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Apple      Bloom

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how did you deal with those guys? They were awful.

Ignore list, as simple as that...

I got quite a handful of member in my ignore list, which is damn unfortunate, considering the whole body of this community.


If you're keen, you will see that one of those two is already permabanned



Okay, time for me to go! See ya tomorrow, Berry Pie! :P


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  • Brohoof 1
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If you're keen, you will see that one of those two is already permabanned

I did.


Also, it was interesting. I'm up to the part where you are left all alone. Maybe. Who knows what the next chapter holds. Maybe I'll read the whole book from the seemingly random page I started on. It tells a story, you know. Of life, and loss. Of people and how they truly feel inside.


Okay, time for me to go! See ya tomorrow, Berry Pie!

Good bye. Perhaps I will sleep.
  • Brohoof 1
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On the minibus again going off for another Scrawl shoot.

One of my friends who is playing a main character got left in the makeup room at college, so my lecturer had to drive back and get him :P


In other news, my trip to the dentist was awesome and one front tooth is back looking normal. Gotta go back next week to get the other done.


It's so hard to type properly on a minibus :P

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meatballs with lingonberry jam is delicious.

delicious, i tell you.


I have no idea what lingonberry jam or even lingonberries are. :)

also, did you ever download the Brutal Doom attachment on here?


Not yet. Haven't been able to sneak on my computer. :x

Will get it either today or tomorrow though!

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Woona is best filly! :wub:

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i had to.

i did a bit of Doom mapping today, after a long time of just discarding the idea of doing stuff in it. it's nothing special right now, but i plan to get better by designing simple interconnected rooms with stuff in them.


Lol speaking of diapers, I totally could have used one yesterday at work. I had to go SOOOOOOO bad, but one guy drove off in the work truck without saying a word to me or this other worker leaving me with no way to a bathroom.


Onto the Doom mapping, how do you do that? That would be a neat thing to learn considering my want to be a game programmer/slight designer.

Holy crap, you guys... I go to sleep to 0 notifications, and when I wake up... 111 FREAKING NOTIFICATIONS!!! MOST of them came from HERE!!! X_X You guys are ACTIVE when I'm not on...


...im sorry....

And that's nothing.

I had 300+ one day after leaving for a few hours.

I was so proud that day! :')

Edited by Hven
  • Brohoof 2
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And GOOOOOOD MORNING TO Y'ALL! How are the dwellers of the GCT doing? :)


@@Twinkleshine, Let it be said, I too am reading back then...and frankly, back then on the 100 or so pages, Libby was much more random back then. :lol: (then again if I actually tell her that, she'll boot my face)

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Doing alright here, and you?


Here be good! Although my excitement keeps on growing forn this next Saturday. Ergo, if it weren't for the fact that I don't drink coffee, or tea, or energy drinks or alcohol, I'd be drinking a lot of those. ^_^ And you? Edited by Arcanel
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<kinda looks like fried eyeballs dipped in blood, ew...>


Speaking of eyeballs, I was once in a low budget horror movie. A killer clown that owned an ice cream shop, obviously we replaced the cherries with human eyeballs. Because we were awesome like that. Unfortunately we lost the tape, and all copies of the movie.


Good morning

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Speaking of eyeballs, I was once in a low budget horror movie. A killer clown that owned an ice cream shop, obviously we replaced the cherries with human eyeballs. Because we were awesome like that. Unfortunately we lost the tape, and all copies of the movie.


Good morning


...you were obviously bored, or somebody wanted people to fear clowns even more. :blink: Morning Jinx!



Eh? What's next Saturday? And me, I'm just about to play League of Legends for a bit :P


Ah, LoL...never played an MMO or MMORPG in my life. :lol: I played Warcraft mods a bit because a friend had them, but after that, none at all.


And this Saturday is the next pony episode, my birthday, and my drums presentation ALL IN THE SAME DAY!..... :D

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Oh, right! :P Ponies!!! Um... What's the next episode gonna be again...? Heh ^^;


One Bad Apple, which will be a CMC episode. there's already a preview...BUT I HAVE REMAINED STRONG AND HAVEN'T SEEN IT! (I'm actually surprised at myself. Normally, the moment I saw it out I would have watched right then and there :lol: ).
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...you were obviously bored, or somebody wanted people to fear clowns even more. :blink: Morning Jinx!

We made a few gory movies back in high school. Oh and I was the one playing the clown too, that was fun. One of them was actually for a school project, and we had a cast of over 10 people for it. I played Caesar... and I was the one that got brutally murdered that time.

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We made a few gory movies back in high school. Oh and I was the one playing the clown too, that was fun. One of them was actually for a school project, and we had a cast of over 10 people for it. I played Caesar... and I was the one that got brutally murdered that time.


Can't play the guy murdering all the time you know? :lol: Still, that's nice! We didn't really made plays in my school. We DID watch movies from time to time. That's how we watched A Clockwork's Orange and movie whose translation I don't know, but is "Hijos de la Calle" in Spanish, and it stars Robert de Niro on Hell's Kitchen, if I remember correctly.


And oh yeah, happy Thanksgiving to anyway who celebrates it! :) (Argentina doesn't, so I don't get turkey :angry: ).

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Clockwork must've been interesting to watch, was it perhaps for a psychology class or was there some other reason for watching it? Caesar wasn't well perceived, the person we made it for got an F on it. I guess that teacher wasn't very accepting of blood and gore. The most out there movie that we ever got to watch in high school was Pet Sematary. We ended up making 5 movies altogether, and I was in 4 of them.

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Clockwork must've been interesting to watch, was it perhaps for a psychology class or was there some other reason for watching it? Caesar wasn't well perceived, the person we made it for got an F on it. I guess that teacher wasn't very accepting of blood and gore. The most out there movie that we ever got to watch in high school was Pet Sematary. We ended up making 5 movies altogether, and I was in 4 of them.


Similar. We watched it for a Philosophy class. I remember that my thoughts on the movie were "What the fuck did I just watch?!" because seriously. That was the ONLY thing I could really think of. Don't get me wrong, the movie is great. But still...it's one messed up movie regardless of anything else.


Never heard of Pet Sematary, to be honest. And I as a teacher would focus on the acting work and how well it represents, rather than anything else. Maybe too much blood and gore?

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Never heard of Pet Sematary, to be honest. And I as a teacher would focus on the acting work and how well it represents, rather than anything else. Maybe too much blood and gore?

It told the story pretty good, but I never saw the other ones that were presented. Our movie was about 12 minutes long, and my friend that turned it in said the other ones were 3-5 minutes long with worse acting than we had. The teacher had to have graded it down for too much blood, I don't think we just any "gore" at all for that one.


happy turkey day everyone!

The one day of the year you'll regret what you ate today for the next 3 weeks.

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It told the story pretty good, but I never saw the other ones that were presented. Our movie was about 12 minutes long, and my friend that turned it in said the other ones were 3-5 minutes long with worse acting than we had. The teacher had to have graded it down for too much blood, I don't think we just any "gore" at all for that one.

Makes sense. Maybe you tried to emphasize the cruelty of the situation by using a lot of blood when in turn it should been far less than you might have used. Still, grading it down to a F seems a bit of overkill for me. If it had been my job, I might have put a C if anything, for trying to use too much blood to emphasize the situation, and considering that too much blood can also deviate the viewers from the story, which is what does NOT have to happen in a movie of that type. But after that, any lower is probably too much.
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