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General Chat Thread

Apple      Bloom

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I dont think I missed anything. Breaking shit when entertaining oneself is hilarious to others. Or just me.

I come to the thought that it was you who broke my chair in the first place!

How could you?

That chair knows what it did to me!

It deserved every last bit of it!

I broke a chair recently as well. It wasn't pleasant. That's the second office chair I've broken as well.

How dare you! This chair was my friend!


And now what to do with all the fragments

I go through a lot of chairs, believe me...


Oh, and there was nothing worthwhile at the thrift store, unless you consider a book on Darwin Awards to be worthwhile...


Speaking of breaking random sh!t...


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I prefer my Delzepp in the oven, boiling, and overcooked.

neat, I gotta try that sometimes


I agree with this just because.

that's why you're my best friend X3

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