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Apple      Bloom

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Maybe we should change the subject before all three of us get really depressed...


I'm never really depressed, but this talk is sorta mellowing me out...


I consider this to be a good thing in my opinion. :) Don't know about you thinking so though. ^_^


Of course I find it a good thing. Relating to people is awesome (and something I probably need to work on).


Well, like I told Jinx, it IS true that you three are the most stoic over here...maybe P_M as well. But hey, you are one of the few to normally speak with her, along with Star (who I know those two would be BFF's).


Again, I may be stoic in appearance, but I'm actually mentally disturbed. Don't judge a book by it's cover, and all that.


true, I bet that's the common thing in the fandom :3


Speak for yourself. :P


We seem to have conflicting views here.




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I'm never really depressed, but this talk is sorta mellowing me out...




Of course I find it a good thing. Relating to people is awesome (and something I probably need to work on).




Again, I may be stoic in appearance, but I'm actually mentally disturbed. Don't judge a book by it's cover, and all that.






We seem to have conflicting views here.




Posted Image


Let's not have that, shall we? As much as I like to hug, I'd rather it be of happiness and not of sadness. :)




And you know, people always says we can all put on a façade, but I also think that it's still a part of our beings. Only thing being we choose to show it more than we might need to. But it's still a part of your personality. That's why I think you can be stoic. :)


And indeed.


And can I say how much I say "Awwww, that's smile is so cute!" whenever you use it? Because it's the utter truth. :3


....let's move on... :/


  • Brohoof 1
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Hug modified to meet demand of those who wanted one. :3

:3 We went from depressing themes, to becoming the "General Hug Thread"...and I like that a lot. :):wub: HUGGING GALORE! Edited by Arcanel
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And you know, people always says we can all put on a façade, but I also think that it's still a part of our beings. Only thing being we choose to show it more than we might need to. But it's still a part of your personality. That's why I think you can be stoic. :)


Fine, I'm stoic.


And can I say how much I say "Awwww, that's smile is so cute!" whenever you use it? Because it's the utter truth. :3


I've used this image before?


But yeah, I love that reaction image. Very versatile (it can be used in a really sarcastic way, however I'm not using it like that here).


@@Arcanel, @, @,


Hug modified to meet demand of those who wanted one. :3




  • Brohoof 1
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Fine, I'm stoic.




I've used this image before?


But yeah, I love that reaction image. Very versatile (it can be used in a really sarcastic way, however I'm not using it like that here).






Yes you are. ;)


And yep. You have used it at least twice before if memory serves me right. I know at least one, I can't really remember the other time.




Scary huh?


Well, fuuu. :blink: If I ever ran into that, I would start playing dead as quick as possible...though I'm not sure how long I can hold my breath...
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This song sends chills down my spine by itself, but combined with this video and the mindset the guy creates in that top comment, it's making me all emotional:


Yes you are. ;)


And yep. You have used it at least twice before if memory serves me right. I know at least one, I can't really remember the other time.






My bad memory strikes again.


And trufax.

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This song sends chills down my spine by itself, but combined with this video and the mindset the guy creates in that top comment, it's making me all emotional


I don't hear deadmau5...but when I do, it's rather good.
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I might have killed the thread.


I don't hear deadmau5...but when I do, it's rather good.


You don't often hear deadmau5, you mean?


And indeed it is. I love the few ambient tracks he's made.

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i'm looking up pony swag

Apple Sprout's favorite food are apples. Who would've thunk it?


What sounds better, Scootashy or Flutterloo?

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Fluttercrinkle. just because.

But it's made of cloth, so it doesn't crinkle. Flutterloo was a clever pun, You know "the loo" as in like, the bathroom. Plus it's just a Scootaloo with Fluttershy's colors.

  • Brohoof 1
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