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gaming Three places you wish to visit

Titan Rising

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Where are three places you would like to visit in a video game/book/movie/show or even real life, and why?  You can list them under seperate categories or just do a unified top 3 list.  Or do a top 10 if you want to, I don't really care tongue.png


I'll just do a top 3 places in video games for now:


3.  Hyrule as it is in Link to the past, preferably the way it is presented in the little booklet images and more specifically the lost woods, because the images have always stuck with me for some reason


2.  Kanto, from Pokemon.  More specifically Cerulean City - so I can get me a bike for 999999999999


1.  This one's a toss up between Destiny Islands, Twilight Town, Traverse Town, and the shore that looks out to the realm of darkness in Kingdom Hearts.  Simply cause I think they're all awesome.


These are pretty interchangeable depending on my mood, and there's probably other worlds I'd like to visit just as much but can't think of at the moment

Edited by Titan Rising
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My top 3 travel fantasies would probably be 

*no particular order really*


1.)Any or all of the regions in the Pokémon Universe (Ash Adventure time away~!)




3.)Japan - Always wanted to go there and study culture


Also, I would love to go and visit Hawaii again. Went there for a week for a field trip for JROTC and it was positively awesome (except for an incident on the plane which caused us to land in San Fran when we were already half way out at sea ._.)


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1) Ellinia [Maplestory]. A forest of towering trees and giant vines, with houses built into them connected by rope bridges. It would be so awesome to visit it, maybe even live there; have a life of hunting forest monsters, trading with the other folk, enjoying the nature.


2) Citadel [Mass Effect]. Just a downright awesome-looking place to visit. I'd want to talk to the Krogans and stuff n.n Maybe I could ride a ship on a galactic tour.


3) Equestria, which is a given n.n

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1. Heaven- So I could meet John Bonham, Frank Sinatra, The Rat Pack, pretty much all of the musicians I love who are deceased.


2. Hell- So I could meet Bon Scott.*


3. The Star Wars Universe- (specifically, Coruscant) Do I really need to say anything? It's the most awesome universe in any sort of fictional media.


I'm not going to say Equestria, because that's basically a given thing. img-1365344-1-derpy_emoticon1.png



*Just kidding. Contrary to popular belief, God loves rock 'n' roll, and Bon Scott is living it up in heaven now!

Edited by Angus Young
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1) Equestria (^_____________^)


Actually, I really like the state I live in here. I think the only place I would rather be would be Equestria.


Hopefully could even convince somepony to get me up into Cloudsdale ^3^

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This thread IS AMAZING! 


#1- Tenpenny Tower (Fallout 3) i think it would be cool to be apart of the upper-class of the wasteland,living around the most famous of hunters and radio personalities alike


#2- Green Hill Zone (sonic the hedgehog) come on, those dash pads would be awesome to take a risk on!


#3-Equestria, come on, why not!

anyone can become an artist, but a true masterpiece can only come from someone who is truly in touch with spirit and mind

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Hmm. Any 3 places? Here we go.


1. Middle-Earth, (The Shire specifically)


2. Equestria, (Ponyville specifically)


3. England, (Not fancy enough? Oh well. Doctor Who and The Beatles begs to differ.)



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1. Hoenn Region (Pokemon). There's only one place in the entire realm of fictional worlds that I'd ever really love to go to (besides Equestria), and that would be Hoenn. I've never witnessed a setting before that's so closely bound together by its inhabitants (both humans and Pokemon alike), putting an emphasis on its surroundings and using region's natural resources to great effect. There is a genuine emotional connection between its landmarks and denizens; a kind of great respect you rarely ever find. Entire cities exist in which their foundations happen to be from a portion of a species (Pacifidlog Town is built on top of a whole reef of Corsola), or utilizing the environment around them as permanent settlements (Fortree City exclusively harbours treehouses). Hoenn also harbours some of the cutest (and deadliest) critters in all of Pokemon: Roselia, Kirlia, Torchic, Mudkip, Spheal, Luvdisc, and Clamperl, just to name a few. And it's amusing to know that it teaches us that nature can be beautiful, illustrious, and magnificent (epitomized by Pokemon like Milotic, Gorebyss, and Flygon) but the full power of its otherwise destructive force can strike fear into a lot of folks (exemplified by the likes of Kyogre, Groudon, and Rayquaza). That's the beauty of it all, and it symbolizes what life itself has to offer: a gorgeous figure with rough edges that needs refinement, but as trite as it sounds, it's the flaws that makes it so worth living.


I personally grew up with Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, and there's not a single game I would trade in my Sapphire version for. It's housed numerous memories -- some glorious moments coupled with very angry ones, but all have been worth it. And for the record, I truly have felt like I was living in Hoenn for the longest time.



2. Foxborough, Massachusetts: I'm a big Patriots fan, and seeing as how I've never been to a live football game in person, it's something I want to get accomplished sometime in my life :P But eventually, seeing your team win with all those fans around you, knowing that they're cheering for the same thing as you are... it's an incredible feeling, and one I would love to keep soaking in.



3. USS Voyager (Star Trek: Voyager): When I was 10 years old I got into the sci-fi genre, and it's pretty much defined the majority of my character. Being stranded in the Delta Quadrant (that's around 75,000 light years away from Earth) may not be anyone else's idea of a good time but to be a part of Captain Janeway's crew, in a close-knit family like them... it'd be worth it, and even if in some alternate timeline where they didn't get home, I understand the fragility of life and never regret a moment of the experience. And screwing around in the holodeck -- who doesn't love that?

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3. Normandy, France. The site of the D-Day invasion in 1944!

2. Iwo Jima (Be cool to stand on an island of volcanic ash XD)

1. Equestria (should be a given!)  

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Aperture Laboratories because Science!

The Mann Co. Store because I need to buy all the hats!

And the Caribbean during the early 16th century because that was during the Golden Age of Piracy.

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Japan is another one I would put on my list and I'm planning on teaching myself Japanese and have a couple books to study from but I've been pretty lazy about it.  Obviously because anime and manga and the culture is awesome, but also because I've always kinda thought it would be awesome to see the sakura trees and the mountains and everything.


IVE SEEN PICTURES!  It looks beautiful there


I'd also settle for any region of pokemon lol, I mean compared to the pokemon themselves the surrounding area is pretty insignificant.


Despite this being a mlp forum, I'd actually sorta prefer not to go to Equestria, seems a little...  compact... to be honest

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Greece: I heard about it from alot of Greeks i go to church with and it sounds like really beautiful coastlines and then there's the mountains in the northern countryside.


Ireland: i wanna see the countryside, see some ancient sites, and maybe hit up some pubs and enjoy some stouts and maybe check out the irish punk scene.


Africa: i don't know. just feel like i should go somewhere like ghana or kenya. 

hXc i ain't like you and i don't wantyour love and i don't need your respect!!!! hXc






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Ok, since we're dealing with fictional places here, I will stick to fiction and avoid the cliche places and the obvious ponyville. Even though that's number one on the list, I will consider it "number 0" so I have more slots to work with.




The beyblade world came pretty close to being in this list. I don't know, I kind of like the idea of tops being one of the most dangerous forces in the world and there being secret training camps to create beyblading super soldiers. I guess that's just me though.


3) The Johto Region from Pokemon. Why not hoenn or Kanto? Well I like the cities there a bit more and there isn't water all over the place. Also Lugia is another reason (my favourite legendary).


2) The world of Megaman Battle Network. How cool would it be to have your own personal net navi and fight off evil cyber criminals and viruses?


1) Middle Earth from the Lord of the Rings. Some of the scenery is just fantastic and it's such a well developed world with a massive history. The shire would be a nice place to live, but I would probably need to build a massive hole for my height.


Middle Earth actually gives Equestria quite the run for it's money actually, but the orcs and evil things that want to brutally murder you are kind of discouraging. Equestria isn't perfect either, but there are some really nasty things in Middle Earth!

Edited by Celtore
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Aperture Laboratories - because I want a portal gun NOW! >:C


Equestria - Do I really need to say why....?


Springfield - So I can meet The Simpsons... who wouldn't? Lol.




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Hmm, theres a couple I want to, but I'll choose three. Here goes by most wanted places to visit:


3. Cybertron: It would be awesome to watch Grimlock fight Insecticons.


2. Halo Array Installation 4: Just so I can meet 343 Guilty Spark and discuss random topics with him.


3. Skyrim: I would give everything to go there, just so I could do this...


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  1. Equestria, because why not?
  2. Japan - I've always wanted to see the country and experience its culture. Too bad I can't really speak or write Japanese.
  3. BronyCon

Honorable mention:

Digital World (Digimon) - I find Digital World interesting and it would be cool to have a Digimon partner.

Get through the unknown like your life depended on it.

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1. Equestria.

2. Equestria.
3. Canterlot...



Okay seriously.
1. Equestria

2. Scotland

3. France


I want to go to Equestria for the same reason everyone else does...ponies.

I have a friend who went to Scotland and she said everything about it was amazing, the people were nice, the scenery was amazing...it was just awesome.
And I would like to go to France becaaaause...My cousins went on this trip thing where they rented a really long boat and just drove around France through the canals and stuff...i'm so jealous.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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