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open The Dark Tournament (FULL!)

Literally Snails

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Standoff (Red?) was clipped by the first, but blocked the second, and cleanly snapped Roto's arm. "Amateur. You sheem to rely on doubt to vin your battles for you." Red then addressed the crowd. "Now vat? I could just leave him in ze ring like zis, but zat vould be boring. Vouldn't you agree? BORING! So. Any..." Red grinned evilly. "Requests?"@,



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Standoff (Red?) was clipped by the first, but blocked the second, and cleanly snapped Roto's arm. "Amateur. You sheem to rely on doubt to vin your battles for you." Red then addressed the crowd. "Now vat? I could just leave him in ze ring like zis, but zat vould be boring. Vouldn't you agree? BORING! So. Any..." Red grinned evilly. "Requests?"@,

Cosmo could hear the fight from a nearby tv. "Requests huh... Someponys a crowd please,." Cosmo thought, "Yeah, I'll definitely have to gut my second opponent if I let Dreams live... Or maybe some nice violent illusions? Or maybe I'll just drag it out a little..." Cosmo could feel his emotions shut down, signaling the return of the heartlessness that made him the Blood Winds prodigy as a child...

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Standoff (Red?) was clipped by the first, but blocked the second, and cleanly snapped Roto's arm. "Amateur. You sheem to rely on doubt to vin your battles for you." Red then addressed the crowd. "Now vat? I could just leave him in ze ring like zis, but zat vould be boring. Vouldn't you agree? BORING! So. Any..." Red grinned evilly. "Requests?"@,

"PULL HIS LUNGS OUT!" One of the audience screamed.




"Wait!" Roto pleaded as he held onto his broken leg. "You don't have to do this! The hostage thing wasn't my idea! I swear! I'm not such a bad guy! I just don't know any better!"




Sweat started to drip all across Penny Pincher's forehead. "What... Just happened?" He asked.


Rail calmly lit a cigarette. "I believe it was something along the lines of you losing a bet." He said coldly.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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@, Standoff stared down at Roto, and his eyes turned a deep, mad red. "I just had a idea." Working quickly, he grabbed the broken arm and tore it off at the break. Turning the knife end down, he grinned down at the quivering pony and said, too quietly for the crowd to hear, "Say hi to me for me." Standoff let the blade fall, and promptly collapsed.

(Good match. I had fun.)

Edited by baman



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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@, Standoff stared down at Roto, and his eyes turned a deep, mad red. "I just had a idea." Working quickly, he grabbed the broken arm and tore it off at the break. Turning the knife end down, he grinned down at the quivering pony and said, too quietly for the crowd to hear, "Say hi to me for me." Standoff let the blade fall, and promptly collapsed.

(Good match. I had fun.)

"And the winner by death is Standoff!" Topaz announced. "He will be the first to advance to the first round!"


@@Nightfall @@Umbreon


"NINE and TEN!" The ref completed his countdown and spoke into his microphone. "The winner by ring out is Lite Shade! She will advance to round two!"


Tournament officials removed Roto's corpse and Standoffs unconscious body. They dropped Standoff in the medical ward and brought Nightfall there as well. (Nightfall, since your character is still alive, he can still watch the matches.)


The second stadium ref walked over to Lite Shade with his microphone. "Anything you'd like to say before you return to the lobby?" He asked.





"This can't happen!" Penny Pincher cried. He stood up and ran out of the box seat room. Rail followed him shortly after.




"Cosmo Shadesteel and Bad Dreams, Report to the first stadium ring immediately. You are on the clock." The waiting room speakers said.


The first stadium referee had finally regained her composure after the first fight.




The now frantic Penny Pincher and Rail met up again in an isolated room. "I've made the biggest mistake of my life!" Pincher exclaimed. "I've lost my whole fortune! You gotta help me, Rail!"


"I don't like the way you play." Rail said. He telekinetically pulled a small firearm out of his coat and held it to Penny Pincher's greedy head. "You see. There's only one law of the Dark Tournament: The weaker fighter will always die! You have been very weak. SORRY TO INFORM YOU SO LATE!"


A faint gunshot could be heard throughout the stadium.

Edited by Topaz


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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'Neo-Draconians? So the hatchlings did their duties. Heh heh heh! HAHAHAHAHA! Who know how many sanctums they have built or how wide our power has spread!' 

Rune felt cold, he hadn't felt cold in over a year. Since Knightfall had been trapped in him, instead he'd been warm and usually when Knightfall got excited he started to overheat. But now he was shivering, he felt like he had ice in his veins. Knightfall was excited though, something was very, very, very wrong. 

'You may tell him that the Neo-Draconians where but toys. The dragons guarding my temple were Draconians. They are positioned at each of the ancient sites of our power. The places call to other dragons, they come and are given blessings or strength for their eggs. The Draconians raise them in our teachings and then send them out into the world to create more shrines and spread our word. Those are Neo-Draconians, mere foot soldiers. I am Archeo-Draconian! The greatest ranks of the most powerful sect in the world! We are the Ordo Templi Dracanus Immortalis! My true brothers sleep the deep slumber, but my return will send out the call and they will awaken and drowned the world in flame!'

Rune was so cold, the color draining from him, he felt like he may never feel the warmth of the sun again. He slowly brought his eyes to meet Swordpoints, very somber he started to explain, "I don't think you failed at wiping out the ones in Ponynesia... I think the problem might be a lot bigger than that."

Edited by Fivefs
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@ @ @ @@Fivefs @@drawingpandapony @


Topaz unexpectedly walked into the waiting room. Her mane was ruffed up and tangled. She looked exhausted. "I love this tournament and all." She said. "But daddy could have given me longer breaks. Five minutes my flank." She started to fix up her hair and rub her temples.

Edited by Topaz


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Swordpoint eyed Rune Breaker carefully. He extended his wings and closed his eyes as they began to glow.


Rune Breaker flinched, but he stood his ground.


When Swordpoint opened his eyes again, they were pure gold. A golden aura came from his wings and engulfed Rune Breaker.


The room had fallen silent except for the noise from the monitors. The others watched anxiously, likely expecting bloodshed.


Swordpoint at last released his spell. "I... felt him. His presence. But I know of no way to save you. I am sorry. If we had been more thorough, perhaps we may have discovered the true source... or perhaps I would be in your horseshoes. My only advice to you is that to allow him to take over is a grave mistake... one that will likely cost you your soul. It is better to lose a battle than to lose yourself."

Edited by Justin_ZW

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Bad Dreams nodded at the speakers and flew into the stadium. She stopped, and for dramatic effect, used her wings to kick up some dirt from the stadium. She took off her goggles for a second to take in her surroundings more clearly.


Stadium One was huge. Crowds were screaming for blood, rich ponies were making bets, and she was just another piece in their games. She could see the Shadowbolts looking at her with a smile from one point. She just grinned at them. 


"...I...Well...my opponent has connections to Luna too...it feels wrong destroying another Luna associates...i'll, um, well, it's not like anything bad will happen if I don't kill the opponent and the crowd doesn't like me. What will they do, shoot me?" Bad Dreams thought. "...I totally jinxed myself."


Dreams took her spot, put on her goggles, and waited for the round to begin.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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@~Flame Dancer~


Midnight got into a defensive stance, ready to move around him if he tries to attack.  Her front left leg got hit from the katana.  It was bleeding when she fell.  Now, the blood is plastered and dried up by the wound.  "Why are you asking if I like cupcakes?  To distract me?  You are going to have to do better than that" She replied with a little bit of taunt in her voice.

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((Hey, to mention someone, highlight part of their post. A little box should appear asking if you want to mention them or quote them))

Slicer chuckled. "No, if I wanted to distract you I could do a much better job. Its just a simple question...do you like cupcakes ?" He asked, grinning.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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((Thanks for the tip!  I was wondering how to do that))


Midnight Glow was still in a defensive stance.  "To be honest, I have never had a cupcake before.  The answer to that is no.  That's what happens when your family ditches you for 15 YEARS!!!"  She said getting angrier and angrier.  Calm yourself.  This will not get you anywhere.  You are going to make stupid mistakes and get killed! I understand that.  She started to calm herself.

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(I'm reposting this in case it went unnoticed.)


@@Nightfall @@Umbreon


"NINE and TEN!" The ref completed his countdown and spoke into his microphone. "The winner by ring out is Lite Shade! She will advance to round two!"


The second stadium ref walked over to Lite Shade with his microphone. "Anything you'd like to say before you return to the lobby?" He asked.

  • Brohoof 1


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Rune doesn't give notice to the chatting orange announcer engrossed in his own conversation.  He nods his head,  "Yes, I know.  That's why I'm here, nobody knows how to help.  I can use the wish and send him back to the otherside.  I don't know how much longer I have."  His voice is cracking a little,  "He gets stronger all the time.  Neither of us sleep...  When I sleep he takes over.  I'm the dominate one now but it is getting harder and harder to put him back away.  His control and magic keeps getting stronger and changing my body more.  If I don't stop him here now, I don't know what will happen." He's shaking a little. "But the ritual they preformed to put it in me was supposed to end with my death and if I die I don't know what will happen.  So if you do get that chance do it quick and be ready for whatever might come out."

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Swordpoint snarls at the announcer, who gives him a bored look.


He turns back to Rune Breaker. "I see. I wish you luck, friend, for I can smell the bloodlust on the others. Being a pawn of evil for so long makes identifying it that much easier. Keep your wits about you... And do not hesitate. If we meet again in the arena... I will give you an honorable fight."


Swordpoint extended his wings again, and the unearthly glow returned to his eyes. A ball of golden light materialized above his head, which quickly took the shape of a lance. As Swordpoint released the spell, the lance floated calmly down to his hooves. The shaft of the lance was a light brown, much like his coat, and the tip featured an elegant guard emblazoned with the symbol of Princess Celestia. The tip was shined to a mirror sheen, and had been sharpened to a razor-fine edge.


Swordpoint gave a final nod to Rune Breaker and trotted in the direction of the monitors to learn what he could from his opponents' battles.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Standoff came to in a hospital-style bed. The first thing he noticed was that Red had retreated to the "back seat". The second thing he noticed was the orderly looking at him with a mixture of admiration and fear. "So, I'm guessing I won. Lovely. Right, already been inactive too long, where's the door?" Without waiting for an answer, Standoff walked out the door, through a hallway, and back into the room with the other contestants. Remaining chipper, he said, "Yep, me again. Where do I get food around here?"



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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(I'm reposting this in case it went unnoticed.)


@@Nightfall @@Umbreon


"NINE and TEN!" The ref completed his countdown and spoke into his microphone. "The winner by ring out is Lite Shade! She will advance to round two!"


The second stadium ref walked over to Lite Shade with his microphone. "Anything you'd like to say before you return to the lobby?" He asked.


Nightfall got up, and was helped by... well, as he started limping to the lobby, no one came to help. Eventually a couple of paramedics showed up, and took him to the small medical tent the had set up in the lobby. They barely got a word out of him, and his pain seemed, from the outside, faked, so they soon told him to go back to the fighter's lounge, which scared him.

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Silver turned around to Topaz after her unexpected entry. "Well that was random." Silver said.


After the conclusion of the math  Lite Shade had won; Silver sighed. "Man...this is going by so slow." He said impatiently waiting for his turn to go. 


He was about to just take a nap until he saw Bad Dreams had went up to the stage. "Now this should be interesting...." Silver  muttered under his breathe. He stayed where he was wanting to know what she could do.

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Bad Dreams nodded at the speakers and flew into the stadium. She stopped, and for dramatic effect, used her wings to kick up some dirt from the stadium. She took off her goggles for a second to take in her surroundings more clearly.


Stadium One was huge. Crowds were screaming for blood, rich ponies were making bets, and she was just another piece in their games. She could see the Shadowbolts looking at her with a smile from one point. She just grinned at them.


"...I...Well...my opponent has connections to Luna too...it feels wrong destroying another Luna associates...i'll, um, well, it's not like anything bad will happen if I don't kill the opponent and the crowd doesn't like me. What will they do, shoot me?" Bad Dreams thought. "...I totally jinxed myself."


Dreams took her spot, put on her goggles, and waited for the round to begin.

Cosmo watched Standoff finish, "The audience is getting their money..." After a bit he heard Topaz announce it was time for his fight. Cosmo approached the ring then noticed Dreams' flashy entrance and decided to make his own. A ball of black and purple mist gathered on the edge of the ring which soon burst into a night colored cloud. Cosmo teleported to the center and waited for it to clear. It was all illusions so he could clearly see Bad Dreams' face and her qualms with the fight. "I thought she didn't know about me... Oh well." Cosmo walked to his spot and asked her, "No hard feelings alright? I don't intend to let you win just because we both serve Princess Luna, but that doesn't mean I want an enemy from this," he hoped mentioning the princess generated some interest, Cosmo wanted to gather excitement from the audience to make up the dissapointment he'd have to give later. "I'm not going to kill her, just defeat her," Cosmo thought as he magically grabbed The Black Swans and prepared his other spells, eager to start and finish this fight quickly. Edited by TheBreech

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Radioactive wasted no time. Instantly her horn flashed and she thought her plan out all at once. Her magic worked to catch up, settling the gas-mixture that made the fuel, creating hooks in the metal to catch the chain, and connecting gears in the engine by swapping their particles. Unless her opponent could stop the magic, his weapon would be ineffective.

She worked fast. Amazingly so. Still, speed was just speed. He dropped the chainsaw and ran to the side. The problem Mao feared he would be dealing with was her wits. Still. He wasnt going to die here. He had died once before, by the hands of the only one who mould ever love him, no less. He still remembered that day. He was shut up. For what could have been forever. Whatever. All that mattered now was the.fight.

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The battlefield is not the place for setiment, she thought to herself as her opponent fled his destroyed chainsaw. Her helmet gave her three battle options; excite the ground particles under his feet, shoot a cloud of radiation at him, or go up and try to buck him. Her horn glowed and she teleported behind him, kicking out. Edited by Dawnpath


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Goldre sighed and retreated back to the waiting rooms. Why did her life have to be so lonesome? Every friend she ever had betrayed her or died. She came here to let her anger out, but now she didn't want to hurt anypony. But she had to go through with this. She'd show mercy, but she wasn't sure if she'd get the chance. Her tactics contained zero violence unless absolutely necessary. She silently promised never to befriend anypony she'd have to fight ever again.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Rune watched his future opponent walk away. 'I hope I don't have to kill him.  To kill two ponies in one instant, I don't know if I could live with it.'  'I wish to see his body awash in flames as his skin burns away and only his bones are left among the cinders.  He has slayed members of my brood and will suffer dearly for it.  If he does survive this place, I will hunt down his loved one and shred her myself.'


Rune frowned at Knightfalls violent rant ignoring it.  'What was I doing?  Oh yes I was speaking with Golden Dreams.'  He trotted back over to the mare.


"Sorry about the interruption, just needed to have a little chat with my opponent.  You where saying you were a WindBreaker?  I've never heard of such a civilization and I've studied many ancient pony societies.  Where do you hail from to have such large luxurious wings?"

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((So...I made a mistake joining this RP I am in waaay to many and my life is waaaaaay to busy to be in another...so...))




Slicer's eyes widened. "Well..." He growled.

He sheathed his swords and backed out of the ring. He sat down and smiled. "I suppose you win then." He said, grinning at her as the crowed booed at him. "Congratulations."

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Bad Dreams nodded at her opponent, and saluted.


"I shall miss thou, fellow Luna associate." Dreams told her opponent before shooting upward. She stopped at the cloud layer. At the cloud layer, she doubted that her opponent could find her this high up, and settled down inside the cloud layer to think about what she could do to counter a unicorn.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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