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Celestia's Role from now on.


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So now that Twilight is a princess, will that mean Celestia is no longer the mentor character from that point on? Mind you, mentor figures in fiction tend to either disappear, be killed, or take on a different role at some point in the story, because otherwise its a hindrance to the main characters growth after a point.

Yoda, Obi-won, Gandalf, Dumbledore, All have to stop being the mentor at some point in their respective stories and let the main characters take responsibility, so must Celestia. But what role will Celestia have? Really, I have already said what I think of Celestia in another thread...


So I'm hoping she stops being such a manipulator, for the sake of Twilight and the story.

Edited by Zoraxe
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I don't see Celestia as a manipulator of any sort... She's Twilight's mentor, and she will most likely continue to take care of Twilight and the bearers of the Elements for a long time hopefully. Even though Twi is now a princess, she's still pretty young. Cadence was recently given her own kingdom to watch over, so perhaps, in the future, the same will happen to Twilight, while Celestia continues on doing her own thing.


At least that's what I hope.

  • Brohoof 2
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First of all: Twilight still isn't done learning yet. She's been opened up to a new plane of existence, which means that she has to learn more than ever now. Celestia will still be there to lead her, teach her, and bring her to her best possible self. However, she will also delegate a lot of the teaching to Twilight. A teacher of a teacher will be her role, guiding and showing her the way, rather than controlling and directing her growth. In short, Celestia will still be who she was, a beloved teacher and monarch.

  • Brohoof 2
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"I'll always be your mentor, but not the same as before."


Twilight is finished learning the meaning of friendship (I think there'll still be friendship lessons in the show, though) and now Celestia is teaching her to be a princess.


That's my thoughts on this.  :lol:

  • Brohoof 4
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I don't see Celestia as a manipulator of any sort... She's Twilight's mentor, and she will most likely continue to take care of Twilight and the bearers of the Elements for a long time hopefully. Even though Twi is now a princess, she's still pretty young. Cadence was recently given her own kingdom to watch over, so perhaps, in the future, the same will happen to Twilight, while Celestia continues on doing her own thing.


At least that's what I hope.


How is she not a manipulator? How could she be possibly seen as someone who is honest, based on what we know of her in Magical Mystery Cure?


If she is still pulling that kind of Machiavellian crap in season 4 than I guess this show isn't really about the Mane 6 anymore, its about Celestia.

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Hmm.. Good thought there.


I had not thought about that myself actually. But I think that Celestia will in some way, assist Twilight for a start in her job at ruling the kingdom. Though, I believe that Twilight will be with her friends instead of being on Royal business, maybe they're gonig somewhere and Celestia will rule meanwhile as usual?


If not, maybe Celestia will be just some sort of minor character we will see in the background sometimes? Though, I hardly see that happening.


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I'm hoping Celestia and Twilight will have a closer relationship from now on, with Celestia letting Twilight in on her plans more often. Celestia is definitely manipulative, but also appears to be good to the core. It would be quite interesting if the show delves into her personality. Especially if it gets somewhat serious, like Twilight confronts her about luring her into princesshood without asking, and then Celestia explains her logic, that Twilight's journey began with her wanting to be like Celestia, and the only other obvious path for her was to be a magic researcher, which seems to be equivalent to advancing technology, which has been shown via Flim and Flam (and to some extent by the real world) to have more negative consequences than positive. Ponies seem to have good food and healthcare already, and that's all you really need.


Then Twilight can argue that it's still wrong to deprive others of choice, and Celestia can argue that she used to think that way but eventually couldn't stand to watch ponies constantly making wrong choices due to their inexperience, and that she does her best to get them where they truly want to be, and not just forcing them to obey her will. Then it's up to the writers whether Twilight agrees that she would have preferred to be a princess in the long run anyway.


Twilight could also argue that being Celestia's personal student, she should have been an exception to the standard mode of operation. But if Celestia ever begins to question herself, things would most likely get too dark for a kids' show (although I love emo Celestia fanfics)


What's interesting about Celestia is that she makes you question what is the ideal level of freedom. Ponies seem to be more free than we are in the real world. If she didn't manipulate them, would they be even happier, or get themselves in a mess, blame Celestia, overthrow her, and create a monster government like we have in the real world?

Edited by dekutree64
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I'm guessing similar to Genkai in Yu Yu Hakusho, even if she has nothing left to teach she'll stock around to keep the team in line. Besides, if Highlander taught us anything it's than a master never really runs out of things to teach to student. Even with his dying breaths Connor was passing a final lesson to Duncan. 



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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I think that Celestia is still her mentor, because if she was blown out the story, no one would buy the toys for her, right? She might end the series if she as gone , too.

  • Brohoof 1


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Nobody ever stops learning.  I think that it would be impossible for Celestia to teach Twilight absolutely everything she knows, as even she is still learning.  As Racinette referred to above, Celestia says to Twilight, "I'll always be your mentor, but not the same as before."  She will still be Twilight's teacher, but not quite in the master/apprentice relationship, probably more like equals.  I also see Celestia as manipulative, but not evil, she risks all of Equestria in the Crystal Empire arc to teach Twilight a lesson about friendship yet she shows compassion towards others.  I think she would go to great lengths to accomplish a task, perhaps at the risk of ponies she does not know personally.  

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You're right about one thing. Celestia, though on the side of light and justice, is in fact, a manipulator.


However, if Celestia was kicked off the role of mentor figure, someone else would have to become a mentor. I would hate it if Twilight became a mentor figure. That would be so wrong on so many different levels.


Yes, she's an alicorn. Yes, she's a princess. Yes, she's also way too awesome to turn into a mentor.


Who would replace her? Who would lead the Mane 6? Who would use her element? Trixie? Sunset Shimmer? Prince Blueblood?! Yeah, right.


Anyhow, getting off-topic. I hope Celestia stays as the mentor figure.


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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It's pretty reasonable but


MLP is originally targeting little girls. Even the FiM is making changes for the fandom, but the basis direction won't change that much.


Thus, Celestia's existence won't be changed by the mentor things but her popularity.


You might hate to see this but: why so serious?

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As others have said, Celestia herself said that Twilight is not done learning. She is just learning something new now. She is moving to something even bigger now, so of course she will still need Celestia's assistance. I do hope that Celestia becomes less of an isolated character from the others, because of Twilight. Meaning, everypony can stop freaking out every time Celestia appears. That would be neat.



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Understand, if Twilight has sompony deciding Twilight's life for her, than that makes it hard for Twilight to really be the protagonist of the story. Celestia's role has to change, or we might as well rename MLP to 'The princess Celestia Show'.


I'm hoping Celestia and Twilight will have a closer relationship from now on, with Celestia letting Twilight in on her plans more often. Celestia is definitely manipulative, but also appears to be good to the core. It would be quite interesting if the show delves into her personality. Especially if it gets somewhat serious, like Twilight confronts her about luring her into princesshood without asking, and then Celestia explains her logic, that Twilight's journey began with her wanting to be like Celestia, and the only other obvious path for her was to be a magic researcher, which seems to be equivalent to advancing technology, which has been shown via Flim and Flam (and to some extent by the real world) to have more negative consequences than positive. Ponies seem to have good food and healthcare already, and that's all you really need.


Then Twilight can argue that it's still wrong to deprive others of choice, and Celestia can argue that she used to think that way but eventually couldn't stand to watch ponies constantly making wrong choices due to their inexperience, and that she does her best to get them where they truly want to be, and not just forcing them to obey her will. Then it's up to the writers whether Twilight agrees that she would have preferred to be a princess in the long run anyway.


Twilight could also argue that being Celestia's personal student, she should have been an exception to the standard mode of operation. But if Celestia ever begins to question herself, things would most likely get too dark for a kids' show (although I love emo Celestia fanfics)


What's interesting about Celestia is that she makes you question what is the ideal level of freedom. Ponies seem to be more free than we are in the real world. If she didn't manipulate them, would they be even happier, or get themselves in a mess, blame Celestia, overthrow her, and create a monster government like we have in the real world?


Interesting, though I doubt that the show would even try to depict anything Celestia did as being grey or wrong. They said it was Twilight's "destiny" and that's going to be the end of it most likely. Very lazy, sloppy, and disappointing on the writers part.


I hate liars, you see. I don't approve of Celestia being so tyrannical over someone ells life.

Edited by Zoraxe
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Twilight isn't done learning so, Celestia will probably function as a teacher/mentor still.   She may as well function as a villain in season 4, or instruct her on the history of the alicorns.  


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Celestia can now get back to doing what she does best. Shooting ponies out of a giant cannon, to the moon. Everyone get's to go bananas on the moon now. That would be so awesome.


On a serious note, Celestia can still assist Twilight in several ways. If Celestia is going to help Twilight be a princess, then I'd love to see Luna and Cadence help her too. That would be interesting.


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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I'm just going to go with everyone else in this thread and say that she'll still be a mentor, just be teaching her to be a princess. I think she'll eventually leave Twilight and graduate her to full princess status (which, if it happens, will probably be the end of the show).

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Celestia certainly isn't done teaching Twilight everything, she still has alot to learn. The only thing is, now that she is a princess, she will likely need to learn different things aside from just lessons of friendship. Like other said, becoming a princess is probably one thing she'll need to learn from now on.


I also see Celestia as manipulative, but not evil, she risks all of Equestria in the Crystal Empire arc to teach Twilight a lesson about friendship yet she shows compassion towards others.

I wouldn't use the word "Manipulative".


It is true that it's rather risky sending only the Mane 6 to do dangerous jobs, (Nightmare Moon, Discord, King Sombra) Leaving them with "Do you understand the importance of your task?" and "I know you can do it" does seem pretty unpromising, but I think it's all one big test for Twilight to conquer. It could even possibly be that she knows Twilight will make it through, but she want to be sure Twi knows her true potential, and what her importance is. As of the end of Season 3, Twilight is now an Alicorn princess, and we've seen throughout those three seasons that the Elements of Harmony can pretty much stop anything that threatens Equestria. Twilight will take Celestia's place one day, and when she does, her and the other five will be the protectors of all of Equestria. To sum it up, I think she is just trying to train Twilight to her fullest until it's her time to rule.

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Celestia certainly isn't done teaching Twilight everything, she still has alot to learn. The only thing is, now that she is a princess, she will likely need to learn different things aside from just lessons of friendship. Like other said, becoming a princess is probably one thing she'll need to learn from now on.


I wouldn't use the word "Manipulative".


It is true that it's rather risky sending only the Mane 6 to do dangerous jobs, (Nightmare Moon, Discord, King Sombra) Leaving them with "Do you understand the importance of your task?" and "I know you can do it" does seem pretty unpromising, but I think it's all one big test for Twilight to conquer. It could even possibly be that she knows Twilight will make it through, but she want to be sure Twi knows her true potential, and what her importance is. As of the end of Season 3, Twilight is now an Alicorn princess, and we've seen throughout those three seasons that the Elements of Harmony can pretty much stop anything that threatens Equestria. Twilight will take Celestia's place one day, and when she does, her and the other five will be the protectors of all of Equestria. To sum it up, I think she is just trying to train Twilight to her fullest until it's her time to rule.


I agree with what you are saying, the Mane Six will end up being the protectors of Equestria, Twilight will likely replace Celestia as ruler of Equestria, and Celestia was training Twilight to do so.  However, I was questioning Celestia's methods of training, she put the entire country in danger for the sake of teaching Twilight to accept help from others.  This was an immense risk to take, when I'm sure there was other ways of accomplishing the same task.  Of course, Celestia could have been showing Twilight a hint of what is to come, holding a country's fate in her hands is likely something a princess will have to face.


I am not certain Celestia is omniscient, it didn't seem that she foresaw the Changeling attack, however, she may have merely been following the chain of events.  If she had known that Twilight would succeed, there would be no risk.  However this would mean that free will is an illusion, as everything would be predestined.  This may be so, as they speak of cutie marks determining a pony's destiny.  


I find Celestia's methods questionable unless she is, in fact, omniscient. 

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Again, I have to point out that Celestia has been like that since the very first episode of the series. Her first lines in the pilot (as delivered by Spike when he read her letter) end with "You must stop reading those dusty old books!" If Celestia were honest, she would have said "Yes, I know Nightmare Moon is prophesied to return. However, despite all your book learning, you cannot defeat her alone. Neither can I, actually. You must make friends with 5 other ponies in Ponyville, each of whom represents one of the Elements of Harmony: Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Honestly and Loyalty, and become the Element of Magic so that you can face down Nightmare Moon yourself, since I'll be trapped in the sun or something like that. Have fun, my faithful pupil.


Here's another hint: Check out the Everfree Forest!"


Jokes aside, this is not new.

  • Brohoof 1

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


Signature by Midnightive

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  • 3 weeks later...

Although I think she's a troll, I wouldn't call her a "Manipulator". She gets people to do things, but I mean, that's what a princess is supposed to do!

This signature was removed for being too obnoxious and arrogant.


By the way, if you're talking to me in a thread, please quote my previous post. Otherwise, I might not respond to you.

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The best teachers are the ones that provide the spark, but not all the answers. They allow their students to find their path; even if that path is far from what the student wanted or expected. Twilight didn't want to find friends, but Celestia knew she needed to and being honest would not have worked. Twilght had to learn the lesson for herself. Cannon wise we have no idea what Twilight wanted for herself beyond being Celestia's most faithful student, but it's clear that her whole life was preparing her to become a princess. Celestia is exactly what she needs to be, but hopefully season 4 will flush her character out even more. The past way to describe her new role is to use her own words.


I'll still be here to help and guide you, but things will be different and you'll be teaching all of us too.

Edited by Nature Spell

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