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private Equestria University (Romance) (SOL)

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Welcome to Equestria University, where only the best and brightest minds in Equestria are permitted! You have been chosen from among your peers to be enlisted in Equestria's most elite school, the kind of school that will have employers clamoring for you! You can choose from a wide variety of degrees, specialized for your race, be it Earth Pony, Unicorn, or Pegasus! Here, you will meet good friends, learn life-changing skills, and start achieving your goals. 








Cliff Chaser was in a spectacularly good mood.
The air was crisp and clean, free of the scent of rainbow syrup which he was used to. Above him, the sky stretched far away into the distance, broad and blue and beckoning to him. Cliff stretched his strong wings slightly, his amber-colored eyes casting about. There was a wide, green carpet of grass which led to the austere looking Equestria University in front of him. A class of Earth Ponies were mowing the front lawn, and he spotted tiny Pegasus dots bashing clouds in the sky.
He trotted up the gravel walkway and nosed his way into the front lobby. There were already a good quantity of ponies there, some of them with their parents, others standing bashfully by themselves in the corner. Of course, being Cliff, he strode assertively to the front desk and winked at the good-looking mare behind it. “Chaser comma Cliff,” He said pleasantly. “Pegasus First year, reporting for duty.”
“Sign up here, please,” The mare said, batting her eyelashes and handing him a clipboard. Cliff accepted the clipboard and sat down on one of the long wooden benches to fill it out.







Zatiko pushed his hoodie down and kept his canted golden eyes firmly on the ground. Already he could feel the stares of other ponies assessing him, whispering about his spiky mane and stripes. They didn’t know what he was, or if they did, didn’t trust him. He increased his pace, trying not to catch anyone’s eye and ignoring the murmurs around him. He had dealt with it for six years, surely he could deal with it for a few more.
The zebra glanced up at the sky, noting the beautiful blue tint. It was nothing like the royal blue skies of his homeland, but making comparisons hadn’t helped anypony. The building itself was big and sprawling, with pompous golden letters curved over the doorframe: Welcome to Equestria University. Zatiko pushed his way into the front lobby and recoiled at the amount of ponies who were already there. There was a bit of a line for the registration, and Zatiko laid his ears flat against his head.
When it was finally his turn, he turned his slanted golden eyes up at the filly behind the counter, who was staring at him unabashedly. “My name is Zatiko,” He said quietly, that exotic rounded accent filling his words. “I am a first year student.”
“Sign up here,” The mare pushed a clipboard at him, and the zebra took it without comment. He settled himself in a corner of the room and started to fill it out.
Edited by Earl Grey
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I sit on a bench organizing my things in my saddle bags *sigh* "This is it" I stand up. "IM READY!!!" I make a confident smile. I fly off. The trip almost felt like forever but then i see it, Equestria university. i lick my lips and fly up to the door and land, I slowly open the doors and peek in scanning the place, then I smile and barge in I was finally inside. I clear my throat and go to the sight up area ((place how ever it's like...)) "do I sign up here?" I ask with a smile. I was unusually happy today, and I was in school!

Edited by PelateOvercast
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Gardenia kept her head up whilst walking onto campus. She did not, however, look very dignified. She was turning her head every which way, taking in all the sights and sounds, with a wide and open smile on her face. She would occasionally catch some pony, typically stallions, looking at her, to which she simply waved in return.


It was a lovely day, the pegasi making sure that there would be scant a cloud in the sky depriving the lush green of the grass of sunlight, and the campus's main building was beautifully designed in its own right. Gardenia made her way into where registration was being held. She was a little disappointed to see that most of the ponies were keeping to themselves, but she wasn't going to initiate a conversation herself.


When it came to be her turn, she looked at the young mare behind the counter with a smile, and said in a melodious voice, with a Canterlot accent evident, "Gardenia, I am a first year student."


"Sign up here, ma'am," the mare handed Gardenia a form to fill out.


"Right away, ma'am" gardenia responded in kind as she took the clipboard and located herself a place to fill it out.

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"No, I'm telling you, I'm not going! I left my..." Cinderblock argued in vain as the white unicorn pushed her gently into the room, her hooves scraping slightly against the ground. She looked up with a weak smile - suddenly aware that a few of the pony's in the room were shooting her annoyed looks after almost barging in.


"Umm, I mean..."


"Nope, not listening. You said you regretted dropping out of Canterlot College, so here you are." The stallion said with a half smile.


"I changed my..." Cinder was cut short as a clipboard was taken from the mare at the front desk and thrust into her hooves. She glares at it before sighing and picking up a quill. "Ok fine." She said, slumping down on a seat to complete the paperwork. Rubbing a brown hoof against the aqua lenses of the goggles that she wore - that she ALWAYS wore - she wiped away some of the black smudges. Enough, at least, to make out what was printed in front of her.


"We've been through this already, I'll write. Just let me know when your going to be able to come home to visit or something." He said.


Before Cinder could answer, he was gone. She sighed to herself. Her friends were good natured: she knew he had only taken off so quickly to avoid giving her chance to argue more. Still, she wasn't one for crowds. Feeling that she would MUCH prefer to be back home in her quiet corner of Ponyville she started to scribble messily on the forms.

Never quite forgotten.

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Whoah, total babe at twelve o'clock.


The ever-incorrigible Cliff-and-filly Chaser smiled broadly at the pretty little filly who received her form. There was definitely something refined about her, like a crystal doll, with slender ankles and long eyelashes. She was taller than the fillies he was used to, another few inches and she'd be his height, but he didn't care. Her thick blonde mane seemed thick and well-kept, and he couldn't help but notice her expensive taste in fashion.


The burly Pegasus leaned back in his chair and caught her eye. "Trying to figure the form out?" He said in a friendly manner. "This is my first year too. Name's Cliff Chaser, what's yours?"

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Gardenia's pen dropped out of her mouth and onto the ground as she was suddenly addressed.


Oh darn, going to have to get a new one.


Gardenia turned her head back and forth, attempting to see whoever just talked to her. She eventually saw that a light blue pegasus with a slightly scruffy beard was looking at her expectantly. "Oh, I think I understand it just fine. But, thank you for offering."


Gardenia took a closer examination of this stallion. He had quite a few scars, and she took special notice of one on his left cheek. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Cliff Chaser. My name is Gardenia."

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Acoustic Cloud trotted into the courtyard.  The open space held a grandeur like no other; he had seen nothing like it with his own eyes. He quickly pulled out a crumpled piece of paper from his saddle bag--"Dorm 3" was hastily scratched on the paper.

"I best find my quarters and get settled in." Acoustic Cloud thought to himself as he trotted across campus towards the Dorms.  "This is it." 


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Cliff scooped up the pen the filly had dropped and handed it back to her. "I knew you were one of the smart ones," He said roguishly. "Me, I'll scratch my head over this for a while. Nice to meet you, Gardenia."


He stretched his wings, glancing up at the corner of blue sky visible from the window. "Man, what I wouldn't give to be up there. What about you, you looking forward to Farming classes? They sound pretty cool, although it sounds like they're getting free rosebush trimming from students if you ask me."


The Pegasus doodled a bit on the edge of his form, and then rapidly checked off a few boxes, holding his pencil in his mouth. When he had scribbled his initials onto the last page of the form, he tucked the pencil back into his saddlebags and folded the form. Oh well, for better or for worse, it was done.


@GaleFenrir {{I keep forgetting to mention people. Dx}}

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@((ironic, considering it's a rule you made yourself.))


Gardenia didn't much want to put the pen she just dropped on the ground back into her mouth, but she gratefully accepted Cliff picking it up for her. She placed the pen into her saddlebags and retrieved another one to use instead.


Gardenia chuckled slightly, and said, "Oh, it's more than just trimming, I am sure. In fact, I really quite hope it's more than that, because that's most of what I know already. I am interested in experiencing the more agricultural parts, like tilling and irrigation."


Gardenia held her pen in her mouth, quickly but evenly checking off boxes and writing her information. She paused briefly, when she had to put her initials. She only went by her first name typically, but she went ahead and wrote G. B. just in case. She folded her form up as she saw Cliff do the same. "Actually, do you know when or where we are supposed to turn these in?"

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Well, it appeared she knew a thing or two about farming then. Her Canterlot accent was kind of nice to listen to, especially with those drawn-out vowels. "Cool. I was never much into farming myself, but it sounds like you were. You're big into gardens, huh?" He mentioned as the two of them finished up their forms. Cliff glanced around and didn't notice an indication of where the finished forms were supposed to go. Gardenia brought it up just as he was starting to wonder.


"I have no clue," He replied, and trotted up to the desk. Cliff lowered his dark eyes and smiled at the mare behind the desk. "I hope you can help me out, sweetie, I'm wondering what to do with these forms," He said easily.


The mare fluffed her mane. "You should bring them to the dormitory you've been assigned, and they'll take it from there," She replied, blushing a little. "Your dormitory number should be in the upper right hand corner of the application, see?"


"You're a life saver," Cliff grinned, and then flicked his tail. He trotted back to Gardenia. "Apparently we bring these to the dorms we've been assigned," He said, and checked his form. "Cool. So I'll be seeing you around then, I guess?"



@GaleFenrir {{You have no idea. My entire life is full of irony.}}

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Cinder finished scrawling over the forms: her writing was legible but left a lot to be desired. Raising her head to peer around she wondered what she was supposed to do next. She tried to see what the others were doing.


Overhearing a nearby pony voicing her very question, she glanced over to see a well presented mare folding a spotless form. Looking back to her own, Cinder tried to rub at an inky smear with a hoof. It didn't help. Somehow, everything she touched seemed to end up dirty.

Never quite forgotten.

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Nightshade strolled up to the desk with her head high and her saddle bag full.  She received her check board and quickly enveloped it and a pen in her simmering purple aura.  She walked over to the chairs and gently relaxed in one, taking her time with the papers.




Psych Ward was sitting in the corner in a dark blue sweater with sleeves going far past her hooves.  She was scribbling on the paper, careful not to make a mistake.  She couldn't make a mistake.  That would be awful.  She would have to get a new form and then start all over again.  She couldn't make a mistake.  

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Acoustic Cloud had reached the dorms; he quickly located his room.


"Here we are." He said aloud as he pushed through the door.  The room was vacant.  Acoustic Cloud dropped his saddlebags by the desk and kicked his hooves up in the chair.  He was determined to relax for a moment before the chaos at the university took hold.


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Gardenia looked at Cliff with a smile on her face, but one of her eyebrows raised inquisitively, thinking it odd that he would ask something so obvious, "Yeah, we should see each other around. I mean, this seems to be a fairly large campus, but we're both first years..." Gardenia's voice started to trail off, but then her expression perked up at a sudden epiphany.


"We might even have a class or two together! Well, not second period, no... but the other ones, possibly."


She unfolded her form quickly and checked what dorm she was assigned. "It says here I am in dorm #4."

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Squinting at the corner of the page, Cinder could barely make out the number '6', thankfully it had avoided the worst of the inky stains.


"I guess I just have to find..." She mumbled to herself before noticing the signs clearly pointing her in the direction of her assigned dorm.


Roughly shoving the form into her saddlebag she glanced around once more at the ponies still writing on the papers.


'Whats a Zebra doing here...?' She wondered silently to herself for a second, hanging beside the exit while she pondered to herself (a bad habit she had since as far back as she could remember) before shrugging and stepping out of the room to find her dormitory.

Never quite forgotten.

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Nightshade put her forms in her saddle bag, glancing at her application.  She hopes that her luggage was appropriately in her dorm by now, but you could never tell with the undependable workers seen these says.  She smiled, seeing her dorm number was 6, a personal lucky number of hers.  She stuffed the application back into the already burst saddle bag before starting on her way to the dorm.




As she walked she came upon a somewhat messy looked mare that appeared to be going the same way.  "Why hello," she smiled sweetly, as she walked alongside her.

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@Psych Ward


It took a moment for Cinder to realise that the voice was directed at her.


"Oh!" She said, stumbling to find the right words: she had been daydreaming and was surprised to suddenly find somepony else beside her.


"Um. Hi!" She replied quickly, pushing her mane away from her face so that she could get a better view of the silvery mare walking beside her, smiling back somewhat awkwardly.


'Talk, your going to have to talk to ponies here.' She told herself mentally.


"Uh, I mean... Hi, I'm Cinderblock, do I know you?"


(Cinder isn't usually QUITE as awkward, but she isn't used to getting out much. At all.)

Never quite forgotten.

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Minty trotted with a light suitcase into the University. She walked up to the desk, and took a clipboard and filled out the form. She handed the pony at the desk the form. "Thank you," she politely said to the mare at the counter. She rolled her suitcase to the dorms, and went into the dorm she was assigned. She tried not to gaze at the beautiful scenery in the college, and focused on getting into the dorm. She settled herself into the dorm and organized her clothes into a closet.


She put everything where they belonged, and trotted out of the dorm. She was a shy pony, so she didn't exactly know what to do when it comes to making friends. Instead of looking confident, she found herself hanging her head low hoping not to be noticed.


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(When mentioning someone it only works when you highlight something from their last post and click on @mention.)


"Nope," Nightshade shook her head.  "I'm a first year and I was wondering if you knew where the dorms were?" she smiled.  "My name is Nightshade.  She looked over at the messy mare as she spoke.




Psych Ward finished the last box, relaxing a bit.  She could find her dorm now.  What dorm was she in again?  Where was her application?  She started freaking out again, rustling through her saddlebag.  She relaxed instantly upon finding the sheet of paper with a small "2" scrawled in the corner.  She got up, starting for her dorm, tripping on her sweater sleeves several times.

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@, @,


Gardenia finished saying that last sentence in Cliff's company, and her eyes started to scan the crowd of ponies that was there, taking in the student body she would be spending her next few years with. she noticed some peculiar ponies, including but not limited to: an earth pony mare with wearing a shirt with sleeves that seemed quite too long, another earth pony mare with a messy mane and goggles, and... was that a zebra? Gardenia couldn't be quite certain, he was relatively far away and he had a hoodie on. But there was one figure that stood out to her the most.


It was a mint-green pegasus mare, with a distinctive pink mane. She seemed to not be looking around her. There wasn't much particularly exceptional about this mare, but there was a faint degree of recognition that Gardenia had of her.


Oh! Could it be that it's Minty? I mean, it's not entirely impossible. She looks just like her. Granted, I haven't seen her in so long...


"Pardon me, Cliff. It was nice meeting you." Gardenia said as she trotted off towards who she thought could be her old filly-hood friend.


She had almost caught up to her when Minty had entered her dorm. Gardenia stuck around, but was a little disappointed when she saw the dorm's number


Well, she doesn't seem to be my room mate, but I still want to talk to her


Shortly after, Minty had left her room, her head hanging low. Gardenia trotted right up to her. "Excuse me, would you happen to Minty?"

Edited by GaleFenrir
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@, @,


Gardenia finished saying that last sentence in Cliff's company, and her eyes started to scan the crowd of ponies that was there, taking in the student body she would be spending her next few years with. she noticed some peculiar ponies, including but not limited to: an earth pony mare with wearing a shirt with sleeves that seemed quite too long, another earth pony mare with a messy mane and goggles, and... was that a zebra? Gardenia couldn't be quite certain, he was relatively far away and he had a hoodie on. But there was one figure that stood out to her the most.


It was a mint-green pegasus mare, with a distinctive pink mane. She seemed to not be looking around her. There wasn't much particularly exceptional about this mare, but there was a faint degree of recognition that Gardenia had of her.


Oh! Could it be that it's Minty? I mean, it's not entirely impossible. She looks just like her. Granted, I haven't seen her in so long...


"Pardon me, Cliff. It was nice meeting you." Gardenia said as she trotted off towards who she thought could be her old filly-hood friend.


She had almost caught up to her when Minty had entered her dorm. Gardenia stuck around, but was a little disappointed when she saw the dorm's number


Well, she doesn't seem to be my room mate, but I still want to talk to her


Shortly after, Minty had left her room, her head hanging low. Gardenia trotted right up to her. "Excuse me, would you happen to Minty?"

Minty looked up at the mare, unsure of how she knew her name. "Um.. Yes. I'm Minty." Minty says, looking away, and pawing her hoof on the ground. "H-hello," Minty says shyly. "Your name..? If you want to.." Minty says, slightly looking up. She was tempted to go back into her dorm, but something inside her told her to be strong, not shy.
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(Aha, I'm using my phone to reply at the moment, thought it was worth a shot. I'll probably still do it just so we all know who's being spoken to.)


"Yeah, I think that they're somewhere around here..." Cinder said in a much brighter tone, relieved that the mare was just another new starter. "Pleased to meet you, by the way!"


She rounded a corner through into the courtyard where another sign pointed towards a number of paths.


"Ah! That must be it! Now I need... was it dorm six?" Cinder said, mostly to herself.


She pulled out the now almost unrecognisable form - a corner missing from its short time spent in the saddlebag. Holding it in a hoof she looked back to the sign.


"Yeah, dorm six. That's got to be... somewhere over there I guess?" She shrugged. "What about you? Where are you heading?"

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Never quite forgotten.

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When I'm finished signing I return the clipboard, "can't wait to get to my dorm room" I smile and grab my suitcase. I walk through the halls and look around at the place "wow, I can get used to this place..." When I approach the door to my dorm room ((dorm #1)) I let out a breath and turned the knob, and swung it open making a loud noise "oops" I walk in and look around "hmmm, this is nice... I sit down and open my suitcase to unpack. When done unpacking I make my bed and sit, I make another look at the room and run my hoof through my hair and let out a long *siiiighhh* I hide some cigarettes and a lighter in my desk drawer, I look around hoping no pony saw, I smirk and get up. I go into the hall and sit in front of the door, I rest my head up to the wood and let out another sigh. "Wonder who and where my room mate is..."

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Gardenia let out a 'squee' of elation upon her confirmation that she was, indeed, who she thought she was. She tapped her fore hooves together in excitement, but the broad smile on her face diminished somewhat when she saw that Minty was not exactly sharing in her excitement.


My name? Does she not recognize me? But, we were best friends...


"I'm Gardenia, do you not recognize me, Minty? We went to primary school together..."

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Nightshade smiled.  "Wonderful," she said.  "I'm in dorm 6 as well.  We must be roommates then."   She started seeing doors.  The numbers were pretty high so she just assumed they belongs to the older students.




Psych Ward frowned, seeing two other mares right outside what she thought was her dorm.  She started panicking again.  Was her application wrong?  "Um excuse me," she whispered, coming up.  "What room is this?"




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