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Whiteshade get Zhonya's Hourglass and Will of the Ancients on Fiddlesticks. Aside from that good build.


I'll keep that in mind


I'll buy a revolver though and leave it at that until after deathcap, because Will of the Ancients too expensive

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Nothing happens, yet everything changes.

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Hey. your turn to RP post Mal.


Jungle Riven OP. Someone wanna look up my game, it should be the top one, Dawnpath1 NA server


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Later I'm in a quiz Dawnpath.


Prefer solo top Riven. She is a lane bully. You beat almost every champion exept Garen.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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But no really I'd like to think im pretty decent at the game.Add Daylighter if you wanna play sometime.

Only lvl 24 though :/

  • Brohoof 2



"Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?"

Ooh! Ooh! More guessing games! Um... Pokey Smokes! How about Queen Meanie? No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty!

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So....This game made me very happy. Am I the only one who carries/goes mid with Sona? :lol:




I tired it once, it was alot of fun but i find Sona a better support, and when i play with people no-one wants to seem to play support.
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What about your support Ashe?

Your Ashe support is OP.

(Dat Ashe. :P hehehe.)

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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I bet I could beat a Garen Mal. It's just Garen.

And what is with you and making AD charries be your support/ks fodder.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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And another Pentakill Vs bots. Current count in bot games 4.

1. Ad carry Leblanc

2. Vayne

3. Fiora

4. Katarina

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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What about your support Ashe?

Your Ashe support is OP.

(Dat Ashe. :P hehehe.)


That is entirely because you decided, hey, lets go Eve carry and steal all your Cs, and so i decided, Q minions for last hits :P, and then you decided to kill steal, 25 minutes in game i was what? 0/3/22?somethign like that?
  • Brohoof 1
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That is entirely because you decided, hey, lets go Eve carry and steal all your Cs, and so i decided, Q minions for last hits :P, and then you decided to kill steal, 25 minutes in game i was what? 0/3/22?somethign like that?


Yup the old Eve was amazing for kill stealing. Let me just say. DAT ASHE!

But really I can see support Ashe working. Her E = Clairvoyance, Q = a free slow W = also a free AoE slow R = Free global AoE slow + single stun.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Looked at my match history today, it looked TERRIBLE! I am on a crusade to repair it now, made some progress today (3 wins 0 losses this morning).


Now for Why I am posting. I have a few idea's and I need the team to back it up. So firstly I wanna try some kill lane bot lane combo's, mainly stuff including Mundo, have a few cute idea's. Another idea I am playing around with is a whole team.


Top: Kayle

Mid: Talon

Jungle: Amumu/Alistar

Bot: Soraka & Nidalee.


So here is my idea, take a tank into the jungle so we maintain some solid initiation and some good ganking potential. The idea is that we forgo the normal AP mid and AD Support bot lane for a double AP bot (Soraka in the roll of support still) and still maintaining the AP:AD balance by putting Talon mid. Now we have Kayle build AD carry (Which she can easily do in top lane) therefore having dual carries still (maintaining SOME form of meta standards). All of these champs in lanes are lane winners, they can hold their own very well in most situations and have very few bad match ups as far as team comps go. I think this team has the potential for a huge amount of early game dominance, and some half decent team fighting presence with a hard Carry (Kayle) and a strong assassin(Talon) and finally having the sustain and MASSIVE poke from Nid and Raka. Ali or Amumu for your team fight starters and CC and I think you have a formidable team.



But no really I'd like to think im pretty decent at the game.Add Daylighter if you wanna play sometime.

Only lvl 24 though :/


I SHALL MENTOR YOU!!!!!!!!! Add Lord Sprixx when you get a chance, assuming I haven't added you first.
  • Brohoof 4

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A pro as heck team comp.


I am willing to play Talon mid for you Sprixx!

Unless of course their mid lane is Fiora Jax Sion or Renekton then I will probably fail.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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I am willing to play Talon mid for you Sprixx!

Unless of course their mid lane is Fiora Jax Sion or Renekton then I will probably fail.


Don't forget Xerath, I have yet too face a Xerath as Talon I could face down on even playing field. But those other mids are pretty uncommon so I wouldn't be worried. and remember: KASS FREE WEEK! REJOICE!

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Don't forget Xerath, I have yet too face a Xerath as Talon I could face down on even playing field. But those other mids are pretty uncommon so I wouldn't be worried. and remember: KASS FREE WEEK! REJOICE!


Xerath Vs Talon depends on who is the better player. Each character can shut the other down. Xerath with his passive armor and amazing range on his stun combo. And Talon with his silence and strong burst.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Looked at my match history today, it looked TERRIBLE! I am on a crusade to repair it now, made some progress today (3 wins 0 losses this morning).


Now for Why I am posting. I have a few idea's and I need the team to back it up. So firstly I wanna try some kill lane bot lane combo's, mainly stuff including Mundo, have a few cute idea's. Another idea I am playing around with is a whole team.


Top: Kayle

Mid: Talon

Jungle: Amumu/Alistar

Bot: Soraka & Nidalee.


So here is my idea, take a tank into the jungle so we maintain some solid initiation and some good ganking potential. The idea is that we forgo the normal AP mid and AD Support bot lane for a double AP bot (Soraka in the roll of support still) and still maintaining the AP:AD balance by putting Talon mid. Now we have Kayle build AD carry (Which she can easily do in top lane) therefore having dual carries still (maintaining SOME form of meta standards). All of these champs in lanes are lane winners, they can hold their own very well in most situations and have very few bad match ups as far as team comps go. I think this team has the potential for a huge amount of early game dominance, and some half decent team fighting presence with a hard Carry (Kayle) and a strong assassin(Talon) and finally having the sustain and MASSIVE poke from Nid and Raka. Ali or Amumu for your team fight starters and CC and I think you have a formidable team.


I SHALL MENTOR YOU!!!!!!!!! Add Lord Sprixx when you get a chance, assuming I haven't added you first.


This sounds like a pretty solid team comp. I play a pretty nasty Soraka, so I'm in if you guys try this.

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Looked at my match history today, it looked TERRIBLE! I am on a crusade to repair it now, made some progress today (3 wins 0 losses this morning).


Now for Why I am posting. I have a few idea's and I need the team to back it up. So firstly I wanna try some kill lane bot lane combo's, mainly stuff including Mundo, have a few cute idea's. Another idea I am playing around with is a whole team.


Top: Kayle

Mid: Talon

Jungle: Amumu/Alistar

Bot: Soraka & Nidalee.


So here is my idea, take a tank into the jungle so we maintain some solid initiation and some good ganking potential. The idea is that we forgo the normal AP mid and AD Support bot lane for a double AP bot (Soraka in the roll of support still) and still maintaining the AP:AD balance by putting Talon mid. Now we have Kayle build AD carry (Which she can easily do in top lane) therefore having dual carries still (maintaining SOME form of meta standards). All of these champs in lanes are lane winners, they can hold their own very well in most situations and have very few bad match ups as far as team comps go. I think this team has the potential for a huge amount of early game dominance, and some half decent team fighting presence with a hard Carry (Kayle) and a strong assassin(Talon) and finally having the sustain and MASSIVE poke from Nid and Raka. Ali or Amumu for your team fight starters and CC and I think you have a formidable team.


I SHALL MENTOR YOU!!!!!!!!! Add Lord Sprixx when you get a chance, assuming I haven't added you first.


Sorry to break your enthusiasm buddy but this team has no chances against a team not full of retards in my opinion.


First of all, your only tank is either allistar or amumu if I understand correctly. While I have nothing to say about those champs, it's the fact that they are your ONLY way to engage and your ONLY tanky thing. Nowadays, it's almost only teams with 2 or 3 tanky champs for a good reason: bruisers wins games. There, you have either a tank with only one reliable hard cc who has a 90 second cooldown (I don't really count the bandage for a reliable one, since it's a skillshot) or a tank who tanks for only 5 seconds but has reliable and spamable cc. Your talon is squishy since he must build full ad to be usefull, your kayle is your AD carry, so no tanking power here, and your nida is ap, so no tankiness here either. You have a great poke power and a great sustain power thanks to soraka, but, if the ennemy team doesn't let you engage when you want and manage to take soraka from you in the champ selection, you are FUBAR. You have a good engage but 0 counter engage, if they engage you, it's a lost teamfight 100% of the time. No tanks to "shield" your squishies since the only one will have to be in the middle of everything instead of protecting them.


So, in short, being engaged is a lost teamfight, having a soraka in the other team or banned is pretty much a counter to your whole composition and your strong points (burst and heal) become useless in late game. The only thing a smart team has to do is playing safe and wait until 35-40 minute mark, and you are bonned.


The weak link in this team is Kayle, replace her by something A LOT more tanky and with some sort of cc and it should be okay.

I'm what once was, what now is and what shall be.

Shall you be human, monster or god himself.

If you threathen my childs, nothing will be left of you.

I'm Unexard Iximarion! Master of this land.

My name has no meaning but you'll remember it...

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Sorry to break your enthusiasm buddy but this team has no chances against a team not full of retards in my opinion.


First of all, your only tank is either allistar or amumu if I understand correctly. While I have nothing to say about those champs, it's the fact that they are your ONLY way to engage and your ONLY tanky thing. Nowadays, it's almost only teams with 2 or 3 tanky champs for a good reason: bruisers wins games. There, you have either a tank with only one reliable hard cc who has a 90 second cooldown (I don't really count the bandage for a reliable one, since it's a skillshot) or a tank who tanks for only 5 seconds but has reliable and spamable cc. Your talon is squishy since he must build full ad to be usefull, your kayle is your AD carry, so no tanking power here, and your nida is ap, so no tankiness here either. You have a great poke power and a great sustain power thanks to soraka, but, if the ennemy team doesn't let you engage when you want and manage to take soraka from you in the champ selection, you are FUBAR. You have a good engage but 0 counter engage, if they engage you, it's a lost teamfight 100% of the time. No tanks to "shield" your squishies since the only one will have to be in the middle of everything instead of protecting them.


So, in short, being engaged is a lost teamfight, having a soraka in the other team or banned is pretty much a counter to your whole composition and your strong points (burst and heal) become useless in late game. The only thing a smart team has to do is playing safe and wait until 35-40 minute mark, and you are bonned.


The weak link in this team is Kayle, replace her by something A LOT more tanky and with some sort of cc and it should be okay.


Pardon me because I'm not nearly as good as you two, but doesn't Kayle have an ult that nullifies all damage or something like that?

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Nothing happens, yet everything changes.

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Pardon me because I'm not nearly as good as you two, but doesn't Kayle have an ult that nullifies all damage or something like that?


Yeah, but for only two seconds, it's only worth for engage or for saving someone near to death or tower diving. So it's completely useless in their teamcomp since they have three squishies and can shield only one without being able to protect the two others.

I'm what once was, what now is and what shall be.

Shall you be human, monster or god himself.

If you threathen my childs, nothing will be left of you.

I'm Unexard Iximarion! Master of this land.

My name has no meaning but you'll remember it...

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Sorry to break your enthusiasm buddy but this team has no chances against a team not full of retards in my opinion.


First of all, your only tank is either allistar or amumu if I understand correctly. While I have nothing to say about those champs, it's the fact that they are your ONLY way to engage and your ONLY tanky thing. Nowadays, it's almost only teams with 2 or 3 tanky champs for a good reason: bruisers wins games. There, you have either a tank with only one reliable hard cc who has a 90 second cooldown (I don't really count the bandage for a reliable one, since it's a skillshot) or a tank who tanks for only 5 seconds but has reliable and spamable cc. Your talon is squishy since he must build full ad to be usefull, your kayle is your AD carry, so no tanking power here, and your nida is ap, so no tankiness here either. You have a great poke power and a great sustain power thanks to soraka, but, if the ennemy team doesn't let you engage when you want and manage to take soraka from you in the champ selection, you are FUBAR. You have a good engage but 0 counter engage, if they engage you, it's a lost teamfight 100% of the time. No tanks to "shield" your squishies since the only one will have to be in the middle of everything instead of protecting them.


So, in short, being engaged is a lost teamfight, having a soraka in the other team or banned is pretty much a counter to your whole composition and your strong points (burst and heal) become useless in late game. The only thing a smart team has to do is playing safe and wait until 35-40 minute mark, and you are bonned.


The weak link in this team is Kayle, replace her by something A LOT more tanky and with some sort of cc and it should be okay.


Okay, Now I can respect most of what you just said with the exception of a few things. NUMBER 1! and this is a big one, you said Bruisers win games. Frankly Bruisers hold otherwise good teams back, what do they do? Damage... Not really. They become sponges if anything and well kinda useless in their own regard. Bruisers from what I have seen as of late should be building some form of Carry (Still tanky but not as their focus) Which Kayle does very well. Granted most Bruisers should built like that anyway but none of the kind of late game OR the range you would need for a good team. Back to Kayle: As far as AD carries are concerned she is rather tanky and fills the role rather well. You wouldn't send her top lane if she was squishy. Kayle is one of the harder carries out there and can last in a fight. Kayle IS COUNTER INITIATION! They jumped on someone, focus them, blow ults on them. 3 seconds wasted because of a well timed Kayle ult (You may disagree but whatever). Secondly you seem to have attacked this idea in an attempt to shut it down in a ranked or draft scenario. This is a fun team comp, it's something that can win, stomp, and just plain silly. When did I once say this is was going to be the be all and end all to win all games forever in ranked team? Regardless this is your opinion, I am just putting in my own thoughts on it. Regardless I play for fun, if I wanted to win all the time I'd play draft and counter all of the picks. One last little thing, I would NEVER attempt this in draft, because I ban Soraka every game personally. However I am curious. Who would you put top? What champion do you have in mind that can be a late game monster from top lane? Edited by Lord Sprixx
  • Brohoof 2

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Okay, Now I can respect most of what you just said with the exception of a few things. NUMBER 1! and this is a big one, you said Bruisers win games. Frankly Bruisers hold otherwise good teams back, what do they do? Damage... Not really. They become sponges if anything and well kinda useless in their own regard. Bruisers from what I have seen as of late should be building some form of Carry (Still tanky but not as their focus) Which Kayle does very well. Granted most Bruisers should built like that anyway but none of the kind of late game OR the range you would need for a good team. Back to Kayle: As far as AD carries are concerned she is rather tanky and fills the role rather well. You wouldn't send her top lane if she was squishy. Kayle is one of the harder carries out there and can last in a fight. Kayle IS COUNTER INITIATION! They jumped on someone, focus them, blow ults on them. 3 seconds wasted because of a well timed Kayle ult (You may disagree but whatever). Secondly you seem to have attacked this idea in an attempt to shut it down in a ranked or draft scenario. This is a fun team comp, it's something that can win, stomp, and just plain silly. When did I once say this is was going to be the be all and end all to win all games forever in ranked team? Regardless this is your opinion, I am just putting in my own thoughts on it. Regardless I play for fun, if I wanted to win all the time I'd play draft and counter all of the picks. One last little thing, I would NEVER attempt this in draft, because I ban Soraka every game personally. However I am curious. Who would you put top? What champion do you have in mind that can be a late game monster from top lane?


Someone who can actually protect your 2 other squishies instead of just making a bet that he will be able to save one of them in extremis. I would go with something like wukong (perfect ulti for counter engage) who is a more "damage" bruiser than the others but is still not good enough late game to carry you. Or something along the lines of ww, who is a late game GOD and can easily shut down someone targeting your nida or your talon with his ulti while being a great addition to your engaging force. This way, you have a lot more tankyness and a great new cc while still dealing reasonable damage.


I would take wukong with amumu jungle (because obvious op ulti combo is obvious and because amumu has a bigger "over time" damage input to compensate for your lack of dps from the abscence of an ad carry) and ww with allistar jungle (because ww and allistar can give free kills to Talon by locking an opponent for an eternity), this way you can adapt easily.


Oh and while I'm at it, I added you on my NA account, I just created it so don't think I'm a level 1 XD I'm Dragon Of Ruby on NA

Edited by Unexard

I'm what once was, what now is and what shall be.

Shall you be human, monster or god himself.

If you threathen my childs, nothing will be left of you.

I'm Unexard Iximarion! Master of this land.

My name has no meaning but you'll remember it...

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Someone who can actually protect your 2 other squishies instead of just making a bet that he will be able to save one of them in extremis. I would go with something like wukong (perfect ulti for counter engage) who is a more "damage" bruiser than the others but is still not good enough late game to carry you. Or something along the lines of ww, who is a late game GOD and can easily shut down someone targeting your nida or your talon with his ulti while being a great addition to your engaging force. This way, you have a lot more tankyness and a great new cc while still dealing reasonable damage.


I would take wukong with amumu jungle (because obvious op ulti combo is obvious and because amumu has a bigger "over time" damage input to compensate for your lack of dps from the abscence of an ad carry) and ww with allistar jungle (because ww and allistar can give free kills to Talon by locking an opponent for an eternity), this way you can adapt easily.


Oh and while I'm at it, I added you on my NA account, I just created it so don't think I'm a level 1 XD I'm Dragon Of Ruby on NA


Wukong is the only one I'd really accept. WW's damage is reasonable high but no where high enough for the idea I'm going for and really doesn't fit the motif of this set up (It's a gimmick!). WW's laning is amazing, but I would hardly call him a late game god, too easy to stop his ult and his over all damage is not enough to kill people fast enough. My problem with Wukong s that he just doesn't have the range. This is a mainly long ranged team with the exception of Talon and Amumu, and they both have generally safe ways in. Wukong DOES however work with this but the innate lack of range is just too much, only having Nid as ranged damage is just simply too much to handle. Not too mention. I really like Kayle! I mean regardless I'll be playing around with the idea, but AD carry top is just too nice too pass up for now.
  • Brohoof 2

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If you are raging, mad or angry. Listen to this it is very calming.

It actually helped me the other day after a really horrible game.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Since everyone is posting songs now:


You tards fed them so full.

Heimerdinger can one shot me

What the beep.


Edit: Wow this free week is insane

Jayce, Lulu, Malphite, Nocturne, Fiddles


Don't mind if I do

Edited by Whiteshade

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Nothing happens, yet everything changes.

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