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request shop Free OC Drawing Requests!

Hopeful Daydreams

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Now before anyone gets excited, they're free for a reason.




It will look something like this. Not that great. Which is why I need an opportunity to hone my skills, and I absolutely love drawing OCs! They're so fun and unique.


And as you can see, I'm also working with limited supplies. Once I'm good enough, I plan to get better art stuff and a scanner so I can bring you guys truly awesome artwork.


But yeah, if you'd care the throw some requests my way, that would be great!

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Could you draw my OC?


His name is Cerulean Sky1000163_339329099529391_1765425871_n.png

The mane is supposed to look pretty crazy. I want a picture of him standing sort of forward. :3

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I don't have any sort of reference, but could you draw my OC?


Her name is NightWriter (NOT pronounced Night Rider)

She has a dark grey base, her eyes are yellow, her mane is like Rainbow Dash's except more spiky, and it's red and yellow.

Her cutie mark is a feather pen with magic around it (she's a unicorn by the way)

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Hi there! :D Despite what you think, I think your drawing is adorable and I would love it if you would draw my OC Sky Song!


So I happen to have the worst luck ever...I got to the coloring phase and my blue colored pencil has disappeared and I can't find it anywhere. So Sky Song is in black and white until I go get new pencils. Same goes for everyone, I will sketch your OC out in black and white, post it, and then do the coloring once I have pencils and repost it in color, okay? :)post-16775-0-44316100-1371502655_thumb.jpg
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So I happen to have the worst luck ever...I got to the coloring phase and my blue colored pencil has disappeared and I can't find it anywhere. So Sky Song is in black and white until I go get new pencils. Same goes for everyone, I will sketch your OC out in black and white, post it, and then do the coloring once I have pencils and repost it in color, okay? smile.pngattachicon.gifIMG_20130617_155235.jpg

D'awwwww, she looks so cute! I love her!! :DD Your style is simply adorable, thank you so much! I can't wait to see the coloured version C:

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Could you draw my OC?


His name is Cerulean Skyimg-1568724-1-1000163_339329099529391_17

The mane is supposed to look pretty crazy. I want a picture of him standing sort of forward. :3

Okay Cerulean, here ya go. Sorry he's uncolored and so rough, but I am without a blue pencil right now. I plan to color and repost him as soon as I get more pencils though.

Oh and...the face...I have no clue where that came from. It just felt right and I don't know why.


I don't have any sort of reference, but could you draw my OC?


Her name is NightWriter (NOT pronounced Night Rider)

She has a dark grey base, her eyes are yellow, her mane is like Rainbow Dash's except more spiky, and it's red and yellow.

Her cutie mark is a feather pen with magic around it (she's a unicorn by the way)

Okay so here is Night Writer, in all in all of her frustrated-due-to-writer's-block glory! I felt like since she is obviously a writer, that it would be fun to portray her in the state that most authors are frequently in :) she is honestly my favorite work so far, and is likely going to be living on my wall


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Could you possibly draw mine? :D Her name is Sugar Note and she looks like this!




And as for the face, I'm not so sure! Umm something extremely cool because she's a destructive musician :) Thanks a lot!!!

I love your drawings! They are sooooo cute! Anyway, could you draw mine? Her name is Sugar Note and she looks like this




And as for the pose, I kind of want her like doing something awesome because she's a destructive musician :) Thanks!!!! :D

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Um hi maybe you could draw my OC Volt Switch? His coat is supposed to be yellow but the lighting made it look orange. I messed up on soooooo many things in this pic and I haven't gotten down the G4 style yet so yea. If you want to do a different cutie mark that's fine, I suck at drawing plugs :( the legs are sooo bad. D:

Holy crap he looks like a colt XD he's supposed to be a stallion. Character limit is really annoying sometimes.


Edited by Fancy Ram
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Okay so here is Night Writer, in all in all of her frustrated-due-to-writer's-block glory! I felt like since she is obviously a writer, that it would be fun to portray her in the state that most authors are frequently in she is honestly my favorite work so far, and is likely going to be living on my wall


Dang. That is an amazing work of art right there. I feel flattered that she'll be living on your wall. :3

In fact...mind if I find somebody who can vector that for me? 

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Dang. That is an amazing work of art right there. I feel flattered that she'll be living on your wall. :3

In fact...mind if I find somebody who can vector that for me?


Absolutely :) do whatever with it.

Also, everyone else who is waiting for theirs, I'll try and get as many as I can done tonight.

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If you want, and you weren't going to do a normal image, you can try and do something with his talent. I don't really know how hard it would be (Probably hard) so I'm not demanding it. His link's in my sig, if you didn't already know that :)

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Cool drawing! BTW can u draw my OC, Princess Harmony Star, here's some pics to help you out. I would like my OC to play on the PS3 while squeeing. Good luck!



Okay so this obviously isn't the finished product but until I get another blue pencil its all I can do. Once I go get new pencils I'll finish it up and repost it, okay?


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Hey I have an OC I'd like you to draw. Could you draw him? His name is Warpshot and the only pic I have of him yet is in my signature. 



Could you draw him being startled by something, making him shoot out a magic bolt? If not anything with teleportation is fine.

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So, I guess you already guessed why I am here...

Well yeah. I want a sandwich.

Oh wait.

Ah, yes. A request. I shall wish for you to draw my OC, Proton.

Ref: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/proton-r2866

Sorry, but I really don't have any more references since I've put him in a bunch of Request Shops and none have been completed yet :/

As for the pose, whatever you think is suitable for a badass guy like him :)

Thanks in advance, and have fun :D

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Okay so this obviously isn't the finished product but until I get another blue pencil its all I can do. Once I go get new pencils I'll finish it up and repost it, okay?


Awesome! The drawing looks so cute and the game noises are hilarious :D great I'm gonna save it in my Favoutie Photos file. Thanks :)

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Hai. :3 My OC is Crimson Dazzle. :P If I don't have him attached, he is in my signature. XD I'd like him to be listening to music on an iPod with insert earbuds. lol I think your drawing style is beautiful. :3

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Hey, may i drop a request here? Could you draw my OC's Nightraxx and Roaring Rhythm? She is the naughty and quirky one, while Nightraxx is the seriously and more silent one. They both ad DJ's. You can choose the posing how you feel would be befitting for them. ^^


Here are some ref pics :






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Okay, I just woke up to a whole ton of requests :) awesome. Now everyone with OCs that require blue, I'm going to do yours Wednesday or Thursday when I get new supplies. Also when I'm done I may redo some of my favorites, then I'll reopen the thread for more requests :D

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When you're done with this load, could you please get on to mine? I'd request later since you say this is closed for now, but I'm going to be mean and sneak in here. XD

Her name is Pluse. You can find her specifications here.

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If you haven't started mine yet, I tweaked his design a bit and wanted to know if you could draw him based on this one. I won't post it yet so I know if you want to or not.

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