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.............. Mal, your team makes me sad. Very sad. I mean seriously, nopony picked the best one. Or maybe it's because you all respect her to much. Or you're waiting for me ;)

  • Brohoof 2


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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.............. Mal, your team makes me sad. Very sad. I mean seriously, nopony picked the best one. Or maybe it's because you all respect her to much. Or you're waiting for me ;)



Sorry Dawnpath nopony wanted to be Applejack.


Also ignore the score that says 4-41 in the main screenshot. Was playing with all clan mates and I just wanted a screenshot so Spike (Urgot) had to use Urgot when he isn't that good..... Also the 1.9k Elo guy was on the enemy team.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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L.O.L He should've been Applejack; her spirit will carry anyteam to victory. And then built really, really tanke. And used his sheild when necassary.

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Meanwhile in solo queue...


Also adc noc... not bad actually, that passive basically heals him every time he last hits, and that adds up over time. Also ali would headbutt noc whenever he has spellshield on, but run whenever noc chases. Seems legit.


  • Brohoof 1

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Nothing happens, yet everything changes.

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My EU summoner name is Dat Penguin and my NA summoner name is dépïnguin, so feel free to add me and ask me to play a game sometime! Do mention you're from the forums, I have a lot of people in my friends list.

  • Brohoof 1
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I just thought that i would post this little image here.


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While it is a big achievement i really think some comparisons are just plain stupid.


They compare FTP games with games that you have to pay for, not ideal if you ask me. [Leaning towards WoW]

Also, comparing PSY with their games on likes on FB.


Gangnam style has been out for 3 months and their game for a few years. Good comparison Riot Games :D

  • Brohoof 1



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I just thought that i would post this little image here.


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While it is a big achievement i really think some comparisons are just plain stupid.


They compare FTP games with games that you have to pay for, not ideal if you ask me. [Leaning towards WoW]

Also, comparing PSY with their games on likes on FB.


Gangnam style has been out for 3 months and their game for a few years. Good comparison Riot Games :D


I like the teemo part, he's my main. x'D It's quite funny to see how much others despise him, he's a lot of fun to play, actually. Though I also play other carries and champions like Maokai.

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I like the teemo part, he's my main. x'D It's quite funny to see how much others despise him, he's a lot of fun to play, actually. Though I also play other carries and champions like Maokai.


People don't despise him. He just happen to be so cute that people love kill him.

He used to be one of my mains, now i can't play him <.<



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I play teemo as an adc.


Me: adc

P1: who are you adc as?

Me: teemo

P2: omfg

P1: wtf troll

P3: gg we lose, report

P4: fuck me


I get 6/4/1, only guy positive, me and sona only ones dying less than 7 times, gets reported for feeding. Too legit to quit. Albeit I did make a bad pick in choosing him vs ez taric, probably not gonna do that again.


Also shameless advertising:


Considering I got 4 honor for teamwork and 2 honorable opponent in this game, and that according to lolking my weekly stats with Soraka is 11W 0L, I think I can safely declare her to be broken. Bananas too stronk.


My first as Nidalee. I'm positive my build is a fail, so I need advice and stuff. The spears are easier than they seem though, pretty similar to the mechanics of TF's q (but with 900 damage on amumu lol). Also I find she sucks at teamfights after the pre-engage poking phase, wut do?

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Just did some ability power Rengar, it was quite fun. I was able to easily beat the Jax sent to counter me in top lane with my Q jump W back off then E harras. Good thing Jax didn't establish brush dominance so I was able to get a lot of harras on him. Quite good in team fights jumping on a clumped up ball of squishy targets and double shouting. You guys should try it sometime. ^_^


Ap Rengar works if you solo top. Damn he is way more fun to play than AD Rengar.

Everypony on the enemy rage quit, too bad Halo had to go to bed.....



Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Must... Fight... INACTIVITY!!! Jeez, I haven't posted in too long. Inbetween college and trying to get gold I have had no time. I had a bit of a bad streak in ranked, just over 1400 now. There is still hope though! In addition, when did Eve become the new OP champ? Seriously, she replaced Morg for being banned all the time. I actually tried her a bit (and Jayce but I haven't figured him out yet) and I kinda see why she's been getting banned. Eve going mid, getting banned. What has LoL come to?! :P

  • Brohoof 1

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Must... Fight... INACTIVITY!!! Jeez, I haven't posted in too long. Inbetween college and trying to get gold I have had no time. I had a bit of a bad streak in ranked, just over 1400 now. There is still hope though! In addition, when did Eve become the new OP champ? Seriously, she replaced Morg for being banned all the time. I actually tried her a bit (and Jayce but I haven't figured him out yet) and I kinda see why she's been getting banned. Eve going mid, getting banned. What has LoL come to?! :P


If you ban morg you better give me a good reason >.< My normal bans are Jayce, Rengar, Malphite. Shen if the enemies don't ban him. And of course the occasional Alistar.
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If you ban morg you better give me a good reason >.< My normal bans are Jayce, Rengar, Malphite. Shen if the enemies don't ban him. And of course the occasional Alistar.


Well lets be completely fair, SOMEONE is going to ban Alistar, that's just how it is. Last month he was banned in 95% of all games man. 95%! All of the alistar hate. One of my personal bans right now is Ez, Thankfully him and Rengar are getting nerfed soon so that'll be good for business. I still need to practice Jayce, gotta be proficient with all the OP as it were :P
  • Brohoof 1

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I'm gonna join this topic methinks :)

Name is BlackWydra, but I haven't played in about 2-3 months due to school :/

I'm a Nidalee player cause Nidalee is best champion (always AP (dat spear)) :)

  • Brohoof 1

God over games

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Well lets be completely fair, SOMEONE is going to ban Alistar, that's just how it is. Last month he was banned in 95% of all games man. 95%! All of the alistar hate. One of my personal bans right now is Ez, Thankfully him and Rengar are getting nerfed soon so that'll be good for business. I still need to practice Jayce, gotta be proficient with all the OP as it were :P


Right, forgot about my occasional ez/taric ban. Lol. I need practice with Jayce too, wanna scrim? :P Ali is a very rare ban for me and I was really just thinking off the top of my head there.

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Kha'zix can't carry, they said. I'm a moron because I even considered trying him, they said. Well I'm pretty sure this disproves that, at least for me :P.


No, nobody in that game said it. Just a couple of other friends that you guys don't know. Still, this amuses me greatly.

  • Brohoof 4


Signature and avatar made by Arylett Dawnsborough.

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Hmm Ez is free this week, I wonder...


Hmm my first game with Ez (well if you con't count a coop vs ai a couple months ago). Basically...

Good damage output, I'd say use his ult first to initiate, since you instantly get max passive stacks, then e in and proceed to ace. He's totally weak vs hard cc though, WW's minute long suppress combined with that Riven and/or Sona... game was almost thrown since after that my team does no damage, and we got aced 3-4 times like that. Gotta be careful vs ww, renek and the likes. Also if you miss a lot I can forsee some laning trouble, but that's not a problem with me personally. Also Soraka and Sona best supports, nunu poked a little but was mostly repelled back during most of laning, so meh. Ali, Taric, Leona also work, but I generally don't go for aggressive playstyles out of preference.


Also bonus, an interesting philosophical debate among academia:

(politically incorrect)




Contrary to public perception, I am not black, nor am I a midget. I rest my case.


  • Brohoof 1

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Nothing happens, yet everything changes.

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Hmm Ez is free this week, I wonder...


Hmm my first game with Ez (well if you con't count a coop vs ai a couple months ago). Basically...

Good damage output, I'd say use his ult first to initiate, since you instantly get max passive stacks, then e in and proceed to ace. He's totally weak vs hard cc though, WW's minute long suppress combined with that Riven and/or Sona... game was almost thrown since after that my team does no damage, and we got aced 3-4 times like that. Gotta be careful vs ww, renek and the likes. Also if you miss a lot I can forsee some laning trouble, but that's not a problem with me personally. Also Soraka and Sona best supports, nunu poked a little but was mostly repelled back during most of laning, so meh. Ali, Taric, Leona also work, but I generally don't go for aggressive playstyles out of preference.


From what I see, Ezreal is quite a good laner and early-mid game carry. His late game though kinda falls off.

Nice match though, did you consider getting Quicksilver Sash to counter Warwick's ulti?

Also, THAT RIVEN BUILD....... :o

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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From what I see, Ezreal is quite a good laner and early-mid game carry. His late game though kinda falls off.

Nice match though, did you consider getting Quicksilver Sash to counter Warwick's ulti?

Also, THAT RIVEN BUILD....... :o


Riven and Leona were both trolling hard. Despite trolling, they were fucking amazing, albeit Leona dropped significantly by late game (she was 6/1/something at midgame).


Also I never considered qss, its an odd item I never tend to build. It seems to be a good item though for ww ult.


Also how to raise cs? I see the pros getting 300s and even 400s, yet im farming as hard as I can and only have 223 at 40 mins. Mind you that's still 56 cs per 10 minutes, so me playing adc is still viable, but its not great either. Also I ulted top lane at one point for no reason and at a bad angle, but that 3 cs was totally worth it.

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Also I never considered qss, its an odd item I never tend to build. It seems to be a good item though for ww ult.


Also how to raise cs? I see the pros getting 300s and even 400s, yet im farming as hard as I can and only have 223 at 40 mins. Mind you that's still 56 cs per 10 minutes, so me playing adc is still viable, but its not great either. Also I ulted top lane at one point for no reason and at a bad angle, but that 3 cs was totally worth it.


Qss is an amazing item! You should try getting one against CC or Debuff heavy teams.(Malzahar's most hated enemy. Removes ulti and his DoT and his silence.)


To get more CS all you got to do is, practice practice practice. My CS goal is 100 CS by 15 minutes, I usually get this unless I'm ganked all the time.


EDIT: Just realized, THAT LEONA BUILD....

Edited by Mal (Starbolt)

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Can it be more typical? I just had a great game as Support Blitzcrank. My grabs were perfect, every single grab!

I was expecting some honor points since that seem to be the new thing. But guess what, they dissable it RIGHT when our match ends. How typical.

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Edited by Vicke
  • Brohoof 1



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After some cleaning in my friends list, this is what it looks like.





Having such a small friend list is fantastic. No trash lying around if you get what i mean.



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After some cleaning in my friends list, this is what it looks like.





Having such a small friend list is fantastic. No trash lying around if you get what i mean.


I was trash ;n; You removed me ;n; You evil bastard! Never playing a game with you again! xD Don't worry, I don't mean that. I think. MAYBE I'LL JUST STAY MAD AT YOU!

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From what I see, Ezreal is quite a good laner and early-mid game carry. His late game though kinda falls off.

Nice match though, did you consider getting Quicksilver Sash to counter Warwick's ulti?

Also, THAT RIVEN BUILD....... :o


I have seen this Riven build popping up more and more lately, not sure why... On well, I agree with you and would like to add Soraka is best support end of story.

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