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Apple      Bloom

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Yup. It was what I wanted. Plus, Pinkie Pie showed that she can be at least semi serious.

Well, it was a serious matter what she involved herself into. Even she has to show stop things when they get too far. :mellow:


To be honest, not that much... :unsure::blush: *gets ready for beating*


Eh it's okay. :) But seriously, the episode is seriously hilarious. There's a lot of pictures or gifs that will come up. I would say "you're missing out", but it's your likings, not mine. ;)





Your fault for falling behind pal. :P




Night NF! :)
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Eh it's okay. :) But seriously, the episode is seriously hilarious. There's a lot of pictures or gifs that will come up. I would say "you're missing out", but it's your likings, not mine. ;)


Seems funny enough, but I've found I don't like the voices anymore...

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Yup. It was what I wanted. Plus, Pinkie Pie showed that she can be at least semi serious.

Makes sense.

It's been a long while. Here is an important video to help you adjust.


lol psp view fail XD
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Thought so what?

*looks back at post*

Oh, I messed up my emotes again.

I meant :D



Looks like chocolate milk. :wacko:


You're weird O.O



Except that this is good chocolate milk!

  • Brohoof 1
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This drink is to die for!

That seems a bit anti-climatic. You know, dying for a drink. Unless you're in the middle of a desert and out of liquids to drink.

  • Brohoof 1
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lol psp view fail XD


Huh? That is a classic PS1 game I'll have you know. One of the first console games I ever owned...

This drink is to die for!

Tell me everything.

Well, it was a serious matter what she involved herself into. Even she has to show stop things when they get too far. :mellow:



Yes, quite.
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Yup. It was what I wanted. Plus, Pinkie Pie showed that she can be at least semi serious.

Makes sense.

It's been a long while. Here is an important video to help you adjust.



Holy Nostalgia Trip, Batman!


Man, I haven't played that game in forever.

  • Brohoof 1
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In the credits of Pulp Fiction, the Coffee Shop Manager is credited as just 'Coffee Shop'.

Quentin Tarantino said this was because when Tim Roth puts the gun to his head and says “Are you gonna be a hero?”, the manager only says “I’m just a Coffee Shop-” before Tim Roth cuts him off and starts yelling again.


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