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General Chat Thread

Apple      Bloom

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Hey, everyone in this thread is at least one kind of crazy


I am NOT crazy.


Just finished the Kirino anime, the 1st episode... Bah, I would surely miss my little sister if she wasn't a freaking walrus right now

y u no watch every episode back to back


lyk srsly wtf dood


By the way, I know the title is really long, but most people just refer to it as "Oreimo". c: 

Edited by Kirino
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who is Starshine?

Star Weaver/Dreamwalker/Starshine/That old guy with the Luna avatar in the GCT who lives on the other side of the globe to me (he lives in Southeast Asia) 




And Zoop.


He's also a pedophile, because he was once my husband. 

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Star Weaver/Dreamwalker/Starshine/That old guy with the Luna avatar in the GCT who lives on the other side of the globe to me (he lives in Southeast Asia) 





He's also a pedophile, because he was once my husband. 

.......oh kaaaay


i really have been gone a while


please tell me GLAMoS is still here, i loved to troll him

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I'm actually relatively new to the GCT. I often would come in and spam brohoofs, but I would scarcely partake in conversation.

I have no idea who that would be.

You can use the search feature, though, and see if he's been online.

Unless he changed his username... 

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who are you


Hello there, long time no see.


I didn't post here back when you were more active though. I just lurked... :P


(Also, "who are you" to bluetrace. Poor guy...)

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I don't remember the name GLAMoS at all.


Yeah, interestingly... We've never had a member with that name. I checked across all name changes too, and still got nothing.

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