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Apple      Bloom

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I made a thread for people to request them from. Scootabloom even used one of ones I made for awhile. The actual thread got buried.

Hey Jinx, care to make a signature representing yourself for my signature rotator? I want to get one for each of the people of the GCT.


Well... Can't really blame the siggy maker. There are dozens of those request, some of them are quite ridiculous, they might get fed up.

Well, I've seen myself skipped... Is this too hard?


Pony: Pinkie Pie

Background: Something that would look good with Pinkie Pie.

Text: "Berry Pie" in a nice font colored to match the signature.

Other: Make it feel 'Pinkie Pie'. Like some balloons or something.

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Hey Jinx, care to make a signature representing yourself for my signature rotator? I want to get one for each of the people of the GCT.

I'll have to think it over for awhile, a good long while.

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I'll have to think it over for awhile, a good long while.


Well, odd how people can't think up something to represent themselves. I could do it. Maybe cause I spend time thinking about myself a lot.


Also, I'm thinking about starting a RP.

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Decided to scrap my sig randomizer.

It felt too weird having a constant change.


Welp, at least the current sig is fine :wacko:


My suggestion is to have a bunch of same-themed signatures in the rotator. That way things will look more orderly


Well, I've seen myself skipped... Is this too hard?

Hm... Maybe they're feeling lazy in there? :o


Also, I'm thinking about starting a RP.

What kind of RP?

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What kind of RP?

An adventure one. Starring Lapis Lazuli as the main character. It'll be an expedition to unknown territory to the south of Equestria.


That sound good?


Hm... Maybe they're feeling lazy in there?

But I saw them do more complex ones....
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Hmmm, well I drop in here all cheery and happy and whatnot from finally getting my computer, and I have me a little surprise waiting.

What was this surprise you ask? 100 warning points for apparently "Excessive vulgar swears" or some sh--crap like that.


Posted Image



Apparently you can't use them in every sentence or something. Go figure.

Took them quite some time to point it out....

I really was hoping to get my first warning from something worthwhile and glorious. /)_-

How many points can you accumulate before getting tempbanned and then permabanned anyway?

Would be good to know so I can know when to actually chill out.

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~
Quoting hidden post content.
  • Brohoof 1
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But I saw them do more complex ones....

You can't really predict them in there. They're just some volunteers after all :x


It'll be an expedition to unknown territory to the south of Equestria.

Hm... Would this be about an expedition to chart some unknown area and map them, or searching for a lost artifact/magic/whatever?


Or maybe it's about a secret cover-ops expedition which one pony was sent to do something dangerous, while other seven were just sent to accompany him without knowing anything?

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[snipes the sheep from his bed]

One sheep down...


Random story I remembered from this.

Me and my friend used to play some army game on his PS2.

The game had goats in one of the levels and we would always mess with them and be stupid. Blowing ourselves up trying to blow them up and whatnot.

Twas a fun time. :D

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What was this surprise you ask? 100 warning points for apparently "Excessive vulgar swears" or some sh--crap like that.

Tell me about it... I got like a total 250 points from various jokes. I have 300 points left now


I really was hoping to get my first warning from something worthwhile and glorious. /)_-

How many points can you accumulate before getting tempbanned and then permabanned anyway?

400 for 2 days suspend

800 for 7 days suspend

1000 permanent residence on the Luna's mansion

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Hm... Would this be about an expedition to chart some unknown area and map them, or searching for a lost artifact/magic/whatever? Or maybe it's about a secret cover-ops expedition which one pony was sent to do something dangerous, while other seven were just sent to accompany him without knowing anything?

Which sounds better and fits Lapis Lazuli best?
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Tell me about it... I got like a total 250 points from various jokes. I have 300 points left now




400 for 2 days suspend

800 for 7 days suspend

1000 permanent residence on the Luna's mansion


Those jokes must have been pretty mild for those kinda numbers.

And by mild, I mean almost harmless.


Sweet. I can get 3 more before two day suspension.

Atleast I know I don't have to hold my tongue TOO much.



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Which sounds better and fits Lapis Lazuli best?

Lapis' talent is knowledge seeking, or maybe curiosity, that means any kind of expedition would do good with him on the front. But him being shy (presumably introvert and not physically sound) might hinders him on the wilderness. I don't know about Asteria, but going south might be too dangerous for her.


My bet is, at the beginning, he would just go for a simple look-up in a not-so-deserted house/cave/thing, something bad happened, and the only way to know what the hell happened is to go straight to the source, which is to the uncharted area of the South.


Those jokes must have been pretty mild for those kinda numbers.

A character limit violation will score you 100 points. If you think about it, it kinda means nothing. Huh...


Just let it be, unless you planned to go away in a few weeks, it will go away after a while.

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A character limit violation will score you 100 points. If you think about it, it kinda means nothing. Huh...


Just let it be, unless you planned to go away in a few weeks, it will go away after a while.


I guess.


Nah, not going anywhere.

And I am going to let it go. Just felt like bucking ranting for a minute.


So how is everyone tonight?

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So how is everyone tonight?





> Has an absolutely clean slate.


The heck?


I operate a lot differently than most other persons, simply because 99% of the time, I keep to myself, even for a veteran member.


Been on Simtropolis and SC4D for years, and my post count is not even 1000. deviantART, similar story. Had to report a bunch of people on ST for advertising random stuff, and of all the times I've been reported to a moderator, no action was ever done, likely because the reporter was being an arse, and the moderators took it as a false alarm.


I only had one post deleted... Ever. It was a post whose contents I manually removed.


Plus, I'm doing modding-related stuff.

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Very tired. I'm having another episode of sadness, and there is no bucket of Ice Cream to hug


You hug ice cream now...? I thought you're supposed to chug it down out of sheer depression...


And Twilight be screwed now.


But...but...Applejack...hamburger is made from the meat of cows...are you a consumer of sapient animal flesh, Jackie?!




If there's a caste system in place,... Then I don't know what it is; I think of cows as being low-level sapients that you don't see all too often in the series... Like at all...


Did you know that you eat bugs all the time? Oftentimes, insect parts get into the flour you bake, but the FDA has a limit as to how much insect parts get in. I don't know what that limit is, but that's probably the closest to carnivore a pony could ever get.

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Lapis' talent is knowledge seeking, or maybe curiosity, that means any kind of expedition would do good with him on the front. But him being shy (presumably introvert and not physically sound) might hinders him on the wilderness. I don't know about Asteria, but going south might be too dangerous for her.

Well, actually, he was raised to be a miner, so he is somewhat strong. And I didn't plan on bringing her. What I had in mind was putting up fliers stating that an expedition to the unknown south was to take place. Ponies would come to somewhere public, preferably a bar or something, where they will volunteer.

My bet is, at the beginning, he would just go for a simple look-up in a not-so-deserted house/cave/thing, something bad happened, and the only way to know what the hell happened is to go straight to the source, which is to the uncharted area of the South.

I have no idea what any of that means... Edited by Berry Pie
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