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Apple      Bloom

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Well i got a night on the forums that are very slow, (Freaking slow RP's why can they not go fast) so I think I might stay here for a while.


Which game? One of the really popular ones, or something a little more unknown?
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Why not just stay in here anyway?

You know, regardless of whether you have an RP to reply or not.


Probably will, or I could go scare myself and play a scary game or something and let people laugh....... Ehh, I think I will stay here for awhile.

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I really need to keep coming back to this thread instead of just posting and leaving.;;

Got any cookies?


Well, anything awful like that is bad. I'd rather avoid it. I'm of a cheerful disposition, and I don't want sad or dark things putting me down.

Bless your soul, a happy man is a healthy man :P


While I personally loves shit like that XD

<too bad the current meta of FiM's fanfiction is all about pseudo-grimdark that's not dark at all...>

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Which game? One of the really popular ones, or something a little more unknown?


What do you mean by games, anyways, if you mean RP's I just joined some romantic one that I thought would go fast, but when things do pick up, no one even notices my character, and the other one if the Equestiran Hunger Games/Slice of Life continuation one that got pretty big but after waiting weeks for it to go faster, it is slowly dying.


Got any cookies?


No cookies, but I do have pie.

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No cookies, but I do have pie.

Soarin', is that you? o_o


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Cookies... GIMMEGIMMEGIMME!!!!!!!! Wait... Are they chocolate chip cookies?

Hm... we currently have some banana cookies, would you like some?

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HI again to y'all! :)


Okay, I'll ask Arcanel, to help when he comes in. He's better at analyzing people than I.

You called? :huh:



I've never done anything wrong.


Join the club.

I be here too. :)



Opinions! I need them! On these two shirts!

I'd go for the Twilight engineer one. :D But Russian Derpy is hilarious. :lol: Edited by Arcanel
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Out of these three, which one looks the best and should be gotten?





And the one from above, should I get that one or this one. Its that steampunk Twilight one from earlier.


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I'd go for the Twilight engineer one. :D But Russian Derpy is hilarious. :lol:


Thats two for Steampunk Twilight!

Russian Derpy shall be gotten another day!


But now I need help on one last decision before I get anything.

See my last post above.

This one to be exact.

Out of these three, which one looks the best and should be gotten?





And the one from above, should I get that one or this one. Its that steampunk Twilight one from earlier.



Edited by Hven
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You know that request you put in that didn't get filled? I decided to fill it myself. Tell me what you think and if you want anything changed on it.


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  • Brohoof 3
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Oh my dear, sweet, beloved GCT... I have neglected you. ;~;


Though I have infrequently visited you these recent weeks, I have not forgotten you, nor have I ceased to love you. You are, and will forever remain, best thread. <3


Got any cookies?

No, but I'm tempted to go out and buy some now. :(

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Grimdark is, by the simplest words, a state of perpetual hopelessness, where everyone is extremely insignificant.

Finally someone that understands this...


You sir... Take my brohoofs... Take them all!

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Thats two for Steampunk Twilight!

Russian Derpy shall be gotten another day!


But now I need help on one last decision before I get anything.

See my last post above.


Uffff...that's a difficult one. If you want cute, Okie Dokie Lokie! If you want hilarious...Gummy: "I say, I am infatuated with this clock". If you want creepy/hilarious reference/joke, Queen of all cupcakes with our favorite pastry maker.
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Though I have infrequently visited you these recent weeks, I have not forgotten you, nor have I ceased to love you. You are, and will forever remain, best thread. <3



I deserve death for posting this...


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Uffff...that's a difficult one. If you want cute, Okie Dokie Lokie! If you want hilarious...Gummy: "I say, I am infatuated with this clock". If you want creepy/hilarious reference/joke, Queen of all cupcakes with our favorite pastry maker.


Hmm, thankies!


Now, would you take the any of those over the twilight one? Or vice verse.


I was trying to get one of each of my favorite/top ponies. Being Ditzy, AJ, and Pinkie.

Pinkie don't have too many I like from there and Twilight has a few.

So I can't decide if I should get a Twilight one over Pinkie even though she is lower on my ranking.


Blah! I hate making decisions with multiple choices! :angry:

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@@Zoop,@, HI Zoop! (long time no see :D ) Hi Scoots! Say...wanna participate in singing the "anthem" of the GCT? :lol: (just kidding, l but I did make a somewhat rap song that is GCT themed...) Edited by Arcanel
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@@Zoop,@, HI Zoop! HI Scoots! Say...wanna participate in singing the "anthem" of the GCT? :lol: (just kidding, l but I did make a rap that is GCT themed...)


Oh, and speaking of that.

We actually should get a few other to rap on it.

Regardless of whether they can or not!

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Hmm, thankies!


Now, would you take the any of those over the twilight one? Or vice verse.


I was trying to get one of each of my favorite/top ponies. Being Ditzy, AJ, and Pinkie.

Pinkie don't have too many I like from there and Twilight has a few.

So I can't decide if I should get a Twilight one over Pinkie even though she is lower on my ranking.


Blah! I hate making decisions with multiple choices! :angry:


Hmmm....I gotta admit that IS a difficult choice. You got me on his one. I really can't choose if it were me in your position. :ph34r:
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@@Zoop,@, HI Zoop! (long time no see :D ) Hi Scoots! Say...wanna participate in singing the "anthem" of the GCT? :lol: (just kidding, l but I did make a somewhat rap song that is GCT themed...)


I've not heard of this. Tell me more, quickly. :o

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Oh, and speaking of that.

We actually should get a few other to rap on it.

Regardless of whether they can or not!


Maybe each part that I wrote could be sung by the people it is being written about? I could still make other additions if needed, like the mods (who I totally forgot about).
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Just a question. What do you prefer. Psychological or physical grimdark?




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Oh my dear, sweet, beloved GCT... I have neglected you. ;~;


Though I have infrequently visited you these recent weeks, I have not forgotten you, nor have I ceased to love you. You are, and will forever remain, best thread. <3


No, but I'm tempted to go out and buy some now. :(


We all miss you

Posted Image

You kinda scared me back there... Sorry if I do something wrong


And you should totally buy some cookies!


Finally someone that understands this...


You sir... Take my brohoofs... Take them all!


i love WH40K, I breathe grimdark :U


I deserve death for posting this...

I'm glad that we're both in agreement on this.

Strap him on the table, I got a dozen of firecrackers and some arson

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