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Apple      Bloom

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What place am I in right now?


I do believe 50th if I counted correctly.

49th if you don't wanna count a banned person above you.

The higher, the worse.


You're higher than he is....


And you got it backwards.


This is the third time this has been posted.

Still doesn't get old though. :D

  • Brohoof 1
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I do believe 50th if I counted correctly.

49th if you don't wanna count a banned person above you.


You're higher than he is....


And you got it backwards.



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Now to find out who was the father.


Inb4 Berry Pie.


It's actually the entire rest of the Mane Six. The kid is a combination of all of their DNA--Pinkie is just the one who's willing to carry the baby, on account of having the least stressful/dangerous/busy lifestyle/career and thus can carry the baby more safely than any of the others could.




Because Omniship*~


*The omniship is a shipping of all of the Mane Six in one giant relationship, because their love is too strong for mere friendship.

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*The omniship is a shipping of all of the Mane Six in one giant relationship, because their love is too strong for mere friendship.


Now that I think about... I've also had those moments where it felt like it wasn't a mere friendship with my male friends. Either I liked 'em a lot and admired them, or the other way around.

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Shush, everyone messes up something. Especially when stuff happens.


I have a weird feeling Hell just froze over. :x

Why do you say that?

You actually hate people? Well, I just learned something. Did not think that was completely possible.

Then I've presented an adequate illusion. I don't hate people all the time. Sometimes I'm just in a hateful mood.

Im really bad with words and explaining shiz, but you is pretty cool guy you're exceptionally pleasant to be around. Seems like a really chill guy all around. Haven't we gone over this once before?

Well, technically, I actually did not ask for anyone's opinion of me at that point in time. I was only referring to the irony of the situation.

And that mode sounds like Pinkamena.

I compare myself to Pinkie Pie a lot.

Too late. :x

You do know that asking someone to do one thing, is just usually going to make them do the exact opposite, right?

Twas a warning to basically just you and Arcanel. You two would be people to bring it up. I just hope I haven't completely destroyed the lovely image I've created for myself. It's nice, quiet, and simple. Just like the outer me, except more able to speak his mind.

Paradox your sig is ADORABLE!!! :D :D :D

Thank you, I was the one who made it.

And I'm actually glad I missed part of last nights discussion. .

and the last serious discussion...(sigh)...

Er, am I scary? I think nothing of it. So, um, don't consider it much of anything.

whats a good name for a Unicorn Kingdom

Alistagia/Unistagia, either one. Edited by Berry Pie
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I'm stupidly exhausted again from being on the Scrawl set in the freezing cold all day. I've literally just finished a coffee, so now I'm achey but somehow full of energy.


I'mma try to catch up on all the things I missed... Which is 868 notifications minus however many status updates.






What the-?

[Googles it]

... Who the flipchart invented that word?!

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music time.




More than likely you probably can't since its actually a part of the whole sample itself.


Yes, I know about its. I can take screenshots in a few to show you.


can i change the key of the sample in Edison, then? i cloned the sample just so i could do that, but i'm a bit stuck on options atm.


and please do. i'm a bit loldumb about FL Studio



BK is very, very awesome.


Okay. Here's something that probably wasn't posted yet.


Posted Image


She's here to make you smile.


If you know what she means~


smiles! :D
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