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Apple      Bloom

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@, so I took part in a 5-way MTG match with my brother as an ally. We (my brother and I) were Great Britain (England and Scotland) and I was up against the Axis Powers plus Brazil-Switzerland, with the Illuminati taking part as a sixth participant as the spy that likes to spy on everything.


For the record, I was Scotland. We never got to the independence referendum; I got annexed by Russia. I think.

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@@Ganaram Inukshuk, annexed by Russia?


But they weren't even in the game... I bet you they had plenty of mana to distribute around though.


I was the first to lose. My brother ended conquering Brazil-Switzerland, though.


We were comparing our alliances to that of the three world wars (WW0 [whatever the hell that is], WW1, and WW2), and we concluded the following:


- We skipped over World Wars 3-6.

- Switzerland is now next to Brazil.

- The US buddied up with the Axis.

- Brazil-Switzerland has a major identity crisis.

- I had a deck that allowed me to draw multiple cards each turn, but also allowing everyone else to do the same.

- I was the first to lose, but not because I ran out of cards. I was tapped out and I had no defenders.


So apparently...


Certain historians have recounted the number of world wars there have been in the world and concluded that at least four more have occurred before WW1. WW7 broke out as a war between the traditional Axis and the Allies, but Switzerland allied/conquered Brazil (or it was the other way around; it's not very clear, even today) and is still neutral at first. The UK fights in this war, but loses Scotland, but England by itself is able to fight off Russia/Germany/Japan/US/Brazil-Switzerland. The US, however, was sided with the axis, but gets into a major identity crisis with Brazil-Switzerland. It is possible that Brazil-Switzerland may be the lost island nation of Schitzerland, named after the mental disorder schizophrenia (for no known reason, either). Historians today cannot find a clear-cut winner since the war just abruptly ends, but what is known for sure is that the Illuminati was nowhere to be found. What is also known is that the war cry of Great Britain was "How many letters in his hand?".

Edited by Ganaram Inukshuk
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@@Ganaram Inukshuk, I don't know whether to be impressed by all that or checking myself into a mental ward.


Regardless, it sucks that you lost but at least Britain didn't capsize into the ocean. What color deck were you using? I'm guessing it was at least part Blue.

So today I'm going a convention and cosplaying as Ichigo Kurosaki. Will post pics if I get any.


How horrifying.

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Ganaram Inukshuk, I don't know whether to be impressed by all that or checking myself into a mental ward.


Regardless, it sucks that you lost but at least Britain didn't capsize into the ocean. What color deck were you using? I'm guessing it was at least part Blue.



How horrifying.


BANKAI!!!!! Seriously though I have his hollow mask and Zanpaktou

So you and your waifu have finally taken the next step.

Are girls allowed to have waifu if they're not a lesbian. And if yes what do they call them husbu?

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So you and your waifu have finally taken the next step.

Well, technically husbando, and even then they aren't 2d. x)


New I should have said "or guys." Seriously crossed my mind.


Also, luckier than me. Never had a significant other.


Also also, what did you think of the shirt I made in ACNL?

Ive only had two and its quite honestly not as magical as one would expect some of the time.


Oh, it looked pretty nice. I haven't looked at Little Miss Rarity in forever, so I kinda forgot her markings and whatnot.

  • Brohoof 1
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Well, technically husbando, and even then they aren't 2d. x)

Even when both people are men it should always be Waifu. Why? Because it sounds funnier.

Alexander Siren Brandom (Deus Ex and Unreal Tournament musician) is my current 3dpp waifu.

Since I am CIS gendered it's a purely pletonic and pure waifuism of course.


Of course my 2d waifu would be Neptune from the hyperdimension neptunia series. I digress.

  • Brohoof 1
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Well, technically husbando, and even then they aren't 2d. x)



Ive only had two and its quite honestly not as magical as one would expect some of the time.


Oh, it looked pretty nice. I haven't looked at Little Miss Rarity in forever, so I kinda forgot her markings and whatnot.

Huh. Ok then.


And you should. Jaye has went really far and in-depth with the Lil Miss Rarity storyline.


Also, does anyone else here have ACNL?

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My phone broke at work the other day. It's not functional at all! That got me mad, and I can't do anything about it right now. Grrrrargh.


But anyway beside that, things still like to go wrong for me. And everything I tend to do is wrong anyway. -sigh- I dunno.


How is everyone doing? Is anyone in here or is this place just dead?

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any fans of freddy around here?

I would play it but I need money. xD


Someone ponified the animatronics. It was scarycuddly.


My phone broke at work the other day. It's not functional at all! That got me mad, and I can't do anything about it right now. Grrrrargh.


But anyway beside that, things still like to go wrong for me. And everything I tend to do is wrong anyway. -sigh- I dunno.


How is everyone doing? Is anyone in here or is this place just dead?

Wing wing. Poke poke. Hoof hoof.


Trying something new and it's called Gathering the Magic.

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I wanna make a new tumblr.


This one would be called "Paradox's Brony Crossing."


It would involve me using the animal crossing clothing design interface to make brony clothing for the game.


I already made Lil Miss Rarity and Backy, and I think I did ok with them. Just need to fine-tune the cutie marks.


What do you guys think?

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It's my 25th birthday I'm drunk who wants to clank glasses with me through the internet? I'm going to drink more alcohol. Fun fact for my birthday I got video games and alcohol! My interests are not hard to guess.

Why does life have to be so stressful. Can i serious get up on day in my life and not worry something.

..this is why alcohol

  • Brohoof 2
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It's my 25th birthday I'm drunk who wants to clank glasses with me through the internet? I'm going to drink more alcohol. Fun fact for my birthday I got video games and alcohol! My interests are not hard to guess.

Happy birthday, Pinkius. I shall toast to your birthday.

I do hope that you have a wonderful day.

  • Brohoof 1
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