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Does Anypony Remind You Of Anyone You Know?


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As I watch the show I have begun to notice more and more familiar traits in a lot of the ponies and I don't just mean ones that I share with them either but ones that kind of remind me of people I know personally.


Applejack: Applejack reminds me of two people in my life my Mother and this one cousin I have that was into G1 MLP when she was younger and who I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if she was into Friendship Is Magic. My Mom often gets way ahead of herself and has pulled an Applejack by overdoing it more times than I can count. She also detests liars and lying, highly values being true to yourself and being honest and faithful. Family is also extremely important to her and has sacrificed a great deal for my brother and I and has helped me take care of my Dad who was sick with kidney failure. My cousin like Applejack has that cowgirl vibe to her and as rancher is not afraid to get her hands dirty and has been known to be fairly blunt and can sometimes be a bit of a smartass so she has a bit Rainbow Dash in her as well.


Pinkie Pie: Pinkie Pie reminds me of my Dad, while he is not as hyper as her he shared her positive attitude appreciated alot of the simple things in life and tried to make everyone happy. He suffered more than anyone else I know thanks to kidney failure but still stayed positive and kept his sense of humor even until the end.


Twilight Sparkle/Rarity: This one aunt I have is a bit of an odd mix of Twilight Sparkle and Rarity she is fairly intelligent and reads quite a bit but often lacks basic common sense and dosen't have very good people skills. She also has a strong creative side which she occasionally shows through various arts and crafts.


Fluttershy: Fluttershy reminds me of my Grandma mainly due to her love of animals and nature though she also had a strong backbone and was not afraid to speak her mind so she has a bit of Applejack in the mix as well.


Rainbow Dash: Rainbow Dash reminds me of my brother, from a young age my brother though in his younger years was very weak and frail always had a strong interest and sports and athletics and though wasn't as cocky as Rainbow Dash does have a bit of competitive streak.

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For the Mane Six.


Applejack: No one. Most people here are sick minded liars. Some are diligent, but not honest at all.

Pinkie Pie: No one, but I really likes her personalities. I really need that kind of people in my life.

Twilight: Some. Mostly those friends from the Junior High. Studying all the time, when I didn't actually care about school that time. Now Twilight really represents me. Time changed everything 'eh? Now I study very often. Even more than most of my friends.

Fluttershy: That one friend from elementary. Now I don't know where he is. We lost contact long ago. He was shy, yet could stand for me during the dark old days. Somehow I feel like I want to meet him again. D':

Rainbow Dash: An old friend, and the old me. I was like her a lot back then, so was that old friend of mine. Competitive, not wanting to lose, active, etc. I lost those personalities and spirit long ago. Now I'm just a passive and silent man.


You might note that I didn't mention my family at all. The reason is simply because none of them is worth to remember at all, except my mom, and she's not like anypony I know.

  • Brohoof 1



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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rainbow dash: she reminds me of me. we both don't tolerate failure we both like our egos *yes i admit i have an ego and i love it*  and we pretty much dominate at almost every thing we do so she is basically just another version of me.


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It is kind of interesting how people can change at times, I always had a lot in common with Twilight Sparkle due to things like making friends and basic social interaction not coming very easily to me and having an inquisitive mind and love of learning. And I had quite a bit in common with Fluttershy during my younger years but as I got older while I still maintained a great deal of what I had in common with Twilight as I became more confident and assertive I became more and more like Applejack to the point where she is the mane 6 I have the most in common with with Twilight taking a very very close second and where Fluttershy became one of the mane 6 I have the least in common with.

Edited by EarthbendingProdigy
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Rainbow Dash: Someway reminds me of an old friend, who tends to be too confident sometimes and is not really reckless, but tends to be a bit... of an ass sometimes. Emotional, social, you know. Not that bad, but... that amount of making you say "Enough!".


Pinkie Pie : A Girl from Gymnasium (highest secondary School in Germany). She was always so... random and in a good mood.


Applejack : *sigh*... why does she remind me of ... well, let's just say it has to do with a Special someone and a passed chance... the shame...

"If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences."

- W. I. Thomas & D. S. Thomas



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Diamond Tiara reminds me of a girl who used to bully me in school. She was stuck up and came from a rich family. She even had a best friend who was always with her just like Silver Spoon.

My mother is just like Pinkie Pie funny and totally random (Like me!). laugh.png   

There is also a guy at work who totally reminds me of Big Macintosh; he doesn't say much. He mainly just answers people with a "yup".

Edited by Pinkie4eeeever
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Actually, that's another reason I love Pinkie - she is totally like my younger sister. They're both easily excitable, hyperactive, have loads of friends, they both love to sing, and they both love being silly yet forever smiling. Given, my sister can get very grumpy, but Pinkie Pie definitely reflects all the great qualities of my sister. And while my sister and I are very far from getting along just because of differing interests and stuff - and plenty of arguments! - I love her really.

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Fluttershy reminds me of my girlfriend. <3 She is shy but when she gets to know you, she's all bubbly and hyper, like myself. Haha

Twilight reminds me of, well, me. She's nerdy, a bit antisocial, and loves books, like me. :P This is why she's my favorite pony.


Vinyl Scratch also remindsme of me because of her love of electronic music. (I'm talking about the fandom DJ Pon-3 lol) I also love hard rock and metal, but that's a different story. XD

Edited by Crimson Dazzle


 Signature by Dopey Hooves.


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One of my best friends is very Rarityish, so much so that it's funny at times. She's oddly not all that artistically inclined, but the personality is there. Pinkie, Dash and Applejack remind me of me quite often. My sister used to be a lot like Fluttershy, but I think she's more like Twilight now.

Edited by DashForever
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Let's see...


- Fluttershy reminds me of myself. I share a lot of the same interest in nature and animals, and I'm definitely a bit withdrawn at times. I'm not as weak or timid as Fluttershy is, but she is the pony I relate to the best.

- My mother is definitely like Rarity. Total drama queen.

- My dad was a lot like Applejack. He was always selfless and put his family first. He was from the Midwest and grew up on a farm, and he definitely had the cowboy vibe like Applejack.

- My aunt has a friend who is a lot like Pinkie Pie. She's a very happy and positive person, and she throws the best parties. That sounds silly, but that's exactly how I would describe her.


Not sure about Twilight Sparkle or Rainbow Dash just yet.

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Doring the summer I am a lot like Twilight. I am very anti-social, like to tend to my own affairs rather than notice the people around me, and I just like being by myself. Suring the school year though, I am a lot like Dash. I am very athletic, go for every sport I can, and are a little bit of a show off, but I try to help people with what they are doing if I can.

Then I have one friend, my best friend, he is exactly like Pinkie. Super hyper, totally random, and always trying to talk and goof off.

Another one of my friends, still a true friend, is sometimes a lot like Rarity, this also applys for my dad SOMETIMES. They just want things done their way always, and if it's not they will kind of be ocd about it. 

My dad is more like Jack than any other person I know though. He is honest, always, unless he's lying to protect us but he has trouble lying. He is a super hard worker for the army and his family. When everyone is at home he is still in the office helping his soldiers with any problems they may have. He does everything and anything he can to help his family and loves us deeply, as I love and miss him deeply as well. He will drop almost anything to come and help us even if it's unnecissary, and tries to spend as much time with us as he can. He has overdone himself a few times but he always gets done what needs to be done. 

I don not know anyone very much like Fluttershy.


I am not creative so... Battlefield


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 -  One of my friends reminds me of Rarity.  Although she isn't creative as far as I know, she's into fashion and always dresses nicely.  She also has a huge personalty and saying she can be dramatic and needy is a bit of an understatement laugh.png .  She's also very hard working, kind and insanely smart.  Some say they can only handle her in small amounts, but I enjoyed her company and thought she was fun to be around.  Too bad she moved though. 


  -  My sister reminds me of Rainbow Dash in some ways, although my sister is not cocky at all.  She's a competitive swimmer and is close to Olympic Trial cuts in several events.  She can be reckless at times, but means well and is always thinking of others and will go out of her way to help someone out.  You could say she is loyal to her friends and family.  She also has Dash's stubbornness too. 

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I mean yes and no I guess, I can relate people to each of the mane 6, although I'm not sure if when I think of them anyone IRL really comes to mind honestly.


That said I think anyone can be matched up to some degree with atleast 1 of the mane 6, they have quite a large range of personalities between them.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Rainbow dash does remind me of a friend that plays soccer has a really "i'm the best personality", is more on the tomboy side, and is always there to support her friends. It's kinda scary actually.

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