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movies/tv Gay characters in a kids show?


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I'm a heterosexual women who sees nothing wrong with it.

LGBTQ people should have repsentation in the media just like everyone else..I think it us the adults who are making it a way bigger deal then it already is. The children will just see them as a loving happy together couple. It's the adults whom are making it a sexual thing. 

  • Brohoof 3





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Things like relationships should be used very, very, very carefully in any kids show. Use it for story purposes like a prince saving a princess (or rather on a quest to do so) or a princess waiting for her prince charming. These are innocent enough that children won't question it and it won't intrude on peoples' beliefs unless they are extremist feminists or something like that. While LGBT things shouldn't be shunned the way they sometimes are (or shoved down our throats, there's rarely a middle ground) they are still a sensitive subject for many and many show creators are aware of such things because they can lose viewership if they cross the wrong lines even if they do push the envelope more than other kids shows.


There are just some things children won't get and don't need to get until they are older and introducing it to them earlier won't particularly change the way they think about it because quite honestly they won't think about it.

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  • 1 year later...
  On 2013-06-26 at 12:23 PM, Midnight Blade said:

Well, a long time ago I watched cardcaptor sakura (third anime I've watched in my life and I still remember) and sakura's best friend (forgot her name) obviously was in love with her but chose not to say anything because sakura obvioulsy wan't into other girls.


My point is that it's a show for children but there are still subtle hints of homosexuality in there, it doesn't have to be big but I think it could be implemented in such a way, if not in mlp maybe in another show.

tomoyo daidouji. she's the one who had a crush on sakura.

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  On 2013-06-26 at 10:51 PM, Asbel Lhant said:

In at least 1 episode Spongebob actually KISSES Squidward. There's no "could be" about it. He IS gay lol.


And there's also this evidence:

I know this is old. But. No. Spongebob isn't gay. Stephen Hillberg has stated in a few interviews that Spongebobs asexual. Not gay.


^full sized avatar picture there

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I think having gay relationships in children's shows would be a beautiful thing. Diverse kid's shows rock! I will want my future children to be exposed to characters from a multitude of backgrounds, races, ethnicities, abilities, and romantic preferences. Open-mindedness, understanding, and equality are values I uphold and I want to teach my children to uphold those values as well.

  • Brohoof 2


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  On 2013-06-26 at 1:56 AM, Fox said:

Let's scratch 1 and 2 because we are supposed to be talking about the actual topic. Let's not throw each other's opinions in our faces and act like people who wear tight muscle shirts in the gym. 


3. TV shows do have impact on people in what they do, buy, wear, act, and ect. Not everyone falls to TV propaganda, but they're are a lot of people who don't even know it, and are affected by it. They just need to be enlightened 'bout what's "really happening." I mean a good example is how they sell sex on TV as a form of media that has made younger naked models appear on magazines, more revealing clothes, and ect. I'm just saying in this scenario of a gay character appearing in a child's show is too much for my liking. I wouldn't want to confuse my child sexually. They're many cases like that. 


The one video that appeared before posted by "Nagisa," about the "suggestive gay guy," making a joke about his boyfriend is funny. I'm all for good humour don't get me wrong. That's a funny situation, but that's usually to appeal to the second audience who maybe watching. (the adults). It all depends how the character would be featured, and presented in the show. I don't mind homosexuals. They tend to be quite nice a people. Most are more polite than your heterosexual folk.

How hard of a scenario would it be for them to bring back the "Love Poison"  and have a scenario where two mares are effected by it. Maybe it was caused by a new villain and is affecting everyone. Slipping it in that way shouldn't be a problem....should it?

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Disney's Good Luck Charlie actually did it in one of their episodes, depicting Charlie's friend's moms as normal people. Charlies parents didn't treat them any differently than they did other parents, and their kid was alright. To see Disney do it first was like a slap in the face-- it was that unexpected-- but now that I think about it, they're the most open to it. I know the CN ceo's not a fan and there's no way in Tatarus Discovery Family's gonna do it. So Disney scored some points for that.


Anyway, gay characters in kids' entertainment that aren't there for a few moments at best or for a surprise "twist" (Paranorman, of course)? That's too optimistic. As it is, the LGBTQO is having enough trouble as it is. If gay characters suddenly move from adult entertainment to children's', most of the parents wouldn't be able to take it. It's not that they have anything against the LGBTQO or that they're homophobic, it's just that "they don't want their kids to be like that." You'd be messing with their influential young minds and all that.


But yeah, an actual prominent gay character in a children's TV show that's treated like everyone else? In this generation, most likely not. In the next? Maybe. We can hope.

  • Brohoof 1

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If you're one of these posters saying it doesn't belong in a show for children...


...Do you also feel that heterosexuality / heterosexual relationships don't belong in the same sort of show?


Because if you don't think ANY sort of romantic relationships belong in a children's show it's too damned late I could maybe see where you're coming from.  But if you're singling out only homosexuality / homosexual relationships...


That comes off as homophobic.  Because it is lol.  Heterosexuality is not comparably more moral, more natural, or more appropriate than homosexuality.  That's not an opinion, by the way.  Nor is homosexuality more moral, natural, or more appropriate.  Because morality doesn't enter into it.  Because neither is unnatural.  Because if one is perfectly acceptable on a show for a young demographic, the other should be as well.  You aren't teaching young people to be gay (as though that were an acquired skill in the first place); you're teaching them that there are different kinds of people on the planet.  And that maybe, omigosh, it's okay to be different than the prevalent "norm."  Yes, the societal concept of normalcy is nonsense.  It can be a matter of individual perception and popularity and commonplaceness and even prejudice.


There damn well SHOULD be gay characters in children's shows.  Because there's nothing wrong with being gay, and because being gay is not a choice.  No one up and decides one day, "Hmmm, I suppose I shall be homosexual, henceforth."  Nor does anyone decide to be heterosexual.  Doesn't work that way.  Let's promote - not just that tolerance thing - understanding and acceptance.


Last second on-topic-ness: Will it happen?


Yes, I believe so.  Because people are starting to realize in greater numbers that...


...Wow, this whole homophobia thing is stupid and pointless.  Homosexuality is not a communicable disease or a mental illness.  It's not something to dread or disparage.


I just don't know how long it will take.

Edited by Ziggy Belongs to RD
  • Brohoof 4

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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Um, yeah I hightly dought they will ever touch onf homsexuality in kids shows. It just too senstive a topic. There really no logica way to break it down and it may just me be (religous but it more then that for me so shut up) I feel it just not right to show kids. 


And yeah they will never maek a gay romance film ever, you try selling that to the masses and see how will t sell to the box office.

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I think that introducing children to homosexuality while they're still young is a major milestone in making gays and lesbians more accepted by the whole of society. It wasn't so long ago that most shows shied away from interracial relationships and non-racially stereotyped characters. Homosexuality in the mainstream is something that will happen eventually, but until then I wouldn't expect more than maybe a few dropped hints or playful jabs at some of the character's sexualities. Unfortunately we probably won't be getting any openly gay characters on the show for a little while longer.


  On 2014-12-13 at 6:16 AM, BlinkZ said:

And yeah they will never maek a gay romance film ever, you try selling that to the masses and see how will t sell to the box office.

I can't even put into words how wrong that is; let's just say there's a reason Netflix has an entire section dedicated to "Gay & Lesbian Movies."

Edited by HunterTSN
  • Brohoof 3


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  On 2013-06-26 at 1:19 AM, James said:

Sorry that this is such a weird topic, just something I thought about recently.


If you've been in this fandom for even 5 minutes you're probably aware of all the lesbian shipping, I even to it myself with FlutterDash. Regardless of your opinions on shipping though, do you think it would ever be possible for the show to have a gay character?


I don't think it would ever happen in a million years. I can just imagine the outrage of parents, because, obviously depicting that kind of character would be the most horrifying thing in the world, and any child who sees it would instantly turn gay themselves, 'cause that's how it works.


But seriously though, if there are straight people pursuing relationships, which is actually a very common theme in a lot of kids movies, why can't there be gay stuff too? Or why can't a kids show cover it in an educational sense? Obviously I'm not talking about stuff aimed at very young children (that would be strange) but stuff for those in the upper range of FiM's originally intended audience, 12 years or so, which is when sexuality actually starts to become relevant.


Has any kids show ever covered the topic of homosexuality?

If I were to make a cartoon, I've always considered how I would make a dignified gay protagonist, but was stumped by how I don't want to base it around romance. I also wouldn't want to shoehorn it in for the sake of being "ahead of the curve".


I know The Walking Dead isn't a cartoon, but people have had the theory that the character Daryl Dixon is gay. (I haven't made it that far into the series to find out where this theory came from, so no spoilers. Also, I know that Daryl's homosexuality has been denied by the producers.) I've thought about it, and I think that it would be a good step in the right direction if he was. It would start from live action shows, then eventually it would make it into cartoons (as long as it's done properly, I hope).


But that's just me being naive and idealistic.

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  On 2014-12-13 at 5:51 AM, Ziggy Belongs to RD said:

If you're one of these posters saying it doesn't belong in a show for children...


...Do you also feel that heterosexuality / heterosexual relationships don't belong in the same sort of show?


Because if you don't think ANY sort of romantic relationships belong in a children's show it's too damned late I could maybe see where you're coming from.  But if you're singling out only homosexuality / homosexual relationships...


That comes off as homophobic.  Because it is lol.  Heterosexuality is not comparably more moral, more natural, or more appropriate than homosexuality.  That's not an opinion, by the way.  Nor is homosexuality more moral, natural, or more appropriate.  Because morality doesn't enter into it.  Because neither is unnatural.  Because if one is perfectly acceptable on a show for a young demographic, the other should be as well.  




There's nothing inappropriate or subversive about having gay characters. Showing gay kissing to kids isn't inappropriate either. The one and only difference here is the sexes of the pair depicted. There's no excuse for excluding it, except to avoid flack from bigot/hyper religious parents or whoever. 


People may be sensitive to the issue now, but something's got to give eventually. 

  • Brohoof 1

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I'm pretty sure they are testing the waters on this topic anyway, just a hunch :3


One hurtle they have to work with though is this show airs internationally and homosexuality, unfortunately, is not legal all over the world, and if they want to air the show in places and not lose that all mighty dollar they are going to have to play it real safe. Same thing happened to Adventure Time with Marceline and Bubblegum. They had a relationship prior to the show (confirmed canon) but because of the law restrictions in certain parts of the world they can only sort of reference this. 


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I still don't understand how its this century and being gay is still "TERRIBLE OMG" and the marriage is illegal in most places. I think they should, like even a gay pony. A lot of kids get adopted by gay parents and turn out fine. I can speak for myself, because my best friend is a Lesbian and I love and support her to death!!! 


I remember when that show "Goodluck Charlie" on Disney channel introduced a two lesbian moms and SO MANY PEOPLE HAD A FIT, but a lot were so excited. I never watched the show, so I don't know what else happened from there. I just wish we can start accepting people for who they are. Like years and years ago, you NEVER saw any black people on television, because back then everyone treated them like they're mutant monsters and it took years before "we" accepted them. Now, look, there's black people EVERYWHERE on TV. Maybe one day, that will happen and we will see more gay characters in cartoons.


I do admit, I swear there ARE gay characters in cartoons now, but the creators hide it xD

  On 2014-12-13 at 5:09 AM, Pokekid543 said:

Disney's Good Luck Charlie actually did it in one of their episodes, depicting Charlie's friend's moms as normal people. Charlies parents didn't treat them any differently than they did other parents, and their kid was alright. To see Disney do it first was like a slap in the face-- it was that unexpected-- but now that I think about it, they're the most open to it. I know the CN ceo's not a fan and there's no way in Tatarus Discovery Family's gonna do it. So Disney scored some points for that.


Anyway, gay characters in kids' entertainment that aren't there for a few moments at best or for a surprise "twist" (Paranorman, of course)? That's too optimistic. As it is, the LGBTQO is having enough trouble as it is. If gay characters suddenly move from adult entertainment to children's', most of the parents wouldn't be able to take it. It's not that they have anything against the LGBTQO or that they're homophobic, it's just that "they don't want their kids to be like that." You'd be messing with their influential young minds and all that.


But yeah, an actual prominent gay character in a children's TV show that's treated like everyone else? In this generation, most likely not. In the next? Maybe. We can hope.


We can hope. As I said in my comment, take a look at black people. Back in the day, we treated them like trash, like they weren't human just because they have darker skin. Sure, there is still racist people, but not as much. Same as "freaks" back in the day. Someone was born with a small birth defect, we put them in shows and treated them like animals, but now, they're just people too.


Who knows, maybe in the next generation (crossing fingers) we can all accept gays.

  On 2014-12-13 at 4:25 AM, GhostlyWritings said:


As I JUST mentioned, I swear there are gay cartoons, but they hide it!! xD I have actually always seen Spongebob gay, even as a kid. His crush for Squidward is way too obvious.  ^_^

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If this thread is any indication, homosexuality is still too touchy a subject. Saying that, I really wish it wasn't. I can get that we've been doing straight relationships since the dawn of media because it is 'relatable,' but if I had my choice, romance at all wouldn't be shown in kid's related material at all. Romance is just something (in my opinion) that people should be getting into in their adolescence if not late teen years after the confusion of puberty. *Ahem* Of course they have their urges but I digress.


On the topic though, if anybody challenges this by pitching a kids show that has any bits of gay relationships (I would prefer them to be adults) then it would get shot down immediately by the network picking it up simply because of that. No matter how many gay people and gay supporters there are, they are still a minority. Even the friends that I have that support me in my coming out of the closet, still feel a little estranged by it too. They're still my friends, but they still have a little bit of homophobic reflexes just because they themselves don't partake in the same sex. And I legitimately think that's really the majority of people, they just have knee-jerk reactions to it.

  • Brohoof 1


Cheria (right) is a small town girl who was afflicted with a terrible sickness when she was very young. Meeting Sophie changed that however. She recovered almost instantly from her illness due to Sophie's magic and gained an undeniable talent with her own, and what does she do with this magic? She acts as a healer for her small town and helps the militia keep the hostile border safe. Seven years later, she's started a nation-wide relief organization after her adventure with Sophie and Friends, a great connection to the element of generosity.

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I think if you can say there shouldn't be self-identifying gay characters in TV shows, there shouldn't be self defining straight ones either. Leave romantic relationships out of kids TV shows instead of ranking one orientation over another.


Saying that seeing one orientation is ok for kids to see and another isn't is discriminatory and fuelling the belief that homosexuality is wrong and isn't "normal".

  • Brohoof 3


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In some shows it is possible but I cannot see it happening within FIM...writing it would be...hard.... :unsure:


and I don't know how parents/some bronies would react...


well I'll stick with the fact of it being a risk of doing so... :mellow:


though it would be interesting... homosexuality and I see no problem with it and I cannot consider it rude, offensive ect,


though for the way many people tend to view the topic I cannot consider it a good idea...

Edited by Everleaf
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Not sure if this one has been mentioned yet, but...



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The words 'gay' or 'homosexual' are never used up to Benny's (the one with the glasses) departure in the next season as far as I know, but I think this is a nice, subtle way of confronting the issue of different orientations without saying anything too explicit for parents to be able to effectively complain about, as well as avoiding the words 'gay' and so on which kids may already have a fixed negative reaction to.


There's also this-



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I'd like to think it's not entirely platonic ;) , but again it's a bit too open to say for certain whether it is or not. The show's created by Russell T Davies though, an openly gay man who's written for many other gay characters, so seeing this as touching something deeper than friendship wouldn't be far off from the truth.

  • Brohoof 2


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I think pretty much everything I want to say on this topic has been covered, but yeah – there absolutely should be more gay characters in children's shows, I think it would be a massive breakthrough and could go a long way to helping kids (and even their parents) be more accepting of others, and feel better if they turn out to be not-straight themselves, or otherwise "different" in some way. It doesn't have to be a big deal in-show, while it inevitably would cause controversy (and it's really, really sad that there has to be and it even gets shows cancelled in this day and age, like Good Luck Charlie which I've never seen but heard a lot about), or any more "shoved down your throat" than the straight relationships.


I really don't understand why people are acting like the very idea of gay people is too complex and "adult" for kids to grasp: just have two guys or girls be a couple, treat them no differently than a guy/girl pairing. If they question it, just say "while most boys like girls/girls like boys, there are also some boys who like boys and girls who like girls instead [and that's okay, etc, whatever else you want to add]". That's really not a difficult concept to grasp - you don't have to go into stuff like homophobia etc until they're older. Also, lots of kid's shows have touched on sensitive topics like racism, for example, with the "it's okay to be different!!" message existing in pretty much all children's media these days - but it doesn't have to be Very Special Episode stuff (Zecora in MLP being the obvious example, though not necessarily the best-executed one...but she is very very obviously coded African, and I think if MLP can have her and Bridle Gossip, it isn't a huge leap to including a gay character or couple), I think it would probably be better just to have them exist as characters in their own right, not defined by their sexuality or "different-ness" and be part of the story alongside all the other characters. And I don't really think "realism" should be an issue considering most kids' shows - the more kids see gay characters being treated like people (or ponies or whatever) rather than something omgshocking! - or just see them at all - in fiction, the more likely they are to treat/see them that way themselves IRL, which I think could contribute a lot to there eventually being less of all those RL controversies, at least one day.


And the fact that there shows/movies aimed at kids with straight couples passionately kissing, or even sex references, but people still insist the slightest hint of same-sex romance is "sexualising" something is just really sad.


(Sorry, I have feelings about this :please: )

  • Brohoof 3



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  On 2013-06-26 at 1:52 AM, Ezio Auditore said:

Do I think the show should have a gay couple?

Absolutely Not.




Because then all this show would be is "That kids show with the gay couple" It would not be seen as the same show,many people would watch it for all the wrong reasons. some people would watch it solely because there would be a gay couple, instead of being mocked as "that gay pony show" we would literally be that gay pony show.


Now I'm not gay-bashing here, I'm not trying to offend anyone, but it would change the show, the fanbase, and how people perceive us as a whole.

thats sad as theres already 1 straight couple yet it not known for a show with straight pony couples so why should having gay characters be bad

Edited by toonami97
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I'm interested where the TV biz will go with this subject. I, myself find it fun and a change of pace. I also wonder who will bring up the subject first, like an awkward TV meeting and the one company is weirdly bringing it up.  

Autism Awareness be nice!  :squee: Maybe we should just teach people to not act like dumbasses!

MY OC, Archean Gene: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/archean-gene-r7028

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