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Apple      Bloom

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I was gonna reconstruct what you meant, but I know what you mean.


I can still reconstruct it, but it'd take me a bit of time.

Well you were talking about asphalt the other day, so I thought you probably had some thoughts on this subject :comeatus:. You have my permission to reconstruct it.


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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Well you were talking about asphalt the other day, so I thought you probably had some thoughts on this subject

<With stupy goofid voice>: Yew meen lijk dis?!!




This is more than just a bunch of incomplete interchanges, it's an incomplete freeway.



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<With stupy goofid voice>: Yew meen lijk dis?!!




This is more than just a bunch of incomplete interchanges, it's an incomplete freeway.

Heheh, wuuuut? I actually meant like this one:



Notice how there are only 2 ramps at this busy interchange. Anyone wishing to change highways on the other 6 directions has to exit and wait at a traffic light instead of just changing smoothly between the two.


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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Heheh, wuuuut? I actually meant like this one:

Oh, a stack interchange that's only 2/8ths complete. I could still reconstruct that but the flyovers I have to play with aren't really suited for what I'm going for.




So it'd look like this from the air, ignoring all the other roads and including the missing ramps. We don't get enough of this in SC4, mainly because a lot of the stuff for it is still a work in progress.

Edited by Ganaram Inukshuk



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Oh, a stack interchange that's only 2/8ths complete. I could still reconstruct that but the flyovers I have to play with aren't really suited for what I'm going for.




So it'd look like this from the air, ignoring all the other roads and including the missing ramps. We don't get enough of this in SC4, mainly because a lot of the stuff for it is still a work in progress.

I've actually thought about how it would get built if they added the other 6. 2 of the ramps would have to be really tall and probably wouldn't descend at a safe angle before the freeway becomes an underpass. I think a clover interchange would have better been suited for this intersection since the freeways are separated by only about 20 feet of vertical distance.


At this time, without making things complicated, the only ramps that could easily be added are those that are opposite to these 2 (they would run "parallel to each other, if you know what I mean; they would never cross). 2 of the other 4 ramps wouldn't be practical since cars could take an alternate route via another highway that would easily get them on the highway in this picture. The other 2 that I wish existed would be awkward to build, and I'm not sure if there is room available to create them.


I would probably make one of the interstate lanes (the freeway running into the screen) merge to make room for an exit/entrance lane.


Also, according to your configuration, it appears the short right turn ramps go underneath the left turn ramps.

Edited by Super80 Wolf


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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I've actually thought about how it would get built if they added the other 6.

I can foresee myself having to do extensive research on the interchange in question, and constructing theoretical complete interchanges given what constraints there would be. That'd be an all-nighter. 0_x



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I can foresee myself having to do extensive research on the interchange in question, and constructing theoretical complete interchanges given what constraints there would be. That'd be an all-nighter. 0_x

The main problem would be right-of-way, considering that there are many businesses around this interchange. What makes it more difficult is that the highway running West-East is a viaduct, so you can't just create a ramp from the grassy area that doesn't exist next to the freeway. This interchange is asking to be a cloverleaf interchange. It would require the short right-turn ramps to be removed however so that a "loop" ramp could be wedged inside of it. I could go on and on :P.


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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The main problem would be right-of-way, considering that there are many businesses around this interchange. What makes it more difficult is that the highway running West-East is a viaduct, so you can't just create a ramp from the grassy area that doesn't exist next to the freeway. This interchange is asking to be a cloverleaf interchange. It would require the short right-turn ramps to be removed however so that a "loop" ramp could be wedged inside of it.

Oh wow. I just saw what I'm looking at in Google Maps, and I can see the space crunch already. It's already really more complicated than I thought because you also have all those frontage roads crisscrossing alongside the freeway.



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Oh wow. I just saw what I'm looking at in Google Maps, and I can see the space crunch already. It's already really more complicated than I thought because you also have all those frontage roads crisscrossing alongside the freeway.

There was one freeway down South (Mopac and 290) with the same issue. Although that interchange "is complete", there are still 4 directions of travel that aren't possible because of the current configuration.


With this interchange, I would simply create a loop to go from North 35 to North 183 since there are no obstructions in the way (except some businesses, but I'm sure TxDot could buy the land and hopefully not toll the dam project >_>), remove that giant ramp, and this would enable 2 more loops and 2 more short ramps to be created. The remaining short ramp would be removed, and in the meantime, anyone wishing to travel South 35 from South 183 could take the other 3 loops once those are completed, while they build the 4th where the short ramp would currently be. It's not quite easy to explain with all the proper terminology left out of my explanations :wacko:.


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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Hah. Reminds me of this.

I actually tried to reconstruct one of those, by the way.


It's not quite easy to explain with all the proper terminology left out of my explanations .

Where I come from, I speak in a language (it may as well be) called NAMlish. Here, we name each and every height level, have a distinction between highways with separable and combined medians, and even name ramps by what angle the branch comes off from the mainline (we also call the ramp road thingie MIS, the ramp where the MIS splits off the Ramp Interface, the highway the mainline, and the MIS-y part the branch) and whether or not it's involved with an acceleration or decell, and a whole bunch of other stuff. Also, highways, freeways, expressways, beltways, interstates, and the like are collectively called highways.


I'd just name the ramp thingies by what direction they're going, like north-east, east-north, north-west, west-north, etc.



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So... what happened? Did an unfortunate driver threaten to kill you?


I forgot what happened, but I think I didn't get the interchange offramps and onramps right. I was trying to build the Zero-Choice Interchange.



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Jesus all the other forums I try to go to suck for chat threads.

Stuck here again.

i love you all really


Yep, I know the feeling. It's hard to find a good forum with a good chat thread.




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Hey everyone, what's up? I have to work today, but yeah.


I just woke up a little bit ago, and my body still isn't fully awake yet! Gah.


I'm a COLT/STALLION, not a filly/mare. Just because I have a round muzzle does not mean I'm female. Remember that. =3

Signature made by me, vectors in signature and avatar also made by me.

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So I woke up from a dream where I was learning, of all things, French, and the one thing I remebmber orally was explaining to someone that quattuor was Latin for four, and that it corresponded to a bajillion variants found in the bajillion Romance languages in the world.

What's everyone else doing?

Hey everyone, what's up?

Waking up?



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Yep, I know the feeling. It's hard to find a good forum with a good chat thread.

I know that feel, too many other forums are practically cultish, I just wanna shoot the shit,

up to and including venting, posting random stuff, or even being offensive. I haven't found a decent forum (that's active)

this whole year aside from here. Crazy.

Edited by Gamer Twilight


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