Enemy Stand 446 July 9, 2013 Share July 9, 2013 Does anyone feel like it isn't always a good idea to try to turn people into bronies? I mean, I'm all for expanding the fandom, but if someone doesn't like the show, they should be left alone about it. 11 Look upon my awesome signature, ye users, and despair! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fluffpudge 148 July 9, 2013 Share July 9, 2013 And I absolutely agree with you. Nobody should be forced into anything they don't care for, regardless of if one thinks it's really amazing and that the person would definitely end up liking it. Nobody likes to be told to do anything, let alone be forced to. If someone wants to influence anyone, it doesn't hurt to casually wear a brony shirt or something when you're with them. Some people will look at the shirt and go 'hey that's cool..what is that?' as opposed to if you're up in their face, asking them to watch an episode, forcing them to open it on Youtube and view it. I absolutely hate/loathe the idea of converting anyone into really anything. 8 Browse my deviantArt page: http://koshi-doshi.deviantart.com/ Check out my commissions thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/53549-fluffpudges-commissions/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Toxic Widow 62 July 9, 2013 Share July 9, 2013 I think it's a perfectly good thing to do! Well I mean as long as you're not pestering them about it. If you introduce them to the show and maybe watch an episode or two with them and they don't want any part of it, well you should probably leave them alone about it. But if you do it respectfully and show them what the show is really about, without being obnoxious about it, I think it's an ok thing to do. But if they don't like it in the first place just don't even bother. It can be mistaken as really, really rude and that's just not fun. 2 "This ain't a party Get off the dance floor You want the get down Here comes the gang war" ~My Chemical Romance Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
InfinityWhale 771 July 9, 2013 Share July 9, 2013 I don't know if the thought process of "converting" somebody is necessarily the right mindset behind it. Talking to people about the show, getting them interested, good. Preaching it like it's a doctrine and expecting people to live their lives by it is downright religious. We're not a religion. We're a fandom, and though there's a lot to be learned from this show, that doesn't mean that everyone needs it. I think the right mindset is to share it, but don't force it. You can explain how they are wrong if they are using bad logic to justify not watching it, but anything more than that is a little too extreme. 6 Frayed Logic | Wits End | Light Eye Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
the_jetfighter 94 July 9, 2013 Share July 9, 2013 i was turned to the brony fandom by someone literally forcing me to watch it, although this may have worked on me, i don't think our fandom would look that friendly if we were known as the Jehovahs Witness of the internet 3 anyone can become an artist, but a true masterpiece can only come from someone who is truly in touch with spirit and mind Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Norman 177 July 9, 2013 Share July 9, 2013 I've never forced anyone to become a brony, but I've gotten 3 people to join the herd. I don't really see anything wrong with showing them the show. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 July 9, 2013 Share July 9, 2013 I of course see not harm in suggesting and recommending the show to others so long as it isn't force in any sort of way, getting in someones face about it will backfire more often than not and create more haters. 2 Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blue Moon 6,341 July 9, 2013 Share July 9, 2013 (edited) I think converting is a rather odd word to use for this situation. I mean, it's a fandom, not a religion. While it's fine and dandy to try to get someone interested in the show, don't pester that person if they don't want to watch the show or don't like it. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic simply is not for everyone, and if someone doesn't want to watch the show, let them be. Edited July 9, 2013 by Blue Moon 3 Autumn Blue Moon Clear Skies Summer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pinkie D Pie 1,036 July 9, 2013 Share July 9, 2013 It's no harm to talk to people about the show, and try to get them into the show by suggesting they watch it in my opinion. But I do believe that if you go out of your way to shove it down there throats, then it's just wrong. If someone wants to watch the show because they heard you say something about it, then that cool, but making someone and forcing them to watch it when they have no interest in it is not right. 1 My OC's Shadow Stalker/Aarod Brachuin/Dark Chocolate/Cocoa Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fhaolan 4,484 July 9, 2013 Share July 9, 2013 *Throws a sheet over the BCR¹ satellite in pieces on the workbench* No, no, no. No forced brainwashing here. Whatever gave you that idea? Seriously though, the idea of ‘converting’ people is a bit weird. Informing, sure, but anything more than that is just being silly. ¹Brony Conversion Ray™ Available from LexCorp and local retailers near you. Launch vehicle sold separately. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fluttering High 55 July 9, 2013 Share July 9, 2013 I'm going to convert all of the people that I can. My family, my friends, my facebook friends (a completely separate thing). They will all feel the overwhelming force of the Pony. This very instant, I am uploading the full first episode of the show (parts 1 and 2) onto Facebook. I am going to keep posting this, over and over again. THEY WILL ALL COME TO THE BRONY SIDE. I think converting is a rather odd word to use for this situation. I mean, it's a fandom, not a religion. While it's fine and dandy to try to get someone interested in the show, don't pester that person if they don't want to watch the show or don't like it. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic simply is not for everyone, and if someone doesn't want to watch the show, let them be. I have to disagree. I worship MLP. My parents call me obsessed. I realize that I am being just as much of a dick as the early Christian missionaries, but I WILL CONVERT THEM ALL. "They may take our lives, but they will never take our ponies!" DerpyMail: Exanime32@derpymail.org Soulfire - http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/soulfire-r3945 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blue Moon 6,341 July 9, 2013 Share July 9, 2013 I'm going to convert all of the people that I can. My family, my friends, my facebook friends (a completely separate thing). They will all feel the overwhelming force of the Pony. This very instant, I am uploading the full first episode of the show (parts 1 and 2) onto Facebook. I am going to keep posting this, over and over again. THEY WILL ALL COME TO THE BRONY SIDE. Well, I don't think it would be best to spam everyone with the episode. They will probably will get annoyed, and the last thing you want is to have them watch the show feeling like they are being forced to. If they are to watch it, let them watch it on their will, and if they never do that; let them be. 2 Autumn Blue Moon Clear Skies Summer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dusty Soul 2,612 July 9, 2013 Share July 9, 2013 I'll recommend the show to people, but I won't force them to watch something they don't want to. That is the wrong way to get people to like the show. Soundcloud-------------------Facebook---------------------------Youtube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MidnightBlue 51 July 9, 2013 Share July 9, 2013 I'm going to convert all of the people that I can. My family, my friends, my facebook friends (a completely separate thing). They will all feel the overwhelming force of the Pony. This very instant, I am uploading the full first episode of the show (parts 1 and 2) onto Facebook. I am going to keep posting this, over and over again. THEY WILL ALL COME TO THE BRONY SIDE. I have to disagree. I worship MLP. My parents call me obsessed. I realize that I am being just as much of a dick as the early Christian missionaries, but I WILL CONVERT THEM ALL. I'm not sure if obvious troll is obvious, but that's worse than most Christian missionaries today. Seriously, it's people like you that give our generally kind fandom a bad name. 1 My OC/Ponysona, MidnightBlue: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/midnight-blue-r3098 Signature by Love4shadow~. Thank you! Avatar by me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Discordian 6,015 July 9, 2013 Share July 9, 2013 Are they interested? Do it. Are the vehemently against it? Don't. It's really only as simple as that. Unless someone is open-minded enough to give it a go without being forced, even just a little bit, it will only cause problems. Plus, we're not a religion. We have no reason to convert as many people as possible. We might try to turn our friends, our family or our lovers but even then the chances of you turning anyone into a brony are slim unless they were already open about it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fluttering High 55 July 9, 2013 Share July 9, 2013 Are they interested? Do it. Are the vehemently against it? Don't. It's really only as simple as that. Unless someone is open-minded enough to give it a go without being forced, even just a little bit, it will only cause problems. Plus, we're not a religion. We have no reason to convert as many people as possible. We might try to turn our friends, our family or our lovers but even then the chances of you turning anyone into a brony are slim unless they were already open about it. We don't need lovers. We have Very Special Someponies. And I bet that with some effort, I could make almost anybody open to the idea. I'm not sure if obvious troll is obvious, but that's worse than most Christian missionaries today. Seriously, it's people like you that give our generally kind fandom a bad name. Ok, I see what you are getting at. Maybe I am a little extreme. I'll try to be less so. No more rubbing My Little Pony in people's faces. "They may take our lives, but they will never take our ponies!" DerpyMail: Exanime32@derpymail.org Soulfire - http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/soulfire-r3945 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Discordian 6,015 July 9, 2013 Share July 9, 2013 Arguing semantics hardly changes the point I made. The function is the same no matter what name you give it. Remember that zealotry makes no progress, you gotta go with the flow. Plugging your ears and saying "my way is the right way and yours isn't nani nani boo boo" won't accomplish anything except push people away. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
--Thunder Bolt-- 534 July 9, 2013 Share July 9, 2013 *fires Revival Tent Cannon* "Welcome brothers and sisters to Brother Love's Traveling Pinkie Pie Friendship, Fun, and Salvation Show! Would you like to be REDEEEEEEEMED from a life of loneliness and despair? Would you like to have meaning and purpose to your life? Would you like to live in a world of clouds and rainbows and colorful ponies? I am here today to tell you the Good News that you CAN! You can leave this tent with a changed life and a happy song on your lips, if you will receive Pinkie Pie into your heart today! Can I hear a Kumquat?" "KUMQUAAAAAAAAT!" "Preach it, brother! Pickle Barrel!" "Kumquat, brothers and sisters, kumquat. Now if you would please turn in your hymnals to #26:" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czOlT05QABk "Ohhhhh kumquatkumquatpicklebarrelcherrychangachimicherrrykumquatchimicherrychanga! Pickle Barrel brothers and sisters, the Spirit of Pinkie is upon us tonight! Can I have a kumquat!" "KUMQUAAAAT!" "Would you like to have the Spirit of Pinkie Pie in your life? Would you like to bring laughter and smiles wherever you go? Then come on down to this altar, and let your life be CHAAAAANGED by the Magic of Friendship! Kumquat, Pickle Barrel Chimicherrychanga, it can happen for you right now if you'll just come on down..." 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
POW 384 July 9, 2013 Share July 9, 2013 if they don't like it its their loss. I could honestly care less. As long as they don't bother me about it and just leave me alone to what I enjoy doing, then I'm all hooves. http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/stars-galaxy-r3915 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lightning Shade 783 July 9, 2013 Share July 9, 2013 Trying to force stuff on to people makes them try and push it away even further If someone doesn't like the show leave them be, perhaps they will change on their own accord. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hawkflame 3,310 July 9, 2013 Share July 9, 2013 Don't push it too hard, is my opinion. Offer the show to people who you think might enjoy it; if it sticks, great, if not, just move on. Personally, I haven't really made a major attempt to "recruit" for the fandom. If someone asks why I like it, I might explain and suggest a couple of episodes and ask them to give it a shot, but that's it. Purely reactionary, not "proactive". Sig by Thunderstorm Check out my Rarity fansite! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bhending the Rules 697 July 9, 2013 Share July 9, 2013 I don't think our challenge is turning people into fans of the show. I think our challenge is convincing people who *may* like it to give it a chance. I initially never thought I'd watch this show. But a couple of friends of mine convinced me to give it a shot, and I found out that it lined up surprisingly well with my tastes. The baggage of my previous knowledge of the property caused me to miss out on this for a while. I suspect the same is true for a lot of us, and will be true for people who will become fans and haven't yet. They're the people we can win over, and all it usually takes is a gentle nudge in the right direction. That isn't really "converting" anyone, as I see it. People determined to hate the show aren't going to change their minds anyway. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silver Letter 1,832 July 9, 2013 Share July 9, 2013 I think that I like to mention how good the show is if the subject comes up. I also think it is not bad to recommend it or ask that ponies try it before speaking ill of it. But converting would be too much of an imposition. Silver Letter!!! Silver Letter's MLP collection Have: 946 https://data.mlpmerch.com/checklist/180/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duidamasterXD 9,627 July 9, 2013 Share July 9, 2013 I've never really understood the need that some people have to spread ponies around and to try to make people into bronies. I mean, it'd be nice to have more people to talk to about the show and all, but overall I've been very happy with how my friends haven't been pushy about forcing their interests on me and I try to return the favor. If it comes up in conversation and they're interested, fantastic. I don't think it's any loss if people don't watch the show or aren't interested in the fandom. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zygen 6,066 July 9, 2013 Share July 9, 2013 (edited) I think forcing anything onto someone really is pointless, because it'll just give them a reason to hate it. If they want to like something they'll grow to like it, but they won't if you shove it in there face. Its the same reason person generally don't like commercials, they don't want products shoved in their face that they don't really want . I'll tell someone about it(well I would if I wasn't a closet brony.), but I won't force them to watch it.(Well I might playfully if its a good friend.) If your pushing to hard, then its probably best to back off, or risk something like your friendship, or even any chance of them ever liking the show. Edited July 9, 2013 by Zygen 1 Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig! My Oc's, Ponysona, Bella Vocal Covers Blog, MLP Covers Thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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