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Apple      Bloom

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*boops your nose* Hai :3

*closes the door slowly*

Visualise the following: Ganniesies and Gemsies are in their Ponytropolis apartment, and Bowltee and Jadeslesies are visiting. Bowltee was inside first (for not-so-obvious reasons) and Jadeslesies followed ages afterwards. Something awkward happens and now Jadeslesies is reluctant to enter, but he does poak his head through the doar. On the floar. Where he gets büped.


Also, I found the word for the thing that's like a prefix or a suffix, but you put it inside the word: infix. English has almost no true infixes, unless you count chemistry and colloquialisms.


Thaink you, Wikimapedia, for making things complicated, because, apparently, there's also a circumfix, interfix, duplifix, suprafix, simulfix, and disfix, almost none of these are ever used in English and are exclusive in other languages.

  • Brohoof 1
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*Casually strolls into the thread*

*Was intending to start a convo about possible adult innuendos found in the show*

*Sees the previous convo is about tripping on drugs*

*Laughs and does not leave*

*Goes ahead and does what he intended to do*


So, has anypony caught some funny adult innuendo instances while watching the show?  I'm planning to re-watch all the episodes again with my 'innuend-o-meter' on an 'above average' setting, to see if I can't make a list of possible both intended and non-intended adult innuendos throughout all 4 seasons.


But I know of one of my favorites right off bat - "Rain-blow-dry" bahahaha.

  • Brohoof 1
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So, has anypony caught some funny adult innuendo instances while watching the show?

Rain-blow-dry was the only one I could think of; never really tracked all that much of those. But to me, I interpreted as "blow-dry" that's been prefixed with the word "rain".


Also another random question: if the 1% of the world that still uses imperial units (and I mean, mostly, the United States) switched over to the metric system, what should we call you?


Rainblows are the best.

I had a lot of that yesterday, actually. Knocked down a lot of power lines and nearly stranded us at a parking lot. Monsoons are surprisingly evil things.


I also once had a pretty nasty trip. It ended up with a just-as-nasty fall.


You guys aren't getting the jokes, aren't you?

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We're getting the jokes, man.


They're just really weird jokes.


I like your style.


Yeah, it's one of the many weird things I'm in to; hard to explain why.


Maybe it's why I'll think about something this more than anyone else: http://4tawa.co/media/spain-spaout-world-cup-2014




On a more serious note, all month starting from May, I've been hard at work at mod development. On one of the sites I'm on, you can see what I'm up to. No, it's not Minecraft.

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Minecraft is for total bustas.


Does it hurt that I watch Minecraft lets-play's all the time?


Actually, Java is something I never figured out, hence the mentioning of Minecraft.

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On a more serious note, all month starting from May, I've been hard at work at mod development. On one of the sites I'm on, you can see what I'm up to. No, it's not Minecraft.

Sims, perhaps?

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I don't feel any physical pain, no.


Watching Let's Plays all the time is pretty painful though. You should play the games instead of watching other people play them.


Most of the games I watch, like Pikmin 3 or Plants vs Zombies, require devices I don't actually own myself. Plus, historically, I find boredom in most of the more-familiar game genres. Simulation, strategy, tower defence, and god games are more my type. The one exception is MMOs/RPGs.


I've only ever played 5-6 games: Runescape, Zoo Tycoon 2, Gemcraft (all four of them), Minecraft, and Simcity 4. In fact, just this decade, I was able to play 7 of the 8 again.

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Sims, perhaps?


Strangely enough, I never played the Sims.


Strangely enough, however, remember that My Little Pony Sims video I found once where Dr Whooves accidentally the kitchen? Apparently, now, there's a second video of that, now with other victims involved...? I've yet to watch it.


Also, it's really entertaining for me to watch my little brother play Minecraft; had I recorded one of those sessions, you'll see what I mean by entertaining. Let's just say that because of him, his team was able to constantly the enemy castle.

So you've only ever played five to six games yet you were able to play seven out of eight of them again?


I guess you're using some form of math from a lost civilization here.


Failure to count is counting on failure.


There were only ever four Gemcraft games: Chapters 1, 0, Lost, and 2. I just clumped them all into one, and clumped with the others, it's five games?


Strangely enough, long ago, I posted a video of myself playing Gemcraft. To this day, it's still one of my most popular videos.


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I don't think you can find another word that rhymes with either, except for tmesis.


You should become a rapper. You'd probably have the most ...interesting raps.

  • Brohoof 1
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You should become a rapper. You'd probably have the most ...interesting raps.


I can't talk as fast as Eminem, though oddly, recently, I've been finding myself talking unusually fast.


Lemme tes' sum't'in': I can't talk as fas' as Eminem, t'ou' oddly, recently, I've b'n findin' m'self talkin' unusu'ly fast.

Edited by Ganaram Inukshuk
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*Was intending to start a convo about possible adult innuendos found in the show*


But I know of one of my favorites right off bat - "Rain-blow-dry" bahahaha.

I recall there being videos that where just compilations of un-intentional innuendos throughout the entire season(s) of the show.

You should comb through all of all Season 4 and make a compilation then upload to YouTube.

Estimated time this would take: 30-40 hours not including rendering the video.

Totally worth it.

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