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Do you remember your dreams ?


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Ooh, dreams...I do wuv dreams. Such an intriguing topic, shrouded in the mysterious veil of the mind...


...Ahem. Yes. The topic. >_<


On average, people have about 4 dreams per night; the question is whether or not they remember them. Some never remember dreams. I remember my dreams...hm, probably on an average of two times every month. Still, unless I write/type them into a diary of sorts immediately, they fade away, lost like a wisp of smoke on the wind. And that's why I started a dream diary!...a while ago, and then stopped!


I really should start that up again. ._. I think I'll start as soon as I remember another dream! 9_6



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I'll always remember my last dream for a minute or so after I wake up and, if it's interesting, I'll write it down.  For instance, I recently had one about a secret agent who tells people about a secret organization that tells people about a secret organization before killing them, then kills them (if it's not obvious, he's part of that organization) and evolved into him telling his victims all sorts of things that the organization was going to do, right before doing them.  Regardless of the fact that that was perhaps the most confusing sentence of all time, I found the dream rather amusing when I woke up.


If I ever write a spy comedy, I feel the need to use this character, if only so that I can say that I was inspired from a dream I had.

That's really all there is to say on the matter.

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You know what kind of dreams do I have?

Most of them related to MLP, but I also think I could predict the future...

I dreamed that I was on this bookstore, but never knew what store it is until later in which I went to the same bookstore, which happens to be IDENTICAL to the one in my dream!

  • Brohoof 1


 Signature done by Vita! Thank you! c:

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It's much easier to remember the nightmares than the dreams. In one dreams I get killed repeatedly, one of them in a very grotesque way (but dangit, it was ****ing glorious!).

The more recent nightmares were too much for me.

Heeheeheeh... I remember when I RPed with a friend but wanted me to be sadistic. Well, it worked quite well when I RPed as a female version of my character. Not only that, the nightmares flashed inside my head. So then I did manage to imbue the cruelty and the malice into her and I figured out why it worked so well; what I imbued into my partner was all of the shame, all the reasons I had to want to rip myself apart. Yes, and that also worked really well because I made my character into something separate so I could beat my unsheathed self-directed vengeance into that sorry mare. She's lucky he didn't decide to make her a stallion instead! 

Did that make me feel horrified and miserable... When I had those nightmares with me as the victim, at the time it felt justified and even in the aftermath it felt as though there was an element of justice to them. But in that RP that turned into a re-enactment of that nightmare, it seemed so needlessly cruel, just too much. Had to do a lot of thinking about my self-image from that point on. Sadly it feels like I'm running away from it rather than confronting it.

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I never really remember my dreams. My latest dream was with me, 2 of my friends, and 2 of my cousins. We were in this modern house, being chased my Voldemort.


Eureka's words of wisdom has inspired me, I should start listening to her more. ~DX Silver

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I usually remember my dreams when i wake up, but not for long. I don't really have nightmares at all, so this should be a good thing? Maybe?


Last night i dreamt about some guy that played basketball, i remember that i wasn't taking part of this at all, like i was able to spectate the stadium the guy was in, however the same stadium was getting built, and that didn't make any sense. That's all i can remember.



My dreams usually have ponies and game stuff around, because i think about ponies a lot before falling asleep. I think :P

hi friend

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't remembered a dream in months, it seems.


I used to have recurring nightmares, and to be honest I can barely remember a single good dream I ever had. Not that I didn't have them, it's just that they aren't very memorable. :P


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Last night I had a dream that I ordered a margarita at a Mexican restaurant and discovered they put hot sauce in it when I took a swig. The drink wasn't hot, it just tasted nasty. Sometime soon I'll have to go get a margarita to fully eliminate the taste of it from my mouth and mind.



A couple nights before that I had a dream that BronyCon was upon us. Except it was more like a state fair, nobody from the forum was there, not even the staff, and for a few minutes I was Spike. Cathy Weseluck also hated us and was trying to avoid everyone.


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I usually remember parts of my dream when I wake up but over the course of the day they become forgotten.


The last dream I remember involved killing people, I'm not sure why, I seem to remember that I was protecting a girl.


Dream in which I kill people or torture them are common for me, not sure what that says about my inner daemons :P

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I dreamed I was walking down a random road, and I saw my house. But it looked like it was haunted or something, so I didn't go in. Then I woke up.



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If they're very good dreams, I can remember- and I love it when I remember


Lately I've been dreaming I'm back in school.... Which is fine and dandy, but I even dreamt of my 8th grade history teacher(I'm heading towards 10th grade). I don't know why....

The other night I dreamt I was at a boarding school w/my distant cousin and sister. Somehow I ended up in the sewers and grew such a liking in the rats that I TURNED INTO A RAT :'D It was a great dream because I was basically the leader, and other rats looked up to me; in real life, I don't have that kind of confidence, so it was nice :) Anyway, in the dream, these fancy "royals" adults of the boarding school came to the sewers and were mad. I dreamt I threw a rat at them or somethin', but it was easy for them to throw the rats off them :/ In the dream, 'later' on, the rats and the three-five royals of the boarding school(whom we had seen previously) were going to have a war. I dreamt that we lost :/ I also dreamt that one of the rats told me these wrapped "mummy"-like dolls didn't like me. So, I told them to (I also dreamt that I had to kill a few people, even though I didn't see me do it- still a rat) kill them. 


Twisted part was, the "mummy" dolls were sliced half-way open and blood splatted onto the dry, moist concrete floor. Kinda creepy.


Amongst my dreams, since I LOVE PINOCCHIO, and I'm even hoping to play him in a talent show, I dreamt that I was a boy marionette(I'mma girl, yes, but my gender is androgynous/boy). So it was a good dream as well. Meh. 

- Charries: Dr. Grayburn (based off my real unpony-related grass creature charrie)

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I usually remember my dreams, as long as they are good. Now when it comes to nightmares, yeah I can remember every little detail for weeks. Usually my good dreams involve ponies so there ain't much I need to remember.


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If I had a good dream I usually remember it. I have noticed that I am starting to have more pony dreams lately. Maybe tonight I might have a pony dream.

Thank you for the signature Jenny Wakeman.



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I'm trying to develop lucid dreaming skills so I'm getting better at remembering my dreams. it doesn't always work though, I still need more practice =P


anyways, my latest dream involved collecting rings sonic style with the ninja turtles /=|

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    For about the last month now I've been having at least one dream every time I go to sleep/take a nap/or even close my eyes by accident for a couple minutes. Each night the dreams have been becoming more and more vivid and it doesn't help that 90% of the dreams have been related to past events (been having MANY dreams about high school *I graduated a year ago* and a couple dreams about college *yet to apply though I DO want to go*) or have been related to work (usually the more fictitious dreams). Another more common dream would be one where I just continue my life as if I just woke up from the dream (most annoying ones ._.). 


    In one sense this is good, as I really want to capture lucid dreaming, however, in another, I haven't been really getting full and decent sleep due to these dreams, ALL of which I can remember almost to their full extent.


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I remember this dream for months, and I must say, I loved this dream!


It was about me as part of the Transformers G1 and the MLP FIM universe (I know it's obvious cause I love transformers and mlp) and I find a way of turning the ponies into Autobots and can channel the Elements of Harmony through magic lasers representing their colours of the Elements they represent. Here are what I dreamed my favourite ponies as Transformers


Twilight transforms into a purple Ferarri, with her cutie mark on the bonnet, has automatic wings and she can shoot magnet laser beams. Applejack transforms into an orange WWII tank , with the cutie mark on the top hatch and can shoot orange lasers. Pinkie Pie transforms into a (u guessed it!) pink party cannon, with the cutie mark wrapped round it and can shoot blue lasers and party confetti :D. Rarity transforms into a white limousine, with the cutie mark on the bonnet and can shoot purple lasers. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy can transform both into F-15 Eagle jets (same as the Seekers, lol) with both having cutie marks on their wings, the difference between is Rainbow turns into a blue jet shooting red lasers and Fluttershy turns into a yellow jet shooting pink lasers.


Also, Celestia and Luna both transform into space rockets with their both respectful colours and cutie marks. Tia shoots a huge gold solar beam while Luna shoots a ... Lunar beam? Anyway, that's my dream :)


(Oh, I meant magenta for Twilights lasers :P auto correct is getting really annoying now, sorry to confuse you all ;) btw your dreams are awesome!)

  • Brohoof 1

Harmony Spark: Fellow Brony and Devoted Student in Animation



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I remember some dreams....latest dream I remember involved Spike and Rarity....we were at her Carousel Boutique Trying to find something for a dress she was making for somepony....forget if we ever found what we were looking for. Spike then gave me some gems to eat, and they turned out to be just candy....

  • Brohoof 2

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


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  • 4 months later...

Sadly.. yes I do. Most of the time they are only nightmares so that's no fun to remember them... but when I do have a good dream I try to keep it.. so this why I can remind myself.. that sure I have had nightmares non stop for 12years.. but there was that one good one... but even then they start out good! they end so poorly... like the one about my BF.. ahh..


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

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They say that you remember your dreams if you wake up during them. I remember most of my dreams, but that leaves me with something. What was I missing? If I remembered it, than it wasn't fully over. It could've been any other dream, or it could've been one that leads me to cure cancer. So yes, while I do remember lots of dreams, I try my hardest not to.


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Signature made by Kyoshi

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I remember many of my dreams. I can interpret most of them, others elude me. Some disturb me even to think of. But I have many vivid ones, and I even draw them sometimes. I practiced lucid dreaming for a while, I got to the point where I could get into it, but I woke up every time because I'd wake up in sleep paralysis and freak out thinking I was dying because I couldn't move even my fingers.


My most recent dream was actually a recurring theme for me at one point. I remember climbing up a crane, all the way to the top. I got up on the roof of the operator's seat, and jumped off for some reason. I woke up into another dream, where I was outside, and a storm was brewing. I knew I had to get prepared for it, but it kicked up faster than usual this time, and a tornado began coming down from the sky towards me. I dropped my things and just started running from it.

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I remember this one dream I had.


I wake up in a room that is pure white with the exception of a black outlining resembling a door. I push against the inside of the outline, opening a portal to a hospital room, in the bed is a 75yr old version of me and next to it are my siblings crying, I'm apparently invisible to them, they're talking about a motorcycle accident.  I'm strapped to machines that read my vitals. Then it all changes, now I'm sitting in an air plane to Japan. Talking to a friend from school about our future life.  I then realize that in this dream in in a bookstore reading next to the glass window to my left, then suddenly a motorcycle crashes through and I wake up in reality.


If you can please tell me what this means?

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