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Apple      Bloom

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my Fluttershy plushie was a hit, even though it was rushed (becuase I rushed the girl)

I was actually friendly, giving away extra brushables I had to people, met some from here, read My Immortal to a group, had consensual molestfest with a lady on monday


so best con ever I guess

Edited by Princess_Molestia
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Four hour roadtrip tomorrow until Sunday, and we leave about 9 AM-ish, I think.

And I haven't packed.



Packing, then maybe sleep.



I had to drive 10hours by myself yesterday to North Carolina :/ I wish it was 4 hour trip :P lol
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CRT monitors look like monoliths these days.

I can bash someone to death with my monitor, your LCD monitor is invalid.


I wish this happened to me... X_X

We all do...


Posted Image


Goodnight you all. Hope everyone had a great thanksgiving and day :)


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Did you make that I like it berry pie :)


Why yes, I did.


*thumbs up girl*


I didn't have that much to work with. But I made do with what was available. Or maybe I didn't search hard enough... Either way, I'm somewhat happy with it.
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Ahhhhhh.......finally I'm back after my rage quit for that lost thread (which I'll start re-writing now, but it'll take a little while)...and I come back here...and GCT is back to what I know it is. Random mods coming, even Evilshy making a small visit...dirty jokes as far as the eye can see...and then diapers and other bodily fluids involved...and of course let's not forget the comics. And the siggys. And even the avvis...all why listening to a beautiful song...





And all I wanna do now.....IS RAP! (if possible :lol: ).


So here it is,

the GCT,

that glorious thread of random deeds.


We substitute your random

and put our own brand.

Hope you enjoy your stay

cause you'll have a blast!


I know it has other names,

something called the Pyfgcrl.

But only Ganny knows the tricks

to that odd name that we speak.


Never fear! The great dwellers are here!

That interesting trio who know all the deals!

But worry not, there are not bad deals,

Haven, Berry and Star never hurt little fillies


However, make no mistake,

seriousness has not completely left.

By Bluetrace or Jinx you shall see,

just how stoic we can really be.


Feel a little something on your behind?

Well my friend that's Viscra's little task

She'll put a diaper on you, should you not mind

and then an embarrasment shall come you won't be able to mask


You might know him as Q, or maybe as P_M,

but whatever the case, you will not forget him.

If you're ever in need for corruption of the mind

he shall be ready to do it at your side!


Ever feel the need to get something discorded?

Look no further, dear Mandy has it covered.

Her love of Discord is not quite unknown,

she'll let you see it, you'd be blind to not know!


And then I came to invade this thread

unaware of what if it be good or I'd be dead.

By Celestia you shall know that I really wanted more!

This place has it's own mark of randomness galore!


And so, my little ponies, I depart with this song.

I hope y'all liked it, though it didn't take me long.

Don't worry! Relax! Come to the thread of joy and laughter!

You shall be accepted here...and nothing else shall ever matter...

Edited by Arcanel
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I didn't have that much to work with. But I made do with what was available. Or maybe I didn't search hard enough... Either way, I'm somewhat happy with it.

Sometimes the simplest of design can work wonders, you can say it's a mystery :o


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The post above me is awesome.


I was going to make a post about how this signature talk makes me want to get off my rear end and make my own, but screw that the above post wins.


Graaaaaaaaagh Twinkleshine got in the way.The post I was talkin' about was from Mr. Arcanel. Not that the gif I'm seeing isn't awesome or anything, but uh...

Edited by Lord Bababa
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So here it is,

the GCT,

that glorious thread of random deeds.


We substitute your random

and put our own brand

hope you enjoy your stay

cause you'll have a blast!


I know it has other names

something called the Pyfgcrl

but only Ganny knows the tricks

to that odd name that we speak.


Never fear! The great dwellers are here!

That interesting trio who know all the deals!

But worry not, there are not bad deals,

but a little tricking never hurt little fillies


And then I came to invade this thread

to see what was it that's so random here

Oh dear Celestia! What a discovery!

Anypony here has their own randomness galore!


And so, my little ponies, I depart with this song.

I hope y'all liked it, though it didn't take me long.

Don't worry! Relax! Come to the thread of joy and laughter!

You shall be accepted here...and nothing else shall ever matter...


Posted Image


It's our anthem...

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The post above me is awesome.


I was going to make a post about how this signature talk makes me want to get off my rear end and make my own, but screw that the above post wins.


Graaaaaaaaagh Twinkleshine got in the way.The post I was talkin' about was from Mr. Arcanel. Not that the gif I'm seeing isn't awesome or anything, but uh...


And then you got ninja'd. :lol: Regadless, thanks! That's the kind of things that happen when you're relaxed, happy, and are enjoying something. :mellow: Besides, I actually got a little bit of skill with rhyming thanks to the few poems I write so...why the hell not make a GCT rap? :P


It's our anthem...

If I can ever record something, I swear, rapping that will be the first thing I do (although if someone does it before me, I sure as hell won't mind :D ). Maybe I should put it in my siggy and become another GCT representative. :P
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Ahhhhhh.......finally I'm back after my rage quit for that lost thread (which I'll start re-writing now, but it'll take a little while)...and I come back here...and GCT is back to what I know it is. Random mods coming, even Evilshy making a small visit...dirty jokes as far as the eye can see...and then diapers and other bodily fluids involved...and of course let's not forget the comics. And the siggys. And even the avvis...all why listening to a beautiful song...





And all I wanna do now.....IS RAP! (if possible :lol: ).


So here it is,

the GCT,

that glorious thread of random deeds.


We substitute your random

and put our own brand

hope you enjoy your stay

cause you'll have a blast!


I know it has other names

something called the Pyfgcrl

but only Ganny knows the tricks

to that odd name that we speak.


Never fear! The great dwellers are here!

That interesting trio who know all the deals!

But worry not, there are not bad deals,

but a little tricking never hurt little fillies


And then I came to invade this thread

to see what was it that's so random here

Oh dear Celestia! What a discovery!

Anypony here has their own randomness galore!


And so, my little ponies, I depart with this song.

I hope y'all liked it, though it didn't take me long.

Don't worry! Relax! Come to the thread of joy and laughter!

You shall be accepted here...and nothing else shall ever matter...



Nice job making this up on the spot.

just needs some tweaking here and there.

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Nice job making this up on the spot.

just needs some tweaking here and there.


Why thank you! :D But hey, I was the guy making random poems before, why the hell not make a random GCT-based rap? :P
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If I can ever record something, I swear, rapping that will be the first thing I do (although if someone does it before me, I sure as hell won't mind :D ). Maybe I should put it in my siggy and become another GCT representative. :P


I might work on it some and put my shame away and my embarrassment out for all to see.


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Sometimes the simplest of design can work wonders, you can say it's a mystery

Never forget to KISS.








Y'all are never in here... But surely you'll love this. Too bad it ain't Applejack, huh?


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