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General Chat Thread

Apple      Bloom

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Yeah; That's the kind of thing I hate about you.

But....a lot of us are sarcastic at times.


Hell, I'm sarcastic a majority of the time!

You can just easily tell when Im not and when I am.


Though, its not exactly hard to tell when Weyland is and isnt..


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But....a lot of us are sarcastic at times.


Hell, I'm sarcastic a majority of the time!

You can just easily tell when Im not and when I am.

Here's the thing: You're coupled with a "good" behaviour, whereas others are coupled with an apathetic behaviour.



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tactical genius... yeah that won't help against my daemon prince... with its twin pe- nevermind

>Grey Knights.


Wow, so anyway, how is this site so fucking broken.

I mean wtf, posting is a pain.



But....a lot of us are sarcastic at times.


Hell, I'm sarcastic a majority of the time!

You can just easily tell when Im not and when I am.


Though, its not exactly hard to tell when Weyland is and isnt..

It's not Weylando, It's Mr. Anagram.

He seems to see slights in everyone everytime I pop in.


And is fucking vocal about it too, just to cause comments like this.

Just as Planned.

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Considering it was written by fifteen dudes impersonation one another, it's good enough.

The fuck you gonna do, free lolz.

Was expecting the 2nd Great fucking Crusade y0Qnc.png

Know what? I don't even have to acknowledge you.



If you can't even give me an example of which of my behaviours that disturbs you, then I guess I could do nothing but to return the affection.





WoW, so anyway, how is this site so fucking broken.

I mean wtf, posting is a pain.

Try not to use <hr> and emoticons in your posts, and remove all emoticons from the quoted post. Then you won't have any errors of post disappeared like Imps


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If you can't even give me an example of which of my behaviours that disturbs you, then I guess I could do nothing but to return the affection.

Why would I when you already did? The image macros ire me.

Edited by TzHaar-Hur-Ganaram



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Was expecting the 2nd Great fucking Crusade y0Qnc.png

Try not to use <hr> and emoticons in your posts, and remove all emoticons from the quoted post. Then you won't have any errors of post disappeared like Imps

>Imperium on a crusade.

The fuck.




No matter how "Emprah is back" they *still* don't have the resources to effect anything like that.

Plus, it'd take few millennia to gather all the chapters cause Ghillyman broke the Legions.





Even just *quoting* is a pain to do.

Never mind copy-paste.

Edited by Typhoid Libby
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>Grey Knights.


Wow, so anyway, how is this site so fucking broken.

I mean wtf, posting is a pain.



It's not Weylando, It's Mr. Anagram.

He seems to see slights in everyone everytime I pop in.


And is fucking vocal about it too, just to cause comments like this.

Just as Planned.

actually, oddly enough Grey Knights aren't all that great against demons, at least in 5th ed, they destroyed everything else, unless they were kept away from you, they don't have the best range and demons can

though Slaanesh doesn't but its more to look so messed up the opponent dies a little inside

Can't visit Ponyville? Show up and say you can't!


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it's what happens when you live in Europe and the store lies in the US. you get batshit insane shipping. my two shirts i ordered from there costed 50 bucks in shipping.

Holy fuck thats ridiculous! :o


And I thought that 9 or so dollars was bad.




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Really? 3lnNF.png


It was a nickname I once used in a mmorpg

Yes really :P


I suck at coming up with Zebra names, so yeah.


Anyway, just finished typing up the OOC thread for my RP...


It has eight thousand characters O_o


But I'm not going to post it until tomorrow :L


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actually, oddly enough Grey Knights aren't all that great against demons, at least in 5th ed, they destroyed everything else, unless they were kept away from you, they don't have the best range and demons can

though Slaanesh doesn't but its more to look so messed up the opponent dies a little inside



6th ed KG is so freaking OP it makes Tau Fish look like a normal, acceptable tactic.



Also, proper punctuation and grammar.

Even /b/ has it.

  • Brohoof 1
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>Imperium on a crusade.

The fuck.




No matter how "Emprah is back" they *still* don't have the resources to effect anything like that.

Plus, it'd take few millennia to gather all the chapters cause Ghillyman broke the Legions.

Whoops 3lnNF.png


I believe Emprah only needs to say a word and all Chapters will come running to the Holy Terra like a puppy. Plus with him able to wreak havoc physically, pretty sure they can gather resources just fine.


About the Codex... He can just spit on it and every Chapters will forget it even exists

It has eight thousand characters O_o

The fuck n3WKz.png


Say, can you post here when you're done? I would love to read it :3


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so i was gonna order some Monoprice headphones for 20 bucks and

39 dollars shipping.


Holy Shakespeare, that's stupid money.

I ordered a new lens for my camera that cost £30, and shipping was only £4.

"My breakfast is plotting to kill me."

My Website - YouTube

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The fuck n3WKz.png


Say, can you post here when you're done? I would love to read it :3

Okay, (Most of the story is actually in the "Lore" section, not the "Story" section, lol)



This rp is set in an Equestria where there is multiple gods.

They war with each other endlessly, using their raw power and their followers as weapons. The gods are immortal, but they can be harmed, and sometimes even killed.


 Sometimes good wins, other times evil. The realms are in constant conflict. Legends tell that a group of six heroes would rise to restore harmony... And they've arrived.


Please read the Lore, Story and Rules sections BEFORE posting your OC.

(The following things in the lore section are required to read: 

-The Races section

-The Realms Section

-Dra'Kon, Meutre, Vivana, Discord, Celestia and Luna's bios.


Though it's suggested to read everything)











The most abundant race in Equestria.


>Earth Pony

Though not able to use magic, Earth ponies are the fastest runners and are the most physically strong pony subspecies. Their very presence is capable of making plants (especially crops) grow at an alarming rate.



Though not usually strong physically, Unicorns are great magic users and strategists.



Capable of flying at high heights and speeds. Pegasi even have the uncanny ability to control weather clouds.



Zebras specialize in healing spells, auras and curses. They are great potion creators.



Griffons are Fast, Agile and strong. They are capable of flying higher than pegasi, but have only a limited control over weather.



Changelings are insect-like ponies capable of changing their forms. They can fly, and use limited magic. They feed off of love.


Diamond Dog

Humanoid, dog-like creatures.

What they lack in brains, they make up for in strength and brutality.



Half fish, half ponies capable of breathing underwater. They have horns and a limited number of spells.



Dragons are reptilian creatures with infinite possibilities of colors, wings, textures, spines, limbs, tails, breath weapons, magic, etc. Dragons are born with one breath weapon, and can sometimes learn another. They also know a few spells.

Dragon breath weapons are:


-Frost and Ice



-Toxic Gas

-Raw Magic

-Sleep Gas

-Gusts of Wind

-Loud soundwaves


Put the words "Banana Pudding" at the beginning of your post, this is to see if you actually read this :P 



Monstrous versions of boars. They are savage and brutal, and some are gifted with the ability to control fungi to an extent.


(Your character can be any if these races, but you have to be sided with Equestria.




The Gods





Meurtris is the deceased father of Princess Luna and Celestia. Not much is known of his past. He was killed by Discord when the draconneques went on his rampage across Equestria.

Gender: Male

Race: Alicorn

Alignment: Good

Agenda: Death



Vivana is the deceased mother of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Not much is known of her past. She was killed the same way as her husband was. 

Gender: Female

Race: Alicorn

Alignment: Good

Agenda: Life


Princess Celestia

Princess Celestia is the ruler of the realm of Equestria, but rarely ever takes part in battle. Celestia is highly protective of her sister, and your life might be in danger if you threaten or insult Luna.

She rises and sets the sun.

Gender: Female

Race: Alicorn

Alignment: Lawful Good

Agenda: The Sun, Day, Light, Peace and Order.


Princess Luna

The co-ruler of Equestria. Princess Luna is known for frequently participating directly on the battlefield with her subjects. She sometimes uses her "Nightmare Moon" persona during battle, giving her enhanced speed, stamina, agility, magic power and strength.

Luna rises and sets the moon.

Gender: Female

Race: Alicorn

Alignment: Unlawful Good

Agenda: The moon, Night, Darkness and War.



Discord used to be part of the pantheon of Equestria, ruling alongside Meurtris, Vivana, Celestia and Luna.

The Draconneques was "child hood" friends with Celestia, until he was taken away by his dragon father, Apophis. (An ancient dragon god, currently deceased)

Apophis corrupted the young Discord, and forced him to use his powers for evil and to destroy his enemies. 


This eventually led to the death of Meurtris and Vivana. Celestia pursued Discord, and the two had a long and tiring battle, but Discord eventually became victorious. He left Celestia alive, and fled into the Darklands with a large group of his most loyal followers. There he prepared his army, creating horrific monsters beyond imagination.


After one hundred years passed since the death of Celestia and Luna's parents, Discord, his cult and his abominations waged war upon Equestria. 

Many lives were lost on both sides, but Equestria suffered more. Discord took hold of Equestria a moment after the two princesses were announced missing. 


Many thought the Princesses had abandoned Equestria, but in reality they were searching for the lost Elements Of Harmony.


They triumphantly returned, slaying all foes that stood in-between them and Discord, then used the powers of the elements to seal him in stone.


The statue of Discord was stolen by his cult, and now lays within one of the many castles that Discord created in the Darklands.

Though imprisoned in stone, he can still speak to his followers through magical stones.

Gender: Male

Race: Draconeques

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Agenda: Chaos, Disharmony


Princess Cadence

Princess Cadence is the ruler of the crystal kingdom and a longtime enemy of King Sombra.

Gender: Female

Race: Alicorn

Alignment: Lawful Good

Agenda: Love, The Crystal Heart


Queen Chrysalis

Chrysalis is the queen of the changeling hive. The Changelings loyal to her follow her ever order without question.

Gender: Female

Race: Changeling

Alignment: Evil

Agenda: Lies, Disguise, Change


King Sombra

King Sombra was reincarnated by the Discord cult (Something Discord ordered) and was convinced to join the Pantheon of The Darklands. Sombra is highly skilled at black magic and his very presence makes all foes around him overcome with fear.

Gender: Male

Race: Unicorn

Alignment: Evil

Agenda: Shadows, Sorrow, Black Magic, Hate



Aqua is the ruler of the ocean and the hippocampus race. She sometimes helps Equestria when it is in times of conflict.

Gender: Female

Race: Hippocampus

Alignment: Good

Agenda: Oceans, Sea storms



The ruler of the griffins. Zeus can preform a maneuver similar to a "sonic rainboom" except with lightning. His forces sometime skirmish with Equestria, though he mostly remains neutral.

Gender: Male

Race: Griffin

Alignment: Good/Evil 

Agenda: Storms, Lightning



The father of all dragons, Dra'Kon is capable of using every dragon breath weapon and ability.

The color of his scales is constantly changing.

He was originally against starting the third great Dragon War (Known to the dragons as the third great Equestrian War), but his daughter Tiamat persuaded him.

Gender: Male

Race: Dragon

Alignment: Unlawful Good (Though in this arc, he is considered Evil)

Agenda: Fire, Elemental Magic, Flight, Dragons



Jellar'had is the supreme commander of the Orc race, and also a god. He sided with the Dragons when the war started.

Gender: Male

Race: Orc

Alignment: Evil

Agenda: Fungus, Mud


Zul Thalia

Zul is the Queen of the Zebras. She supports Equestria when it is in need.

Gender: Female

Race: Zebra

Alignment: Lawful Good

Agenda: Healing, Herbs









-The Darklands

The remnants of Discord's kingdom. Some dragon forces have taken control of sone of the castles and are looking for the lost Elements of Harmony.



Home of demons and evil souls, Tartarus is a fiery but dark realm containing abominations from the worst nightmares of all.



The realm of the Hippocampus.


-The Zebra Lands

The home of the Zebras. Is composed of Jungles, Savannahs and forests.


Put "BUT WHO WAS PHONE" at the end of your post, this is a test to see if you read this section. :P


-The Old North

The lost lands of the past where ponies came from. It is completely frozen over and constantly snowing. Unspeakable horrors stalk the snowy terrain while hiding in the constant blizzard.


-The Griffin homelands

A highly mountainous area with cloud cities above


-Dragon Homelands

The dragon homelands are split into Ten areas representing the six elements of nature: 

The Flooded areas and swamps (Water), the deserts, tunnels and canyons (Earth), the volcanoes and fire fields (Fire), the storm cloud cities and mountains (Air), the forests, jungles and overgrown ruins (Plant), the tundras, alps, taigas and glaciers (Ice).


-Diamond Dog homelands

A highly mountainous area with a  few crags. It is rich with precious gems and minerals. The Diamond Dogs have built tunnels everywhere in and under the mountains.









Six dragon Demi-gods have been created, each representing one of the elements of nature. 

They have challenged Equestria, starting The Third Great Dragon War. 

Fighting with the Dragons, are the Diamond Dogs, the Orcs and the Griffins.

Fighting with the Ponies, are the Zebras and a few rebels from the other races.


The six dragons are trying to find the Elements of Harmony in the Darklands.


Equestria's forces have to find them first, or all is lost.








(If you think anyone is god modding, pm me)


-If your OC dies, make a new one and join right back in.


-At least try to use proper spelling and grammar


-Romance is allowed, but don't focus on it the entire time.


-Do not control the plot


-I control the gods and the dragon Demi gods


-Only control your OC and minor NPCs



-Guide on making your character:

Aside from the normal things you put (ei: Backstory, Race, Cutie Mark, etc), make sure to include the following:

-Your main god. (It has to be a good one for this story arc)

-Weapon of choice

-Spells  (A maximum of five, not counting levitation) Nothing too OP. Only Unicorns, Zebras and Dragons can use spells.

-There are six slots open for an element of harmony. You don't have to be a pony to be an Element of Harmony. Specify which element you would like to be.

(The Element Of Magic might be taken by me)

NOTE: If you choose to be a certain element, your OC will have to go through a difficult test relevant to their chosen element.




In the future, I may have another story arc. 

(Ei: A war with the Darklands)


Sign ups start NOW :)



  • Brohoof 1


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Whoops 3lnNF.png


I believe Emprah only needs to say a word and all Chapters will come running to the Holy Terra like a puppy. Plus with him able to wreak havoc physically, pretty sure they can gather resources just fine.


About the Codex... He can just spit on it and every Chapters will forget it even exists

All chapters follow Codex because it's the holy word. It IS them. They don't just "forget it".

Half of them are out of reach and out of sight.

Emprah can scream all he want's, it's going to take a millenia or more.

And he can't just *will* uncounted tonnes of war-material out of thin air no matter how OP he is.


Leaving everything undefended while the Crusade organizes.

So, technically they'd be doing it all over again. +/-0

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Okay, (Most of the story is actually in the "Lore" section, not the "Story" section, lol)

Holy shit... That's a fuckload of lore 1R5Z6.png


Well, I guess I'll read that later... still busy here D:

All chapters follow Codex because it's the holy word. It IS them. They don't just "forget it".

Half of them are out of reach and out of sight.

Emprah can scream all he want's, it's going to take a millenia or more.

And he can't just *will* uncounted tonnes of war-material out of thin air no matter how OP he is.


Leaving everything undefended while the Crusade organizes.

So, technically they'd be doing it all over again. +/-0



I guess you're right...

  • Brohoof 3


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