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What do you find intolerable?

Verily British

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Now I know that we bronies have a reputation of being very tolerable, but there is always something that just drives you up the wall.


For me I find a few things intolerable, for instance I can't stand stupidity intentional or otherwise, have you ever been sat next to someone in a class that just doesn't do their work, copies off of you, tries to distract you and just generally messes around.


I also find it incredibly annoying that when you tell someone you're a brony or someone asks you and you say yes that they'll just say 'Brony? CLOPPER CLOPPER CLOPPER' at you.


Another thing I can't stand is my little brother. Yep that's right I find him one of the most intolerable people on the planet. With loud, high pitched pre-pubescent friends screaming at the TV screen whilst on COD zombies whilst I'm trying to write. Or the fact that he and his friends simply have no sense of when we want them to go home, like when we're having dinner or watching a movie as a family.


This is just a few of the things that I simply cannot tolerate for more than ten or twenty minuets, what can't you stand?

Edited by British Brony
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Ignorance. Like, if I have a valid point in an argument and it's not answered because whoever I'm arguing with is terrified to admit that there's the faintest possibility that I'm right.


Of course, this gives me more respect for people who can counter me logically, so I guess every cloud has a silver lining.

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Myself, most of my family, elitists, religious fundamentalists, politics, American society, reality TV, the current state of the music industry, and a bunch of other stuff. My tolerance for many things lately has dropped considerably. No point on explaining these things in further detail since they explain themselves really.

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Racism, homophobia etc those are intolerable to me, they always have been and always will be.

Outside of that sort of thing there is one other, STUPIDITY... But it's not just any kind of stupid, it's willful stupidity. Not knowing something isn't being stupid, not knowing something when you have been given every opportunity to learn and have even been told, that's willful stupidity.

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I'm intolerable of intolerance. Which means that I'm very intolerant of myself, since so many people are intolerant. It's just a never-ending loop. >.<

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For me I find a few things intolerable, for instance I can't stand stupidity intentional or otherwise, have you ever been sat next to someone in a class that just doesn't do their work, copies off of you, tries to distract you and just generally messes around.


Yes. Two of them in my class this year. They are now friends of a sort. A little kindness goes a long way. One of them is even doing much better in class since they've been put next to me, and it's not because they are cheating off my page, either.


There's not a lot that I'm completely intolerant of. Bigotry can sometimes fall into that category, especially about mental illnesses. Don't even get me started about incorrect uses of the term "psychopath". Meaness, too. Especially from myself.

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There are only two things in this world that I wil not stand for - people who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.

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When people can't take no for an answer. There are several scenarios where this happens:


1. When I have an issue and a person or "friend" don't know what it's about and decides to ask me and continuously annoy me even though I said that I don't want to talk about it.


2. When someone ask you if you want to hang out or something similar and you clearly say no, but due to how stubborn that person is, they never give up and even show up outside your house like if you agreed or something

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People that don't tolerate people,  I guess that could also be read as ignorance.  People who think they have the facts right, but they don't.

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People who can't keep it in their pants, ignorance, homophobia, bigotry, racism (it isn't just whites hating blacks), little kids, trolls, spawn campers, campers in general, rabid anti-Bronies, rabid Bronies, weeaboos, and so forth.

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Intolerance of the intolerant. Most intolerant people aren't one-dimensionally evil and hateful. They have reasons, as ignorant as they are they aren't Satan. They shouldn't be put on the same level as killers and child molesters.


Simplifying a conflict to "It's because of religion/political affiliation/faction!", "This man is at fault!". Most of the time there's a lot more factors ad people like to put one group at fault because it's simpler and/or gives them an easy way to knock whichever group they dislike.


Strawman arguments where the only comparisons a person make In a debate are the worst of the vocal minority.


People pretending anarchy is some kind of profound revolutionary statement when really they are just being selfish and want to cause problems at the expense of society and don't care who suffers for it.

Edited by Jammo
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Usually I'm not a person to find anything intolerable but, when your nice to someone and they take advantage of you. Like you would basically do anything for them but in the end, they have been using you.

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People who play with other people's emotions for their own benefit. This can really hurt someone badly for a very long time and it's just malicious and manipulative.

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Arrogance. I can't stand the sight of watching people stick by their ways for an eternity, even if those 'ways' may end up harming people.


Another one is just plain Stupidity. I can understand it in some cases, but when people have the ability to be smart but CHOOSE to be stupid, it annoys me quite extensively.

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Wasted Potential: I hate it when I see a great idea fall flat because it wasn't implemented properly. When I look at the poor result, all I see is what could have been, and all of the potential that was squandered on a shoddy little mess that could have been SO much better.


Inefficiency: I hate inefficiency. It kind of correlates with my hatred for wasted potential. When I I look at an inefficient practice/system/machine, all I can see is what could have been. It frustrates me because it could be SO much better, but it's not. It's inefficient, broken, grotesque.


Stupidity: This one is bit more gray than the other ones. Locking your keys inside of your car is stupid, but I don't mind that kind of stupid. Prejudice is stupid, but I DO mind that kind of stupid. Putting your shirt on backwards is stupid, but I don't mind that kind of stupid. Spouting out conjecture without a modicum of evidence or abstract reasoning to back it up is stupid, and I DO mind that kind of stupid. When it comes to things like making stupid little mistakes, like driving to the wrong building for a meeting, or leaving the oven on, or typos on a post, that's fine. When it comes to being wrong, that's fine too, as long as you learn and accept the right answer, and you recognize that when something is wrong, the flaw is most likely with yourself, not the world around you. The stupidity I can't stand is close-mindedness, bigotry, violence, prejudice, bias, cognitive dissonance, and inconsistent, bogus logic.


Inauthentic/Disingenuous people and things: I cannot stand it when someone/something is insincere. It pisses me off to no end. Disingenuous compliments, lying, being something that you are not, putting on a show, all of the like frustrates me to no end. Honesty and authenticity are both something I highly value. Superficiality is ok as long as it's authentic. The quickest way to get me to dislike someone is when they're being insincere, or are lying. When somebody/something does any of those things, I can never be at ease around them, and they lose all credibility. I cannot look at somebody and tell them something that is insincere, I cannot look at somebody and tell them something that I know isn't true, I can't do it. And if I ever did, you would instantly be able to see through it, because the discomfort and guilt would eat away at me, and you'd be able to see it. We all have a super ego, we all have morals and values, an inner voice that guides us, and tells us what is right, and what is wrong. Mine tells me that authenticity, openness, and honesty, are all things that are extremely important. If I see something/someone who isn't authentic, who keeps secrets and things hides things, and isn't honest, I can never feel at ease around them, I will always be on my toes. That person would lose all credibility to me, and I would never be able to respect them or trust them.


Routine/Tradition: I resent routine and tradition for a couple reasons. Number 1: Routine is boooorrriiiiinnngggg. I hate being stuck in a rut, I hate having to do the same thing over, and over, and over. It bores me to death. Number 2: It can impede progress, some people value routine and tradition so much, that they refuse to accept any change, even if it's good. I can't stand traditionalists, just because something was always done a certain way doesn't mean it's the best way.

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I can't stand homophobic people, hypocrites, or generally judgmental people that do nothing but look for others' faults and errors. 


I don't like when teachers touch me, either... like when they pat me on the back, or put their hand on my shoulder. It's annoying.

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Willing ignorance. People who, when faced with facts that prove their viewpoints wrong, vehemently insist that reality itself is somehow wrong.

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How people with sick minds and fantasies turn MLP sexual. ITS A CARTOON ABOUT PONIES FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! 


Also lag while playing MMO games xD


And lack of Trixie in the seasons.





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People who just simply unable to accept that there exists people who have different opinions/beliefs/lifestyle than them and being totally okay with it. People who honestly believes that their ways of life is simply the best for everyone, and those who don't want to conform is the devil.



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One thing I truly cannot tolerate is small dogs barking at me every chance they get. Lucky for me though I have an android phone and good headphones so I can play loud music to drown it out when I'm out and about. There is nothing more offensive to my ears than dogs barking.

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I hate going to visit my boyfriend's extended family and not being allowed to mention the fact that we live together, aren't planing on getting married until I finish my degree, and don't want kids. They live in South Carolina and have deep Southern roots and still believe in the whole "women have everything taken care of for them, all they are expected to do is look pretty, have babies, and keep the house nice for the men" mentality. It's so awkward because his parents (both sets) are supportive of me and us and our lifestyle up north so to have to keep it a secret from the extended ones is just really bizarre to me. Idk, I tolerate it out of respect for them but it's really odd.

One thing I truly cannot tolerate is small dogs barking at me every chance they get. Lucky for me though I have an android phone and good headphones so I can play loud music to drown it out when I'm out and about. There is nothing more offensive to my ears than dogs barking.


I hate this too omg! Reminds me of women who bring their small screaming children into the grocery store and continue to shop for hours. Running in to grab a thing or two with your child is one thing, but doing a full grocery run for an hour plus while dragging your miniature headache machine around is not okay. I mean screaming like blood curdling screams at the top of the kid's lungs nonstop for an hour. Not just whining, crying, and complaining. Screaming. And then other customers want to complain to me (the cashier) about it. Talking about it is one thing, complaining about it is one thing, but complaining to me like it's my fault for not making them leave is another. I can't. And I don't like it anymore than you. You complaining to me is making my headache worse, so go away. I have to stay here and listen to that sh1t while you get to pay for your stuff and leave, so don't complain to me lady. Believe me, if I could tell that mother to leave with her child I would in a heartbeat, but I can't. I'm stuck here, you're not. So go away. .. lol

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How people with sick minds and fantasies turn MLP sexual. ITS A CARTOON ABOUT PONIES FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! 


Welcome to the Internet, as well as the human race, good sir. It's in our nature to sexualize things that aren't otherwise sexual.


In any case, I find intolerance toward cloppers to be quite intolerable.

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Arrogant, condescending pricks who think their opinion is absolute truth, despite the fact that they rarely provide a solitary shred of external evidence to back up their arguments. I guess in their eyes, continued reiteration of a false statement will somehow make it true, eventually. What's funny is how such people see themselves as intelligent debaters, when in reality, the fact that they operate on fundamentally fallacious logic makes them seem like they're missing a few screws..


Oh, and politicians. They are what makes me pray that there is a hell.

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