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Why is it that I always encounter whole teams that should uninstall LoL from their computers when I play my main?


That's an interesting question.


Like the Sion from last game, GREAT example. The Sion was playing tank. He would never protect me since I was the AD carry. I died repeatedly. He blamed me for going INTO THE FIGHT. I said that he should learn how to tank before playing a tank. Then he flamed without using caps lock.


I'm impressed I was able to go 12/13/7 in that match. I am fairly sure I'm good enough to compete in a gold-level lobby too so...

Edited by TwillyFSniper


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I run into guys like that a lot. One time there was this guy playing as zac and he kept running to the other guys base and launch inside, leave wards and kill himself at their spawn. And he kept doing that thought the game.  That was the second worse game I had with shitty teammates.

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Server: NA


Summoner Name: Dynomutt


Level: 30


Rank: Starting Provisional matches


Main Roles: Top/Mid (Can play any role though)


Looking for anyone who just want's to play some league, and or chat about it!  :)


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Hey guys, if any of y'all are an ADC main in ~bronze 3 looking for a support main duo queue partner, add me if you wanna duo with me. Un Chat NA. You can ask there for my Skype.


Now that that's out of the way, how are you guys? Haven't popped in here in a while.

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Now that that's out of the way, how are you guys? Haven't popped in here in a while.

Well I've been good today, how about yourself?


I hate Nidalee. I hate her so much~ Her and Riven. I hate them both so much~

Riven<Garen. Riven just takes a little time to learn to play against than most others.


Nidalee is a pain atm with her in the jungle, but shes pretty weak mid with all the assassin mid laners that have been popular as of recently.


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Oh, I have no issue with Riven, I just pick Renekton and laugh. Its my teams that have a issue. Average game: She comes out of top lane with 5+ kills.


It's the Riven Effect, or The Law of Rivens. If the enemy team has a Riven, she will get super fed and carry. If your team has a Riven, she will feed super hard and be useless. xD

Also applies to Akali, Fiora, Fizz, Irelia, Kassadin, Katarina, Le Blanc, Lee Sin, Master Yi, Nasus, Tryndamere, Zed, and some others that I probably forgot ^^;

  • Brohoof 2


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It's the Riven Effect, or The Law of Rivens. If the enemy team has a Riven, she will get super fed and carry. If your team has a Riven, she will feed super hard and be useless. xD

Also applies to Akali, Fiora, Fizz, Irelia, Kassadin, Katarina, Le Blanc, Lee Sin, Master Yi, Nasus, Tryndamere, Zed, and some others that I probably forgot ^^;

Well yeah thats what hyper carries do XD


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I hate Nidalee. I hate her so much~ Her and Riven. I hate them both so much~


Such grossly unbalanced champions. If you see one picked in high rank, you might as well dodge



How to beat nidalee

>take tanky runes into the match

>eat spears under tower or near teammates

>bait her into jumping on you like you know they all fucking do once a spear lands (Kinda like Lee Syndrome)

>proceed to tank her damage

>watch as she effortlessly tries to kill you in very stupid circumstances and dies from pure dumbassery

>Disrespect by spamming laugh, taunts, or dance


I mean, I've seen enough stupid Nids do this to literally almost call it a proper way around her. xD


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I run into guys like that a lot. One time there was this guy playing as zac and he kept running to the other guys base and launch inside, leave wards and kill himself at their spawn. And he kept doing that thought the game.  That was the second worse game I had with shitty teammates.



I run into guys like that a lot. One time there was this guy playing as zac and he kept running to the other guys base and launch inside, leave wards and kill himself at their spawn. And he kept doing that thought the game.  That was the second worse game I had with shitty teammates.


Really funny thing, I looked at his recent matches and found a super BAD KDA AS DARIUS of all champions. Proof he's bad. Last time I played a character that OP I got a Quadrakill with zero effort.


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Really funny thing, I looked at his recent matches and found a super BAD KDA AS DARIUS of all champions. Proof he's bad. Last time I played a character that OP I got a Quadrakill with zero effort.

But Darius isn't OP at all .___.

  • Brohoof 1


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But Darius isn't OP at all .___.

How not? His ult can deal a massive amount of damage, and that comboed with his hook is death for sure in the hands of a decent player. He's also tanky enough to pretty much take a decent beating. A good 3-4K health and 150 Armor and MR in a good tank build. It's ridiculous. But there is worse, I do know that. Like Nasus and Zed.


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How not? His ult can deal a massive amount of damage, and that comboed with his hook is death for sure in the hands of a decent player. He's also tanky enough to pretty much take a decent beating. A good 3-4K health and 150 Armor and MR in a good tank build. It's ridiculous. But there is worse, I do know that. Like Nasus and Zed.


Darius is easily kited and shut down by any ranged champions. He has no mobility and only one cc ability, which is a rather short-ranged grab. If he doesn't get early kills then either his damage suffers or he ends up being too squishy. Using Q to harass in lane naturally pushes the wave, leaving him more vulnerable to ganks, which he doesn't have the mobility to easily escape from.


And Nasus is in a similar situation with being kited and shut down.


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How not? His ult can deal a massive amount of damage, and that comboed with his hook is death for sure in the hands of a decent player. He's also tanky enough to pretty much take a decent beating. A good 3-4K health and 150 Armor and MR in a good tank build. It's ridiculous. But there is worse, I do know that. Like Nasus and Zed.

Darius just has to be shutdown early on, as most champs do. In the very least, don't let him get much free farm and he really should be no problem. I've also fought off Dariuses before as squishies. You just have to stay out of his hook range by all means, dont take the outer area of his spin and generally just kite.

Also, anyone's pull is pretty much death, so that's point isn't really a good one.


Zed takes a damn nice chunk of skill to get his highest damage out and since he's an assassin, it only makes sense.


Push Nasus around early and he's shit for a while. Keep fucking with him and he's shit all game. End the game by like, 30 mins and he's no problem at all.


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Sivir's pretty OP I got to admit. The Boomerang Blade deals insane damage when you have all the AD that you don't even need to win because of her ultimate's passive Attack Speed boost on Ricochet being a ridiculous 40%... Superfarming Attack Speed to the max. 500 CS in a game? Challenge accepted. It will be quite easy to do, honestly if the game goes on like 50 minutes. Ricochet farm is pretty insane. True she is really manahungry and weak early. Her ultimate's active is also pretty bad for an ultimate...


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Her ultimate's active is also pretty bad for an ultimate...


When you have a good team to work with then it's great for engaging or disengaging ^^


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When you have a good team to work with then it's great for engaging or disengaging ^^

The uncommon occasion that is, unfortunately... Why a player of my level is still Bronze IV with a 2/14 Win to Loss ratio. I shred through pubs like bots.

Edited by TwillyFSniper
  • Brohoof 1


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Sivir's pretty OP I got to admit. The Boomerang Blade deals insane damage when you have all the AD that you don't even need to win because of her ultimate's passive Attack Speed boost on Ricochet being a ridiculous 40%... Superfarming Attack Speed to the max. 500 CS in a game? Challenge accepted. It will be quite easy to do, honestly if the game goes on like 50 minutes. Ricochet farm is pretty insane. True she is really manahungry and weak early. Her ultimate's active is also pretty bad for an ultimate...

There isnt any champ who I would say is OP right now (as much as I dislike Sivir). There are strong picks right typically early/mid game junglers.

  • Brohoof 1


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So... Got back into League finally with comp fixed... Decided to play Urgot against a Jax... I said if I won I had to main Urgot from there on...



Also, I played another game in which I fed early game, then killed Tryndamere and Sona in a 1v2, then Graves came up, tried to kill me while I had no health, and killed him too


Also that was a Mid Cho btw


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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I may remove the snowball from my Vayne build. Put in something like Last Whisper (no wonder my Vayne build has been falling off...) I'm actually thinking about replacing my Phantom Dancer with Statikk Shiv. More farm, better tankshredding. Sounds like an idea.


So, does Berserker's Greaves, BT, Shiv, Last Whisper, Zephyr, IE sound like a good Vayne build? (Sounds like a standard Diamond build to me, without BotRK because it's just a little overrated, and with Zephyr...)


Going to experiment with this probably. May fix my Win/Loss problem of the slight unreliability of my Sword of the Occult snowball build.


By the way @@KokuraiNoSenshi get more CD reduction if you plan on playing him. It works well with his ultimate and his kit in general.


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