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Apple      Bloom

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Well gee Haven, it is call 4chan. Go Google it. 0chan, 1chan, 2chan, 3chan, 5chan, etc. And many, many others.


Also, I just finished Thanksgiving. Just waiting for dessert time. Y'all know I love pie! Well, most fruit pastries, but pies are pretty important.


Oddly enough, that actually lead me somewhere.


I learned something new today.


Something I shall forget in a few minutes probably.


also, How was le turkey feast? I haven't eaten yet. Still waiting on some family to arrive.

I should go buy me a lemon meringue pie or a cheesecake real fast so that I can have dessert as well.

Don't eat pumpkin pie or any of the cakes my mother made.

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my computer acted kinda really fucking weird a while back then... i don't know what that was about.


Viscra.... You've got to get a new hobby at some point. May I recommend... Table tennis?


what's a table tennis?




now that we're on the same wavelength...
  • Brohoof 1
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Is it.... Berry Pie? ^_^



No one eats berry pies on Thanksgiving. Apple Pie and Pumpkin Pie. You're an American, you should know these things!
  • Brohoof 2
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also, How was le turkey feast? I haven't eaten yet. Still waiting on some family to arrive.

I should go buy me a lemon meringue pie or a cheesecake real fast so that I can have dessert as well.

Don't eat pumpkin pie or any of the cakes my mother made.


Dude, I really need to get some pie...


I woke up to a feast, but have yet to put myself into a food coma. (I eat light now.)

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Oddly enough, that actually lead me somewhere. I learned something new today. Something I shall forget in a few minutes probably.

Well, why else would they call it that unless there was more than one? Simple logic. Can't forget that.


Also, I love my nice cat. He rarely causes any problems, and he likes to lay on my bed so I can pet him.

  • Brohoof 1
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Well, why else would they call it that unless there was more than one? Simple logic. Can't forget that.


Also, I love my nice cat. He rarely causes any problems, and he likes to lay on my bed so I can pet him.


I guess it could apply to something such as 4chan, but its not the first thing one would think of.


Me no have a cat. Im stuck with stupid dogs that I had no say so whatsoever in getting. http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png

I do, however, want to get a pug when I get my own place and some money! :wub:

so guys, here's that pinkie plush i bought a few days ago:




please no weird looks, it was too cute and too much of a bargain not to buy. >_>


Weird looks are all you're gonna get from that thing.....

Im not even sure how that can be thought of as cute...

Edited by Hven
  • Brohoof 2
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Weird looks are all you're gonna get from that thing..... Im not even sure how that can be thought of as cute...

Its just that doll ._. is creepy and does not go with the show of the 4th gen... That doll is well i leave it to others to comment...
  • Brohoof 2
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Its just that doll ._. is creepy and does not go with the show of the 4th gen... That doll is well i leave it to others to comment...


The doll is Satan's hellspawn.

*folds arms and rests head on them* Probably not going to eat for a few more hours.


So. Bucking. Hungry. -_-


Ouch. :x

I haven't eaten yet either, but I shouldn't have to wait more than about 15-30 minutes.


Pugs are best dogs. /)^3^(


Yes they bucking are! :wub:
  • Brohoof 1
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it makes a sound when you squeeze the hoof.

i can only imagine it's the call of Cthulu it emits.

i can't help but think a slight attachment to the thing, though.






I can only hope for our world's sake that is just some ungodly noise! D:

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I counted all the times I wet the bed this year. Two.



That thing is nightmare fuel! O_o

Those plushes were show accurate, unlike the abominations we get for 4th gen. Also, the Call of Cthulu plays when you press the MLP logo on it's hoof.





Edited by Jinx
  • Brohoof 1
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so guys, here's that pinkie plush i bought a few days ago:


That thing is nightmare fuel! O_o


it's not as bad as the actual show though.


IWeird looks are all you're gonna get from that thing.....

Im not even sure how that can be thought of as cute...


Its just that doll ._. is creepy and does not go with the show of the 4th gen... That doll is well i leave it to others to comment...


mind control.


If that's supposed to scare me, I'm unphased. If that's supposed to make me go "How door", I'm still unphased. However, I'll still have to look at it the way a historian would, which is a joj.

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