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Season 4 Villian wish list.


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I want the Smooze!



In all seriousness though, I think what I want most is a return of the changelings. All the other villains had definite defeats, but the changelings were just knocked out of Canterlot so it's very likely they're still out there... Plotting revenge.


On the subject of changelings, I also want more explanation on what they are, how they came to be, and maybe even how they are on an everyday level, like life inside of the hive.

Edited by TheSteampunkNinja (TSN)
  • Brohoof 3


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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DISCORD!! discord should definetly come back as a villian, i mean come on he was never gonna stay totaly good forever. im pretty sure this wil happen.



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Asides from a major villain returning, as long as it isn't Discord, I'd go with a group rather than an individual. I'd also like Celestia/Luna to have had nothing nothing to do with it in the past unless they are willing to fully flesh it out. The first signs of the problem showing up in the starter episodes and the conclusion in the finale. Perhaps with more involving them throughout the season.

Most importantly, Twilight not being the only one able to stop the threat. Give the others a chance.

We were meant to rule together, little sister......

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Drum roll please! 



I present to you... THE TWILINATOR!!

Actually, I think it might be that 'Sunset Shimmer' mare that has been supposedly been said will appear in S4. 


After watching the EQG trailer (it's in my status update) I realised a resemblance between the girl who stole Twilight's crown, and Sunset shimmer. Mayeb SHE wants to be Celestia's #1 student, and so takes the crown and tries to overthrow Twilight... the possiblities are endless!

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I kind of want to see Nightmare Moon return, and take over Rarity, like in the comics. A Nightmare Rarity episode would be so awesome!

I'm just nobody at all...

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Lord Weevil, Chrysalis' slimy and megalomaniac little brother and second-in-command who plots to overthrow his sister and become the Changeling King and relaunch the invasion of Equestria.

  • Brohoof 2
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First of all, I would love to see Sunset Shimmer in Equestria. She'd make a good villian....but she has competition. Trixie! :P


But I think Sunset Shimmer should automatically be included in the villain list. She could make a pretty good villain, considering her being one of Celestias old students, I think. 

I would also love to see Gilda return. Maybe with some of her Griffin friends who terrorize the mane six and maybe try to break them apart. 


And....King Zombra needs to return. Many people (obviously) have noticed he barely gets any screen time! So maybe he can reincarnate or something and become a more better villain!! :D 


So yeah, those are pretty much all the villains I'd like to see return, but it would be cool if they included some new ones too! Can't wait!!!

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Usually when a new season starts there is a double episode with a villain, a tradition which I hope the writers will keep to in season 4. 

I am a big fan of villains in mlp and these are a few hopes I have for the new villain. 


  • A non pony. The big time villains have all been ponies or had some pony qualities to them even Discord who had a pony-ish head. There have been so many minor non pony villains like griffons, dragons and minotaurs (not really a villain, I know) but I think it's time a different species stepped up to the plate. I like the idea of a snake but that's just me.
  • Multiple villains. So far the villains have been solo acts or had minions with no personalities. It would be a nice change if there was duo or some sort of team.
  • A villain comeback would be good like Chrysalis and Sombra.
  • A story about the alicorn amulet. Where did it come from? Who made it? Will that alicorn comeback now that there is a new alicorn in town?
  • Most of all there should be a longer battle between the good guys and the bad guys. Come on! The previous bad guys went down too quick for my taste.


Obviously I am not expecting all of these to come true but I hope one will happen. What do you all think?

What are you looking for in the season 4 villain?      


Hmm....a snake....


Certainly reminds me of a certain mod.....


Remember when Luna showed Twilight the book at the end of season 3? Apparently that book was the journal of star swirl the bearded. It had another spell that star swirl had not completed. What if it was a spell to summon him. But when he is summoned he turns evil and tries to of course destroy equestria.


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Okay so some background for those who won't get the reference: in the reboot of Doctor Who one of the recurring ideas in the show is that shortly before the first episode, the Doctor was part of a great "Time War" between the Daleks and his own race, the hyper-advanced Time Lords. In the end, the Doctor was forced to take actions that ended not only in the death of the Daleks, but the wiping out of the Time Lords.


Anyway, later on, it's revealed why the Doctor was willing to let his race die: by the end of the Time War, the Time Lords had gone insane and mad with power, and had they won the war, they would have declared war on everyone else in the universe and would have decimated everyone else.


Now, if the sisters turn out to be born-alicorns, imagine this: their parents show up, are revealed to be tyrannical, and declare war against their daughters and all of Equestria, with an army of alicorns to back them up.

Edited by CITRUS KING46
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My List


  • Chrysalis and her Changeling Swarm (In addition they can show that not all changelings are evil)
  • Starwirled the Bearded (They make it sound like he's deceased but i beg to differ. I can see him being a vengeful pony.)
  • Gilda or anyone from the Griffon lands (I'd like to see exactly how the relationship between Griffons,Ponies and Dragons work)
  • Dragon Lord??? (Same as Changelings)
  • Nightmare Rarity (Not too sure about this one.)
  • Powerful Demon from Tartarus (Which is basically the MLP version of hell)


I don't think Discord should go back to being evil. It would render Keep Calm and Flutter On useless and irrelevant. I hate it when episodes destroy continuity. (Look back at Spike At Your Service)


Nightmare Rarity seems both cool and unnecessary to me. I think Nightmare Rarity should remain in the comics, but I can totally see it as an episode.

Edited by Lady Rainicorn
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I'd really like Griffon Bad guys I don't me Meanies like Gilda,I mean Badguys


The comic wigged me out when it turned out that nightmare moon was an entity, not just a Angry Luna like i had previously thought,So maybe...


Scratch that, how awesome would a battle between those moon Baddies and Equestria be? I'll tell you how awesome It'd be...Very Awsome

Edited by Toa of Ponies


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I want Gilda to come back and although they've already done this with Chrysalis and Trixie, I want Gilda to come back with a flock of griffyns, terrorize and possibly enslave the ponies. And then of course they isolate the mane 6 possibly separating them so they have to find a way back to each other, and then they take back the town! :D


Or maybe have add another pony to the mane 6 who has a grudge against Twilight or Celestia or just one of the other mane 6, so they disguise themselves and manipulate the mane 6 into turning on each other.

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  • 4 weeks later...

oh i got a better one an your going to get a kick out of this a nightmare derpy yep i said a nightmare derpy would be amazing an really cool

i contral water an talk to fish....eeyeah




created sig and avatar by kyoshi


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A space alien whose on a rampage throughout the universe destroying galaxies that he happens upon. He has long greenish-blue hair and a demonic appearance and is voiced by Richard Ian Cox (like an alien Inuyasha, lol). He happens upon the galaxy home to the ponies and decides to take his sweet time with destroying it. Descending upon Equestria and casting threats of destruction against the populace. After much catastrophic destruction the mane 6 beat him with friendship blah blah blah and force him to restore everything back to the way it was. However, instead of banishing him or turning him into stone, Twilight decides to make him her servant, acting as a messenger and a knight/bodyguard in times of crisis. He acts kind of jerky but slowly opens up his heart to his friends over the remainder of the series. Oh and as a precaution Twilight conjures up magical bindings around his wrists that restrict most of his power until she's 100% sure he can be trusted.

Edited by OceanSapphire
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There needs to be a BIG villain introduced.  One who is illusive and always one step ahead.  (Like Slade from TT or Amon from LOK)  This way, its more epic and fulfilling when the villain is fought or encountered.

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I really really hope for Sombra return.That thing had and still have so much potential,I mean just look at him,he just appeared and already one of the crystal Ponies ran away because 'she cant take it anymore'.Freaking badass. Or maybe a flashback to see what were the times when Discord,Sombra and Nightmare Moon we're around(for Sombra, if he just appear and the Crystal ponies already go wild, I such wonder what torture method he used. I will pay money to see that imao.)

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How about Lightning Dust returns for vengeance?


I want to see her back!


Trixie makes a return!


Earth pony villains!


A league of evil!!


Discord causes more funny chaos!


How about that?!


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I want to see something from before Celestia and Luna. Maybe something Starswirl the Bearded defeated long ago. As for returning villains, maybe Queen Chrysalis, but only if she's handled in a very creative way.

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First of all, I would love to see Sunset Shimmer in Equestria. She'd make a good villian....but she has competition. Trixie! tongue.png


But I think Sunset Shimmer should automatically be included in the villain list. She could make a pretty good villain, considering her being one of Celestias old students, I think. 


I would also love to see Gilda return. Maybe with some of her Griffin friends who terrorize the mane six and maybe try to break them apart. 


And....King Zombra needs to return. Many people (obviously) have noticed he barely gets any screen time! So maybe he can reincarnate or something and become a more better villain!! biggrin.png


So yeah, those are pretty much all the villains I'd like to see return, but it would be cool if they included some new ones too! Can't wait!!!

yes, he needs to. And is Sombra, not Zombra, just saying. And "better villain"...of course,everypony can have a opinion, but if you look closely he is actually one of the best, and probably the evilest villain. All he wanted was to torture ponies for fun and all that, where Nightmare Moon was just because of Luna's jealously, Discord was like all jokes and laugh and Chrysalis in a way just wanted to feed her subjects. All Sombra wanted was to torture the Crystal Ponies(probably in the most evilest way since in part 2 there is a pony who want to run away...epic.)...I 100% still agree though with the returning, or at least flashbacks or something(dont worry, in case that Hasbro is scumbag, we always have fan-fictions. Yay.)

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My theory on a "new" villian or villians is the CMC's, go with me here might be more of a series finale villian, they induct new blank flanks, possible changlings, into their group and they corrupt them and basicaly brain wash them turning them all into The Elements of Corruption, yes i spent too much time thinking of this. The girls sister's are not gonna wanna fight them would be interesting, i'm not a writer or i would fanfic it


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Voted best Scootaloo fan

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Hm I would love to see "the smooze" return from gen 1






Seriously though, I would also like to see something non-pony. I think if there comes another creature it'll be much cooler since neither we or the ponies will know what to do.


That's why I like the episode with the parasprites

They remind me of this fella:



Anyways I'd like another non-pony villain who has a similar personality to discord; I dunno what but he's just funny to watch. Though I wouldn't mind either way.



Best pony is obviously Pinkie Pie followed by Fluttershy.

BTW ponies rock and so does the series.

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Whoever the villain is, I hope he was last seen 1000 years ago. Cause ya know 1000 years ago, it was a happening time, with Sombra, Discord, and Nightmare Moon on the loose.


Maybe a time travel where the Mane Six meet all three at once...nah. that would be too good.


As for a NEW villain... the Storm Lord, an evil pegasus who used to date Nightmare Moon and wanted do dominate all life with his thunder bolts. He disappeared 1000 years ago in a bizarre bakery accident, only to reappear in the Cake's kitchen. Now he wants to seek out Luna and draw her back into the fold of evil...

except now he is in love with Pinkie.


Teen romance. Torn between two lovers, and...Nightmare Pie.

Edited by Silverhoof
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trixie i want trixie to make a come back how you ask well two days before discord defeat trixie decided to steal his powers but rather then controling it. it control her she then wants even more power so she takes a tiny bit from princess luna she then attacks making the town in choas she also at the same time traps it in darkness she then takes over the minds of 5 other ponys in town then using alll 6 of them makes 6 new elements the elements of choas its a epic battle between the elements of choas and the elements of harmony


who will win? you say

Edited by coachthirdparty
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you know what i want to see a nightmare rainbow dash i think that would be amazing bc of a number of reasons it would be very amazing how it would play out

i contral water an talk to fish....eeyeah




created sig and avatar by kyoshi


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