness.


The problem is that he is a long term planner. Very long term. He goes about things like someone driving a car while looking through a telescope. Incredible vision and nifty for country driving. The problem comes when you are driving on a highway in traffic and you can't see the car right in front of you.

The more I think about it, the more I couldn't believe Dusky is Lawful Evil. He is clearly playing by his own rules, regardless of whatever rules anyone else believes in. Hell, his existence alone is anathema to anything sane and lawful. All that, yet he's not fuckin' crazy.


Gosh darn it. You catch everything... You're almost as bad as Electrobolt.


Here's the thing. Dusky is Lawful Evil. Maybe some of his influences are not......


The problem is that he does not believe himself to be influenced. He thinks he is independent.


By the way. He is crazy. :3 

What in the world did Trixie even take from that mansion anyway? If it's the book Key is after, which aided Trixie somehow, then something is missing here.


There is a missing piece... A huge one... A really monstrously huge one that will probably not come to light until the next RP. And when it does... Hehehehe... Wow x)

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I'm not a puppet!




What in the world did Trixie even take from that mansion anyway? If it's the book Key is after, which aided Trixie somehow, then something is missing here. I shall pump everypony for information just so legally, Lapis has the information to work with. Then surely something will come to light.


The book most likely is just a cover, maybe it's something written inside it


But if I must, I shall play the game. But there is nothing Lapis can give Dusky. I could throw the book out a window when the train is moving. It would get Lapis killed, but if it's the book he wants, he'll have to work for it. Yes, surely it's the book that holds all the answers. Maybe I'll let Key Gear have it. She wants it after all.


If I'm allowed to have any ideas, it would be to open the book right at Dusky's nose, force him to look at the first phrase.


It would be either him bursting at the seams, or two and two come together and we will have a winged serpent of death EVShg.png




The problem is that he is a long term planner. Very long term. He goes about things like someone driving a car while looking through a telescope. Incredible vision and nifty for country driving. The problem comes when you are driving on a highway in traffic and you can't see the car right in front of you.


So, you're saying that the best way to thwart his plan is to burn the train before it gets off from Ponyville? VnCRQ.png

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Key Gear...

Bah, those are just your game pieces. No fun if you're the hero and the villain...


Daylight and Magicon are both stronger than he figured that they were. Key Gear is more resilient as well. Electrobolt was not supposed to be on the bucking train. Trixie... Trixie has been a disaster for Dusky. He is just now trying to realize how big of a mess it has been. Speaking of which, he had no idea that Trixie was going to die. He will have no idea that she isn't dead. On this last point, depending on how things play out, Dusky may get a helluva magic show and a remarkable surprise towards the end of this RP. There may also be a non-negligible chance for Trixie to die. Again.

And Lapis is just a pawn? I want a refund...


Pffft... Dusky is nowhere as near as all-powerful as he thinks that he is. He has... Some massive chinks in his armor. But I can't disclose them right now. All I can say is that Key Gear is a major weak point for him.

Can't I just throw Holy water on him?


You need to do this. Dusky is... Missing just a few pieces of the puzzle. Only a few, but if the perspective heroes have no clue, then how can they take advantage of Dusky's flaws?

I'm just a stepping stone here. But it is the researcher job to do all the work and present his findings to those who can use the information.


Dusky is under pressure at the moment. He is on the verge of realizing that there are a few serious flaws in his plan. He will not be happy. Of course, he has plans for those flaws, but... With every change, his stress level increases. He likes order, precision... Not wild, chaotic strangeness.
You give him more credit than he's shown. This Dusky is quite the mastermind. I shall be sure to give him a low blow when the time comes. No one expects the Lapis Inquisition! 


the car right in front of you.
So I just ram him, right? He won't see it coming, eh?


Goodness, most of that is silly. I should be asleep... But I love to learn...

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There is a missing piece... A huge one... A really monstrously huge one that will probably not come to light until the next RP. And when it does... Hehehehe... Wow x)

What! I'm chasing after those answers. Even if Lapis won't know what I know.

If I'm allowed to have any ideas, it would be to open the book right at Dusky's nose, force him to look at the first phrase.


It would be either him bursting at the seams, or two and two come together and we will have a winged serpent of death

Um... That doesn't sound like it would work.

So, you're saying that the best way to thwart his plan is to burn the train before it gets off from Ponyville?

Yes! We must sacrifice ourselves for the good of the world. And then some!



Dusky's plans are pretty visible from the outside. Poor Lapis will just have to play his part for now.

Okay, I'm going to bed. But don't let that stop you from answering all my questions/providing your own take on things. I need my sleep. Hopefully enough game time will pass while I slumber. Then both human and pony shall awake at the same time. Maybe...

  • Brohoof 2


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Bah, those are just your game pieces. No fun if you're the hero and the villain...


I'm neither really. I have no idea what Dusky is going to do, ultimately. I only know what has been revealed to me. As for Key Gear, she is actually rather close to madness herself. I have very little clue of which direction she is going to go in. Ambrosia is completely different from how I am, IRL. I am not really intrinsically capable of writing her at all.


In other words, I'm not playing either the hero or the villain. I'm just a messenger. I write. That is all that I do. The hero, the villain... They exist almost independently of me, rummaging around in my head waiting for me to ask them what they will do next. Ask Electrobolt, he hounds me to post all the time, but... I have to be in the zone. I can't just write. I need to be able to "speak" to these characters.


As a side note, Key is no hero. Look to Daylight for that. :P


And Lapis is just a pawn? I want a refund...


I can't tell you Dusky's real views on Lapis without them being majorly spoilery.... Grrr....... But.... I... Can't.... Resist.....


Ok, ok, ok...


Due to his conversation with Lapis, Dusky actually views him as something of a friend. Lapis now exists in something of a blind spot for Dusky. 


You give him more credit than he's shown. This Dusky is quite the mastermind. I shall be sure to give him a low blow when the time comes. No one expects the Lapis Inquisition! 


Caution is the way to win. Caution and prudence. In other words, just stay natural. You are on the right track. 

So, you're saying that the best way to thwart his plan is to burn the train before it gets off from Ponyville?


Nah, the fight will continue into the next RP. But, by the end of this RP... Dusky will be revealed for what he truly is. That is where the danger lies. 

What! I'm chasing after those answers. Even if Lapis won't know what I know.


Patience... Patience... 

Can't I just throw Holy water on him?


He has another weakness that will soon become apparent depending on his interactions with the other ponies at breakfast. You could toss some of that on him and it would be effective. Just prepare for the repercussions, that's all. 

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Um... That doesn't sound like it would work.



Well, it does sound like something I would do EVShg.png



Yes! We must sacrifice ourselves for the good of the world. And then some!



Anyway, sleep tight! a78Ev.png



Due to his conversation with Lapis, Dusky actually views him as something of a friend. Lapis now exists in something of a blind spot for Dusky.



Hm... A friend. But the question remains, is he expendable or not? Better not answer that, it's funnier to see the curtain opens at the end G16t5.png



Nah, the fight will continue into the next RP. But, by the end of this RP... Dusky will be revealed for what he truly is. That is where the danger lies.



Say, if the RP gone ultimately wrong, will there be still a world to roleplay at? o_o




Time to go now!


Have some Scootalove




Edited by Starshine
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oh fuck, i just realized... those Aphex Twin impression photos of me... THEY'RE ALL FUCKING MEMES.

Sooo, they're all being used as memes or the whole thing itself is a meme?


Either way that sucks, though.

Edited by TGAP Haven


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On 12/17/2012 at 11:13 AM, TGAP Haven said:
Sooo, they're all being used as memes or the whole thing itself is a meme?


Either way that sucks, though.

no, i mean, they're so easily exploitable to become one of those advice animals thingys. observe:



Edited by Viscra Maelstrom
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Ooooh, I see what you're saying.




I think I see some Insane Wolf in your face...

how long do you think it'll take before it gets spread around here?


Well, I never saw the guy/girl who sings that song or whatever, but whoever he/she may be, he/she ain't gonna beat Viscra, that's for sure.

damn right they aren't. Viscra's curves just can't be beat.


i just realized one of the pictures i got of me is a Come to Daddy lookalike. yesssss.






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Eh, the GCT RP shall be a standard one. i'm out of practice is all. I had taken on too many RPs a few months ago, and decided to take a break. But then Scootacool open up another Advanced RP, and I had to try. Last time, I quit before I even posted out of fear. But as you can plainly see, I have no problems with Advanced. I just need to reacquaint myself with Standard. And our roleplay shall put me on the right path. 

Just one question about that, but I'll leave it to PM.




Oh yeah... Dude... If you want in, then I'm going to roll out the red carpet with my teeth. :D




It's not so bad. Something Interesting is my brother and he made his first post today. He has never RPed. Never. But... He can read and write. Here's my thinking on this... If you can read up in this RP, then you are equipped to join. 

Scootacool, if you do that, I friggin Pinkie Promise I'll make a Scootaloo shrine somehow. :mellow:


And dude, you say it's not so bad. meanwhile, in my eyes. dozens upon dozens of wall of texts lay in front of me, telling a story from multiple Points of View, requiring the following of a set of rules and situation. I'd rather not break that, you know? :)




Goodnight Arcanel... If you want in, just let me know....


Also... Just for the heck of it...


All of my characters...


Dusky - Lawful Evil

Key Gear - Chaotic Good

Ambrosia - Lawful Good

Vim - Lawful Neutral

Springer 1 - True Neutral

Springer 2 - Chaotic Neutral


Note that Dusky and Key are complete opposites. This is by design. 

First, I have to make an impression on Berry before I even decide to think about Scoots. After that who knows? But I thank you for the enthusiasm. And as a plus, I see the HUGE talk of your characters with Berry and Star. And I sure as hell want to join that. Plus, lucky me, I happen to an analyzer. :3




And hi to y'all! How's everyone doing in this fine day? :)

Edited by Arcanel
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